Cherry poppin Q with some corners & such

WARMUP: side straddle hops, merkins, cherry pickers, moroccan night clubs
THE THANG: mosey to lower field for some 4 corners. each corner 10 bomb jacks, 20 merkins, 30 CDDs, 40 squats, 50 flutters with MOT between corners mosey & bear crawls. 2nd half mosey to basketball courts for rounds of sprints with reverse of first half (10 flutters, 20 squats, 30 CDDs, 40 merkins.
MARY: heel grabs, cockroaches, LBCs, 6 count burpees (aka a normal burpee?)
ANNOUNCEMENTS: BBQ & bourbon. Everyone donate to give the Bethel men some ham and show up Thursday. Sign up for Christmas party Dec 21.
COT: Thanks for all the feedback and the solid showing at my VQ! Won’t be the last.

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lezzzzz go

DOAH wanted his teeth kicked – I tried to oblige

WARMUP: count off – head towards baxter. Stop at 160 and Front street stoplight for 16 IC monkey humpers and 16 IC goofballs – wave to passing cars and let them know we dgaf (except helmet – he doesn’t do goofballs)

THE THANG: route through Baxter – Front street to Birkshire Heights to Downing to Morris Hunt to Gardenia to Mills to Sutton to Richards Crossing back to Front St

Stop every 1/4 mile for exercises – 6 joins in where ever we are at and takes off at the same time after each stop.

15 SSH IC – 1 Burpee OYO
14 SSH IC – 2 Burpee OYO
13 SSH IC – 3 Burpee OYO
12 SSH IC – 4 Burpee OYO
11 SSH IC – 5 Burpee OYO
10 SSH IC – 6 Burpee OYO
9 SSH IC – 7 Burpee OYO
8 SSH IC – 8 Burpee OYO
7 SSH IC – 9 Burpee OYO
6 SSH IC – 10 Burpee OYO
5 SSH IC – 11 Burpee OYO
4 SSH IC – 12 Burpee OYO

running low on time so skipped last couple stops.

Total 4 miles for all

MARY: maybe


COT: yup

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The Big 4-2 Birthday Beatdown

After it was announced that there was an FNG, I felt like I had to be a little more through on our disclaimers, especially with the Nations Leader there. So, disclaimers and 5 core principals were given to help the FNG out.
WARMUP: Mosey the long way around the parking lot. This started the grumbling, so I knew I was on the right path.
42- SSH (for my birthday number)
6-Windmills and then that was enough.
THE THANG: Run over to the bars and get a block.
With a partner- 42 seconds of pull-ups and walls sits with the block in your lap
21 Merkins and 21 Overhead Press
21 Curls and 21 Squats with Block
Rifle Carry the block from the bars to the stop sign and back to the street in front of the bars area
21 BigBoys with the block and an overhead press at the top of the sit up and
21 Chest press
We put the blocks to the side and then ran down the hill and around the left side of the school parking lot.
Regrouped and gave instructions for 11’s up the hill with Burpees and Squats as the exercise.
MARY: Put the blocks up
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Shelters Service 11/7, Bourbon & BBQ 11/8, Adopt-a-Hwy Trash Pick-up 11/21. Christmas Party 12/21.
COT: Prayers & Praise for our teachers. We have great teachers supporting out kids. Don’t let the politics get in the way of recognizing the good work and support our kids have. Prayers for <@U035XDY7ABC> and the work that he and <@U04GQT8NQ4C> and their crew are doing up in the WNC mountains with CRI. Prayers for those not offered as we all have things going on in our lives.

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Throwdown at The Yard

Statement of the F3 Mission, F3 Core Principles, F3 Credo
WARMUP: 2 laps around the parking lot with a few exercises to follow.
We ran the rows of the parking lot, increasing by 5 reps at each column, starting at 5, then 10, 15, 20, 25.
On one end, Carolina Dry Docks and the other, Mountain Climbers with running in between.

Make our way to the football field and line up on one end zone:
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, perform 1 burpee.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 2 burpees.
Run 20yds, NUR 10yds, then 3 burpees.
Do this all the way to the other end zone then finish with 10 burpees as a group.
Crawl Bear back to the starting end zone. Lots of moaning initiated by the ‘ol Crawl Bear trick.
Captain Thor: 1 Big Boy Sit Up & 4 American Hammers.
2 Big Boy Sit Ups & 8 American Hammers.
All the way up to 10:40.
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Multiple fundraisers and the Christmas Party…DO IT.
COT: 5th Core Principle.

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Going old school

WARMUP: 33 and 11…we did this twice. 33 SSH followed by 11 burpees. We did this at COT then ran over to the front of the school about .25 miles away and did 33 and 11 again. Ran all the way to the back of the school and playground.
THE THANG: 5 total exercises.
1. 5 pull ups
2. 10 burpees
3. 15 hand release
4. 20 squat jumps
5. 25 flutters
6. Run a lap around the track area

We rinsed and repeated and added 2 to each exercise for round 2, and then added another 3 for round 3.

Ran over to the picnic tables for dips and 1 legged squats. We did this 3x.
MARY: yes, done
COT: lots of patience and perspective

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Consistency and Contentment at Lazarus


Run to the movie theater parking lot

With lots of mumblechatter in the background…
SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Mtn Climbers x 20
Low slow x 15

Dirty McDeuce
WAM x 12
Lunges x 12
Big Boy x 12
Run a lap

8 Count burpees x 12
Squats x 12
LBCs x 12

Discussion on contentment – see Q Source reference

Handoff to Maximus

Wall Work
Wall Sits
Split leg lunges

Run to parking lot
Bear crawl to each of 7 islands with 5 Mike Tysons in between

Discussion on Consistency – see Q Source for details

Run back to start

Nur to 3 islands

Back to COT



See Newsletter – pour into something


You had to be there!

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Halloween is near

WARMUP: COP – mosey past F45 to parking lot left of complex

Various exercises I/C
Low slow squats
Seal jacks
Side straddle hops
Shoulder press holding people’s chair
Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers

YHC called the number of exercises for each letter
15, 12, 10, 8
Hand release merkins
American Hammers
Low slow squats
Overhead claps
Wide Arm merkins
Heels to Heaven
NUR to the Boo, do 5 bomb jacks and repeat
Count was 12 then 10 then 8 then the 6 finished and we had a ten count.

Mosey to the rail behind Lowe’s for incline merkins, dips, flutters and protractors

Mosey further to the mulch stacks left of Lowe’s. More shenanigans and a mosey to the grass near F45

Makthar Ndiayes done I/C in honor of Barry Manilow (notably absent). Monkey humpers toward the east – because that’s what we do at slow burn – #noburpees

Mosey to COT

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes – read your newsletter
COT: 5th core principle

Thank you, Peach Stand. Always an honor.

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Old school at the Fort

The Fort is where it all started…need I say more. For many of the Pax of the Fort, this was their first post and it set the tone their journey since that time. While the Fort has multiplied many times over since it inception in 2012, this AO stands as the cornerstone for the culture, fellowship and brotherhood for our region.

YHC was excited to be asked to Q and while I had to navigate some calendar issues, it was an opportunity not to be missed.

In preparation for the Q, it was an easy decision to reach out to my Shieldlock brother, DD, to co-Q with me. He and I had been traveling this week and a beat down with some fellowship was just what the doctor ordered to remedy that jet lag.

Sprint to Sweet Baby Jesus church located in downtown Fort Mill
SSH x 20
5 burpees
IW x 15
4 burpees
Windmills x 10
3 burpees
Squats x 15
2 burpees
Merkins x 10
1 burpees

Step work at the church x 3
Mix in between
CDD x 10
Lunges x 10
Monkey humpers x 10

Partner Dora around the church
100 Merkins
200 Squats
300 LBCs

Hand off to DD

Run to gas station
10 burpees

Run to scarecrow hill
Bear crawl up the hill
10 burpees

Run to Massey
Run up Massey
10 burpees

Run to Close Bldg hill
Bear crawl up hill
10 burpees

Run to WEP
Run up WEP hill
10 burpees

Run to COT


Read the newsletter


DD discussed the “mountains” in our life and the perseverance to overcome them.

YHC discussed seeing your M as a child of God and them as a blessing

Lots of items shared during COT including prayers and praises.

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The Grizzly

Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at Stop sign
1. 20 SSH IC
2. 10 Windmill IC
Parking Lot Mosey – Warmup at COT
3. 10 Imperial Walkers IC
4. 10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
5. Plank stretches, Honeymooner &
Downward Dog (Heel to ground)
Mosey to Field / Track
Buy-In: 10 Burpees
1. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Merkins
2. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 Flutters (SC)
3. Bear Crawl to 40y – 25 LBC’s
4. Bear Crawl to 20y – 25 Plank Jack (SC)
5. Bear Crawl to EZ – 40 Squats
Rinse & Repeat to other EZ
400m Indian Run
1. 20 Dips
2. Run length of bleachers
3. Return up/down all stairs
4. 20 Dips
Cash-Out: 10 Burpees
MARY: Flutters, Big Boy Situps, Freddie Mercurys, Peter Parker
ANNOUNCEMENTS: RYN, Christmas Party, Bethel Serve
COT: Prayers & Praises

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