Moist Shovel Flag Transfer

Mist and drizzle at 0445 but it was raining hard at my house so I knew we were going to get wet.

WARMUP: rucks off, yogging around parking lot and warm-a-rama including plank and various doggy-named stretches, in-cadence SSH, Windmills, MNCs then ruck on and walk around parking lot

3 sets of 11s with shortening travel distances

Set 1:
Ruck on
Ruck shuffle full length of parking lot
Merkins on one side, squats on other side

Set 2:
Ruck off
Suit case carry between first two parking lot jut outs
Squat thrusters on one side, bent over rows on other side

Set 3:
Ruck off
Bear crawl ruck pull throughs on field between fence and random pile of clothes
Manmakers on one side, curls on other side

MARY: no time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: shovel flag handoff to Falcon Crest

COT: yup

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BAOPS Ladder Fun

When a shieldlock brother sends the late night text that he needs a sub, you gotta answer the call.

WARMUP: lap on the paved trail and circled up for IC warm-a-rama Goofballs (except for the liver eaters who are too cool to do those), various plank based stretching, mtn climbers, shoulder taps, MNCs

BAOPS Ladder
Accumulating bear crawl/crawl bear ladder with exercises at every tier (took about 30 minutes)

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise and crawl bear back to start line – SSH for the 6

Bear crawl to 10 yard mark and do exercise then bear crawl to 20 yard mark and do exercise then crawl bear back to the start – SSH for the 6

Continue accumulating adding 10 more yards each time until you finish the 50 yard ladder.

B for Burpees – 10x at 10 yard mark
A for American Hammers – 20x at 20 yard mark
O for Overhead Claps – 30x at 30 yard mark
P for Plank – 40second hold at 40 yard mark
S for Squats – 50x at 50 yard mark

10 count recovery

Mosey around path to left field corner (top of the road with the long hill.

Partner up for classic DORA – 100x merkins, 200x squats, 300x LBCs – partner runs about 2/3 down hill to the 3rd rock and back as the timer

Mosey back to basketball courts and do a 50 yard lunge walk

MARY: circled back up on basketball courts and did IC core work – flutters, American Hammers, Freddie Mercuries, dying cockroaches and finished off with merkins

ANNOUNCEMENTS: mothers day

COT: yup

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Does this seem familiar?


Parking lot to Munn make left
Down to Harris St. make left
Up hill to Ardrey make left
Down to White make left
Back to Founders
Gazelles add a loop at WEP or loop around old Kingsley to add

ANNOUNCEMENTS: something on 5/18 with EYE-talians
COT: yup!

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Run Forrest, Run!

We ran.
Down Munn to Harris, left on Harris, left on Audrey (to WEP), left on Hwy 160, back to COT.
Extra mileage option: Down Munn to Harris, left on Harris, left on Audrey (to WEP), left on Hwy 160, left on Jackson, right on Harris, right on Munn back to COT.

Nobody got lost! At least I don’t think so.

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The Hill

THE THANG: Took the big hill in Tecagay for a loop and back past the school and down to Walmart and back to COT.
COT: Closed in prayer

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The Kingsley Loop LB style

Kingsley loop as published in the preblast
MARY: Never showed
– trash pickup 4/27
– Rock hill convergence 5/4
– Jaeger 5/11
– Cannoli Run 5/18
Mental health

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Bars, blocks and Street Walkers

Bars, Blocks and Streetwalkers at Varsity
Started with a short mosey then circle up for a warm up of: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. All in a variation of 10-15 reps I/C.

Thang 1: Four-corners Street walker style
Four corners/cones: 1st= 10 merkins, 2nd=20 LBCs, 3rd=30 monkey hmprs, 4th=40 SSH. Routine is: cone 1, then back to start line, then cone 1, cone 2, then reverse to cone 1 again and back to start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, then reverse: cone 2, cone 1, start line; then cone 1, cone 2, cone 3, cone 4, then reverse: cone 3, cone 2, cone 1 then start line. Results in: 70 merkins, 100 LBCs, 90 Monkeys, 40 SSH.
Short mosey run

Thang 2: Bars and Blocks
Alternated between doing 10 reps on the bar and 20 reps with a cindy. Bars were: pull ups, chin ups, switch grip, switch grip, toes to bar. Blocks were squats, KB swings, curls, OH press, bent over rows.
Short mosey run

Thang 3: pass the ammunition
Pax curb plank. Cindy gets passed down the line of pax, then 3 curb merkins, cindy gets passed back to starting pax, 3 merkins, pass cindy rinse/repeat for a about four cycles.
Short mosey run

Thang 4: wall sit while each pax runs out and does two manmakers with cindy.
Mary, COT, Fini.
Total of 5 pax.

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communication is key

WARMUP: Intro, mosey, warmup on the hill next to the church then mosey to church.
THE THANG: Thang 1: Deliberately gave confusing ab instructions with a run but ended with 300 reps for Leg lifts, American Hammers and LBC. Talked about the message of communication being vital. Especially with our kids, M’s, jobs and as leaders.
Thang2: Mosey to Walgreens to the side road between buildings. Picked Pax to give 20 reps of an ab exercise and sprint to the other side. Rinse and repeat 4 times. Again, clear communication needed.
Thang 3: Mosey to HT and to the wall near the Auto shop. Split Pax up on opposite walls and bear crawled towards each other having to communicate so heads did not get hit.
MARY: Mosey to COT, and BW lead is brogo for cool down.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: AMRAMP for Autism, Q School, Ass Kicking April and Rock Hill 10 year.
COT: Prayers for health, communication with kids and patience.

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