A cat, a cow and a 7 minute mile

Things Funhouse and Fishsticks did Friday morning.

We began with a 20 minute broga warm-up with a solid lead from Basso …. errrrr …. Sasquatch.

The other thang:

I trot along the avenue
I never thought I’d meet a turn like you
Meet nine turns like you

With crazy 90 degree turns and blind corners
The massive number of turns confused me through
They confused me through

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

A turn appears in front of you
I wish the route was explained better by you
Just simply a turn or two

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

Beep beep I’m a jeep, clank clank I’m a tank

17 strong at The Armory. The weather was great and the iron was aplenty.

Warm up

  • SSH 25 I.C.
  • Windmill 10 I.C.
  • Leg stretches
  • Merkins 10 I.C.
  • Mountain Climbers (foot all the way up to hands) 10 I.C.
  • Moroccan Night Club 15 I.C.
  • Imperial Walker 15 I.C.
  • Hillbilly Walker 15 I.C.
  • Mosey over to the middle of the parking lot

The Thang

  • 10 Man Makers
  • 10 Turkish getups (5 each arm)
  • Split into Teams Alpha and Bravo
  • 1st timing mechanism: mosey with bell while other team does exercise
      1. High pulls
      2. Curls
      3. Triceps
  • 2nd timing mechanism: bear crawl drag bell
      1. V ups skull crusher
      2. Thrusters
      3. Calf raises
  • 3rd timing mechanism: “Beep beep I’m a Jeep, clank clank I’m a tank” (“Jeep” is a duck walk with bell close to chest. “Tank” is a duck walk holding the bell out in front.
      1. Flutter presses
      2. Dead lift
      3. Around the world

As always, I appreciate the opportunity to lead and associate with such a great group of men. Good work today from everyone.

TClap |

Dynamic Duo Q at Alcatraz

It was a chillier than usual Spring morning at Alcatraz (43 degrees) and after setting up TinselUtensils with the help of Straight Up we were ready for an unusual co Q combo with plenty of coupons; at COP we welcomed Prosciutto, he grew up in Tega Cay but now he’s a big part of F3 Chattanooga. AKAY2 crew was there for day 18 of their journey.

The disclaimer was provided by YHC and Straight Up led the warm up with the following:

10 SSHs
Warrior 1
Runner’s Stretch
Deep Runner’s stretch
Sit-on-yer-leg stretch
16 U-gotta-see-it-to-believe-it stretches
4 back stretches
2 X-jumps
3 mins of 5 reps each:
Air squat jumps
LBC Twists

after warm up it was time to play with TinselUtensils, PAX  were split into 4 groups and each group went to a station, after completing the station we bear crawled to the next one:


-> 10 burpees (Fun House noticed that our visitor Prosciutto  clapped at the end of each burpee and we were told that they do that as a standard in F3 Chatt) 

-> 10  Tire flips

-> 20  Monkey Humpers

-> 20 lunges SC

-> 30 low squat (touch the ground with hand)



-> 10 man makers

-> 20 biceps curls

-> 20 bent over row

-> 25 overhead press

-> 30 triceps extension


-> 30 LBC’s

-> 30 Rosalitas

-> 30 Sledgehammer swings  (15 each side)

-> 40 Dying Roach SC

-> 20 slam ball to ground


-> 10 diamond merkins

-> 20 wide arm merkins

-> 20 regular merkins

-> 30 battle rope wave SC

-> 40 Shoulder taps

-> 40 plank jacks

After all groups completed the full circuit of 4 stations we moved to the grassy area for some Captain Thor’s  Ab Lab: 1 Big boy sit up and 4 American Hammers, progressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH, this is my favorite Ab Lab combination and even though there was lots of mumble chatter we all finished the exercises.

With about 25 minutes left on the clock it was time for Straight Up’s part of the Q:

Grab a heavy item and run to pull-up bars.
We rotated through one round of 50 seconds on and 10 seconds of rest for each of the following stations:

First Round:
Jumping Pull-ups
KB Swings
Commando Pull-ups
Bear crawl up the hill, run down
72 lb sandbag run
Jumping Lunge into 2 SSHs
Low Slow Squat with 40 lb sandbag
Apollo Ohnos
Dips using a set of real dip bars
The “Worst Merkin Ever”

We then proceeded to run with the heavy items to the top of the hill.
We ran down the hill, broke up into partners and competed against Straight Up.

Second Round:
Goal: to beat Straight Up as a partner team to COT by doing the following:
Partner 1 runs the hill up and down while Partner 2 does slow kick-thru burpees as they wait to be tagged.
Then switch.
Then run up hill again to COT carrying a heavy item of choice (first come first serve).
Straight Up did 2 hill runs with 15 kick-thru burpees each side in between the runs, then ran hill again to COT.
Congratulations to all groups who beat him! Well done!

Unusual F3 event: 3 deer running across our running paths directly in front of us

Announcements (keep pushing FunHouse this month!), Praises, Prayer requests.
Army PT Test Wed at The Coop

Tinsel out…

TClap |

Spring break, spring break!

What a great morning for a run around Wally World! Cool air and a nice breeze countered the 100% humidity for a comfortable loop of a tried and true Flight Plan classic. The numbers were low by current standards. That can be attributed to 3 things; 1) No looming CSAUP or road race; 2) Some regulars having participated in Charlotte Race Fest 1/2 marathon this Saturday and 3) Spring Break!

The last on the list allowing for a few of the PAX to have an impromptu coffeteria while M’s & 2.0s were tucked snuggly in their beds. A nice cameo from Tesh as we enjoyed our Starbucks. Tackling all the worlds’ problems and comparing who had a better SOI, Twister or Double D.


AKAY2 led by Funhouse continues







Canoli Run – May 18th – https://runsignup.com/Race/SC/FortMill/SPNCannoli5kRunAndFamilyWalk

Prayer Requests:

Safe travel for all PAX going bi-coastal for Spring Break

Hootie’s Mother In Law for biopsy results that will be received today

Will – Friend of Cyclop’s M who is going into rehab


For me right now, all is good. I’m not saying I have it all figured out but I know that I’m blessed. I’ve got some time off from the students but that honey do list is long for my Spring Break. So I’m making sure I get this out quickly.

See you in the gloom,


TClap |

Cheating and Slow Webs

Dreed’s post about “HYPOCRISY OF THE DISHONEST CHEATER” really resonated with me so it became my topic
How much dishonest cheating are you doing in your life?
Why are you here today vs ?
Because it’s moderate?
Mosey to other side of the field
The normal round of warm up exercises
Discussed honest cheating
4 corners
Why cheating – being the six?
How much dishonest cheating are you doing in your life?
Is there any area of my life that I’m in full compliance? #fullcomp
4 Corner Accumulator
  • 5 Merkins  – Lunge Walk to next corner
  • Add 10 Bomb jacks
  • Add 15 Squats
  • Add 20 SSH
  • Add 25 LBC’s
Mosey to field
Slow Jack Web – performed at half the speed as normal Jack Web.  To increase the intensity at number 7 held arms out for 28 count.  – a real crowd pleaser.
Is there any area of my life that I’m in #fullcomp
Always an honor lead such inspiring men!
Appreciate the opportunity!
Cornhole, Out.
TClap |

Tour Around the Ballroom

Advised we are taking the Tour of the Ballroom AO #2 and AO #3

Warm up

We moseyed to the front of the School and circled up

In cadence

Imperial walkers 20

Wind Mills 15

Moroccan Night clubs 30

Imperial Walkers 20

Moroccan Night Clubs 30

LBC’S 40


Mosey to the front Elementary School

Found a hill and Stairs

3 times we bear crawled up the hill and ran down the steps

3 times we ran up the steps and crawl bear down

The significance some times it feels like we are doing everything we can to get ahead in life even crawling forward then things get better and it easy to move forward in life like going down the steps.

Some times we move forward with ease like climbing the steps then we hit a bump in the road and we find ourselves going 3-4-5 steps backwards hence the crawl bear down the hill.


YHC discussed April Theme – Be Still

This day and age it a go-go life style we do not take time to just be still and enjoy the small things in life the woods around us, the breeze, the rain or just spending time with God.


We moved across from the hill to driveway and to the grassy area

Done in cadence

Plank shoulder taps 15 count

Plank Jack’s 15 count

Mahktar N’ Diayes, 10 count

Plank 20 count

We did find out cars come flying through the parking lot so make sure you are always aware of your surroundings.


Moseyed to the back of the school where the basketball court is.

Done in cadence

Lt. Get ups 10

Squats 30

Calf Raises 20 regular, then toes out and finally toes in

Monkey Humpers 25


Mosey to the side of the middle school

Imperial walker


Mosey to the middle school football field under the covered shelter


Done in cadence

Merkins 20

Carolina dry Docks 15

Had Release Merkins 15


Mosey to the side parking lot next to the football field

Done in cadence

Lbc 50

Dying coach 20

Captain thor’s 10

big boy sit-ups 15

had to cut it short due to the time. Mosey to COT


Great Push from the PAX. As always I appreciate the opportunity.


TClap |

Stairway to Heaven.

Drove the site to make sure I located all the stair that I saw on google earth. We are fortunate to have several churches near the AO. There are 5 set of steps.

Showed up to find at least 7 Pax waiting in the parking lot. Soon as 5:15 hit gave disclaimer and we started to mosey to high Knees, to regular, to butt kickers, to regular. Circle up to warm up with
Imperial Walkers, Moroccan nightclubs, slow Moroccan Nightclubs, Windmills slow and fast.

Mosey near First Baptist to utilize that beautiful stair case leading to there

All exercise are done in cadence
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down
Over head claps
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down
Run to steps bear crawl up steps and crawl bear down

Mosey to another set of steps

Run up one side of the steps and back down
Plank step up on curb
Run up one side of the steps and back down
Big boy sit ups
Run up one side of the steps and back down

Took a min to rest and talk about Growth. We are constantly growing in our spiritual life, home life, work life

Run to Fort Mill church of GOD

Calf raises
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down
Plank shoulder taps
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down
Freddy mercury’s
Cross the street to lunge walk the steps up and reverse lunge walk down

We had to watch the last rail it was not attached well

Same parking lot

Foot taps on the curb
Run up another set of steps and back down.
Carolina dry docks
Run up another set of steps and back down.
American Hammers
Run up another set of steps and back down.

Took a min to rest and ask about Growth in the lives, where they need growth.

As we ran up and down the steps I noticed some nice new picnic tables that where perfect for dips so we did a round of dips

With time still looking good and thanks to a Barry Manilow- Anchor man Q that I attend at this AO in the past, we did a snake run up and down steps on Fort Mill church of GOD.  10 times.

Time to mosey back to COT up another set of steps with a pit stop at First Baptist as asked              Barry Manilow to lead us in makhtar n’diayes.

Circled up for announcement and prayers.
What a great way to start your morning with 20 other Pax. Always grateful to be able to lead.


TClap |

1st Quarter Check-in at Footloose – Are You Accelerating or Going Backwards?

When a glorious morning of 51 degrees dawned on The Fort, I figured that there may be a decent size crowd at Footloose. The Pax did not disappoint. Put out some hype in the Twitterverse along with my man, Beacon, and, lo & behold -19 pax showed up hungry for some action!

Disclaimer in full was recited (although I forgot to ask if there were any new guys) and off we went.

Dynamic warm-up-we Butt-kicked and High Kneed our way to the back of FM 1st Baptist.

COP (all IC):

  • Seal Jacks
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Plank Stretch – Right Arm High
  • Windmills
  • Crab Cakes – real Crowd Pleaser, drew lots of moans

MOSEY down the stairs & across to the Family Life Center. Time for:

1st QUARTER CHECK-UP- How is your word of the year going? Family Goals? Personal goals? I shared that my word for 2019 is Resiliency. And my resiliency has been tested many times in this 1st Quarter. Be it personal health struggles, family health struggles, career challenges and just staying healthy enough to do my first P200. Need to give credit to our man CSpan who is always good at reminding us to take stock of the Man In The Mirror and get on track.

Line up along one end of the parking lot- Bear Crawl to 5th parking space, run to the other side. Lunge walk to 5th spot, run to the other side. Next, 75% to 5th spot, 100 % rest of the way. Repeat

Partner up: 10 Partner Giddy-ups each arm, 10 partner derkins, 10 partner-assisted sit ups

Stay with Partner for B.O.M.B.S. – 50 Bobby Hurleys, 100 Overhead claps, 150 Mercuries (Freddy), 200 Bombjacks, 250 Squats – other partner runs over stairs & back. Now, with legs smoked, time for another 1st QUARTER CHECK-UP – We are all leaders in some way – Who has gone to a Q Source meeting? If we aren’t accelerating as leaders, we are going backwards. Left the Pax with one of my favorite sayings around F3 – “Day One OR One Day? It’s up to you. Are you committing to forming a positive habit or leaving that to another day?

Mosey back to the grassy circle in front of FM 1st Baptist for Jack Webb & American Hammers.

Time for COT. Prayers for Spark Plug’s neighbor, Charlie, reminders of Finding Kotters in 2019, FM Care Center Lawn Mowing, Prayers for health for my family.

What an awesome mixture of veteran and newer Pax. Shout out to Admiral who had his first Post just on Monday and he has posted every day since. And Happy Birthday to the master DJ, Flatty Flats. You can Q 10 times or 100 times, but it is always an honor and a humbling experience to lead such a fine group of men. Thanks Beacon for the opportunity.

Short Sale signing off.

TClap |


The Thang

12 days into spring, in SC, you’d think the gloom would be a perfect time for a run. Not that it wasn’t anything we couldn’t handle, but the 11 PAX that made it to Flight Plan were shocked, shocked I tell you, at the low 30’s temperature accompanied by a constant wind that seemed to come from every direction.

But we carried on with a newly modified River District route that avoids New Gray Rock since traffic has become too heavy. Down Sutton, right on Founders and over to Sterling Heights (which seems to be uphill in both directions), cross over to Harvest Pointe and loop it back the same way.


Canoli Run May 18th at St. Philip Neri – Proceeds sponsoring the Children’s Attention Home.


Rebel’s Daughter starting a new job in San Antonio

Strong F3 representation at Christina Memorial 8K and Virtual Run at Alcatraz

Hootie – Running bridge run Saturday; Dungaree Bridge Run AND A Spartan Race!


I know it was a coincidence, but the slight change in the route, brought about big challenges today. Heading back up Harvest Pointe, the wind hit us dead on. Heading out Sterling Heights was hillier than any of us remembered. But we all made it back. We all agreed we were better for the extra effort the run required of us. So when you have those challenges in your routines, with your family or with your job, are they really worth getting upset about? Maybe just think of them as a windy/rainy day at your AO. Yeah there’s a little more effort, but those are the ones we always remember. Make sure you’re not looking back shaking your head because all you could do was mumble chatter, but you’re looking back smiling because you knew all along you could get through it.


TClap |

What Again?! Celebrating 5 Years In F3

3/29/2014 was the first time I posted at F3 back at Ascent in Area 51.  I wanted to celebrate my 5th year anniversary by Qing in NC and SC to honor all those who have led me throughout my journey.

Thursday we decided to cut loose, foot loose and this was what happened.

We did a little warmup thang and then headed over to the Methodist church drive way.

12 Days of  Christmas in March? Yep.

So this workout is simple and easy to Q, but not easy to participate in.  Just like the song, you repeat every number every time you go up the chain.  Here’s our 12 days:

1- Run (1 lap if you’re a clydesdale, 2 if you’re speedy)
2- Turkish getups
3- Jump squats
4- LBC’s
5- Diamond Merkins
6- Imperial Walkers
7- Rosalita’s
8- Slow flutters
9- Low slow squats
10- Lunges (each leg)
11- Merkins
12- Bupees

We made it to twelve and I could sense that mutiny might be brewing so I took it down a notch and we eased into COT.

We did a little stretching and a little Mary and we were out of there.

Thanks for the chance to lead.  The chilly temperatures must’ve scared away half the pax.

Please lift up Rick from Mint Hill in your prayers who has cancer.

Shout out anything I missed.

DT out.

TClap |