The day after

WARMUP: ssh, windmills, Peter Parker’s, Parker Peter’s, monkey humpers, etc
THE THANG: 13s – station one = merkins and shoulder taps, move to station 2 via Lt. Dans, station 2 = big boys and am hams, moser back to station 1

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Sweepin’ like it’s 1776

Hot Humid July in SC pre-run with Grout and Re-tread.

WARMUP: run to parking lot where old tega cay coffee used to be and do 17 in cadence American Hammers then run to lowest point on Dave Gibson and do 7 in cadence merkins then run to flag pole at the school and do 6 in cadence low slow squat

1776 sweet the Leg style
17 American Hammers
7 Merkins
6 Squats

At flag pole and at tega cay coffee parking lot. Every time you pass the low point of dave Gibson do 3 burpees.

Get as many rounds as possible

MARY: no time


COT: 5th core principle

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Is your Deck in Order?

All in cadence
– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Imperial walker
– Side straddle hop
Pick up bag and mosey to outside theatre
– Partner exercise: bags do not touch the ground for the duration
– Partner 1 takes bag up to second level and completes 20 upright rows while partner 2 side lunges until the partner gets back. Once partner 1 returns, switch
– Once completed, partner 1 takes bag up to level 4 and completes 30 curls while partner 2 does calf raises, once partner 1 returns, switch
– Mosey to back parking lot with bag on shoulders
Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Squats with bag on shoulders
Clubs – Bent over rows
Diamonds – Overhead press
Spades – Over the shoulder bag toss
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/bag on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 Bomb jacks
J – 20 Flutter w/press
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

At end, count up cards and call them out. Complete overhead presses in the amount of cards you gathered
MARY: No need
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 4th of July convergence
COT: Boomer and his family, those still sick and suffering from addictions

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Moderately Done @ Slowly Burnin

WARMUP: Um – YES. SSH, Merk, Nightclubs, Squats, LBC, Mtn Climber.
THE THANG: Mosey, 7s (Merks, Bomb Jax), DORA ( Derkins, Dips, Squats), Ladder work w DK, DiaMerks, squats, BobHurl, BBs.
MARY: Yes – 4 mins with Pax taking turns leading the group.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes. CSAUP, Fort Mill Care Center, Christmas Party, Fathers Day
COT: Solid discussion

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Flag Handoff at The Sink…..If you know what I mean?

Flag handoff from Maximus to Farmer’s Only.

Warmed up with a lap around small loop and back to circle perform a few exercises to get familiar with the bags.

– Merkin (5-5-5 – Regular, Wide, Diamond)
– SB Toss (10)
– SB Shoulder to Shoulder (10)
– Deadlift (10)
– Manmaker (5)

Partner up. DORA. One partner carries, One partner exercises. 50 reps for each exercise.

1 – Suitcase Carry/Overhead Press
2 – Shoulder Carry/Lunges
3 – Back Carry/Flutters w/ Press
4 – Overhead Carry/Rows
5 – Zercher Carry/Cleans
6 – Bear Carry/Curls

Everyone went through once at 50 reps each exercise. Some began making way back through before all PAX drop the exercise portion and began making way down the list completing just the carry. Stopped with about 10 mins left for next activity.

Next up, we piled all the sandbags up on one end and went back to the other side. PAX divided into two teams and one PAX at a time for each time raced down to the pile to retrieve a bag and bring it back to other side. All PAX take a turn and team that recovered the most weight at the end is the winner. Losers perform burpees.

Lots of CSAUP opportunities this Summer. July 4th convergence.

Flag Handoff. Congrats Farmer’s Only.

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Not leg day, not really

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Little Baby Arm Circles, Imperial and Hillbilly Walkers, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Mosey to the parking lot on the side of Persis. Partner up for a “no legs” DORA. One partner works, the other partner does an easy “moderate” run to the end of the parking lot and back.
100 BBSU
200 Merkins
300 Leg lifts (wheezy Jefferson?)
With 15 minutes left, walked to a more open area for broga. Worked on hips and hamstrings for about 11 minutes.
Mosey back to CoT for one more ab exercise. Cross body crunch (left leg over right knee, crunch right shoulder to left knee) for a 4 count. 1-3 was hold, 4th count was release. Both sides x10 and DONE
COT: Started with a reminder that F3 is about bettering the men that choose to appear in the gloom.
Rather than ask for standard prayer requests, YHC asked the group to list something positive that we could think about throughout the day. This turned quickly into a list of prayer requests…

F3 isn’t about any particular faith or viewpoint, we are here to become better partners, fathers, friends, and citizens of the world. We’re learning to live 3rd.

The Circle of Trust doesn’t have any prescribed formula, and our region tends to use it as a prayer chain. I feel being locked into this methodology is a bit of a disservice to ourselves and our time in the CoT. I say this in the least self-serving way possible.

This is our time to work on OURSELVES.

The CoT is a place where PAX have an opportunity to say what’s on their hearts. We could talk about personal pain and difficulty, and celebrate the victories we have against daily obstacles.

More often than not we hear about a friend or relative going through a tough time. I’m glad people are concerned, I really am, but what I would rather hear is how that affects you, and how that is going to change you. What action will you take? Send a gift card to your friend whose wife is going through some shit. Watch your neighbor’s kids so they have time to go to a job interview. Help change a set of brake pads. When you get home and the M hasn’t cleaned up after her Ramen mess for the 4th day in a row just smile, take a breath, and appreciate your M.

This morning as my CoT turned itself back into the prayer meeting I decided to read between the lines. I heard some PAX say some things that were the usual fare. What I heard was that we have a lot of men in the Fort dealing with anxiety over things they cannot control, things that don’t affect their daily lives.

So when I got it back, I simply asked that we think about what our brothers had to say and find a way to make the lives of those around us a bit better. Let’s live 3rd in a way that enriches and does not tear anything down.

38 out

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Oh Baxter!

We had 21 at for some off campus work.

We moseyed over to Baxter this morning for a little Mary.

Partner 1: 150 Merkins. 200 Hello Weezys, 250 Squats.
Partner 2: Run the stares gauntlet on Main Street.

We formed two lines for an Indian run back to COT for Mary, announcements l, and prayers/praises.

The report is as follows:
– was introduced to a mudslide this morning. It brought back memories of the bars at Auburn. Go War Eagles!
– and are going to go home and watch the movie airplane to prepare for ’s summer job.
– There was an sighting this morning and he was feeling chesty as he kept requesting merkins. He is going to host 10 nine year olds today for his son’s birthday party. We are expecting a steel cage match.
– was present and smelling like a million bucks.
– was introduced to The Milker this morning. We scared off some of the customers in the Starbucks parking lot.
– needs to increase the weight on his vest as he crushed the Indian run.
– is going to bath in Bengay as he knees were saying no mas.
– ’s eye tattooth is looking manly.
– needs to stop at Harris Teeter to pick up flowers as he is celebrating 21 years of wedding bliss.
– was having flashbacks of The Bronx seeing all of the trees cut down on 160.
– is ready for mainstream media with his Ron Burgundy breakdown of Slow Burn.
– and did a divide and conquer approach to the squats. It’s Science?
– is 78 going on 28. He crushed it out there.
– When isn’t dabbling in the markets he is dabbling in pain.
– Get on you Q list, he ready!
– was looking for a 60
– Mole ruck, but settled for a bootcamp.
– and @ironman (Jarvis) rounded us out. Ironman is accelerating and is also ready to get on the Q list.
This is my 100% accurate yet to be verified list by .


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4 corners, 3 times = 12 corners

Airborne stretch
Side straddle hop
Low slow squats

4 corners-Merkins-CDD-Flutters-LBC’s
Mode of transportation: Toy soldiers, 1 burpee in the middle

4 corners-Hand Release-B jacks-heals 2 heaven-hello dollies-1 burpee in the middle

4 corners- 5 burpees at each corner, 1 burpee in the middle
Mode of transportation: High knees

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We was rollin

WARMUP: moseyed over to side by Persis and did a warmup with

Strawberry pickers
Overhead Claps
Low and slow squats
Downward Dog
Upward Dog
Runners stretch

THE THANG: back towards COT where I had a shoebox with two sets of dice and 12 exercises listed for respective dice combinations
We did three iterations with partners of 3, one person rolls, then runs a lap while two ppl do the exercise, then we did person that rolls and both other ppl run while they do the work and then finally one partner rolls and does does exercise with one partner while third runs.

MARY: no time

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