Zipper takes no mercy


THE THANG: Zipper: 3.2-3.8 miles of neighborhood hate. 10 merkins and 10 squats at every cross street between Spring and Unity. If the reps dont kill you the hills will. Always a #crowdpleaser and you are better (albeit #smoked) after.

MacGuyver was the #King today- no surprise. B.O.B was up there and Grout was in top 3 or 5? #triplehate Bash Brothers: State Farm and Jackalope came back to swim at the pond for the second week in a row. Also great to see their dads. Keep your eye on Cousin Eddie. He’s rising fast!

MARY: Dont understand

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Brew Ruck tonight, Final Countdown
CSAUP 9/10

COT: Praise and Prayers for State Farm and Jackalope who will be making their way to the Citadel in a few weeks. Prayers for marriages, our children.

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No pain no gain

WARMUP: 1 mile mosey through the mean streets and rolling hills of downtown Fort Mill, followed by a 1 mile Indian run
THE THANG: 11’s at the Monroe White hill with burpees at the bottom and bomb jacks at the top
MARY: Hello dolly, American hammers, merkins, and flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: upcoming CSAUP, Blood drive at Forest Hills 7/14
COT: prayers for a friend of Kermit’s that just lost a young child
Prayers for fire marshal Bill as his business struggles through employee turnover during a period of high demand
Prayers for Gekko as he tackles a 100 mile run 💪

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I’m Not A Runner?

Slight mosey to the road leading from the Fort Mill parkway entrance to the AO.
Some 21’s of SSH and IW/HW (alternating IW and HW every round of 5)
20 SSH & 1 IW
19 SSH & 2 IW

16 SSH & 5 IW


100 Merkins
200 LBCs
300 Squats
One partner runs ~70yards up and down the slight incline
Continued the 21’s from above for another 5 rounds.

5 burpees
Run the same distance as from the DORA
10 squats
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

Then wrapped up as many of the 21’s as possible before COT.

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Treehugger Ruck WOD at Chupacabra

We honored our brother Treehugger with a Ruck version of the WOD.
5 rounds of:
10 sandbag rows
20 flutter kicks with ruck overhead
30 merkins
40 yard sandbag toss
50 yard sandbag farmers carry
1/4 mile run/ruck

It was a sweat fest and the merkins with the ruck on received the most complaints.

We prayed for the people affected by the accident at the beginning of the bear race, prayers for our families and for patience and balance on our minds.

I will suggest to keep a water bottle handy when working out in this heat and humidity, I had to pull mine out of the car 10 minutes into to WOD.

Stay hydrated brothers!!

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THE THANG: (you know the humidity is high when you can feel it hitting your face while you run)
Shotgun hill – random facts on the signers of the Declaration of Independence mixed with exercises.
Mosey to the top of the hill on Main (Subway lot) for balls to wall crawls with low intensity shoulder movements during recovery.
Mosey to UPC for reverse burpees (BB situps with jump squats)
Power skip circle drive, merkin ring of fire, powerskip back
Mosey back to COT
MARY: LBC, Flutter, JLo, Superman flutters
COT: Welcome FNG (Kotter) SLV

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Run and Gun Work

THE THANG: Ran to WEP where we ran the loop then ran the loop again stopping at each bench to do 10 merkins and 10 squats…rinse and repeat.
COT: thanks to Jekyl for the opportunity to lead.

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Slash’s Slam

WARMUP: dynamic: exercise>Mosey>rinse/repeat

THE THANG: 4 Corners. Each corner had two exercises. Do exercise 1 run to middle for 3 burpees run back out to next corner. Complete rotation. Rinse/repeat with exercise 2. 10 reps each. Continue with 8 reps then 6 reps.
MARY: various all counted by Repeat

Armory is funny. How do you keep fresh what is essentially the same thing. Maybe that can be true for all workouts. T-Claps to those creative types that continue to push and find new wrinkles to keep pax engagement high. While four corners isn’t new, nor the exercises, hopefully the style and rep count kept it interesting.

Lots of #mumblechatter today. Mainly about the music selection (and the size of Repeats bell). We had two camps- I’ll just say the cut line was 45/older and 44/younger. The DJ spun the debut album of Cinderella. Hair band hierarchy. And while they may have sound all the same(to some), you knew every dang word. Lucky for 44 crowd- the entire record is only 35 minutes.

Lastly- there is no one like @slash. #Slam

Blood donation coming up mid July.
Final Countdown CSAUP this fall.

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white(snake)ville park

WARMUP: complaints about heat/humidity then pledge and then a slightly below average description of the workout (sorry backdraft and quack)

THE THANG: run to Whiteville Park neighborhood. snake/zipper through neighborhood starting out going left on Leroy to start. 10 wide arm merkins every left intersection/corner, 10 squats every center crossing (springs), 10 diamond merkins every right intersection/corner.

Then mosey back to CoT

average was about 70 reps of each exercise and 3.5miles

MARY: mostly dysfunctional

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Happy Bday Jekyll

COT: praise to #thefort on bringing home the 2022 hog and coyote trophy

Thanks for the opportunity Jekyll, was an honor to lead the men this morning.

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Add 4, carry the 2, divide by 1.21 gigawatz

WARMUP: quick mosey, low slow squats, cherry pickers, merkins (stayed here for a minute), mountain climbers, plank jack, honeymooner, downward dog, bomb jacks for DH…more mosey, ran to the thang
THE THANG: A pile of goodies awaited us. Partnered up and found 1 item to share. Partner 1 did the exercise and called out the number they thought they could hit, partner 2 ran to the corner of the parking lot. Switch when partner 2 returned who also shared their guess on reps while partner 1 ran. Penalties were given for over/under and hitting numbers (this was all made up on the spot and math came into play). We rotated after each partner did the one exercise and the penalty after each round.

Exercises included:
-45 lb plate: round 1 shrugs, round 2 calf raises
-sandbag: round 1 man maker, round 2 shoulder press
-35 lb KB: R1 swings, R2 curls
-30 lb KB: R1 squats, R2 pass through lunges
-25 lb KB: R1 triceps extension, R2 plank row
-Ruck: R1 merkins, R2 chest press

We made it to round 2 for about 2-3 rotations. Penalties included merkins, bomb jacks, flutters, burpees, diamond merkins, etc. How much you went over or under drove the number of exercises and some of these had a multiplier…there was zero rhyme or reason to this.
MARY: No Mary today.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots in the newsletter, check that out
COT: lift up Sawdust’s mom who recently fell and lost a friend this past week

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