Attendance Taker

WARMUP: Ran a short loop around the parking lot
Rucked around the property , did a series of exercises and some partner work on the field, overhead carry, suitcase carries while the partner stayed back and did a series of excersises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, Bethel Men’s Shelter
COT: Closed in prayer

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No legs

Day before D2D relay so decided to take it easy on legs. Quick disclaimer than slow jog around lot, back to start point for a few basic warm-ups. Then partner up for lazy dora: P1 does 10 merkins will P2 holds plank, switch back and forth until 100 total. 200 V-ups. P1 does 20 V-ups will P2 does 90 degree leg hold. Flapjack up to 200. 100 2 ct shoulder taps. P1 does 10 while P2 does 6 inch plank hold. Flapjack upto 100. 200 LBCs. P1 does 20 LBCs while P2 does 6 inch (10 degree) leg hold. Flapjack up to 200. Slow jog to behind Lowe’s. Using guardrail, 10 dips, 10 derkins, and 10 incline merkins. Jog to other end and repeat. Jog to side of lowes. 8 hand release merkins, 8 mtn climbers, 7,7,6,6…1,1 then jump back to 8 & 8 to finish. Lots of bitching on this one so I was happy. Jog over to Indian restaurant, 8 Flutters, 8 Hello Dollies, 7,7,6,6…1,1 then back to 8,8 to finish (legs never touch). Another crowd pleaser. Just a few mins left so back to COT for a few stretches. As promised, didn’t hit legs today so everyone was fresh to run D2D. Thx for the nod Peach Stand!

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Chicken Nuggies

It was a beautiful rainy morning after the superbowl. Thankful for all the PAX showing up. Quick disclaimer then we crossed 160 to Braden. Every time we passes the sign it was 12 merkins. Run down to the clubhouse for a simple plan in chicken nuggies increments:
6 burpees, 12 mtn climbers, 18 LBCs, run loop clockwise. Loop is up hill to sign, right down 160 to next Braden entrance, take a right and follow Emory back to clubhouse. 6 jump squats, 12 CDDs, 18 American Hammers, run loop in opposite direction. Keep repeating until time. Jog back to rainy COT. Gazelles got 5 loops in, others got less but everyone put the work in. Thanks for the nod Badlands!

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It was colder then it looked

Mosey to playground behind school. All the regular ones
Mosey to the Middle School.
Ran the car line loop with exercises at top and bottom. Merkins, Dips, Derkins, Big Boys, Bulgarians, Squats, Lunges
Wall Sits while PAX does 10 man makers w Cindy. Finish with 10 burpees
*MARY:* abb work
*ANNOUNCEMENTS:* newsletter

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It was colder then it looked

Mosey to playground behind school. All the regular ones
Mosey to the Middle School.
Ran the car line loop with exercises at top and bottom. Merkins, Dips, Derkins, Big Boys, Bulgarians, Squats, Lunges
Wall Sits while PAX does 10 man makers w Cindy. Finish with 10 burpees
*MARY:* abb work
*ANNOUNCEMENTS:* newsletter

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Time Flies With Fun Bags

Moroccan Nightclubs


15 – Under The Wires 3x
15- Curls

30 – Bicycle Crunches 3x
30- American Hammers

15 – Walk-Out Push-Ups 3x
15- pull throughs

30 – Jacknifes 3x
100 – Yard Bear Crawl

15 – Diamond Push-Ups 3x
15 – Man Makers

Christmas party coming up- see Maximus for details.


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Shoulders and More

WARMUP: Motivators x7, Big Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Mosey to and around the church parking lot
1) Tellier-inspired 4-courners around the church parking lot
-Corner #1 – 10 Burpees
-Corner #2 – 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins
-Corner #3 – 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 LBCs
-Corner #4 – 10 Burpees, 25 Merkins, 50 LBCs, 100 Squats
2) At church field/gravel parking lot:
-Bear crawl appx. 40 yards x2
-Lungewalk back x2
3) Mosey to the apartment circle:
-50 Carolina Dry Docks around the circle curb
-100 step-ups on the retaining wall
4) Mosey back to COT
MARY: Yes. Full circle.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, Q-school, Newsletter
COT: Completed

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Running after late night is bad

We ran, some ran 6 miles, some ran more, some ran less, but we all got it done.

Word of advice- don’t agree to Q the morning after a wine tasting event.

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Running with burpees and such

WARMUP: None – it’s a disclaimer and we go
THE THANG: running with burpees, squats and side straddle hops every 1/4 mile. Get as much as you can. All of them.
MARY: only time for a few airborne hip exercises.
COT: 5th core principle

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