Temps dropped a bit so the plan was to keep us moving to stay warm.
WARMUP: Started with SSHinCadenceX50, then moseyed to the loop at the front of the school. While moseying we got in some high knees, butt kickers, & karaoke. We stopped at the wall in the loop.
THE THANG: Following format was used throughout the workout. 2 exercises are called, 1st exercise starts with 10 reps, then perform 9 reps of the 2nd exercise, then perform 8 reps of the 1st exercise, etc… until you reach the count of 1.
At the wall the 1st exercise was Muscle Ups, 2nd exercise was 4 count Diamond Merkins
Moseyed to the benches at the front of the school. 1st exercise was Bulgarian Split Squats ( 10 each leg, 8 each leg, etc… ), 2nd exercise was Jump Squats
Moseyed to the wall at the back of the school. 1st exercise was BallToTheWall Shoulder Taps, 2nd exercise was CDDs.
Moseyed to the playground. 1st exercise was Pull Ups, 2nd exercise was 4 count Wide Arm Merkins.
Moseyed to the loop behind the school. We were moving this morning so YHC had to improvise a ‘filler’ to kill some time. PAX made 3 trips around the loop, at the start and 1/2 way point we performed burpees Lap 1 – 2 burpees at each spot, Lap 2 – 4 burpees at each spot, Lap 3 – 6 burpees at each spot.
Moseyed to the benches located on the side of the school. Back to the previous format. 1st exercise was Butt Touch Pistol Squats, 2nd exercise was Butt Touch Squats.
MARY: Moseyed to COT. PicklePointersinCadencex15, Superman poses, various positions, all held for a 10 count. Did this until we ran out of time.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Thanksgiving Convergence, Trash Pick Up, Bethel Men’s Shelter Serve, Christmas Party