Pushing & Pulling The Sink

Disclaimer, Mission, Core Principles, Credo
WARMUP: A little jogging with warm-up exercises thrown in.
THE THANG: Partner up. This was easy due there only being 4 of us. The original plan was for a 2min timer but during the first round, I realized I was failing too soon so I dropped it to 1min for each exercise. After you and your partner completed 1min of each exercise, you each completed a 50yd Partner Push. Then, move to the next set of exercises.
Round 1: Upright Rows (High Pulls) & Overhead Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 2: Bicep Curls & Tricep Extensions (skull crushers)
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 3: Bent Over Rows & Bench Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 4: Squats & Dead Lifts
50yd Partner Push (each)

Grab your sand bag and meet at the main drop-off lane.
100yd sand bag toss followed by a 100yd overhead sand bag toss. You’re throwing the sand bag behind you to end up back where we started.
Run 50yds & NUR 50yds
Laying down, 10 Leg Raises while holding the sand bag overhead
10 Big Boy Sit Ups with the sand bag on your chest
Bear Crawl 25yds then Crawl Bear back.
10 Thrusters on my count
10 Flutters w/ Press I/C
60sec over-the-shoulder sandbag toss

That was it…super easy!

MARY: Added throughout and also not in typical fashion.
COT: Indeed

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Push through whether your life is in order or not

– Moroccan nightclubs
– Cherry pickers
– Windmill
– Hillbilly walker
Mosey around loop, karaoke, mosey, karaoke, mosey. Stop at curb and 10 inclined merkins on curb in cadence, mosey over to the pull up bars and 10 low slow squats in cadence.

Grab a cinder block for each man, and mosey with block above your head to the first covering and leave blocks on ground
Head to the bus loop cover for 4 quadrants:
– 5 burpees every time you make it back to the center
– Run to boards:
Board 1 – 40 American Hammers in single count, then lunge walk back to center
Board 2 – 20 bomb jacks, then run back to center
Board 3 – 20 squats, then karaoke back to center
Board 4 – 15 Mike Tyson’s, then Nur back to center

Card game:
Run to other side, pick up a card. Nur back to start and complete the below exercises.

Numbers 1-10, do the number of reps per card:
Hearts – Goblet squats
Clubs – 2-hand upright rows
Diamonds – 2-hand curls
Spades – Cindy swings
A – 5 Man-Makers
K – 10 Lunge squats w/block on shoulders, single count
Q – 15 flutter with press – count on press
J – 20 Plank pull-throughs
Joker – 5 Kraken Man-Makers. Do these yourself or hand to anyone of your choice

20 knee-ups at the bars
1-minute wall sit
20 more knee-ups

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Pretty warm for 17

WARMUP: pledge
THE THANG: mosey over to Academy and Monroe white
Hill pendulum from parking lot to parking lot on Monroe white – 10 jump squats/squats at the top of one hill, 2 kraken burpees at MW and academy , 10 lunge jumps/lunges at 160. Rinse and repeat.

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Taking the Fishbowl Backwards

Academy St. to Monroe White St. stop at the intersection and the man with the bag walked backwards up to the top of the big hill to the abandoned parking lot entrance, then back down forward and go up the other side of the fishbowl backwards up to Confederate St, back down to the starting intersection to hand off the bag for the other man to repeat, then we walked down Academy to Country Club Dr, Howington Cir, Banks St, Phifer St, Allison St, Banks, 160, back down Monroe White St, up to Watson and back to COT.

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Hang on tight

WARMUP: one dialed back round of the workout
THE THANG: Hero WOD for Danish Army Sgt. Rene Jakobsen. Called for 7 rounds of 400 m run, 21 walking lunges, 15 pull ups and 9 burpees.

We did 8 rounds and finished it with a 400m cinder block in each hand farmers carry.
MARY: Yes.
COT: yes.

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Bounty Hunter return to the gloom

Bounty Hunter (Slackless) had far too few coupons and led us through a “pass the weights around” board of pain. When we had enough, we moseied around the Site choosing our own exercises in cadence.

My man Bounty was a little rusty…all the more reason to get his butt back in the gloom.

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When in doubt, Plot-A-Route

Disclaimer Avoided all semi pros out in the gooom
WARMUP: 15 Him Counted
THE THANG: Cross LP parking lot towards Munn Rd and hang left. All lefts from there at the following intersections: Harris St. , Jackson St, Hwy 160, and Founders Coop
MARY: she was missed
ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Q was not present, he arrived late
COT: Always stays in CoT! Remember Pax, that Attitude and Proximity are ideal to remaining consistent and continuous acceleration.

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Training Ground Carry

THE THANG: 6 PAX shared (3) 60lb sand bags while the 7th man nursed an injury while wearing a weight vest, of course.
Make our way over to the WEP parking lot and down the trail weaving our way to the bottom of Harris Street. Here’s where we tried something new. Each PAX would have the “opportunity” to single-handed farmers carry the 60lb sand bag up to the top of the hill.
From there, make our way over to the bottom of Massey for…you guessed it, walking backward up Masses. Every PAX went 2x.
MARY: Not officially but tighten your core during the carries.
COT: 5th Core Principle.

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Toss and Carry

WARMUP: 10 merkins. Lap around the lot to go through the workout.
THE THANG: A big lap around the soccer field with four stations. Each station had 30 reps of an exercise and then one partner would toss the bag while the other ran to the next station and back until the bag being tossed made it to the next station.
Station one : 30 plyo pushups, back carry and regular toss
Station two: 30 cleans, over shoulder toss and single shoulder carry
Station three: 30 gas pumpers, side toss and farmer carry
Station four: 30 press, thruster throw and front rack carry
MARY: yes
COT: yes

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