Christmas Leftovers

16 degrees this AM….

No one else showed for pre-run – but YHC hasn’t worked out in over a week so figured better to dust off the cobwebs before leading this morning.

Was not sure how I would feel this morning (been sick for past week) so had a couple different routes in mind to get to Allison Park. Felt decent so decided for the 4 mile route through Baxter (Front – Berkshire- Downing – Gardenia – Mills – Sutton)

We stopped at random points along the way to allison park for exercises – monkey humpers (ICx20), merkins (ICx10), squats (ICx10), wide arm merkins (ICx10), lunges (OYOx10), diamond merkins (ICx10), shoulder taps (ICx10)

At Allison Park we did dips (ICx10) and then all got in plank position and did merkins while each PAX took turn doing 5 pullups.

Running low on time so mostly just run straight back to COT via sutton road and Richards Crossing. Stopped once to keep group together and did some Burpees (OYOx7)

Got back a couple minutes late.

COT and then some mumblechatter after.

As always- an honor to lead.


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Hit the hill

THE THANG: mossy to Hubert Graham Way. Run to bottom of hill (3rd street light). 10 merkins then run to top and stop at the 2 street lights for 10 merkins. 5 rounds.

Missy to playground. PAX split in half, 10 step ups each leg others do swing set crunch until step ups done. 2 rounds. 20 leg raises and 20 flutters.

Mossy back to COT the long way around the school with 3 stops on the way of 5 burpees.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Xmas convergence
COT: prayers for travel, injured and sick

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SSH x25
Peter Parker x10
Parker Peter x10
Downward Dog
Imperial Walker x10

Mosey down Academy St, right on Withers St and to the top of hill where my truck was parked with the hell pavers.

THE THANG: 9 Holes of golf
Top of the Hill (Tee Box) Curl the block 18 times and OH press 18 times
Run down the hill and back up the next hill to the Island Green (shovel flag planted) in front of First Baptist Church.
9 Burpees
Run back to the Tee Box and complete the same exercises but in rep counts of 16
Back to the green for 8 burpees
Continue the series decreasing the counts at the tee box by 2 and the green counts by 1 until finished.
I don’t think anyone finished although a couple of guys were on their last round when time ran out. We logged a little of 3 miles moving up and down the hills.

Great work by all and thank you Kermit for the opportunity!!!
No Time for MARY
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Newsletter has it all

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Tom Hall WOD

Thomas Lee Hall was the son of Fort Mill Mayor, William Lee Hall. He gave his life in WW1. Here’s the Citation from his Congressional Medal of Honor:

Having overcome two machine-gun nests under his skillful leadership, Sgt. Hall’s platoon was stopped 800 yards from its final objective by machine-gun fire of particular intensity. Ordering his men to take cover in a sunken road, he advanced alone on the enemy machine-gun post and killed five members of the crew with his bayonet and thereby made possible the further advance of the line. While attacking another machine-gun nest later in the day this gallant soldier was mortally wounded.

The main part of HWY 160 through Fort Mill was renamed from “[John Wilkes] Booth Street” to “Tom Hall Street.” His heroic deeds helped our town move on from its secessionist past.

118 Swings w/ cinder block
30 Squats w/ Block overhead
30 Merkins
(Sgt Hall was in COMPANY G of the Army’s 118TH INFANTRY, 30TH DIVISION)

Laps in front of sugar creek
One lap – just mosey (Sgt. Hall survived the first attack on the German position)
One lap – bear crawl/lunge walk/block carry (Sgt. Hall’s second attack was the one that took his life)

After each of the two laps, we sprinted the hill alone to honor Sgt Hall ordering his men to stay behind and advancing solo to take the German machine gun positions. At the pull-up bars: 5 pull-ups, 5 knees to chest, 5 L leg raises. 5 manmakers back down at the bottom of the hill for the 5 Germans he killed at bayonet point.

Rinse and repeat. We sprinted the hill 3 times.


Welcome FNGs Easy A & Portal

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Mind Over Moderation

WARMUP: Run two laps around the parking lot. SSH, Windmills, Merkins
THE THANG: 2min run.
10 Lunges I/C, 10 Reverse Lunges I/C, 15 Low Slow Squats, 20 Calf Raises
2min run
25yd Partner Pushes (3x each)
1min run
Peter Parkers, Protractor
2min run
1min Carolina Dry Docks, 1min Ins/Outs
Even-Numbered Jack Webb: 2 Merkins/8 Overhead Claps, 4/16, 6/24, 8/32, 10/40
2min run
Plank Series
MARY: See Above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Yes there were. Christmas Party
COT: Should’ve been there.

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Oldie but goodie @ pantheon

WARMUP: mosey to dumpster. SSH Merkins Moroccan night clubs plank stretching mosey back to front of school
THE THANG: 3 min of 3 exercises(10,15,20 reps) with burpee stack. Look it up. Merkins mtn climbers and shoulder taps then run to the little green boy. Round 2 squats monkey humpers and calf raises run again. Round 3 big boys American hammers flutters and reverse LBCs (ask Maximus)
Lastly a Dora with 100 merkins 200 squats and 300 reverse LBCs since everyone liked them.
MARY: not necessary when doing reverse LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers for marriages and those dealing with lost loved ones. 🙏

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Running with Burpees…Do you have a problem with that Mr Lawrence?

WARMUP: Mosey to Patricia Ln.
THE THANG: Alternate between 2 pain stations…one at circle at the end of Patricia Ln and the second at the farthest parking lot in front of GHMS. The pain stations are exactly 1/2 mi apart. At Patricia Ln the PAX completed a round of 10 burpees and 25 flutter kicks. At GHMS, 10 merkins and 25 sumo squats. Rinse and repeat. PAX logged between 3.5 – 4.5 mi.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party and convergence. Read your newsletter.

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Gun & Run – Keeping It Simple

THE THANG: Ran approximately 2 to 3 miles, 7 pain stations with 30 reps of merkins, squats, and in cadence flutter kicks, and 3 reps of burpees. Totals: 200 merkins, 200 squats, 200 IC flutter kicks, 21 burpees. Finished up at the COT with isometric work for chest and arms.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Harris Park Garbage Detail, Dam to Dam Bar 10k on January 28th, FM Christmas Pary on Dec. 16h.
Closed COT with a prayer.

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Working to 38 (or 19) at Pantheon

WARMUP: We ran around the big loop with the occasional plank at the corners to bring the group back together. After the lap, as a group, 38 SSH I/C, Merkins 19 I/C, Flutters 38 I/C, Squats 19 I/C.
Then, run the loop again.
THE THANG: With cones set up 76yds apart and cones at the mid-point (38yds), grab a partner. As a rehash of J-WOW’s expertise from the Thanksgiving Convergence, we did the Partner Push from one end to the mid-point (38yds). Then your partner would push on the return. Complete this 5 times.
Now, get on the opposite end from your partner, 76yds apart. Bear crawl to the middle, 5 partner merkins, run back to your end, 19 Mountain Climbers I/C. Then repeat.
Now, get into 2 lines, facing your partner.
19 Carolina Dry Docks I/C
19 Diamond Merkins I/C
19 American Hammers I/C
19 Squats I/C
19 Calf Raises I/C
On the curb, 19 Mike Tysons I/C
38 American Hammers I/C
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: After nearly 3 years as our Pantheon Site Q, 38 Special has graced me with the Shovel Flag of this special site. To say I am excited is an understatement and there are more good things in store for this AO on the West side of our mill town. I’ll be recruiting past Site Q’s to join me in taking a flag; it’s time.
Read your newsletter
COT: You had to be there but I will say this, be emotionally present, not just physically present.
Until next time,

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