YHC tried to Q in September and missed the opportunity due to concentrica demands. Last week, DR. This week, finally!
It is Chad season, so we put in some step ups after a coupon ruck, followed by Farmer Carries vanity muscle work.
Step Up Work:
30 minute EMOM (:40 work/:20 rest)
Vanity Work:
1 Pax Farmer Carry out/back with Jerry Cans
Rest of Pax do one movement, rotate, repeat
OH Press
Bent Over Rows
Ruck Curls
OH Hold
Ruck Swings
Stretch it out.
Kaiser mentioned life is in seasons – which is very true. To be able to realize the seasonal transition is another level of awareness. My prayer is that God will reveal those seasons and the changes to us so we can better lead our families.
Dam2Dam fundraising season is in full effect. Check out your newsletter or hit up Boss Hogg to learn more.
Praise/prayers for Divac’s second child in his wife’s womb – coming May 2023.
Other prayers meant for COT.
Thanks, Divac, for persisting for my Q – appreciate you.
Punch List out.