Log PT

Disclaimer was spoken and we opened up the truck to grab some logs. These logs are pretty sizable, and range from 100-200 pounds. Two PAX per log.

Move the logs to the grass lot/field behind the church. Set logs down on one end of field. While P1 does circuit below, P2 either shoulder carries log out and back to set point or does end over end log flips. Flap Jack until each partner completes entire circuit. Not a DORA – each PAX does 20 of each movement. 

Circuit 1

20 Ruck Thrusters

20 Push ups with side ruck pulls (Ruck at your right side…do a push up and then pull your ruck to the other side with your left arm, push up, then pull it back with your right arm)

20 Ruck Burpees

Breathing intensifies…

Circuit 2

20 OH Squats

20 Squats Ruck up front

20 Ruck Swings



Partner up by height to make the log carry more… fair.

5 Ground to Shoulder each side

10 OH press w/log (alternating shoulders)

10 big boy sit ups w/log

10 log press while on back

Carry/Ruck logs back to COT… toss them into the truck.

Last Minute Mary

25 4 ct flutters w/ruck press

11 4 ct Dollies w/ruck pressed

5 big boy sit ups w/ruck on front


COT. Nice work, men.


Dam to Damn Bar is almost full!

F3 10 Year Convergence taking place

1/1/2021 where it all began.


Prayers for marriages. This past year has been good and bad with regard to time spent with spouses. Pray we take advantage of those added moments with our wives.

Prayers for my mother in law who is down and out with arthritis and sciatica.


Thanks to Divac for letting YHC pick up the Substi-Q from Spiderman at the last minute.

Punch List out.

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The 700 Club Returns

This morning we reminisced on an oldie but goodie brought to us by Cheddah two short years ago. The fabled 700 Club isn’t what you think it is, and golly it hurts.

The PAX showed up one by one and two by two as YHC greeted each. The question of the morning was: have you done a GORUCK event? If so, what events? For the two with the least experience, today they learned a few things. Two Ferns and Dinghy were chosen as the Team Leader (TL) and Assistant Team Leader (ATL).

We rucked/shuffled to our destination in the Home Depot lot, and the weinke was laid out. The TL and ATL were to lead the PAX in completing 7 exercises at 100 repetitions each, in any manner they pleased. If counts were mixed up or time ran out before finishing, a penalty was due.

The seven movements were:

Hand Release Ruck Merkins

Ruck Squats

Ruck Curls

Ruck Swings

4-Count Flutters w/Press

Big Boy Sit Ups

Overhead Ruck Press

Two Ferns and Dinghy got us to working, and somehow we had finished 100 squats before doing half of the other movements. The veterans jumped in to help the TL and ATL get better, and it was a solid showing of how a team can execute a goal during a GORUCK event. We finished all except for 25 Flutters and 40 Hand Release Merkins before time ran out.

As a result of the lack of completion, strap privileges for the rucks were taken away for the ruck back to COT. At about the halfway point the rucks were to be held overhead. That wasn’t pleasant.


In all, the PAX did work and everybody learned a thing or two about leading a team. Solid work, men.


Punch List out.

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OTB #1 with Rucks & Sand bags

Physically, we put in the work. Due to the suck we endured together, like hearing each other struggle through the sand bag evolutions, and other things you can read about below, there is a little bit tighter of a bond. Hard stuff builds the bond and on this Thursday morning, it was time to build.

After the planning committee did their work, we rolled into the AO with the following 60min throwdown:

Rucks consisting of the standard weight
60lb & 80lb sand bags

1mi run (slick)

To the field which was about 55yds, side to side:
It didn’t take long but this is where we realized this would be no mailed-in workout.
With rucks on, grab a sand bag. Throw the sand bag several times until you get about 5-7yds out (about 2 throws) then do a man-maker with your sand bag (mind you, you’re ruck is still on your back). As you stopped to do your man-makers, you added 1 more every time.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

For the return trip, it’d be a sand bag toss (with your ruck on) then when you get overtop the bag, execute (1) 8ct Body Builder.

Run across the field and back (slick)

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – bear crawl to the other end however this time, you’re dragging the sand bag, too.

25 Flutters w/ Ruck Press I/C

Ruck on – crawl bear back to the other end, however this time, you’re pulling the sand bag, too.

Run across the field and back (slick)

Finish with a 1mi run (slick)

It was challenging but it was necessary.

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Returning to the dance floor

Yeah buddy, it’s back on at the Ballroom as I had the opportunity to Q the 9 of us this morning. The weather was right and the campus was well lit; another perfect morning.

Hot Cakes rolled in with an FNG, welcome “Cubbie” to the brotherhood. The rest of us welcomed Destiny back  to the gloom and proceeded to listen to him complain, or at least talk about his skill to do as much. It’s all in love. We moved on to the disclaimer…check.

Mosey behind PKMS to the drop off loop and circle up:
SSH, Merkins, Squats, Windmills, Moroccan Night Clubs

Partner up for DORA while one partner would run to the bridge and back:
100 Merkins
200 Mountain Climbers (single count)
300 LBCs

Back in a circle:
60 second plank then Shoulder Taps I/C
60 second Al Gore with Overhead Claps then Squats I/C
60 second 6″ leg holds then Flutter Kicks I/C

Nur the drop off loop followed by a run of the same loop.

Mosey to the other side of the bridge.
Peter Parkers / Grave Diggers / Dips / Grave Diggers

Indian Run back to COT but we did Butt Kickers as we jogged.
A few PAX-led ab exercises upon arrival to COT.

Drop Thrill – Thanks bud.
Cubbie – Welcome.


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Know before you show…

Tuesday’s are a treat here in The Fort so why should Tuesday, November 24 be any different? In an effort to ensure the PAX got their money’s worth, I decided to post the Weinke on Slack ahead of time. This gave them the choice of whether or not they wanted to make a run at it. That said, 14 PAX joined me at the Colosseum to give it a run.

Warm-up run around the drop off lanes for both schools, taking us back to the basketball hoops.
50ea I/C: SSH, Merkins (harder to actually do this than write this), Flutters

Line it up for sprints down/back: 50%, 75%, AYG

Mosey to the 1/2 wall: 25 Muscle Ups, 25 Mike Tysons, 15 get over the wall

Mosey to the back bus road. Nur up the road to the top. Run down but stop at each light pole for 10 Hand-Release Merkins, 20 Jump Squats, 30 Freddy Mercury’s (count how you wish since I tend to change my mind)

More was on the Weinke so it’ll have to wait for another day.

Loads of prayer requests and praises to be grateful for. Safe travels and for those not traveling, see you at the Convergence, Thursday at the Ranch.


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From the ground to the hills of Alcatraz

BAOPS: Best AO For Pain on Saturday

That’s what has been established in recent months at Alcatraz as Trucker has pushed the Q’s to bring it just a little bit harder when their number is called. So, for Lil E and I, we worked to ensure consistency this beautiful Fall morning. Between, the story of hitting a deer on the way to the AO and the lingering hamstring soreness and name-calling, we had the makings of a good time in store.

With Lil E up first, he disclaimed and proceeded to Q us through an extended warm up consisting of:
Warm up lap around Runde Park
SSH x 30
Imperial Walkers x 20
Windmills x 10
Merkins x 10
Squats x 15
Mountain Climbers x 10
Monkey Humpers x 10
Morrocan Night Clubs x 20
Overhead Claps x 20
Peter Parkers x 10
Parker Peters x 10

And this is where our tough-guy computer hands got some focus:
Bear crawl the length of the parking lot on the most hand-friendly blacktop this side of a gravel road. Fortunately for our hands, we got a break at four stops along the way to encourage the mitts even more with 10 merkins at each stop.

Oh, you want more attention paid to your baby soft skin? Great. Line it back up at the start but now, you’ll crab walk the length of the parking lot with 15 LBCs at each of the four stops.

But wait, there’s more. Next, we got to (get to, not have to) lunge walk the length of the parking lot with 15 squats at each of the four stops.

Lastly, a reminder of how lonely our hands got during the lunge/squat round, we then did the ol’ Burpee Broad Jump down the parking lot…no stops, just straight on through. Oh, joy!!

Hand off to Maximus who had a bit of an axe to grind.

You see, I take the Q responsibilities as a unique obligation/opportunity to ensure the PAX feel the workout was worth their time. After all, if we’re waking up early to be with our brothers, it needs to be worth it. I never want to give the PAX the feeling of leaving a post and not getting a good workout in. If you feel that you weren’t completely challenged, at least physically, then I didn’t fulfill my role that morning. I know we can all modify as needed, to achieve more, but it helps when the Q brings it.

So what does that have to do with today. I feel I failed the PAX at my most recent Q, earlier this week. It looked like a challenge on paper but at the conclusion, I had a feeling like the PAX didn’t get their “money’s worth.” So today, I was committed to right the ship and the 7 of us at Alcatraz  enjoyed it after Lil E’s first half shenanigans.

Take to the hill on the backside of the park and do 1 lap down then back up to get familiar with our track.

Run down to the bottom of the hill, 20 V-Ups & 10 Burpees (while dodging Bambi(s).
Run back to the top of the hill, 20 Box Cutters & 10 Hand-Release Merkins into a Jump Squat. This is like a Burpee broken into 2 parts.
Repeat this 3 more times for a total of 4 rounds.

Mosey over to the pull-up bar and each PAX completed 5 pull-ups. While you were waiting, you rested by doing Merkins.

Hopefully I made up for my past transgressions. Thanks for sharing your morning with Lil E and I.

Major Announcements:

  1. Thanksgiving convergence with the details in the Newsletter or right here: 0630 at the Ranch on Thanksgiving morning. That’s it!!
  2. Bonsai is coordinating an Advent Calendar Food Drive and the collections will be taken at our Christmas Eve Convergence!!
  3. Christmas Party

Lil E & Maximus

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22 in the Rain

Veterans Day 2020.
Formerly known as Armistice Day which was to honor the end of WWI, Veterans Day was established in 1954 to honor  all veterans, those deceased and those still with us.

As we’ve all become familiar with, the number 22 is often referenced as the number of veterans who take their own life, everyday. While there is varying research out there to suggest the number might be a little less or a little more, there is one thing that cannot be disputed. Veterans are taking their own lives at a greater rate than civilians/those of us who didn’t serve. THAT is where we need to focus. Don’t worry about whether the number is really 19 or 23, know that our veterans are living with experience we, as those who didn’t serve, can’t begin to imagine. It is for that sacrifice and humility to serve above all, that we honor them on Veterans Day and yet again say, “Thank you for your service.”

Disclaimer then Snake Pit and Bushwood broke off.
Snake Pit:
Establish the 1/4mi loop around the parking lot with a warm up jog followed by
Arm Circles, Overhead Claps, SSH and a few Jump Squats

Will be in a circle and each exercise will consist of 22 reps, varying between 11 of each side or 22 in cadence.

22 Flutters w/ the press I/C, lunge walk to the center, 5 burpees, lunge back out.
22 LBC’s I/C, bear crawl in, 5 burpees, bear crawl out

Run 1/4mi loop

22 Overhead Press (11ea arm), crab walk in, 5 burpees, crab walk out
22 Merkins (11ea side with hand on the bell), lunge in, 5 burpees, lunge out

Run 1/4mi loop

22 Reverse lunges (11ea side), bear crawl in, 5 burpees, bear crawl out
22 Calf Raises, crab walk in, 5 burpees, crab walk out

Run 1/4mi loop

22 Bicycles (like Freddies but the bell held overhead or behind you), lunge in, 5 burpees, lunge out
22 Bells to Toes (it’s a V-up with the bell-11 I/C), bear crawl in, 5 burpees, bear crawl out

Run 1/4mi loop

22 Upright  Rows, crab walk in, 5 burpees, crab walk out
22 Curls



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Maximus’ half

Mosey on Confederate St to Main St then back to lot to turn left onto Monroe White St up to Tom Hall then back to the lot.
SSH x 10
Carolina Dry Docks (CDD) x 10
Peter Parkers x 10
CDD x 10
Parker Peters x 10
CDD x 10
3mins of Cherry Pickers & dumping them in the bucket
Up the Church steps and down, up and down, then up to Tom Hall then back to the lot.
Overhead Clap x 10
Merkins x 10
Overhead Press x 10
Diamond Merkins
Overhead Clap
3-tier suicides with 5 burpees at the end
5mins of Cherry Pickers & dumping them into the bucket

Tesh’s half

Mosey to the big CoG parking lot.

Suicides from the sidewalk to the middle of each row of parking spaces (3 progressions), and when you get past each line, chest to ground, hope back over the line, chest to ground, run back.

Honeymooners from hell (I can’t explain), one ab exercise [dying cockroach, JLo, flutter, snap-crackle-pop, freddy mercs]

Repeat 5 times.  Combination of redlining your heart rate and then simulating a 1 rep max on your core.  (If you’re Johnny Utah, chest to ground means 3 merkins…)

Mosey back to COT. (Air humpers with feet on the wall along the way.)

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Minnow Power

Seven pax arrived at Minnow Pond on a 62° perfect morning.

Pledge and launch/run to stop “A” which is the small parking lot on Ardrey St. between WEP and the Springs building.

Here the routine is described: board of pain with pairs of exercises. Pax need to do a total of 100 of the pair and can split it up any way they want (i.e. 15 Merkins and 85 squats). Also known as pick your poison.

Then run to stop “B” which is the big parking lot behind Pike. Get there via: Ardrey to Harris to Massey. Distance is 0.7 miles. There’s a board there too. Same deal, pick your poison to the total of 100 reps.

Rinse/repeat run the same route; back/forth between “A” and “B”.

Stop “A” exercises:
Dips/Monkey Humpers
SSH/American Hammers
Stop “B” exercises:
CCD/Bobby Hurley’s
Shoulder Taps/Freddie Mercuries
Calf Raises/ LBC’s

Collected everybody at stop “B” and had cut the last pair of exercises (Calf raises/LBCs) just a tad short since it was 5:59.
Total of 4 miles according to my outdated fitbit.
Fini, COT
Praises for good days and children working on the talents God has given them.

route for Minnow Pond 10/22/20

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Fresh off GR021, we’re now at the Fire Ant

If you were one of the 20 PAX that attended Fire Ant today, you heard me talk briefly about the impact of GR021 (GrowRuck 021) in Louisville this past weekend. Along with Olaf, Shady, Italian Job and Dark Helmet, I was blessed to participate in this extremely impactful weekend. Much like the rest of F3, the true benefits go way beyond the workout or in this case, the 14hr team ruck event spanning Saturday night into Sunday morning.

I tried to bring back just a taste of what we experienced and some of my learnings but unless you actually participate in these GrowRuck weekends, it’s hard to comprehend. However, I did want to bring a taste of the PT to our local PAX and so with 19 other Ruckers, we did the following.


Warm Up
Jog, Knees to chest, Jog, Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, Jog back to our rucks

SSH x 5
Windmills x 5
SSH x 10
Windmills x 5

Ruck Up
Rucks overhead for a 30ct
Ruck Curls x 20 IC
Squat hold with rucks overhead for a 20ct
Ruck swings x 20
Tricep Extensions x 20 IC
Squat with ruck press x 10 IC

2 line ruck shuffle to back lot & ground the rucks
3-tier suicides then ruck up
Bear crawl to the far suicide line and plank
Bear crawl back to the half way point and circle up
Slick-dying cockroach x 30IC
BEAR ROACH for a while (I think we did a total of 20 to the left and 20 to the right). For this exercise, you get into a bear crawl position with your ruck on then upon command, roll over to the dying cockroach position. Upon command, get back to the bear crawl position.

2 line ruck shuffle back to the first starting spot and circle up
5 Merkins – 10 Carolina Dry Dock – 15 Bent Over Rows (all IC)
5 Squats – 5 lunges each leg
2 line ruck march back to COT

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