Cmon Bitcoin

9 enjoyed my Q at Footloose.

Did some stretching, then went to an Assassin favorite.. the hill chase … partner 2 chases partner 1 up that hill beyond the church and back a few times..

We then moseyed to Church Of God parking lot for a variety of fun including:
Dry Docks
Wheezy Jeffersons
Jump Squats
Calf Raises

(Run around building)

Plank Jacks
Donkey Kicks
Sumo squats
Overheads Claps

(Run around building)

Big Boys
Monkey Humpers
Imperical Walkers

(Run around building)

Peter Parkers
Diamond Merkins

(Run around building)

We Toy Soldiered, lunged and bear crawled back toward COT.

Mission NOT accomplished …. getting Bitcoin into the munblechatter of negative grief toward his fellow Pax (or specifically Twister). We are trying to get him to step up.

Thx to @dojo for the Q opp.


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Live, Laugh, Love


“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” Charlie Chaplin

15 (4 count) Imperial Walkers
15(4 count) Imperial Walkers
Side Shuttle Hops (Jog around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Moroccan Night Clubs (side-step-shuffle around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Cherry Pickers (Big Skips around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)
Big Arm Swings (Mosey Backwards around the outer circle until everyone has gone around)

5 ants rented an apartment with another 5 ants, Now they’re tenants

On your sixes stretches
Feet together
Feet apart -Right Leg
Feet Apart – Left Leg
Butterfly Stretch

Someone just called my phone, sneezed and then hung up
I’m getting sick and tired of these cold calls

Mosey to the courts


One runs a lap around the lower lot while the other is doing PT

Get a Partner If 3 in a group
200 Step-Ups 300 Step-Ups
100 Erkins 150 Erkins
125 Squats 200 Squats
50 Derkins 75 Derkins
100 Calf Raises 150 Calf Raises

ended up being 1.8 miles of running

“I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.”

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength



COT: Announcements, Prayers & Praises, Sprocket closed us out in prayer

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No Naked PAX is a Good Thing!

5:15am – Welcome, no FNG’s, disclaimer was said. Carry KBs over to fire pit/circle area.

– Mosey – loop around the parking lot
– 20 SSH, 11 Imperial Walkers, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs

THE THANG: 5 Burpees OYO then run across parking lot. 5 Burpees OYO and run back. Pax partner up. Pax1 does exercise while Pax2 runs a lap around the parking lot.

– Merks / Run Lap
– Curls / Run Lap
– Squat Thrusters / Run Lap

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– Flutters* / Run Lap
– Box Cutters* / Run Lap
– Hello Dollys* / Run Lap
*holding up KB (or chest press if so inclined)

5 Burpees then run across lot. 5 Burpees then run back.

– LBC’s / Run Lap
– American Hammers / Run Lap
– Bent Rows (or Lawnmowers, alternating) / Run Lap
– KB Swings / Run Lap
– Chest Press / Run Lap

Back to COT. It was 6:02am, I believe.

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter. Lots of 2nd & 3rd F events coming up.

COT: Prayers for Anchorman’s father, for all the prayers unspoken, and for the family of one of our late F3 brothers – Jared Cacciola (F3-Ex Lax) who passed yesterday.

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Cold + mumblechatter (whiners) = SlowBurn

The cold and the complaining was out in full force this morning. Great effort by … most

The first thing I did when I got home was was my sweatshirt, with my Weinke, so you get the cliff notes …

The pattern was 1. exercise on your feet 2. exercise on your 6 3. exercise on your feet 4. exercise in the plank position 5. rinse/repeat

We did stuff like: imperial walker, hillbilly walker, Travolta, shoulder tap, SSH, LBC, Mahktar N’Diaye, squats, sumo squats, Morrocan NC, OH Claps. Stuff like that. Mostly in dozens.

Then onto the those exercises that were rejected by the nation’s Exicon
Patrick Swayze: Karaoke L, Karaoke R, Power Skip, NUR with arms out
Jonah Hill: 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7x
Matt Foley: 1 animated squat, 4 dying cockroach, 2-8, 3-12, 4-16, 5-20

Then a round of Assassin suicides, squats, imp walkers, OH claps, or something like that, super easy

Over to 4 corners where some actual did the work and some walked from corner to corner chit chatting
15 BB Sits, 15 Jump squats, 15 bombjacks, 15 merkins, 5 flying squirrels in the middle

To the wall for a sit and 2 burpees from each end, rinse/repeat

Back for 2 rounds of Assassin merkins
Donkey kicks, shoulder taps, mountain climbers

SlowBurn was my first AO I attended, SlowBurn was my first site Q, and has always been a great Friday workout. Thanks Weezer for the lead.

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

TClap |

moderateish at footloose

WARMUP: mosey, SSH, low slow squats, merkins
THE THANG: played Charge (everyone’s a winner). We went over 1.75miles more burpees than desired and put in work.
MARY: plank Jack’s, burpees,
COT: prayers for marriages and fighting the selfish desires to focus on my agenda rather than helping others.

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38’s truckload of pain

WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickin’, imperial walker
THE THANG: mosey over to pain town where pain stations have been prepared.
1. Electric slide with 100lb sand bag (and two 12lb black iron pipes wrapped in duct tape). Each man grabs a side and side squat to the left/right)
2. Swings
3. Brick merkins (hands on pavers. Pavers are flat, on their side, or on the end)
4. Goblet Squats
5. Calf Raises (on 2×6’s)
6. Woodcutter
7. Step ups with weight (22″, 24″ or 30″)
Backup pain stations were not necessary as 15 PAX showed up.

The tabata app was set to 50s work, 20 seconds rest, 8 cycles, 60s between rounds. PAX paired up and worked together. After 8 cycles drop your weight and do a lap around the parking lot.
MARY: Hold your bell over your head, stand on each foot for 10s
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Things to shoot, things to drink. Shower Curtain is looking for coats tomorrow.
COT: Praises and prayers offered up

TClap |

Fancy and Footloose

15 SSHs
Mosey up large hill
10-Hillbilly Walker’s
Mosey down the hill
15-Low slow squats
Lunge Walk
Bear Crawl
Star of Pain
8 exercises perform 1min each
1 burpee move to next station
Two rounds = 16 Burpees
Plank on church step wile 1runner goes up steps and back
Hold plank until all PAX are complete
Shoes for Kenya success 👏🏻🥓
Bourbon 🥃 Tasting coming up
Read newsletter
Prayers for all in path of hurricane Ian
Happy Birthday to the Fort 9/29/12
Prayers for marriages and to “get right” in order to be right for your M

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Miles and Smiles

WARMUP: No Warmup….we got right to it
THE THANG: We started our journey from Kingsley and took Munn road to Fort Mill High School…walked through the school grounds stopping along the way for 20 SQUATS and 20 Ruck curls…we rucked 3.1 miles
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence on 9/17
COT: Prayers and Praises

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It hurt me more that it hurt you

The intention was a traditional bootcamp and not a minnie pond-esque run and gun (yes, that’s a shot)

Dynamic warm-up
butt kickers, high knees, toy soldiers, overhead claps walking, shuffle L and R, karaoke L and R, lunge walk, bear crawl

Circle up (various counts between 11 and 18)
low slow squat, shoulder tap, imperial walker, LBC, hillbilly walker, plank-elbow-plank-elbow (yes long sleeves are recommended, its getting chilly in the morning anyway), SSHop, dying cockroach, bobby hurley with a pause by al gore, merkins (instead of mahktar n’diayes, note long sleeves)

1st ramp up, with run in between
5 burpees
5 burpees, 10 big boys
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25-2ct flutters
5 burpees, 10 big boys, 15 merkins, 20 squat jumps, 25-2ct flutters, 30 SSHops

to the grass (elbows)
10 mahktar n’diayes
10 kneetar n’diayes

2nd ramp up with shorter wog in between
5 flying squirrel
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins, 15 gas pumpers
5 flying squirrel, 10 HR merkins, 15 gas pumpers, 20 LSSquats

back to the grass
JACK WEBB (yes, a traditional Jack Webb, a complete Jack Webb)

Get off my lawn!


Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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