Millendian Run @ the Abyss

It was a beautiful morning for a “millendian” run at the abyss.
Quick mosey to the courts/track and circled up.
Imperial walkers
Moroccan nightclubs
Then we began!
100 reps 10 exercises 2 teams
First pax from each team to complete the 100 “won” for their squad. The prize regular 1/4 mile Indian run, the consolation prize was a burpee Indian run.
Crunchy frogs
Sumo squats
American hammers
Shoulder taps
Monkey humpers
Ski Abs
That took us to 2.5 miles and 2 minutes left.
1 round of hello dollies and some Makhtar N’Diayes

It was an honor to lead and sweat with these men. Thanks for a great time.

TClap |
Olaf is evil

Snowman Celebrates America

22 Mericans joined YHC at #Abyss for some stars and stripes work.
Disclaimer was disclaimed very well and everyone was clear on my style of “fun” so to get the party started we counted off by twos but since nobody remembers their number we did stars and stripes. Then YHC’s paintrain was opened up and each PAX that was a star was asked to carry a tire carcass and the stripes had to pick logs.

Mosey over to back track and get artistic by making a flag with coupons from paintrain. Wish YHC would have taken a picture of the magnificently heavy flag.

Circle up for some COP/warmup
SSH x 13
Circle of hump x 13

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Circle back up for more COP
Suicide squats x 17
Hip slap x 50 (crowd pleaser)

Everyone grab a partner and grab something heavy again and make a lap around the track AFAP.

Last little bit of COP
13 Bropees with high five at the top of the jump.

Now we storm the beaches and charge the back hill in memory of all the great men and women that have died protecting our great country.

One partner grabs a machine gun, aka log, while the other partner grabs a ring of belt ammo for the partner’s machine gun, aka tire carcass, and charge up the hill AFAP.

Starting at the top of the hill, lunge walk down to the middle light then backward lunge walk to the bottom. Then crab walk back up the hill to the middle light then bear crawl up to the top.

Grab all the coupons and rumble down the hill back to the track circle for some ring toss fun.

Broke PAX into 7 fire team columns of 3-4 men each. Starting at the end by the playground first pax up will ring toss tire carcass towards other end of parking lot, then run to where the ring stopped and perform 3 Kraken Burpees. Next man up grabs ring and tosses then chasses and performs krakens and so on until the team reaches the other side. Nobody was seriously injured so we ramp up the difficulty and with it comes more excitement and maybe more danger, remember the disclaimer….Same rules as first trip down but now ring has to be tossed overhead. Now as you can imagine the level of chaos and confusion got pretty intense. I can’t imagine the horror of being in a firefight with my fellow men getting dropped and scattered from a rain of machine gun fire from a superior position. Guys were ducking from other tires being heaved and jumping over their teammates and even jumping over other guys that were not even on their team but somehow there tire rolled into their path so they had to jump over them too, It was mayhem. Nobody died and there were some pretty good laughs so we continued.
All the coupons and logs were then distributed around the oval track for the final exercise. Deep squat expedition was about to start. Everyone started at a coupon around the track. Every time you encountered a coupon in your path you had to stop and perform three deep squats. If there were two coupons side by side, you guessed it, six deep squats for the double coupon. continue around the track until one minute to Endex then jailbreak to COT leaving coupons at the track.

Announcements before ball of man for COT with an open moment for PAX to lift up prayers and praises.

Great job by all the men gutting out a physical fast paced good old fashioned American beatdown in celebration of our wonderful nation.

Thanks for the opportunity Copyright to lead and Funhouse for the accountability to get it blasted.

If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations or comments on how I can offer a better beatdown please let me know. DM me or hit me in the gloom, I would love to discuss. I know that we are very fortunate to be AO rich and have multiple options on where we post each day so I want to make sure I am delivering a beatdown that is worth you unfartsacking yourself for. I don’t think I am alone in striving to serve up a beatdown that checks all of the 3S2T and if anyone has any feedback good or bad let me have it brother. Hit me with the hard truth, I demand it, because we can’t get better unless we get truthful. Here is your chance to work on your Candor, deliver a hard truth to me and let’s discuss like men how to make it better for everyone. I want to represent this region right when I have the opportunity to guest Q downrange so help me make us look good. Get out of your comfort zone and put yourself out there to become a better leader, be vulnerable and learn from the mistakes and analyze the feedback. I can’t wait until next time and I hope you feel the same way.

Stay frosty my friends,

TClap |

DORA Got Lost at Quagmire

While driving the clown car with 5 deep there is no better site then coming around the corner and seeing Jedi posting up the #Quagmire Shovel Flag. 13 PAX arrived to hit it hard with the worst merican ever dora.

Disclaimer was given and moseyed off to the Home Depot parking lot for a little warm up. Once warm up was complete off to the Target parking lot to get that blood flowing and a little more stretching. Then comes the pain.

With the help of Jedi (trying to utilize the whole area/not get lost) we made our way to the fountain. Partner up. Dora time. Start out with 100 worst mericans ever (wide push up, normal push up, diamond push up=1), 200 clapping crunches (thanks six pack abs in 30 days), 300 irkins, and 400 LBC’s. One partner would run around the fountain while the other pushed pavers or worked those abs. Then once around the fountain trade spots. We were all able to get the 1st 3 exercises done before having to mosey back to COT. Once back at COT with a little time to spare we crunched out 100 LBC’s together. We were able to get in 2.25 miles and about 600 different variations of pushups.

These guys took the pain and kept on going. Proud to be part of this Pax and this community. Thanks Jedi for making me a better man. Until next time.

TClap |

Mental Health Awareness at the Pantheon

Mosey around the side of the school.

quick word about what mental health means to you

Warm up
15 – Windmills
15 – Imperial Walkers
20 – Moroccan Nightclubs
10 cherry pickers

5 burpees OYO

30 count people’s chair  with arm flutters
Balls to the wall 10 count

30 count people’s chair with
Balls to the wall 10 count
30 count people’s chair
Balls to the wall 10 count

5 burpees OYO

Mosey to the back of the School

discuss that there is more to mental health than depression

20 Merkins
20 CDD
20 Hand Release Merkins

5 burpees OYO

Lunge walk half way down flip to LT. Dan’s

5 burpees

mosey to the side of the school

Plank shoulder taps
Seal Team Sit-ups

20 American Hammers

Mosey to the front of the School

Global warming with 30 Monkey Humpers each Pax one at a time while Every one held al-gore, imagine 25 pax  = sore legs

Maximus Shared his struggles  and YHC spoke about my struggles in the past due.

It was awesome to hear so many Pax open up and being vulnerable. T-Claps to all that attended this is not a easy subject to discuss.

Prayers sent up for those that are struggling and have struggled with this topic.



TClap |


When I was driving to The Swamp and saw the rain coming in sideways, I thought “well it may just be Cha-Ching and me at the AO today.” I was surprised to see 18 Pax in attendance. The rain did not scare them away. To ensure they weren’t scared, we started the workout with Box Cutters in the largest puddle. Jedi loved it (kidding). That was the soggiest workout in my seven years with F3. However, it sure was fun. Would I do it all again? YES!

Mosey to the Cold Stone’s parking lot.

COP: SSH (20x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (20x) and Box Cutters (15x)

Mosey to Bath & Body Works parking lot.

Circle up, count by 4, each group goes to a corner

Pyramid Drill: At each station/corner, do Burpees, LBCs, Jumping Squats in increments of 5 until we hit 15 repetitions then countdown to 5 as a group. Jog to each station.

Mosey to the Penn Station Subs’ parking lot.

Partner up. Partner Wheel Barrels to each side of the parking lot (2x), Partner Carries (2x), Partner Big Boy Sit Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Ski Jumps (15x), Partners Push Ups (15x for 2 rounds), Partner Leg Lifts (15x for 2 rounds)     

Mosey to the parking lot behind Just Fresh

COP: LBCs (20x), Superman (10 second counts), Pepper Grinders (15x), Merkins (40x)


Wisdom starts with a respect for God. Read the B.I.B.L.E. (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) for insight regarding what you ought to do. Don’t seek counsel from people who only tell you what you want to hear. Our wants and desires often lean toward our sinful nature.

The best counsel comes from wise men who tell you what you ought to hear. They challenge you to do and be better. You’ll want to ignore their advice that may inconvenience to your selfish motives. However, instead of dismissing what you don’t want to hear, lean in.

Also, be that man who helps others understand what they ought to do from a righteous and moral perspective.

#Wisdom #ISI #OughtTo



TClap |

Old School Slug Fest at the Corral

Man, I have to give props to our boy Lutefisk for taking over this AO as Site Q and really elevating the attendance and holy cow the consistent FNG’s rolling up here.  It’s so great to see, and likely the only reason I got 14 to come out to my Slug Fest of a Q.

After taking it easy for a week post P200, I decided to turn it on and give the pax a reason for getting up so early.

Warm up was quick – side straddle hops x20, windmlls x 10 and we were off for the real warm-up:

  • Burpee Mile – from COT, I led the pax on a very brisk mosey behind the Teeter, through the apartment complex, up the steep hill, out to 160, down to the gas station and back through the Teeter parking lot and ended back at the steep hill out back.
      • The kicker was that we stopped every 0.2 of a mile and knocked out 5 burpees along the way.  Finished w/ 25 burpees, and then tacked on 5 more just for good measure and a round 30 count.

Next up, a simple Dora…on the hill…with burpees.  We partnered up on the level ground about 3/4 up the hill near the fire station and I informed the pax:

  • Partner 1 runs down the hill, knocks out 5 burpees, and back pedals up the hill.  Meanwhile, the partner not running works on the rep count of the following exercises (partners switch on and off as they complete the hill) –
      • Merkins x100
      • Jump Squats x200
      • Crunchy Frog (Witchhunt special) x300 (we may have cut this off at 200 count)

This stunk.  Back pedaling hills is evil.  Once we finished there, the wounded pax were led back over to the Teeter parking lot via another mosey.  Next up, the Jedi version of Jack Webbs – holy smoke show:

  • On the curb – 1 dip per 4 crab cakes…up to 10 dips / 40 crab cakes.  I  never want to do another crab cake again.  So many crab cakes – appropriate given it’s Golden Corral.  Arms were toast.

From there, we did side shuffle suicides on the full length parking lot which brought my heart rate to 110% of what it’s supposed to do and finished w/ 1 min to spare at COT where we knocked out 11 merkins, 10 diamonds, 9 merkins and 8 diamonds.

Encouraged the pax to read up on Jedi’s Muggo posting about his Greatest Fear and then spoke briefly on something that’s been on my heart .

What would you do differently throughout your day / week / life if you lived eternally focused and NOT from a temporal perspective?  How might you interact w/ your kids or wife or those around you differently?  How might you come to practice more patience / endurance?  Would your timing expectations change?  How might your desires / things you’re asking God for change?

Appreciate all the pax that shared prayer requests and came out to play this fine Tuesday morning.  I was definitely sore so hope each and every one of them walked away in better spirits and a little vomity.

Cha Ching

TClap |

What….Gecko has a Ruck on?

20 PAX came to the Swamp this morning to push themselves physically, bond socially, and encourage each other into the weekend.  8 men chose the boot camp option and 12 chose an option to Ruck.  After the initial shock that Gecko was standing there with a Ruck sack on we divided up and began the workout.

Boot Camp

Warm up

Mosey to (future) Tuesday Morning Parking lot

  • Windmills
  • Sumo Squats
  • Moroccan Night Clubs
  • Weed Pickers
  • Seal Jacks
  • Plank
  • Downward Dog….Honeymooner

The Thang

Using the red balls of Target I had placed a piece of paper with two exercises on them. The top exercise was done at the ball and the second was the mode of transportation to the next ball.

Ball One

  • Merkins
  • Bear Crawl

Ball Two

  • Squats
  • Lunge

Ball Three

  • Peter Parker
  • Crab Walk

Ball Four

  • Reverse Lunge
  • Broad Jump

Ball Five

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Crawl Bear

Ball Six

  • Sumo Squat
  • Reverse Lunge

Ball Seven

  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Side Shuffle

Ball Eight

  • Squat Jump
  • Side Shuffle (flap jack)

Ball Nine

  • Hello Dolly
  • Mosey (back to beginning)

3 Burpees

We repeated this cycle three times with increasing reps.

  • Round 1: 10 reps
  • Round 2: 20 reps
  • Round 3: 30 reps

Mosey back to COT for 4 minutes of Mary.

Joined by the ruckers and did Nameorama, Announcements, Prayers/Praises.

I appreciate the opportunity to lead!


TClap |

OLAFS Leg day at Pantheon

It was perfect weather, upper 20’s, for the snowman to take the lead for a reminder to never skip leg day since P200 is just around the corner.

Disclaimer was disclaimed and the party started with an easy mosey over to the flagpole for the pledge in unison.

An easy lap around the soccer field with some soccer hips, side shuffle, side lunges before making back for the main event.

Wanted to offer up a large assortment of exercises for my new friend, Pothole, who is just two days into his F3 journey but already starting to drink the kool-aid so here is the list:

Circle of hump: 10 monkey humpers each PAX but hands must remain on ankles until everyone is finished.
Circle of merk: same as circle of hump but with merkins, PAX holds a plank while waiting.

One lap around the soccer fields interval style. Slow on the two main straights but sprinting the corners.

Introduced Ring of fire to the PAX. Thanks to the brothers down in Rock region for the intro.

One legged hops down and back the car rider pickup lane.

Partner carry car rider lane. Mile High was worried about YHC but forgets he is now a featherweight.

Some power skips because YHC and WWL love them.

Cha-Cha merkins,

Hip touches,


One legged calf raises,

Suicide squats,

Pistol squats,


and finally some free-standing peoples chair for good measure.

Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, Announcements and Payers and Praises before YHC taking us out.

Oh and since it was so cold I might have worn a full fleece onesie with the intent on taking it off after warm up but never actually managed to because got too sweaty then was freezing.

Always a pleasure leading great men. Grateful for the opportunity to Q.

Stay frosty my friends!

TClap |

Survive and Advance

Lutefisk was put on the IR this week and YHC felt called to respond to his call for a substitute Q at Golden Corral. Disclaimers were delivered to a crowd of 14 HIMs – Gekko took a 5-mile ish mosey in preparation for this weekend’s long training run (aka P200). The remaining PAX moseyed off for a March Madness themed workout with many reps.

COT – all I/C (note the counts and their march madness like numbers)
Moroccan Night clubs x Sweet 16
Arm circles forward and backward x Sweet 16
SSH x 32 (just because…..)
Windmills x Sweet 16
Mountain Climbers X Sweet 16
Merkins D/C X Elite 8
Honeymooners, planks, salutations to the right and left with a few 6-inch holds dome for 10 counts of varying length

Mosey to the Brackets. Disclaimer – Like the NCAA’s – some brackets are more difficult than others. Regardless of the challenge, the mission is the same – survive and advance. All exercises were completed twice (or until YHC called time)- the first round was descending down the list and the second was ascending up the list – 64-32-16-8-4-2-2-4-8-16-32-64.

Bracket #1 – East region
64- Squats
32 – Shoulder taps
16- Dips
8- Burpees
4 – Hello Dollys
2 – Dying Cockroach

Bracket #2 – West region
64- Squats
32 – Clave raises – 32 inner, 32 outer and 32 middle: 96 total – just because………
16- Burpees
8- Lunge walks (per leg)
4 – Dying Cockraoch
2 – LBC’s

Bracket #3 – Midwest region
64- Flutters (single count)
32 – Merkins (single count)
16- Burpees
8- Boxcutters
4 – Flying squirrels (just for C-SPAN)
2 – Burpees

Bracket #4 – South region
64 – LBC’s
32 – Dying Cockroaches (Single count)
16- Walking Lunges (per leg)
8- Burpees
12 – Clave Raises – 4 inner, 4 outer and 4 middle
2 – LBC’s

The last round finished at 5:58 – just in time to hustle back to COT, but jailbreak did not need to be called.


Operation Sweettooth 8k in Huntersville 3-30-19.  Support Olive.  VIrtual run from Alcatraz at 6:30 AM the same day.   Questions – Change Order

Paradise Reading Center Monday & Wednesdays – Bethlehem Baptist Church 4:00 PM – great way to fill the 3rd F – Questions – Crabcakes and Copay

Read your newsletter

Prayers:   One year to the week of Badger’s diagnosis and 10 months this Thursday since he went to be with Sky Q.  Lift up his M and 2.0’s

It is an honor to be a part of such a terrific group of HIMs who are committed to accelerating.  I was glad to come out of the bullpen for this Q.  And to those considering stepping up to Q for the first time (or not), to steal a phrase from Nike – just do it.  In the COT, thanks was given for our group of F3.  Our ability to push one another past our comfort zones and get comfortable with discomfort is a privilege that should be treated as a blessing – let’s accept it as such and see it for the springboard of growth it is meant to serve.



TClap |

Webbs and cinder block at Pantheon

Day 2 of my 3 Q’s in a row.

A crisp morning with low attendance, only 4 HIM decided to get better, I think I may have scared some PAX with my Q at Golden Corral the day before.

We started our warm up with a run around the parking lot with some butt kickers, high knees and toy soldiers followed by windmills, low slow squats, moroccan night clubs, merkins and mountain climbers.

I decided to honor our brother Water Bug that had passed away last week during a race with 45 burpees but I mixed in some side straddle hops for a webb like exercise, 1 burpee, 4 SSH, progressing to 9 burpees and 36 SSH for a total of 45 burpees and 180 SSH. Once this webb was finished we moseyed to the end of the parking lot where we met cindy, we pushed cindy hair burner style to the next island for the next webb:

Reverse Dan Taylor for a total of 110 lunges and 220 squats:

2 lunges- 4 squats

Progressive to

20 lunges-40 squats

most of these leg exercises were done while bear hugging cindy,  once completed we moseyed to the soccer field for the next webb:

Jack Webbs for a total of 55 merkins and 220 over head claps:

1 merkin-4 OHC

Progressive to

10 merkin-40 OHC

we went back out to the parking lot for our favorite superhero webb:

Captain Thor for a total of 55 Big boy sit ups and 220 american hammers:

1 BBSU- 4 AH

Progressive to

10 BBSU – 40 AH

With only a few minutes to spare we pushed cindy back hair burner style to the end of the parking lot and moseyed back to COT for announcements, prayers and praises.

I extended my invitation for the next day for my birthday Q but received a big NO THANK YOU from all PAX, they said that two days of Tinsel Q’s are more than enough, that made my day!!

On to planning my next Q, Tinsel OUT

TClap |