The Buble’

The temps were steamy. The Bubble was bubbling. The disclaimer was disclaimed. Eighteen HIM decided to get better.

Warm Up

  • 15 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Low Slow Squats
  • 10 Flutters
  • 10 Dying Cockroaches
  • 10 Big Boy Sit ups
  • 10 Mountain Climbers
  • Down/Up Dog
  • Static Stretch

Round 1

Indian Run around the block as the caboose did 2 burpess and sprinted to the front.

As the PAX gathered after the run I spoke on the importance of serving. The Bible tells us so.

Luke 22: 27 – 28

Jesus “For who is greater, the one who reclines at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who reclines at the table? But I am among you the one who serves.”

There is so much opportunity to serve the community. If the Son of God can serve us, we can certainly find ways to serve each other. Don’t be the guy that reclines at the table. Be the guys that serves.

Round 2

Indian Plank while the PAX in the back bear crawls to the front. We continued out of the parking lot down the alley and back. This was a crowd pleaser.

Round 3

Indian Peoples Chair while the PAX in the back lunge walked to the front. We continued out of the parking lot down the alley and back.

Time flies when you are in pain (or something like that). We circled up for COT.



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Simple inconveniences

18 PAX gathered in for The Bubble amidst humid conditions outside a mushroom pool.

SSH x51
1 Burpee
Windmill x10
2 Burpees
Merkin x10
3 Burpees
Some yoga
4 Burpees

The Thang:
Run 1 mile to Alison Park
Al Gore to Monkey Humpers facing Sutton Rd multiple times to keep together-ish

6 Exercises for 12-reps (all in cadence):
Low Slow Squat
Alternating Lunge
Mountain Climber
Peter Parker

Rinse and repeat total of 144 (a gross) of reps

Run 1 mile back.
Stopping for some monkey humpers along the way to keep the group together-ish.


There’s a lot of turmoil going on in the world. Americans (in general) have largely been spared inconveniences since WWII (maybe gas shortages in the 1970s?). In many cities, we’re being asked or required to wear masks to quell the rampant spread of COVID-19. For almost all of us, this is an inconvenience. But luckily it is only an inconvenience.

Today’s workout was certainly not convenient, with the exception of the location for some PAX. We recognize how simple workouts in the humidity makes us better. YHC is officially exhorting us to be leaders and do the inconvenient things like wearing a mask for our community’s health.

Side note:

As an FM local, I remember when Baxter was a cow pasture. Traffic is worse in town, but so much about Fort Mill is better because of the folks who moved here. I appreciate what y’all bring to our town. It is great to post with PAX from all over who are working to make themselves and our shared community better. T-Claps to y’all.

What I learned:

At The Bubble, 10 PAX doubled down posting twice today. YHC tried to keep the warm-up close for those PAX arriving late. My advice to future Qs is: DO NOT plank up in the parking lot until 6:20 or so. Unless you want to raise your heart rate from fear rather than mountain climbers as a vehicle whips into the parking lot you’re lying down in…. My mistake. Won’t happen again.



Band Camp dismissed

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Great Way to Start the Week

It was a privilege to Q the newest AO “Sweep the Leg” this week.  The term in one of my favorite movies, “Karate Kid”.  Lots of life lessons, bad 80s music, and my Hollywood crush, Elisabeth Shue. What a beauty!

Ok, back to the workout.  Pretty simple and repetitive.  Run a lap around the parking lot.  In the main lot, there were exercises (Carolina Dry Docks, LBCs, Merkins, Jump Squats – 20 of each) at each one of the four light poles.  Sprint between the light poles.  Run a lap around the parking lot..Rinse and Repeat.

Great job by everyone.  Lots of men getting better and encouraging each other.

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The Barry – The Bear + 1

July 9th was supposed to be the running of The Bear, a 5mi run up grandfather Mountain, however we’ve been covided. Event cancelled and so an open slot for crazy was open.

So in The Fort fashion, we can’t waste an opportunity to have an event with some level of difficulty and whole lot of fellowship and so THE BARRY was born. 

Don’t ask me why it’s called The Barry. The list of why we do things in F3 is endless and so you can add this one on there. THE BARRY will be The Bear plus 1, so it will be 6mi for you math geniuses.

Now pay attention; Running is not the only option!!  

  • You can run it, ruck it, bike it, walk it and if you are World Wide Leader… can power-skip it.

This is a Thursday evening and there will be 2ndF following. Please see Sign Up Genius so we can get an idea on numbers.


  • Who: All PAX that are interested….spread the word
  • What: 6mi event with Pizza and drinks to follow….(bring own adult beverages if not a PBR fan)
  • When: Thursday July 9th at 7pm
  • Where: 7000 Regent Parkway (giant pyramid building….really unique place)
  • Why: Seriously ??
  • How: Just show up with gear to do what you do and have fun


  • Bring chair with you for 2nd F
  • Please use Sign Up so we have idea on numbers:
  • Event will kick off at 7pm Sharp, with cold PBRs and hot Pizza to follow. 
  • Participation prize for first 50 participants
  • Great opportunity to EH someone and show them how nuts we really are
  • Hat will be passed to cover pizza 

Let Cake Boss know of any questions.  Don’t Miss THE BARRY.… only live once!!!


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Man In The Mirror…at the Minnow Pond

Differences between this version of Minnow Pond and the last time I Q’d the MP:
1. Societal tension coming from years of oppression and ignorance.
2. The disgusting humidity
3. PAX age range: 14-57

One of these, we discussed & analyzed.
One of these, we suffered through.
One of these, we appreciate.

For the first time in I don’t know how long, there were 0 PAX for extra credit BUT (anything before the but doesn’t matter) we had 11 of us post for the Pledge of Allegiance to our great Nation at 0514. A brief disclaimer followed by a very brief warm-up mosey followed by a very, very brief round of Windmills  led us into the substantive portion of the post.
With the Nation (and world) now (and always, really), we need to address our own personal sins and shortcomings before looking elsewhere. We have to own it rather than saying it is due to someone or something else. Specific to our present tensions onset by centuries of racial injustice, what have I turned a blind eye to, or what have I tolerated? In other words, we need to have a Michael Jackson moment by taking a look at the Man In The Mirror.

As he sings in that song,
“I’m starting with the man in the mirror
I’m asking him to change his ways
And no message could have been any clearer
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and then make a change.”


A key component to addressing these ignorance’s and learning is to put yourself into challenging 1:1 conversations. In the spirit of the 1:1, we’d be doing 1.1mi loops with 3 stops along each loop.

The loop had us run up Massey to the gas station for stop 1. R/T onto Harris then R/T McCammon then into the Founders bank lot for stop 2. R/T Clebourne then R/T Main St then back to the AO parking lot for stop 3.

At each stop:
10 Mak Tar Jai’s
10 Inch Worms
10 Toe Touches
10 Mountain Merkins (4ct Moutain Climber + 1 Merkin)

After completing the first lap, I realized the rep count was a bit too aggressive. So, we cut it from 10 to 5 and I think everyone was able to complete at least 2 laps.  Had I talked a bit less in the beginning, we might’ve even gotten to a full 3 laps.

Back at COT, we talked about the topic a bit more, shared some announcements and offered prayers & praises. Great start to the day with brothers to my left & right.


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Uphill Times

19 Pax posted on a Yumid morning to salute Old Glory and dig deep to tackle the surrounding hills.  We were honored to welcome FNG/The Fonz (EH’d by Pusher) and a quasi-Kotter in Santini ( who has lost his excuses for not posting to any downtown FM AOs).  Longshanks led The Pledge and then the fun began.

The Thang

Hills, hills and more hills — that was the recipe for the day.

Brief warm-up in the parking lot to allow Body Wash to catch up with the pax on his late arrival — SSH, Mtn climber, Parker Peter, Merkins

Run to parking lot at WEP

Muster at bottom of hill leading to stop sign at entrance of parking lot

Run to top, do # Burpees of your choice, run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Burpees on each return to the top (UvU format — you pick initial # and increment); continue repeatedly

Muster at bottom of Stairway to Heaven

Run to light pole at top, do # Merkins (starting from last # Burpees, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Merkins on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Run to large parking lot across from gun shop on Massey Street

Run to bottom of Massey Street; run back to top, do # Freddie Mercurys (starting from last # Merkins, using same increment pattern), run back down; rinse & repeat adding # Freddie Mercurys on each return to top; continue repeatedly

Mosey home


Naked man moleskin

Thank you to Longshanks for the Q invite at Minnow Pond — great AO, great format, lively pax who all got after it today.  It was especially sweet since it was my first Q back in The Fort in 90 days.  (Apologies to a few pax I missed in the attendees — Gen X camera malfunction)

Welcome to The Fonz!  Yes, he set a new fashion standard to rival Slash’s collars.  Plus, he pushed toward the front of the pax throughout.  Great first time out….look forward to seeing you again.  And T-claps to Pusher on the EH.

Great to have Santini in The Gloom!  If you have any history with this #Redwood, then you know why it’s great to have him back.  If you don’t, then find the chance to saddle up next to him the next time you see him in the circle and ask him about origin of the Moroccan Night Club. or Stairway to Heaven or the Echochamber.

Theme for the day was hills, because they provide great training for runners.  AND, because we’re living in “uphill times” in my view (pandemic, unemployment, social distancing, racism, injustice, protests, rioting — pure chaos in the headlines).  These hills in life (short, long, steep or any combination) can be strong training ground as well.  Much has been said by many about the “silver linings” of lockdown life.  Certainly that’s been true for me and my family.  At same time,  the tough stuff, the difficulties, the adversity in life are also challenges that can build endurance, resilience, passion, vision for the road ahead.  Take some time to reflect where the tough parts of your current situation are sharpening you and your family for the journey ahead.  Don’t limit your review to just the fun, funny, joyful, positive experiences  — the darker more challenging moments can provide training benefits too.

Great to be back in The Fort!

Keep pushing!



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Negative Splits

23 was the number to launch The Fort’s newest AO: Sweep The Leg.  The goal of any AO should be acceleration of overall fitness of the Pax, and I believe we delivered this morning.

The workout was simple.  3 miles, half mile segments with pain stations.  The goal was negative splits with 3 minute pain stations between segments.  Something like the following:

  • .5 miles at 8:15 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 8:00 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:45 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:30 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:15 pace, 3 min pain station
  • .5 miles at 7:00 pace, 3 min pain station

Pain stations included crowd favorites such as:

  • Burpees
  • Bombjacks
  • Squats
  • Hillybilly Squats
  • Flutter
  • Freddy Mercury’s
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • Monkey Humpers

The leaders of the pack did the full pain station, those bringing up the six may or may not get to do the exercises at the pain station, but it kept the pax mostly together and pushed guys to keep up since the overall pace continued to speed up.

Hit this link for the route and some deets.

The #Kings this week were Pointer, Maximus, and Shady, who will be added to the Q list for an upcoming workout.

Ready your newsletter and pray for our country and the unrest going on right now due to racial injustice.

Honor to Serve.

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Boss Hogg Issued a Challenge at the Ballroom and the PAX did not Disappoint!!!

Boss Hogg threw out a challenge to see how many PAX would show up at the Ballroom.  As usual, the PAX did not disappoint.  39 was the count.

Boss Hogg arrived in his all white Q outfit.  Disclaimer was given.  A quick message was given about the power of being an influencer.  PAX were reminded to always pick up the 6 and to encourage the guys around them.

The Thang:

Mosey to the center of the football field for a quick warmup:

  • 15 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Hillbilly Walkers
  • 15 Gas Pumpers (THE Twisters favorite exercise)

Next was a Guillermo 1-2-3 (Dora’s little brother).  Similar to a Dora but PAX break up into two groups instead of pairing off in partners.  All exercises are done in cadence with a focus on form, not speed.

Exercises were:

  • 100 Overhead Claps
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Low Slow Squats

The other group started at the goal line, bear crawled to the 20, ran to the 50, did 1 burpee, and returned to the goal line.  Teams switched back and forth until all exercises were complete.

With the remaining time, the PAX moved to the track for some large dice fun.  One die contained the name of an exercise on each side.  The other 4 were used to determine the count.  Dice were rolled, exercises were done, and the PAX moved 1/4 of the way around the track.  This was repeated until the group had moved all the way around the track.

Time was up and the group headed back to COT.  Announcements were made.  Prayer requests focused on physical healing and marriages.  Due to the overwhelming support from the PAX in attendance, $1,000 was donated to Classroom Ready.

A great reminder to all PAX, don’t just be influenced but go out and be influencers!



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Elvis has left the AO

Six PAX in total arrived. Weather: 40°, damp with patchy fog (that would be a good F3 name).
The count of six turned into five just before 0515 struck: Long Duck had to pull an Elvis and recuse himself to the local Waffle House (also a good F3 name).

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12X)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Mountain Climbers (IC 12X)
Plank stretches, up dog, down dog

Thang 1: at the Pull Up Bars:
Do X count of pull ups,
Mosey to street, do X count of squats
Curb plank for six
Rinse and repeat
We did regular pull ups, toes to bar, knees to chest, and chin ups
Long Duck rejoined us here, and apparently was three pounds lighter.

Mosey to elementary school:
Thang 2: Elf Bowling
In a parking lot: Split into two teams, one team bowls (ball is a 15lb slam ball) the exercise (which are written in chalk in the parking spot), other team bowls the count (varies 8 through 16, also written in p-spots) .
Exercises: burpees, Merkins, CCD’s
Everyone got a turn bowling, ended up doing a lot of burpees.

Thang 3: Bermuda Triangles
Bear crawl first circuit
Cone 1=4 burpees, cone 2=8 burpees, cone 3=12 burpees
Crab walk second circuit
Cone 1=4 crabby patties, cone 2=8,cone 3=12

Mosey back up to high school lot:
Thang 4: Global warming routine
Circle up, low stance position, all pax side shuffle about the circle, stop and do exercise called out:
Smurf Jacks
Imperial Walkers

Seven minutes of Mary

Fini, COT

Prayers/Praises: Great to be back home from being on the road for work; praise to our M’s that keep the home front intact.

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Braving the “elements” at Slowburn

By now, it’s a well-traveled story about the threat of inclement weather for our Friday AM post at Slow Burn. Fortunately, 10 other men joined me as we decided to give it a go anyways. After some comments the perfect road conditions, attire and an assessment by Pusher, we circled up.


We got to our first spot for our oh, so creative warm-up in the Lowe’s parking lot:
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
Side Straddle Hops
Moroccan Night Clubs
Wind Mills
Side Straddle Hops

Mosey to the Lowe’s wall (you know the one where we keep it vertical via our backs while in the seated position. Yeah, we did that but here’s the twist:
We started with a 60sec plank (plus/minus)
PAX on the wall and starting at one end, each man would come off the wall for 10 Merkins then return to the wall. We did that through our 11 PAX.
Another 60sec plank (plus/minus)
PAX on the wall and starting at one end, each man would come off the wall for 15 Dips then return to the wall. We did that through our 11 PAX.
Final 60sec plank (plus/minus)

Mosey to the “smokers” parking lot next to Persis for the first mini Ab Lab
Heels to Heaven (or modify to knees to Heaven if needed)
Grave Diggers (left & right)

Dora (Persis to Empire): Get a partner for the following:
Partner 1: 100 Carolina Dry Docks
Partner 2: Run to Empire Pizza and back

Partner 1: 200 Dips
Partner 2: Run to Empire Pizza and back

Partner 1: 300 Bent Over Rows
Partner 2: Run to Empire Pizza and back

Back to the smoker’s lot for the rest of Ab Lab:
Peter Parker
Parker Peter

Mosey to the parking lot in front of Empire Pizza:
3-tiered gassers but upon the return from each tier:
Tier 1: 5 Merkins
Tier 2: 10 Merkins
Tier 3: 15 Merkins or 5 Burpees

Take it COT.
Announcements: Read your newsletter that comes out on Sunday cause there’s a lot in there. Doty Run, BEYOND restarting in March.

Prayers: Recovery for Cash, Marriages, Co-worker fighting cancer, Friend’s daughter

Hootie & Twister…THANK YOU.


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