
Today’s brisk temperature did not stop the Pax from posting at The Coop. We had 3 pre-ruckers that joined us for a high impact workout. All 15 of us pushed each other to get better.  What an amazing morning with my F3 brothers!

The Thang:

Mosey to the parking lot in front of the school

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), Moroccan Night Clubs (15x)

Mosey to the pull up bars: Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the bottom, pull ups at the top 9x

Mosey to FMES:Balls to the wall, People’s Chair 4x


High impact men, you must be intentional with your time. Our time on this planet is limited and life moves at very a fast pace. Respond to the Great Commission by intentionally investing time to build God’s kingdom. Do not let the ways of the world distract you from His calling. Be intentional with your family by studying and serving them. Identify and address the needs of your wife and children.

“Impact is never about knowing all the steps ahead, but about taking one intentional step after the other.” ― Bidemi Mark-Mordi

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Getting better with bricks

Great Morning at The Ranch on Thursday. 12 men came to get stronger and better.  Theme of the month at The Ranch AO is Get Better.  Jiffy (AO Q) leading the way here on themes.  Asking the PAX, when you think of getting better, what words come to mind?  PAX answers with many great examples.  Included in there were #Commitment and #Consistency. When we have talked about leadership and disruption, often times, my mind goes towards having an epiphany or that “movie moment”.  But success can be found in getting base hit after base hit rather than going for the homerun.

Mosey toward the Elementary school to the newly discovered rock pile.  Grab 2 rocks size/weight of a brick.  Continue around backside of school.  Stop for some pearls on a string- SSH, Squat, M’ Nightclubs, shoulder press.  continue to back lot for pearls of the same.

More warm up so 5 burpees/take a lap x3. More pearls on a string.

Low Series

  • Bear crawl down- 10 Merk
  • Crawl bear back- 10 CDD
  • Lunge walk down- 10 Squat
  • Crab walk back- 10 Dips

Rinse/Repeat X3

Grab Bricks and head to bus/road entrance

BLIMP Accumulator (with bricks)

  • Burpee 5
  • Lunge 10
  • Imperial Walker 15
  • Merkin 20
  • Plank jack 25

Mosey back (long way) to rock pile, drop ’em and head to flag.

Great morning and outstanding chatter.  Thanks for the opportunity Jiffy



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Honoring a Hero at the Badger Den: The SCHMALLS

11 posted this AM to honor Marine Gunnery Sgt. Justin E. Schmalstieg whom, as assigned to the 1st Explosive Ordinance Disposal Company, 7th Engineer Support Battallion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, 1 Marine Expeditionary Force gave his life clearing the way for his teammates.

The workout started with a brief 200m jogging disclaimer consisting of some toy soldiers and lunge walks. We then brought it back to the launch point for warm ups including hand-release merkins and Moroccan Night Clubs. And…that was it. We then read the bio of Gunnery Sgt Schmalstieg and walked through the workout today, coined the Schmalls.

800m run (on the track)

Then 2 rounds of the following:

50 Burpees (100 total)

40 Pull-Ups (80 total)

30 Single Leg Squats each leg (60 total each leg)

20 KB swings (40 total): We used cinder blocks

10 Handstand Push Ups (20 total)

Then another 800m run (on the track)

We had a few minutes left so we didn’t let that go to waste:

Staggered merkins in cadence on the cinderblocks

LBC’s with cinder blocks at full extension

Squats with cinder blocks stretch out overhead


Lastly, American Hammers without the cinder blocks.

The Hero Book has been pasted to Love Handle as he was the one man today who hasn’t Q’d the Honey Badger. If you are a man that hasn’t yet posted to the Honey Badger, consider this your encouragement. Sure, there is some cocky smack talked dished out in advance. It’s all to push each other to be just a little better than yesterday. When you complete one of this workouts, you feel both educated and pushed…really pushed. The recognition of a fallen HERO helps to put your present suck into perspective. And when you transition from 50 burpees to pull-ups and hand-stand push-ups for the second time, perspective helps.

After all, as the Navy SEALs say…The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday.


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RPG: Broga & Run on this nice mild morning in November

10 for Broga and 9.5 for run

It was a great morning of mumble chatter especially Rebel and Fogerty jabbing about wearing tights in 50 degree weather and using the M’s yoga mats.

Sasquatch led us in Broga and we don’t know our Right and Left but we know where the Waffle House is and where the Bank is so we were able to follow instructions.

YHC gave a simple tapper run for the crew down Regent Parkway to apartments and up Pikeview to back gate through Keswick neighborhood back to Regent Parkway straight back to COT for a 3mi fellowship run

Good coffeteria chat and quality time with the PAX

Thanks for the Q and Sasquatch and Bassomatic’s leadership at this AO……strong!!

Cake Boss


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The Coop: Beat the temperature day and we did it! #25

It was a cool morning and when I say cool I mean Fonzie cool. PAX came in from all directions and we had met the temperature of 25 degrees. I was proud that the men did not stay in the fartsack where it was easy….but rather said yes to accountability and posted with their brothers.

Had to get the PAX warm, so away we went……

The Thang:

Mosey around parking lot

  • Shuffle
  • Mosey
  • Toy solders
  • more Mosey
  • COP
    • Plank
    • Merkins
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Squats
    • Peter Parker
    • FLutters
    • Parker Peters
  • Mosey
    • 1’s wall sit with shoulder presses
    • 2’s 5 box jumps, 10, derkins, 15 dips
    • Flapjack
    • Mosey to front of NAFO school

Had 12 cinder block stations, partner up

  1. Run around islands of parking lot
  2. perform exercises below with as many reps as possible while waiting on partner
    1. Flapjack until all 12 are completed
  • Bear crawl with Block drag
  • Block swing
  • Floor to Shelf L/R
  • Curls
  • Tri-extensions
  • Leg raises with Block
  • Bear crawl with Block right/left Merkins
  • Squat to overhead press
  • Bent Rows
  • Burpees
  • Sumo deadlifts press
  • LBCs

Time was up and so the PAX moseyed back to COT with blocks in hand

  • Wrap up with Freddy’s and Hello Dolly’s

Thank you Wegmans for the opportunity to Q

  • The Fort Christmas Party is this Saturday 12/1
  • Christmas convergence at Palisades Elementary School 12/24
  • Prayers for the many dealing with health concerns, lost family members and injuries

Individually we can be picked apart and crumble, however when we stand together and support each other we are indestructible. Like the cinder blocks we used, individually they don’t do much but with many of them……makes a solid foundation. Hold a brother accountable and likewise and you will become a solid foundation for your family, friends and community.

Cake Boss


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Chest Day @ The Ranch – 11/29/18

13 #HIM joined YHC at the Ranch for Chest Day. Welcome Greenspan (nomad from Winston Salem).

Mosey to the big concrete circle.


  • 30 side straddle hops
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 8 4-count forward arm circles, 8 4-count backward arm circles
  • 5 burpees OYO
  • 20 seal jacks
  • 5 burpees OYO


Start at the top of the circle at the first of 5 speed bumps. Run around the circle, completing the indicated chest exercise at each speed bump. Do 10 incline merkins and 10 decline merkins on the benches at the top of the circle after each round. LBCs while we wait for the 6.

Exercises for each speed bump:

  • Round 1 – 10 hand release merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 2 – 10 diamond merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 3 – 5 burpees (25 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 4 – 10 wide arm merkins (50 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline
  • Round 5 – 15 dips (75 total)
    • 10 incline / 10 decline

= 350 total chest reps

Mosey back to COT for one last exercise

Captain Thors to 7 x 28


  • Announcements
    • Christmas Party
    • Skate or Die to Q The Fort
    • Mainframe to Q Alcatraz
    • Help Badgers family on Saturday
  • Prayers
    • Badgers family
  • Words on Anxiety based on a sermon at Fort Mill – put trust in God

Thanks to Jiffy for the opportunity to lead

– Ginsu

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Tour around the Ranch

Warm up:
Moseyed over to the Middle School. During the run we did high knees, butt kickers and karaoke.

Broga for a few minutes

Then we moved over to the side of the school where we did three rounds of the following exercises.
5 Flying Squirels
bear crawl up the hill
20 LBCs
30 sec Wall Sit

Repeat 2 more times and switched out the movement up the hill to backward bear crawl and then forward crab walk.

Continued to move around the side of the school over by the football field where we ran a series of sprints (50%, 50%, 75%, 75%, 95%)

Then moved over to the playground on the backside of the elementary school
Split the pax up into 3 groups for 5 rounds

Group 1 – Pull ups
Group 2 – Swerkin Crunch – merkin and crunch on a swing
Group 3 – Run loop

Groups would start at 1 worked up to 5 adding one for each round of exercises for stations 1 and 2 and then run loop. Pax were told to stay with your group to encourage each other and to help those who may have needed the extra encouragement.

Got back to COT in time for the Airborne Specials (hip exercises)

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Puketoberfest Week 3

Some have asked me what Puketoberfest is really about. Obviously I jokingly say that if you can’t tell by the name you should think about it again. However my desire for it really is to pick a list of Qs that would push the paxs a little harder than usual. With being able to pair them together it should make for a really good workout. Plus typically during the month of October you get to enjoy nice cool temps so it makes it a little easier for pax to push harder than it does when it is 80 degrees at 7 am with 95% humidity. In setting this up I didn’t actually expect anyone to puke, but wanted pax to push hard enough that they might think they could.

The Thang:

YHC gave the disclaimer for the 3rd week of Puketoberfest.

Moseyed over to the parking lot across from the memorial.

Sasquatch lead the group in a few minutes of broga

As promised Geronimo lead the group in the Goofball and Wegmans did the Pumpkin Spice (not doing that again)

After all of that we quickly went into our first round of exercises

Start at the parking lot – jump over the wall and go toward the building

Do 5 donkey kicks

Come back down to the parking lot and do 1 burpee.

Rinse and repeat until you reach 1 donkey kick and 5 burpees. +-1 for each.


Then we moved over to the grass hill where we bear crawled up the hill to find cinderblocks waiting for us. Pax partnered up and we did the following:


Pax 1 – Overhead carry block to next row of parking spaces and run back to Pax 2

While waiting on Pax 1 – Pax 2 is doing Mike Tyson Merkins


Pax 2 will then run to block and pick it up and overhead carry to the next row. Then run back. Keep doing this until team has moved the block all the way across the parking lot and back to the beginning.


Next exercise thanks to Sasquatch for bringing it up as a “good idea” next time someone does a cinderblock workout.

Partners get in plank position with both having one hand on the block. Work together to move the plank 15ft while doing a merkin after each time the block is moved.


Next set of exercises:

Squats with block – partner did LBCs until finished

Thrusters with block – partner did American Hammers until finished


Handed over to Trucker for the next 30 mins:


Quadzilla 5s: run down road, 1 squat, run up backwards, 5 merkins, rinse repeat just like 7s

Line up end parking lot, suicides to each light.

First round 1,2,3 merkins.

Round 2: 5,10,15 squats,

round 3: 5,10,15 merkins.

Round 4: 3,6,9 SSH.

In between rounds were flutters.

Round 4 we ran backwards.  


Ran to springs building 2 rounds of people chairs and 10 merkins. COT

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the BLIMPS Casino

13 PAX and ideal weather conditions on hand.

Mosey run to front of middle school
Warm up:
SSH (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
LSS (IC 12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Run to back side of elementary school
For a portion of this run: Railroad Ties routine: PAX low plank and person at back of line runs/jumps over them. Cycle through like an indian run.

At back of the middle school:
Thang 1: Blackjacks
start w/ 1 Merkin
run to other side do 20 LBC’s
Run back and do 2 Merkins
run to other side do 19 LBC’s
procced until 20 merkins and 1 LBC
The casino closed this blackjack table a bit early (at ten mins) to accommodate other events. Most Pax got to 15 merkins. Recommend doing Elevens (not 21’s) next time.

Run to next pain station (short distance)
Thang 2: BLIMPS (Cones spaced 15-20 yds apart)
Start at cone 1- B for burpee, do 5 of them
Run to cone 1 – L for lunge, do 10 each leg
Run to cone 2 – I for Imperial Walkers, do 15
Run to cone 3 – M for Merkins, do 20
Run to cone 4 – P for Peter Parkers do 25 (modification)
Run to cone 5 – S for Squats, do 30
rinse and repeat until time is called
Run to COT area

Thang 3: plank routine
Sally gets up/down (Moby song)
Start with low plank
High plank on the “up”
Low plank on the “down”
Thiry-one changes during the 3:22 duration of the song.


Announcements: Fast 5k on 10/27; CAH charity event this Saturday 10/20.
Prayers for healing of loved ones and guidance to the healers in charge of their care.

Great words of encouragement shared amongst all PAX. Don’t forget these timely favorites:
“A word of encouragement during a failure is worth more than an hour of praise after success”
“Fall seven times, stand up eight”

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“Tappy Taps? Did you make that up?”

‘Twas a glorious morning at NaFo, and 14 PAX rose to the occasion, including some from surrounding regions (Aye!). A lot of new PAX I’ve never met as well, perhaps a glimpse into how large this community really is. Had a moment to think how much of an impact this community has had on these men, and the impact it will have on many more. The clock struck 5:15 and we began.

Disclaimer to start it off, then we headed out for our warm up.

Mosey 1/8 Mile

Moroccan Night Clubs x 25
Tap-py Taps x 10 (Look it up! It’s a thing on F3Nation.)
Plank Position
Peter Parkers x 15
Mountain Climbers x 15
Alternating Shoulder Taps x 15


Mosey to the Pull Up Bars for our Weinke Of The Day

Descending Rounds of 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5


Mixed in with 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2

Pull Ups

Plank in wait for the 6 each round you finish and then we start the next round together. The best part about this weinke… it gets easier every round.

Ran back to our original spot for a little Mary
In & Outs (Boat/Canoe I was told) x 6… messed up my inflection there and someone caught me!
Six Inches x 1 Minute



Convergence at Walter Elisha Park Saturday – 7:00AM.
Pre Ruck – 6:15, Pre Run – 6:30. Both launching from Panera @ Kingsley.

Poverty Simulation is coming.

ABH (Always Be Headlocking!)

SpeedforNEED this weekend in Ballantyne – Isabella Santos 5K.

5K/10K Race and Fun Run

Pray that Gods will be revealed to me and I accept it.
Praise for Drop Thrill having a job for a year!
Pray for Sugar Bugs parents on Pawley’s Island – The rivers are rising and the water is about 5’ from their house
Pray for those affected by Florence, those still dealing with flooding, and those who lost everything trying to recover.

Thank you Wegmans for the opportunity to lead 13 men in this gloom we love so much.

For fun… Notable MumbleChatter for the day:

As I laid out the Weinke: “Gee, Punch List… this is kind of Honey Badger-esque…”

“Kielbasa can you demonstrate a polish burpee for me?”
“I’m going to do 30 Polish Burpees… *waits two seconds* DONE!”

“I’m going to do my max number of pull ups over here… (20 yards away from the bars).”



Punch List Out.

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