Slippery when wet

Run up to drug store, cross over and head back to parking lot in front of Springs.
Inch worm merkin
Low slow squat
Squat pulses
Move up to the sidewalk to the garden with wall

3 rounds
5 each leg Bulgarian split squats
10 step ups
10 derkins

Mosey to stage at WEP
Start down front of stage for 7s
Burpees at the bottom and LBCs at the back of stage.

While jumping the wall, YHC took a spill and scratched up leg pretty bad. Note to self to be careful around stage when it has rained.

Mosey over to playground for 3 rds of the following
5 pull ups
10 merkins
15 swinging crunches
Run lap around playground

3 rds of the following
10 bomb jacks
10 derkins
10 big boy sit-ups
Run lap

Mosey back to COT for a little stretching before 6:00.


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Upgrade of Bandcamp’s Tallawah KB Workout

WARMUP: upwarddownward dog variations and plank-type exercises (merkins, peter parkers, plank jacks, shoulder taps, etc) until core and shoulders could no longer endure the burn
THE THANG: partner up
rack KB on R shoulder squats x10 – core exercise x10 reps
rack KB on L shoulder squats x10
THIS [Partner 1 farmer’s carry ~50 yards to and fro, Partner 2 lunge walk about 20 yards and jog back to meeting point, then flap jack]
snatch R x10 – core exercise x10 reps
snatch L x10
single arm KB swing R x10 – core exercise x10 reps
single arm KB swing L x10
R hand on KB merkins x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L hand on KB merkins x10
R power step-ups on wall x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L power step-ups on wall x10
R lawnmower rows x10 – core exercise x10 reps
L lawnmower rows x10
R squat, snatch, swing, merkin, row, step-up x10 each
core x20 reps
L squat, snatch, swing, merkin, row, step-up x10 each
core x30 reps
MARY: side plank hip abduction x8 each; front plank; merkins until 0600
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter came out last night
COT: “heading into crisis, in a crisis, out of a crisis” – Spectre
CONFIRMATION of DaVinci’s son!

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AKA at The VA

WARMUP: Sasquatch led with a warm up as YHC was coming in hot.

THE THANG: grabbing a few heavy things and in no particular order
20 hand release merkins
20 Sandbag over the shoulder tosses
20 zerker squats
Farmer carry 2 KB’s to the curb and back (~100yds?)

When all of the above is done, run a lap around the parking lot.
All while wearing rucksack/weighted vest. AMRAP until time is up

MARY: ended with leg raises and big boys

COT: always go back for the 6

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Sink roulette deck of cards

17 eager and excited pax showed up. Some brought sand bags, some brought just their willing attitude which was quickly put on point upon the pile of sandbags awaiting them.

After a quick run around the parking lot, a few in cadence SSH, followed by burpees, and that repeated a few times, it was time for business.

Deck of cards was the game. Rules were simple. Follow the count on the card and suit to the key on the paper.

Here’s the extra kitchen sink rule: for the 4 cards laid out, 1 card was chosen by a pax to either pick red or black. If correct, follow the card suit/count. If incorrect, penalty was double the count.

All exercises were done with your sandbag.

– 2-7 diamonds manmaker
– 8-Ace diamonds squats
– 2-7 spades lunge
– 8-Ace spades merkins (just do regular merkins
– 2-7 clubs clean and press
– 8-Ace clubs flutter w/ a press
– 2-7 hearts chest press
– 8-Ace hearts curls
– Joker gear carry shuffle 100 yards and then 1 min sandbag toss over shoulder, 100 yard shuffle
– A few “breaks” were added which included some slick run cool downs and a few gear shuffles with no bag toss

For the record, there were some incorrect cards chosen which were a crowd favorite as you’d expect.

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Jock jams tabata

WARMUP: mosey to loop for IC exercises and stretches
THE THANG: Head to toes Tabata – 8 cycles, 6x sets ea. 25 secs on, 10 secs rest/1 min recovery.
1. cdd/run lap
2. Dips/crab walks
3. Merkins/butt kickers
4. Lbc/bearcrawl
5. Superman’s/run lap
6. Monkey humpers/lunge walks
7. low slow Squats/recovery
8. Calf raises/ mosey back to cot
MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: bethel serve needs signups, rock region 10 year, Jaegar, cannoli run
COT: prayers for injured pax, prayers/praises for clear minds during transitions in life

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AKA 2024 at the Colosseum

WARMUP: mosey, dynamic warm-up including high knees, butt kicks, lunges, side lunges, etc
dynamic planks and upwarddownward dogs
THE THANG: groups of 4 and 5
station 1: bulgarian L 30″, bulgarian R 30″, 30″ rest
station 2: RDL L (with weight) 30″, RDL R (with weight) 30″, 30″ rest
station 3: curb burpees 30″, flutters 30″, 30″ rest
2 rounds
station 1: side shuffle through pillars about 50 yards total
station 2: farmer’s carry weights (until shufflers done shuffling)
station 3: burpee broad jump (until shufflers done shuffling)
2 rounds
station 1: step-up L (with weight) 30″, step-up R (with weight) 30″, 30″ rest
station 2: front squats (with weight) 30″, double leg RDLs (with weight) 30″, 30″ rest
station 3: curb burpees 30″, flutters 30″, 30″ rest
2 rounds
MARY: yes – Q’d by ~5 pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: RH 10 year coming up
COT: Prayers for those affected by storm in RH.

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THE THANG: Dora hill runs with upper body at the top and lower body at the bottom. Run to print shop. Obstacle course on the bars. Lots of dips, pull ups and pushups.
MARY: 50 flutters with slow merkins
ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletter
COT: praises for everyone coming out

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All About the Ass Kicking Benjamins


Imperial Walker
Hillbilly Walker
Honeymooner/Downward Dog

Mosey to Grace

Dora at Grace
100 Merkins
5 Burpees with partner
100 Squats
5 Burpees with partner
100 Dry Docks
5 Burpees with partner
100 Lunges
5 Burpees with partner
100 LBCs
5 Burpees with partner

Serpentine Run with 5 merkins

Mosey to COT

Mary was completed

Bethel Men’s Shelter
AMRAP for Autism


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Ass Kickin’ Suicides

Imperial walkers
Hillbilly walkers
Cherry picker
Moroccan nightclub

Mosey w/out bell
20 merkins on curb in cadence, mosey
Lunge walk to front of church
Count off by 4, set up for suicides

Board 1
10 man makers, run
15 goblet squats, run
20 lawn mower pulls – 10 each arm, run
25 American hammers – single count

Board 2
10 curls, run
15 low slow squats, run
20 halos, run
25 big boys, run

Board 3
10 upright rows, run
15 figure 8’s, run
20 overhead press – 10 each arm
25 lbc, run

Board 4
10 snatches, run
15 kettle bell swings, run
20 lunges – 10 each leg, run
25 box cutters, run


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