Block Party at Block Party

Eight men showed up on a humid morning, some stayed up late watching football. This morning everyone would win. Simple loop around the downtown area. Four stops with exercises at each one.

1. Pharmacy – Plank Jacks (10 reps)
2. Parking lot after Rail Bridge – Hand Releasee Merkins (10 reps)
3. Gazebo – Bobby Hurley (10 reps)
4. Memorial Park – Man Makers (5 reps) Cinderblocks, Sandbags, and Kettle bell were available for this stop.

After each lap, we added 1 rep count to each stop. Most got 5 to 6 rounds before time expired.
Great job by all!

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Death by squats

SSH, IW, Merkins, and Plank kick throughs


Partner up with mode of transportation being nur to the end of the parking lot and mosey back.

Using Cindys,
50 clean and press
50 Manmakers
100 Merkins (farmer carry the cinder block to the end of the parking lot and back instead of original mode of transport)

Switched to some Jack Webs:
Broad jump and squats; 1 broad jump, 4 squats. 2 jumps, 8 squats, up to 10 and 40.

Headed over to the playground for another quick Jack web.
Pull-ups and dips. 1 pull-up to 4 tricep dips. Went up to 5 and 20 before heading back to COT.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 9/11 activities and Dam2Dam sign up

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Cinder Bells

Arrived early to count cinder blocks. We were in luck, one for everyone.

Mosey down the hill, grabbing a cindy on the way

warm up: imp walk, LSS, LBC, Gas pumper, hillbilly walker, shoulder taps, jump squats, calf raise, merkin clock, SSH, dy cockroach, freddie, windmill, jogged it out a bit, from jog to 100

cindy work, triceps, curls, bench press

plank curb walk, bear crawl indian run type deal .. fan favorite

twice half ran up the hill while the others worked, once BB sits, once heels to heaven

We did a jonah hill, 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7 times

we did more cindy work, maybe like 3 times total, calf raises were included

Probably some other stuff

closed with Mahktar N’Diayes

Took the cindy’s home

I was gassed, this group kicked my a$$. Effort level from the group 100%+

Looks like we made it (barely),

Barry Manilow

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IronPax ’23 Week 0

IT’S IRON PAX SEASON!!!! Week 0 was a great reminder of what’s expected and how hard you will be pushed this month.

Week 0 was in honor of Gary R Wieneke, SP4, who served in the United States Army as an X-ray Spec with the 128th Evac Hospital in Germany from September 1955 to 1958. Mr Wieneke is the father of one of F3Greenwood’s own, Michael Wieneke, F3Brut. Mr. Wieneke passed away at the age of 83 and Brut created this workout in honor of him.
Aside from serving his country, Mr. Wieneke was a renowned track and field coach in the US. He coached the US Junior National Team. He was the head coach at the University of Illinois from 1967 until his retirement after the 2002-2003 season. Wieneke was a nine0time NCAA District IV Coach of the year, was named the NCAA National Indoor Track and Field Coach of the Year in 1987 and garnered three Big Ten Outdoor Coach of the Year. He has been inducted into numerous different Halls of Fame, among them are the US Track and Field and Cross Country and University of Illinois Athletic Halls of Fame.
Behind the numbers
800 meters was his best event. He coached 11 different student-athletes to 27 Big Ten titles in this event
13 reps for the warm-up exercises represents the number of Big Ten Conference Championships his teams won
5 warm-up exercises represent 1 for each Olympic athlete that he coached
7 different exercises and the 8 burpees after each exercise represent the date he passed away – 7/8/2021
Complete the workout for time
Need a 400-meter track or path marked out
Coupon is needed for this workout
Start the timer when the warm-up starts.
The Thang
Warm-up (performed in cadence)
13 reps of each exercise (all 4 count)
Imperial Walkers
Shoulder Taps
Mountain Climbers
Plank Jacks
800-meter run
85 reps of each of the following exercise. Perform 8 burpees after completing 85 reps of each exercise, including the KB Swings.
Hand Release Merkins
Big Boy Sit-ups
Goblet Squats
Overhead Press
4 count flutter kicks
KB Swings
800-meter run

The encouragement that happened throughout the workout was top notch. While this was terrible, we all finished. Seeing the list of things that has to get done, is daunting, we all made it to the other side. Don’t let the daunting task stop you in your tracks. You can preserver and overcome.

Great job gents!

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Dance Naked Reboot

Eight boot campers met at Pleasant Knoll Middle for a great start to Tuesday morning. Here is what they did:

Mosey out of the COT and circle up at the cement pad by the teacher’s smoking lounge for COP: All in cadence:
SSX x 20, merkin x 10, windmill x 10, cherry picker x 10, little/big arm circles x 20ea and both directions, IW x 15, mountain climber x 15 hold/6″ hold/honeymooner/downward dog/6″/L/R arm/leg high/6″ hold, Freddie Merc x 15

Mosey to the parking lot and line up facing the cement island.

1. Bearcrawl to the island, 10 merkins, return to the start
2. Lungewalk to the island, 10 squats, return.
3. Powerskip to the island, 10 bombjacks, return.
4. Inchworm to the island, 10 merkins
5. Pick partner (someone you don’t know well), walk to the island and get to know them better. At the island, do 10 partner merkins (hand slap), walk back to the start.

Mosey to the walking bridge for Jacob’s ladder. Run to the end of the bridge and do 1-5 burpees, run back. (5 reps total)

Walk to the school building for 2 rounds of People’s Chair (60 sec hold). The pax were encouraged to sit at a 90 degree angle.

MARY: Flutter x 10, Box cutter x 10, Pretzel crunch x 10, Superman x 3

Good mumble chatter today by the Pax. Twister started it during the opening SSH’s when he noticed a small fenced-in area with a chair placed in it. What purpose did it serve? (time out chair?, teacher’s smoking lounge?)
Today’s workout was one I pulled from the archives (08/01/2019) and executed almost identically. Noteworthy of that workout was when I asked the pax to take a few minutes and get to know someone new in the group. I took that cue from C-Span who did something similar years before at WEP. It’s a neat way to make a connection with the guys you see in the gloom, but may not know very well.

COT: Barry Manilow joined us at COT following his 6 mile run.
Good to have you with us, brother! We prayed for ST’s mom and longtime friend John with terminal cancer. Prayers also for Dixie’s 5 yr old niece whose body started rejecting a donated kidney

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Varsity Locks up Shield

WARMUP: Windmills SSH Nightclubs, Squats Merks Stretching, Mosey w buttkickers, toy soldiers.
THE THANG: Rebel :Partner up (3s) Merkin pumps with flutters – bottom of hill with Pull ups and Squats top of hill(next to JRROTC) 3rd partner is the timing of switching locations. Bass grabbed Q stick from Rebel and led the pax with rows of light poles (4) – w pain locations at each stop – increasing reps by 2 at each pole. 4 rounds completed w varying exercises for each round
Fogerty took back the Q stick for a quick round of JackWebbs ( squats/seal jax)
MARY: finishing with 3 mins of Mary led by NASA and capped off with Gemini closing out w a round of Russian Twists.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel, Christmas Party, DamtoDam,
COT: prayers and praises added by all pax as we went around the circle for everyone to share something.
Bass closed is out in prayer.

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Big Bad Wolf and his obsession with Clubs and Carolina Dry Docks

WARMUP: Mosey to Harris Street Park, SSH, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Shuffles, High Knees, Heels to Butt, Karaoke.
THE THANG: Dora on Basketball Court- 50 burpees/bear crawl was mode of transport, 75 Big Boys/NUR mode of transport, 100 squats/NUR mode of transport. Everyone takes a shot w flat basketball – 15 merkins if you miss. We all did 15 merkins bc the ball was flat.
Mosey back to WEP for deck of death on stage. Bday Cakes still present. Merkins,Big Boys, Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, Mosey for the 2, 30 second rest for joker (gladly).
Ran to hill near bathrooms w 10 min left for 11’s. Flutters at top, LBC’s at bottom.
MARY: 11’s was the Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: iron pax and 9/11 Heroes 5k
COT: prayers for our kids, our jobs as professionals and as fathers.

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Ring of Fire – Q 3.6

– Dynamic warm up, 15 min of movement exercises and motion
– Merkinfest Dora, 15 min
– Up on the bar Dora, 15 min
Close with Q 3.6 Persuasion discussion

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Backwards accumulator with a touch of Apache

WARMUP: Wegs said peace out and ran away.  The rest of us stuck around.  Warmup stayed local at COT: SSH, cherry picker, low slow squat, merkins, windmill
THE THANG: We ran away from COT towards the bus loop and stopped at the corner for our first exercise…of the backwards accumulator.  Started out with 10 bomb jacks followed by Apache 10 count from Mainframe.  Next took off through the entrance and up to the front of the school for some Al gores while we waited and then did 20 diamond merkins along with the 10 bombs.  Here is where Senator gave us an old school Apache 10 count where we learned about this redwood’s history.  Next was back down to the corner where we stopped for 30…30 hammers, then the 20, then the 10.  Undertaker picked up the 6 before we got started, because that’s what we do.  Got us an Apache 10 from undertaker at this stop. We then ran to another entrance of the school for 40 squats, then 30 down to 10.  To the back of the school we packed in 50 flutters down to the 10.  Then we stayed there for 60 calve raises down to the 10.  Then we ran back to COT.  On the way, there may have been some merlot deposits but I think that’s what happens sometimes when you work extra hard and push…so good on you pax.
MARY: had a little time for some Mary
ANNOUNCEMENTS: newsletter goodies
COT: Wegs came back and left us without a wave.  So prayers for him, lol.

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Mountain Climbing HIMs

WARMUP: None. It was big boy day!
THE THANG: We hit 6 hills across The Fort with 10 Burpees + 20 Squats at each plus misc work in between in places.
COT: Yes, this group is bound by Trust!

Happy belated bday @BandCamp!

Thanks for the Q stick @SoupToNuts!

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