Back to school

WARMUP: Up and down
Squats, calf raises, curls, triceps extensions, taint punchers, short run, repeat.
Prayers out to all kids and teachers as we kick off a new year!

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Shieldlock of PAIN

Imperial Walkers, Mosey, Low Slow Squats, mosey, Maracan Night Clubs, Shoulder Presses, Hillybilly Walkers

Cake Bass lead: Partner Up
#1 doing big boy situps in endzone, while
#2 bear crawls to numbered yard markers and does that number merkins
When #2 gets worn out, go tag partner to complete the merkins all they way through 50 yardline. mode of transportation back is run, out is bear crawl
Second round was same except exercise was squats and mode of transportation was lungewalk

Hand off to Pusher:
Star course beatdown
Corner 1=Mountain climbers
Center=5 burpees
Corner 2=
Center = 4 burpees
Corner 3=
Center=3 burpees
Corner 4= Merkins
Mosey to bus drop off of campus for Mary
Side straddle hops
Side straddle hops
Side straddle hops
Hello Dolly’s
Side straddle hops

Dixie has lost 20lbs since posting over 3 weeks
Next Friday 8/4 Convergence
Next Saturday 8/5 Stuff the Bus

ECC 4:12
By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Luke 23:34
Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them; they don’t know what they’re doing.”

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The Recipe at Block Party

15 hard chargers embraced the recipe of pain at Block Party this AM and started the day 1-0.

Run to WEP Amphitheater

SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
Hillbilly x 10
Mtn climber x 20
CDD x 10

Pearls on a string at each swing in WEP
10 Big Boys
20 Hello Dollies

Lazy Dora – Partner up
100 Merkins/Hold Plank
200 LBCs/6 inches
300 Squats/Al Gore

Partner 1 does 25 reps while Partner 2 does other exercise. Flip flop to reach the desired count

2 Minutes of Broga

Run back to COT

2 Minutes of Mary

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Endless Weinke

Run up the hill 10 burpees, run to the bottom of the hill 9 burpees, run to the top of the hill 8 burpees, run to the bottom of the hill 7 burpees, run to the top of the hill 6 burpees, run to the bottom of the hill 5 burpees and stop
Rd1. With ruck on, one PAX did 10 over-the-shoulder 60# sandbag tosses while everyone did LSS with ruck on. LSS were done until all 6 PAX did 10 sandbag tosses each
Rd 2 With ruck on, one PAX did 10 Bobby Hurleys with 35# sandbag while everyone did Ruck Halos. Halos were done until all 6 PAX did 10 Bobby Hurley tosses each
Rd 3 With ruck on, one PAX did 10 Pull Ups while everyone did Ruck Merkins. Merkins were done until all 6 PAX did 10 Pull Ups each
We then ran to the top of the hill and back to the workout site
Rd 4 With ruck on, one PAX did 10 over-the-shoulder 60# sandbag tosses while everyone did Lunges with ruck on. Lunges were done until all 6 PAX did 10 sandbag tosses each
Rd 5 With ruck on, one PAX did 10 Bobby Hurleys with 35# sandbag while everyone did Ruck Swings. Ruck Swings were done until all 6 PAX did 10 Bobby Hurley tosses each

MARY: Stretched for 1 minute
COT: Closed in prayer

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Hot dogs

Ran to back of the school and did an Indian run with a KB back to cot with stop along the way for merkins and SSH. Circled parking lot for remainder of workout doing more merkins and SSH. Badlands was fastest dude to get to the farthest point so he got some delicious beer from Amor Artis. It was hot and so am I.

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Slash’s Snake trip

WARMUP: yep. With some yoga and Dan John’s humane burpee

Run to go see the dead snake Slash found
Sprint the tiny hill behind the stadium

8 min EMOM
3 single arm dead lift
2 clean and squat
1 squat thruster
Repeat on other side
Rest the remainder of the minute

Sets of 5 on each side in the grass
Single arm swing to snatch
Split squat
Lunge to halo
Single leg deadlift
Overhead reverse lunge
Overhead hold and march

5 burpee snatches each side

Some shin box mobility to close

Convergence 7/4
Bethel 7/6
HIM Camp 8/11-8/13

Quote from Airborne: It’s easier to raise a son than fix a broken young man. Try to do the harder thing (like waking up to workout). Cause that harder thing for me is often being patient and soft with my words around a 9-year old boy that shares my last name. I’m more emotionally built to power through burpee snatches… parenting effectively takes work

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Postal Loops

Ran to former Hardee’s location. CCDs, Squats, and LBCs in cadence.
Ran Springs, Elliott, Unity loop to Post Office.
Partner up. Each partner ran in the opposite direction, 10 merkins when they meet up, 15 CCDs, Squats, and LBCs at the Post Office. Rinse and repeat, Pax completed 3 to 4 loops.

Back to COT.

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I like hotdogs

Each dude in shieldlock took a turn leading the pax. We covered all parts of body and it was glorious. We each spoke on what it means for us to be in our shieldlock. Thanks for those who joined us.

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Remembering D-Day at Blockparty

WARMUP: pledge and setting the stage for the workout by pretending to be in a boat on our way to Normandy.
THE THANG: 6 BombJacks, 6 Airplanes, 6 mack tar jais, run up the hill to the mid point of hill, 6 bigboy burpees, 19 carolina dry docks. 44 SSH.
MARY: did I mention the big boy burpees

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