Just because you are at the top…

Welcome the FNG
Low slow squats
Low slow merkins
Mountain climbers

Capture fort playground:
Bear crawl up the ramps on the play ground. Get out before the cops show up.

Attack the hill
At the summit: 10 manmakers OYO
Carry on down the hill
20 overhead presses OYO

Return to base

Practice calling cadence with Brawny

COT: “On Earth as it is in Heaven” – chew on that and then make that happen

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I think you’ll be okay, they’re covered in a thin candy shell


Holy schnikes, we had 18 PAX for a Tommy Boy quote run. We ran Massey, to Harris, to Audrey, to Main in a loop with Derkins, Dips, Clave Raises, CDDs, V-Ups, and Big Boys. We had runners and ruckers.


On the heavier side, HIMs shared prayers that are really rocking their personal lives and I thank you for sharing. The COT is what makes us unique and allows those hard conversations to happen. This community has your back. Thanks for showing up today to get better. Thanks for letting me lead these men into Thursday.

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North to South, not East to West

WARMUP: Mosey to the church for warmup – SSH, imperial walker, cherry pickers, hillbilly walkers, windmill, low slow squat, merkins, moroccan nightclub, plank, honeymooners, stretch calfs
THE THANG: Dora (aka flat dora aka diego) at picnic tables at the church – 100 dips, 100 stepups, 100 inclined merkins while partner runs around parking lot. Mosey back to HT parking lot and grab a rock. 25 curls and then ab workouts while holding up or pressing said rock – curls, flutters, curls, hello dolly, curls, 6 inches, OH press, curls. Mosey to HT wall – wall sits and bear crawl and then balls to the wall, mosey back to HT parking lot – lung walks, calf raises, karaoke, toy soilders, calf raises. Mosey back to flag for mary. A few burpees throughout as well.
MARY: American hammer, some frog crunch exercise, rosalita, heel touch, flutters, advanced version of hello dolly?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence and Jaeger coming up.
COT: Prayers and praises – ended in prayer.

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Simple, but not easy

14 at the Sink this morning survived a surprisingly difficult beatdown. Conditions were not terrible for February (40s with a breeze). Here’s what we did.

Warm Up
– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Merkins (IC)
– 10 Mountain Climbers (IC)
Mosey to Gold Hill Rd.
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Hubert Graham
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 15 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Revere Cove
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to the Traffic Circle
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Mosey to Waterloo
– 5 Manmakers
– 10 Overhead Press
– 10 Curls
– 15 Squats
Shuffle back to COT
2.1 miles, 30 Manmakers, 10 Overhead Press, 75 Curls, 90 Squats

This workout was simple, but not easy. I’m not sure what made it difficult – it was only four exercises done six times over a couple miles, but I think I’m going to feel it later. The beauty of its design was you had the opportunity to converse with the guy next to you between sets and see what is going on in his world. I heard laughs, grunts, celebrations, and struggles. Men shared their hearts but still put in the work. That’s what this is all about – asking the guy next to you how he’s doing. Listening to what he says and note what he doesn’t say. Men suck at asking for help. The signs are there if we know where to look. My encouragement for you is to reach up when you need help. But also, reach down when you have help to give. F3 has the opportunity to literally save lives if we will pour into Fellowship and Faith as much as we do Fitness. Strengthen yourself mentally and spiritually as much as you do physically. Do that and we will change the world: one household at a time.


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Pushing & Pulling The Sink

Disclaimer, Mission, Core Principles, Credo
WARMUP: A little jogging with warm-up exercises thrown in.
THE THANG: Partner up. This was easy due there only being 4 of us. The original plan was for a 2min timer but during the first round, I realized I was failing too soon so I dropped it to 1min for each exercise. After you and your partner completed 1min of each exercise, you each completed a 50yd Partner Push. Then, move to the next set of exercises.
Round 1: Upright Rows (High Pulls) & Overhead Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 2: Bicep Curls & Tricep Extensions (skull crushers)
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 3: Bent Over Rows & Bench Press
50yd Partner Push (each)
Round 4: Squats & Dead Lifts
50yd Partner Push (each)

Grab your sand bag and meet at the main drop-off lane.
100yd sand bag toss followed by a 100yd overhead sand bag toss. You’re throwing the sand bag behind you to end up back where we started.
Run 50yds & NUR 50yds
Laying down, 10 Leg Raises while holding the sand bag overhead
10 Big Boy Sit Ups with the sand bag on your chest
Bear Crawl 25yds then Crawl Bear back.
10 Thrusters on my count
10 Flutters w/ Press I/C
60sec over-the-shoulder sandbag toss

That was it…super easy!

MARY: Added throughout and also not in typical fashion.
COT: Indeed

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Fun up the hill

The hill has been neglected and the enemy captured it. Time to take it back!

With rucks and without coupons

Playground obstacle course:
Bear crawl up the little ramp
Down the rocks
Climb across the poles
bear crawl to the top

March on to the hill
Drop it into 4 low (bear crawl) up the little hills on the way
Capture the hill

Return to COT for 7s of burpees and thrusters

MARY: ain’t nobody got time for dat.

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Get your what upright?

Qsource Topic: Live Right

SSH x 20 (IC)
Mosey to front of school

Burpees & Lunges (each leg)
Use halfway point on loop to alternate exercise

Mosey to pull up bars
Stop for wall squat hold partner competition (loser 5 burpees)

5 – pull ups
10 – merkins
15 – squats
20 – LBC’s

Partner competition. One hangs from bar, one 6 inches. (loser 5 burpees)

Mosey back to wall for partner wall squats. Partner competition, balls to wall (5 burpees).

Mosey back to COT


Bunch of stuff. Read your newsletter.

Yes sir

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Scheduled Q was M.I.A

THE THANG: Scheduled Q was MIA so we improvised. After the warm-up we rucked to the Walmart parking lot stopping about a quarter mile to do 25 squats and erkins on the guard rail. In the parking lot we did 20 merkins and overhead presses and ran a lap. We also did 50 step-up (25 each leg) on the wall-bench in front of Walmart. Proceed back to COT
MARY: One round of Mary – flutter-press, Freddie Mercury, LBC, American Hammers
COT: Closed in prayer

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Max on Q – You Know The Drill

WARMUP: Mosey to the GHES Teacher Lot for:
25 Mountain Climbers
20 LBC
15 Carolina Dry Docks
10 Hand-Release Merkins
5 6ct Burpees
THE THANG: Mosey to the Keller Williams parking lot:
PAX in a straight line and lock arms. Lunge walk to the other side of the parking lot. Reverse lung back.
Keeping the arms locked, squat walk out.
Unlock the arms and bear crawl back.
Mosey back to the bottom of the hill.
AYG back to the GHES teacher lot.
Inch Worm Merkins to the other side of the lot.
Crawl bear back.
Wide-Arm Hand-Release Merkins
Carolina Dry Docks
Mosey to the 1/2wall around back:
Over & Back x 5
American Hammers
MARY: See above
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Indeed there were.
COT: Principle #5

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