– Windmills x10
– Imperial Walker x10
– With Partner. One partner curls the sandbag 8 times, then switch. Continue to switch decreasing the reps by one until the series is completed.
– Sandbag lap around the loop to orient to the stations and what the rest of the workout will be.
All stations are 10 count reps
– Station 1: Merkins w/ sandbag pull thrus
– Station 2: Bearhug sandbag squat
– Station 3: Xs & Os and Leg raises while holding the sandbag overhead
– Station 4: Bentover Row
– Station 5: Partner 1 completes a farmers carry with both sandbags. Partner 2 completes 10 burpees. Then switch
– Station 6: OH Press
– Station 7: Upright row and then overhead carry the sandbag to Station 1
We completed 3 laps and then one lap around with the sandbag racked to collect the paper signs
– LBCs X35
– Volunteers needed for Leaders on the Links on Friday
– Prayers for marriages
Thank you Maximus for the opportunity! Love the upgraded theme with sandbags all the time!!!