Perseverance requires unwavering determination, resilience in the face of challenges, and a refusal to succumb to setbacks.

Pulled up discussed what are we struggling with and what holding us back.

Imperial walkers
Standing toy soldiers
The church clap

Mosey over to the pull up bars and grab Cinderblocks

The task: complete the exercise then complete run to the bottom of the hill preform 10 plank tucks for the first 2 exercises the the next two sets Peter Parker’s, shoulder taps. Last but not least 50 monkey humpers after the pull ups

10 Cindy Blocker’s
20 Each Leg Fire Hydrants
25 Burpees
30 Cinderblock Curls – return the Cinderblocks
40 Pull ups

Next mosey to the parking lot on the way we discussed what is it is that is holding us back.
Push ups at every end cap median.
Start at 5 and increase by 5 for every Median. We made it to 30 the fatigue was real and so was getting attacked by fire ant.

Announcements, prayers and praises.

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Green fruit with fuzz

Overhead Claps
Multiple reps

Band Camp:
Pacer Test

10 knee ups
20 flutters
30 American hammers
40 second plank

10 Peter Parker’s
10 Parker Peters
10 Side things now called the fire hydrant

– @Barry Manilow was not parterning with @Anchorman or @CakeBoss
– @Portal found an orange sky
– @HarryCarry and @Shady want another 20 meter shot
– @SkateOrDie managed to get to the closest AO to his house, and many mornings that is enough
– @Shield and @Ruby Slippers want permission to give me candid feedback. Granted.
– @Saw Dust charges hard
– @Splinter and @Esso had a competition to see who was a bigger Clemson fan. ( @Slash would have loved it )

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Stuff the Bus Convergence

Ran over to parking lot behind football fields
SSH – all exercises were to 20 INC
1 burpee
2 burpees
Cherry Pickers
3 burpees
4 burpees
Moroccan Night Club
5 Burpees
Imperial walkers
6 burpees
7 burpees
8 burpees
9 burpees
10 burpees

Throughout the workout we had pax share about different opportunities we have within The Fort to serve our community. We had the following speak (Fogerty – Trash Pickup, Cousin Eddy – Bethel Men’s shelter, Jiffy – FM Care Center, Stuff the Bus)

Partner Up
Round 1 –
Flying Squirrels
Inch worm merkins

Round 2
Big boy sit-ups
Jump Squats
Wide arm merkins

We have an amazing opportunity in The Fort to impact our community. We have pax impacting our community through service. Challenge was raised, if you aren’t actively impacting the community, why not?

It was an honor to be able to lead the workout this morning. This was diffident from most workouts because of the number of times we stopped to talk. However I felt it important to share with the guys what is happening around them. We also were able to congratulate Double D in his hand off of Nantan to Esso. Double D, thank you for you service to the pax. You have always been someone who ask the tough questions that challenge us and I thank you for that and what you did for our Region during your reign as Nantan. Esso, I look forward where you are going to take us and your energy to lead. We have a bright future ahead.

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Staff Sergeant Edwardo Loredo Dedication

WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Morrocon NC, Imperial Walkers, Broga, and Strawberry Pickers
Cheese Shredder
3 Rounds: (24) Burpees, (24) Squats, (24) Merkins, (24) Lunges, (24) Big Boy Sit Ups, and 1 lap around track
4 Rounds: (1) Carolina dry docks at Goal Line and (5) LBCs at 20 yard line. Counts increased every round by 1 for Carolina Dry Docks and by 5 for LBCs. Mode of Transportation consisted of the following:
Round 1: Bear Crawl, Round 2: Nur, Round 3: Crab Walk, Round 4: Sprint, Round 5: Mosey
MARY: (24) reps of American Hammers, Flutters, Hello Dollies, Box Cutters, and Rosalita
ANNOUNCEMENTS: HIM Camp, Stuff the Bus, and Bethel Shelter Food Service
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Running for ourselves and Exercises for Heros

– SSH x15
– Windmill x10
– Merkins x10
– Peter Parkers x10
– Parker Peters x10
– Site Q Hosted 2 Mile Fitness Test. This was delivered complete with a computer and television powered by a generator to display the time.
– Lake Effect set the new record with 11 minutes and change. It is possible he could have been faster if all the PAX were not in his way as he lapped them.
– After wrapping up the 2 mile run it was time for the Hero WOD.

Honored Fallen K-9 Police Office Kevin Tonn of a Galt Police Department in California. EOW 1/15/2013

– 200m Run (was supposed to be 100 for January)
– 20 Overhead Press (was supposed to be 15 for the day of the month)
– 13 Merkins
– 35 LBCs
– 11 Thrusters
– 9 Burpees

WOD calls for 10 rounds, but we only got about 5 dues to the 2 mile run at the beginning.

– Flutters x15
– American Hammers x15
– Some other exercises called out by the PAX

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Hot Enough Yet?

We have an FNG!! We went through the 5 core principles of F3, stated its mission, and did a full lengthy disclaimer so the FNG knew the full monty, money back guarantee.

8 bootcampers and 4 shield lockers doing their own thing (Olaf, Sasquatch, Beaker, and one other I could not see/hear).

WARMUP: Mosey around the parking lot for about a half mile or so, circle up near the school for 10-20 of the following:
* Windmills
* Imperial walkers
* Moroccan night clubs
* Strawberry pickers
>> Then over to the road by the JROTC building for the main event.

1. First up, 11s w hill repeats
Utilizing the mild grade hill alongside the JROTC building that leads down to the elementary school, we did some 11s. 10 Merkins at the top, 1 box cutter at the bottom, repeat accordingly until we finish with 1 merkin at the top, 10 box cutters at the bottom. Overall about a mile and a half of running and 55 reps of each exercise.

Then we discussed shield locks and how important they are. We men tend to internalize our struggles, keep them to ourselves. That only amplifies the pain. Find someone you can trust – the key word in making it work – and that you can be open and vulnerable with. Whether it is inside the F3 ranks our outside F3, just lock up with a someone. No OYO!!!
Next up…..
2. Cindy relays
Divide into 2 groups. Luckily we had an even number of 8. Using the new cinder blocks…..still with that new cinder block smell!…..blocks were placed about 20-30yds from the start. One person from each team runs to the blocks, does the exercise with the blocks, then runs back to the group. Group is exercising as well while they wait for their go. Next person up runs, and so forth, relay style. Constant movement, no rest.
Round 1: 15 cindy curls (1 block) while group does SSH
Round 2: 15 cindy overhead press (1 block) while group does flutters
Round 3: 15 cindy squats (2 blocks) while group does lunges
Round 4: 10 cindy manmakers (1 block) while group does IWs. >> We ran out of time and did not get round 4 in.
>> Back to COT

* Read your newsletter and get involved!!
* Marriages, being a father, and your relationship/responsibilities to both your M and 2.0s.
* Sorry if I missed anything else. Several things were lifted up.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! SYITG and God Bless!

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Slow, Painful, Dirty McDeuce

– SSH x15
– IW (high) x15 => High Knee
– Seal Jacks x15
– Windmills x10 => Butt Kickers
– Merkins x10
– Dry Docks x10=> Shuffle L/R
– Low Slow Squat x20

SLOW Dirty McDeuce – run lap in between sets.
Set 1 Set 3
– Wide arm Merkins – Dips
– Squats – Step lunges
– Big Boy Sit-ups – Weezy Jefferson

Set 2 Set 4- Jack Web (1-5)
– Curb Dry Docks – Burpees (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
– Calf Raises – 4 moroccans (4, 8, 12 16, 20)
– Box Cutters – 4 squats (4, 8, 12 16, 20)

– Freddies
– Dollys

Great work by all PAX! Thanks MainFrame for the opportunity to lead!

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Team LiverEaters

WARMUP: Stretchy things, lap around the lot
4 parts for each member of the SL, all done in teams of 4 (or 5 if needed)

Gears: Two partners run up the hill to Pull Up bars, 10 2 pullup Burpees between the two PAX while the other two are doing 10 Big Boys each and squatting till swap. Two rounds.

Maximus: 50 yard out and back for 2 partners, when they return 10 burpees. Waiting pair is doing American Hammers. Swap. Next a set of perfect merkins to failure for each group. Losing SL does 5 burpees each.

Dark Helmet. Mosey to the rock lot on AO Jones. Partners bear crawl between light posts. If you stop, you do burpees till all the pax are done.

Spider Man: Partner Carry loop around the lot. Finish with one partner flutter while second partner runs to top of lot turnaround and back. Flapjack.

MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Many (read your news letter)
COT: Prayers for M’s, parents, jobs, travel, and kids.

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Low Tide

Temps were thick, but the stench and pain was thicker.
Multiple warmups and we moseyed.

Jack Webb: 4 Bears 🐻 Crawls and 1 CDD ⏯️ 40 Bear Crawls and 10 CDDs

Indian run around the track where each PAX did the following.
20 Merkins
20 Squats
20 V Ups

Back to COT for some Mary.


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