Running with Burpees

WARMUP: PAX were disclaimed.  That is all.
THE THANG: 3.5 Mile route with 10 burpees every 1/4 mile. X marked the burpee spots. Speedy PAX got 4 miles and change. Us mere mortals did not.
MARY: 4 minutes of stretching with Stang
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Were announced
COT: Prayers and praises were offered

YHC is grateful for a tremendous group of HIM to help in acceleration and staying on the right path. The cooler temps and lower humidity was a blessing to start the week. Thanks to Badlands for the Q spot. It is always a privilege to lead.


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Mr. Hugh Midity

I recently asked Badlands for a Q At Sweep The Leg. He gave me June 13th and I accepted the assignment forgetting that was the Monday after a week at the beach. Vacation is rough on the body. But all in all it turned out fairly well. Ran one of my fastest miles 7:42 pace that morning and it all went quickly  downhill from there. Noticed a fairly large gathering for my Q which was obvious since I’m a celebrity in F3. Noticeably missing was Bobber.

The Thang

Told everyone what the plan was at 5:14. Which was, run to Berkshire Heights meet at the stop sign. Go clockwise around Berkshire stopping at every stop sign and doing 5 Hand-release Merkins, 5 X and O, 5 Jump Squats. There are 6 stop signs all the way around and one big hill the last 1/4 mile. The next loop add 5 more reps to same exercises for 10 of each. Everyone got over 2 loops some pushed for 3. Finished with 3.35 miles the others got 4. Thanks Badlands for the Q I enjoyed hearing the complaining  from the Pax.
Last thing men. Let’s show the world what a real man looks like. Be kind to strangers even if they think differently than you. Hold the door for a lady as she exits the store. Open the car door for your wife. Go buy her womanly things without bitching about it. Say your kids prayers at night while tucking them in. Push the buggy back inside the grocery store. Love you guys more than you will ever know.


Prayers for Decibel son Noah and his recovery



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Minnow Pond

WARMUP: run .8
THE THANG: golf course 9 holes with Merkins
MARY: took turns, flutters, tie touch, American hammers etc
COT: Funhouse traveling- vacation, Stang praise for young man staying with them , 🙌

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bootcamp with running

6 PAX and a FNG gathered around the flagpole for the Pledge of Allegiance. Disclaimer was mumbled by the nonprofessional.

WARMUP: SSH and Windmills. Mosey to the Town Square

THE THANG: Shamelessly stolen from Grout with some slight modifications.

Round 1
5 Burpees
10 Big Boys
15 Carolina Dry Docks
20 Lunges
25 American Hammers
30 Shoulder Taps
35 Monkee Humpers
40 Flutters
45 Mountain Climbers
50 Squats
Run a Hill leg, North to 160 or South to Patterson, 5 squats then return to Town Sqare for Round 2.

Round 2.
Same as Round 1 but exclude the 50 squats. After the 45 Mountain Climbers are completed, run a Flat leg, East or West on Academy, 5 Merkins, then return to Town Sqare for Round 3.

Round 3, same as Round 1, exclude the 40 Flutters, then run a Hill leg, 5 squats, return to Town Square for Round 4.

Continue working down the ladder to Round 10 with only 5 burpees between each running leg. I finished 5 rounds.

There were a lot of excercises between each run, and the PAX were strongly encouraged to transition quickly between each excercise so we could get our mandatory miles completed.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Gekko speaking at Hanging with Stang today. Sign up for yardwork at the Fort Mill Care Center. Read your newsletter.

COT: FNG, Gavin, was Eh’d by Stang. Gavin is college student on summer break, and is visiting from OK. Get to know this guy while he is here. He recently completed his diver certification and his F3 name quickly was The Bends. Google it.

Blessed for the opportunity to led at Minnow Pond. Thank you Jeckle for the opportunity. I kicked a dent in this high mileage AO average pace today. It was a bootcamp with running. Should have climbed the ladder to get more distance. I got 3 miles and a complete body workout. I’m not a professional.

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Keep Grindin’

Warmup: Mosey down Dave Gibson to first school parking lot (Station 1)

Thang: Start at station 1, perform 10 shoulder taps and 10 boat/canoes, run to station 2 (cul-de-sac on Patricia Ln) and perform 5 Kraaken Merkins and 20 dips, run to station 3 (cul-de-sac on Ben Casey Dr) and perform 25 merkins and 25 monkey humpers

rinse and repeat until about 0556 and run back to CoT

some PAX got in 4 rounds and over 4miles

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Locking Shields, a how to…

Great Invergence today at WEP to close out an entire month of acceleration.

Now that we have finished a month of accelerating HIMs all over the Fort, how do we maintain that acceleration?


Best way to execute accountability? Locking shields with fellow PAX.

Best way to consistently lock shields? Join a Shield Lock.

Today we heard from some 🛡🔒 PAX sharing experiences, advice and offering up themselves to their fellow PAX to learn the power of 🛡🔒.

To know more, ask a PAX that was present.

Need guidance or advice moving forward?  Reach out to @Pusher and he will point you in the direction of success and accountability.

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Open Your Heart, Cover Your Plums

THE THANG: Maybe our most beloved PAX led the conversation this morning on the subjects of identity (sometimes multiple identities) and the purpose in trials we travel through.

Key takeaway: Open your heart and cover the plums.

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Back and Forth

6 men at Minnow Pond this morning. We started with a half mile warm-up. Hill repeats up and down Monroe White Street, exercises ( squats, merkins, LBCs – 10 of each) at each right turn.
Return to COT the long way via 160 with two stops performing the same exercises.
Made the 3 miles minimum. Great job everyone.

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3-1-22: 3 lessons, 3 stations

YHC took a call up on the schedule to kick off March.  20 decided to converge east of the peach stand.  Three lessons were shared from Seneca and a few exercises were called.

COP – After the pledge, a mosey to Kimbrell’s for COP – squats, people’s chairs, windmills, seal jacks, and burpees sprinkled in got everyone warmed up and on to station #1.

Lesson 1 – “Train your body rigorously so it is not disobedient to your mind”

Station 1 – 10 burpees upon arrival.  7’s to follow – kraken burpees at the top of the circle with squats at the entrance of the circle.  PAX returned to the top of the circle to confirm the lesson was learned.  It was. From there, we moseyed to…….

Lesson 2 – “He who is everywhere is nowhere”

Station 2 – PAX paired up completing a 4 corner, 2 round circuit 5-10-15-20 – burpees, merkins, squats and seal jacks.  Upon completion, 5 more burpees to ensure the lesson was learned.  It was.

Lesson 3 – “Happy is he who makes others better”

Station 3 – flutters in cadence, LBC’s in cadence and a mosey back to COT.  Early arrivers did a few burpees to finish out and a few abs – geometry class brought us to 0600 and COT.

Announcements were shared, prayers were offered and praises were given.

NMM – 3 takeaways to expand on the lessons learned:

1 – Rigorous training enables us to be durable as leaders in our homes and communities.  We are better equipped to handle life’s challenges and keep a calm and clear mind when our bodies are strong.  Our mind and spirit require the same training.

2 – The person who feels busy may find themselves living the life of a hamster on a wheel – in a sense, being everywhere, but nowhere.  Are we setting routines that allow for avoiding that trap? Our world is great at distracting us.  We are equipped to mitigate that through our disciplines, our training and how we apply it daily.

3 – Helping others improve in their journey expecting nothing in return is the ultimate gift of impact.  As leaders, we are called to give away what we know in the pursuit of helping others seek advantage.  The feeling of knowing your effort inspired or encouraged someone to go further, work harder, apply themselves more, etc. brings about a joy knowing your work as a servant manifested itself positively in others.

My thanks to Kermit for the call out and the opportunity to lead a fantastic group of HIMs.  I am grateful to start the day (and in this case) month off on an advantageous foot.

Keep going!!!


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Coast to Coast Qs

A mid-week substi-Q request left YHC a bit concerned on how to fill an hour of pain. Fortunately, the request was picked up by an old friend of The Fort that now resides on the other coast, 88.

88 and YHC met early to get a lay of the land. He volunteered to lead us off, but needed to know where a few things were. It was a dark and chilly morning, and the wind was cutting.

14 PAX gathered just before 0630hrs, and all got to meet the brother from the Gold Rush Territory. With one fresh face in the crowd, a strong disclaimer was given, along with the 5 core principles.

The Fort broke off from Milkshake for a little mosey to the back side of the Pike Engineering.

10 Merkins IC
10 Squats IC

Then we moseyed to the entrance of Pike Engineering, and did a set of Minus 2 at the masonry knee walls. Starting with 20 incline merkins and rotating with dips, we did all the reps and eventually made it to 0. The high numbers and pain cause confusion for several PAX, but we won’t name names here, will we Italian Job?

88 led us on a mosey back to WEP, where cones were laid out in 4 corners.
• First lap included 10 merkins at each cone
• Second lap included 20 squats at each cone
• Third lap included 30 Mountain Climbers at each cone
• Fourth lap included all of the reps – 10 merkins, 20 squats and 30 mountain climbers at each cone

88 handed off to YHC and we started at the front of the amphitheater.

Typically, if I have prepared a message, it’s because I need to hear it. Several things have prevented me from posting consistently over the last month, and I can feel it when I do make it out. So, in a plank position, I went over Q3.10 Consistency – “The Consistent Leader is constant and regular in everything he does. His followers are drawn to him because his steadiness provides a safe harbor from the howling winds of Chaos and Flux that blow periodically through their own lives. He is their rock.”

Recover and run one lap around WEP, performing 5 burpees at each swing. Cyclops and Italian Job led the way, with Clickbait giving chase. “5 more” burpees were continued in front of the amphitheater while waiting for the 6, or Stang to return from the woods. Stang was incredibly uncomfortable in the open area of the park, constantly gazing towards the trees. I’m not sure if the sun rising early helped either.

“Strong Routines are the framework of Consistency.” We in F3 know what to do. Wake up and exercise, everyday, We shouldn’t have to think about it, just do it. Remove unnecessary decisions, and create routines.

Next up, Dan Taylors. All the way across the WEP field. A few PAX wanted to play on the playground, and I heard rumblings of other shenanigans, but feared turning around to see what they were doing. The field was longer than I thought, but we got 55 squats and 220 lunges in.

“The Virtuous Leader focuses on bandwidth not perfection.” Reminded the PAX that consistency will help minimize the flux in our life. This isn’t about perfection, but about limiting the lows in our life. The things that keep us away from a healthy lifestyle that enables us to lead.

We moseyed back to CoT, and with a minute to spare, got 5 Mike Tysons – Bear crawl and Crawl bear in to close it out.

We welcome FNG Spit Valve, had prayers and praises for those at D2D and to those in Ukraine and affected by the conflict in Ukraine. T-claps to Clickbait who is organizing some relief efforts to that part of the world.

Thanks again to 88 for answering the call to lead! We look forward to your return.

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