Carrying Each Other’s Burdens

Seven men shunned the fartsack to get better in all three Fs this morning at Soul to Sole. We covered 3.16 miles while alternating the 60lb sandbag amongst us.

The men were encouraged to share what’s on their minds this morning. With men’s mental health being prominent in the news, YHC felt it necessary to remind the men to lean on their brothers to carry their burdens. None of us should walk the road of life alone. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reminds us “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

So when you are down, raise your hand for help. When you are up, extend your hand to a brother that might need to be lifted up. Don’t walk alone. We’re in this together.

Italian Job

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4 Corners of Chatter

It was a cold/dark morning in the gloom but there was enough fiery mumble chatter to keep everyone warm.

Quick warmup then a long mosey over to the Church of the Nazarene for a little 4 corners of pain.

4 Corners of Jack Webb Lap around the church.

4 Flutters – Added 4 each round until we hit 40
1 Merkin – Added 1 each round until we hit 10
1 Squat – Added 1 each round until we hit 10
4 Overhead Claps – Added 4 each round until we hit 40

Ran back to COT for prayers and praises.


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The Jack Web Phenomenon

WARMUP: plank <>upward dog <>downward dog (with variations), mix in exercises from plank position- merkin, Diamond merkin, plank jacks, Peter Parker’s, you get the idea
THE THANG: Webs!!!
1-5 sit-up-getup:4-20 single arm chest press (both with KB)
10-6 burpees on curb:40-24 calf raises with KB
1-5 Turkish getup:4-20 KB curls
10-6 goblet jump squats:40-24 hops with KB
1-5 big boy burpees:4-20 KB swings

Merkins on bell 5-4-3-2-1 each side : KB triceps 5×10
End with max merkins in 30”

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Dam2Dam 10K on Saturday- Beaker and I are getting a 10K warmup starting at 9:45AM at the Print Shop and heading to the start line for the official 10K.

COT: prayers for my daughter who is not feeling well

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The Hive is Alive at Five

Warm-ups : SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Wind Mills, Plank Stretches

Mosey to the big parking lot for some partner exercises. Partner 1 carried both bells while Partner 2 performed 5 perfect merkins. Flapjack and continued until we arrived at the second light post. Next, we dropped the bells for partner pushes between the light posts. We continued this pattern until we arrived at the front of the school.
Next, we grabbed some wall with the bell for a wall sit press and extension. Two rounds and then proceeded back to the stadium carrying the bell over our head. At each light pole, we stopped for an exercises. First light pole, man-makers, set of 5. Since half the group elected to modify, we did 5 more. KB Swings, Flutters, and LBCs were completed by the time we arrived at the stadium.
Back to partner exercises, Partner 1 carried bells up the hill while partner 2 ran to the top. Flapjack and continue until mumble chatter subsided.
Return to the flag for a few minutes of bells around the circle. Lots of laughter due to either having to handle Tesh’s 100# bell or the colorful deceivingly light bells.
Great job men!
Prayers for family members and friends suffering from cancer.

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WARMUP: SSH, cherry pickers, Moroccan night clubs. Mosey to front of school for some merkins- mosey a little more
THE THANG: 10 burpees, run up hill to rock and back
20 big boys, run up hill to rock and back
20 hand release merkins, run up hill to rock and back
20 squats, run up hill to rock and back
20 Carolina dry docks, run up hill to rock and back
Repeat until we head back
Most got atleast 3 rounds through
MARY: burpees ,flutters ,American hammers
ANNOUNCEMENTS: dam2dam packet pick up and read your newsletters

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There’s a Christmas tree over there?

WARMUP: Light warmup at the AO.
THE THANG: Moseyed to the rear Church of God parking lot where a lighted Christmas tree was setup and decorated. Pax took turns removing bulbs that had numbers on them. Each number was associated with a sheet with a list of exercises. After each completion of exercises, a run up stairs or to the end of the parking lot.
COT: Shared “stuff.” Prayed out.

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Is that a POLAR jockstrap?

WARMUP: some stuff
Everyone took a station. AMRAP while one person carried the sandbag out and back
Timer – Sandbag carry
Flutters with keg press
Squat thrusters
Triceps or skull crushers
American hammers

Hip flexors and some ab stuff

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Tabata kettlebell jam fest

WARMUP: Done in cadence. SSH x15, windmills x10, Cherry pickers x15, Moroccan nc x15, Hillbilly walkers x15, Big arm circles x8(forward and back), Down dog/honeymooner
THE THANG:  Tabata with 25 secs on/15 secs rest x 6 sets – 45 sec abs+kb done in cadence
Reverse lunges
Bent over rows
Upright rows
Mtn climbers
Triceps extension
American hammers
MARY: one minute lbc with kb press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D bar Jan 28, D2D next month, blood drive Jan 12, bethel men’s shelter Jan 12 (sign ups needed)
COT: back to school, job search, damar Hamlin and what his story has shown us

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Circle of death

Moroccan Night Club
Imperial Walkers
Mountain Climbers
10 man makers
squat hold with the bell
Turkish get ups
10 man makers

The Thang:
Partner up for Catch me if you can. One partner did 10 merkins and the other partner carried both bells. The first partner then caught up and swapped.

Next up was 6 cones with exercises that we rotated through.
20 Burpees
20 Curls
20 Seated one arm presses
20 American Hanmmers
20 Goblet Squats
20 Single Leg Dead lifts(oil derricks)

The PAX got in 3 rotations or more around the circle.

Overhead one arm carry the bell back to the COT.

10 V-ups with bell
LBC’s in Cadence

The Site Q duties were passed from @airborne to @happy hour. Airborne has done a great job with this site and we look forward to Happy Hour’s leadership. We had 2 FNG’s which was great.
Thanks for the opportunity to lead!

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