







MARY: included in workout
COT: yes

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Snarky Title!

WARMUP: mosey to a church parking lot
Do some burpees and some dynamic warmups along with some exercises in cadence.
THE THANG: NUR up the hill to a different church parking lot. Introduce 5/10/15 of big boy sit ups, merkins and squats. Run to other places to do 5/10/15. Hit a record for most churches hit, unofficial of course.
Held AL Gore and did squats in a circle.
Introduced walk like an Egyptian.
Duck walked up Main Street with squats at light poles.
Some more running to churches for more 5/10/15
MARY: Souptonuts led us in some Mary as a warmup for next week’s VQ.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: burpees for bbq round 2. March 2nd 2024.
COT: CSPAN style.

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Punishment for missing free throws

WARMUP: the 0445 pre-run

Shuttle runs
Using the rows in the parking lot (~20m apart) numbered 0-5, starting at 0, shuttle run to 1, return to 0. Run to 2, back to 0, etc until Pax got to 5, then start over from 1.

First 3 rounds (1 round being shuttle run through 1-5)
Burpees everytime you came back to 0. The number of burpees were equal to the number of the row you ran to.

Second 3 rounds were jump squats following the same rules as the burpees but by a factor of 4.

Last 3 rounds were 4 SC mountain climbers x the number of the row you ran to.
Those that finished before 6, did shuttle runs with no exercises.

Every 3 rounds was just over 1 mile.


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Hill repeat Monday

At 0515, YHC told the PAX there is no warm up we were ready to roll and headed out toward Gold Hill Middle. It was supposed to be a mosey, but was more running.

At the first parking lot we counted off and gave a very bastardized disclaimer- basically modify as necessary and you should read the disclaimer on the website.
From there I explained what the workout was,;
25 merkins at the school, then head up the hill to the bank, do 25 Freddy Mercurys (4 count- like in cadence), then back to school and rinse/repeat until 0600.

Most got in 4-5 rounds and all got in at least 3.5 miles.

COT: lots of announcements and prayers – I was oxygen deprived so I don’t recall them at this point 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Geezer Butler

Big crowd this morning at Block Party. 24 men started their day off right, some ran, some rucked, and some stuck around and the rest followed the old geezer.
First stop, the bank on the corner, actually it is a pharmacy now. Circled up for exercises in cadence (SSHs, MNCs, IWs, WMs). Next, we selected a partner. Bear crawl to the middle of the parking lot, 10 partner merkins, bear crawl back to the curb, rinse and repeat 3 times.
Next, we ran down to the town hall offices, 3 rounds of Mike Tysons (set of 10). Back on the road, up to the top of the hill on Williamson St. 3 rounds of Partner pushes between the light poles. I was corrected, one of the poles was actually a flag pole (old man eyes). Next, hold plank, down to elbow, six inches. Back down the hill, return to the top of the parking lot. Brisk mosey to the parking lot across from COT with the brick wall. Dora 1-2-3, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Squats, 400 LBCs. Partner 1 performed the exercises while Partner 2 ran to the wall and did 3 muscle-ups.
Back to COT

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4 Corners of Chatter

It was a cold/dark morning in the gloom but there was enough fiery mumble chatter to keep everyone warm.

Quick warmup then a long mosey over to the Church of the Nazarene for a little 4 corners of pain.

4 Corners of Jack Webb Lap around the church.

4 Flutters – Added 4 each round until we hit 40
1 Merkin – Added 1 each round until we hit 10
1 Squat – Added 1 each round until we hit 10
4 Overhead Claps – Added 4 each round until we hit 40

Ran back to COT for prayers and praises.


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Cardinal Run

WARMUP: Pledge @ 5:15
THE THANG: Ran a figure 8 route with a pain station in the middle to honor Cardinal. 1/2 mile fast pace then slowed down the second half.
Round 1:
5 Burpees, 10 Big Boys, 15 Heels to Heaven
Round 2:
5 Burpees, 10 LBC’s, 15 Mt. Climbers
Round 3:
5 Burpees, 10 Squats, 15 Freedy Mercury’s
(Rinse & Repeat)
MARY: Band Camp took us out with some flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read the news letter

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Simple pendulum

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: mossy to coffee parking lot. Simple pendulum where you run to GHES teacher parking lot. At bottom of hill 16 merkins at top of each hill 13 LBCs. Nothing else, nothing more, nothing less, except for Dark Helmet complaining. And yes the reps represent the score of the Steelers win against that pro team to the south. How about them Steelers Crab Cakes?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for flounders sister and school starting again

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Superman made me do it


Cherry pickers
Low and slow squats
MNCs so Cyclops


downward dogs
Upward dogs
Peter Parker’s



Mosey to side of pike building

Bear craw under awning allllll the way down

Mosey to half wall

30 Dips
30 Derkins
30 step ups

Mosey to park
Jack Webb (5 rounds)
Mike Tyson’s
Chin ups

Chin ups to failure OYO

Mosey around park- counter clockwise
Every bench complete the following:

15 air squats
10 calf raises
5 flying squirrels

7 or 8 benches were passed on way to pavilion
Under pavilion

Wall sits while 6 comes in

Take turns burpee broad jumping to end of stage and run back to wall

Started with Dora but then modified to group work for time management sake we had important work to do

50 J-Los

Calf raises
Pigeon toe calf raises

50 flutters (4 count in unison)

Mosey all the way to Kimbrells furniture store to complete monkey humpers tears facing inside Kimbrells where Cicada was supposed to be setting up a men’s breakfast.


Stretches and a couple rounds of Mary

Freddy mercuries
Box cutters

COT: shared letter from F3 Safari

Good morning my brother.
My name is Phelix Obuya (F3 Safari), born and raised in Kenya. Iwas born in abject poverty to an extent that we rarely had two meals. I wore my first pair of shoes when going to High school. Iwas born in a family of 7 but 5 of us died, my late dad included, therefore it is my 78 year old mum, my brother Chris and I who are alive. Am 48 years old and have been a member of F3 since 2020.
I hold 2 Master Degrees in Strategic Management and Community Studies and have worked with diverse organizations. Chaplain Steven Hubbard and I founded a Foundation and got it incorporated in Kenya this year. Damien’s Hope Foundation as it is called follows the ethos of the late St. Damien of Molocai, a Belgium Catholic priest who died while serving lepers. We therefore are dedicated to work with the “modern day lepers” who are needy and aren’t capable of meeting their basic needs in the society.
Damien’s Hope doesn’t have any kind of funding at the moment but we rely on personal contributions and goodwill.I do my apostolate on foot because many times I never have even cash to pay for transport. Having gone through very tough times in life moved me to found Damien’s Hope Foundation,
The reason am writing this mail is to sincerely thank you, Brother Patrick Lloyd, Fort Mill AO, Lake Wylie AO and Rock Hill AO plus any other person of goodwill who mobilized clothes, shoes and all the beautiful and valuable items that were received with gratitude to support our local F3 members and the needy in this community.
Allow me to conclude that by quoting from the Gospel of Mathew 25:35-40 that whatever you did, it was Jesus who benefited through your amazing support. We have received even some financial contribution that has always been handy in providing food and transportation to the pax who do not have any source of income and I always say, “Glory Be to God.”
Without taking much of your time let me take this humble opportunity on behalf of F3, Langata Kenya to THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART FOR THE GREAT WORK AND SERVICE TO THE NEEDY.
Never leave no man behind, don’t leave a man where you found him.
Be blessed.
Your humble Brother,
Phelix (Safari)

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Hill Yeah!

WARMUP: the first 1/2 mile
THE THANG: 4+ miles with maybe a few hills to help prep for dam2dam
MARY: nah
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Christmas party coming up and be on the lookout for more d2d fundraisers
COT: prayers & praises

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