- QIC: Pusher, Maximus
- When: 10/24/2024
- Pax: 3D, darkhelmet, Goose, Happy Hour, Hot Yoga, Maximus, Only fans, Poppins, PTL, Pusher, Rosie, Tiller, Vuvuzela
- Posted In: Lazarus
Run to the movie theater parking lot
With lots of mumblechatter in the background…
SSH x 30
Windmills x 10
IW x 15
Merkins x 10
Mtn Climbers x 20
Low slow x 15
Dirty McDeuce
WAM x 12
Lunges x 12
Big Boy x 12
Run a lap
8 Count burpees x 12
Squats x 12
LBCs x 12
Discussion on contentment – see Q Source reference
Handoff to Maximus
Wall Work
Wall Sits
Split leg lunges
Run to parking lot
Bear crawl to each of 7 islands with 5 Mike Tysons in between
Discussion on Consistency – see Q Source for details
Run back to start
Nur to 3 islands
Back to COT
See Newsletter – pour into something
You had to be there!