It’s the Badger after all…

Over the weekend, many of us had the opportunity to participate in the 9/11 GORUCK events. It was a powerful reminder that our days are numbered and we don’t have any idea what that number is… One of our Cadre, Mike S., told us stories of men that he knew that had joined the Armed Services in some form or fashion (just as he had) as a direct result of the events of 9/11. One of those was a man that later would give his life in service to his country, Severin Summers III. Cadre Mike knew Severin, and told us some of his story at the event. We thought it only fitting to perform the workout that bears his name at the Badger yesterday. And it was hard…

50 Pull-ups
100 Hand-release Merkins
Run 5K

You could do it straight or break it up as you saw fit. For me, I did them in sets of 10, 20, and 800M runs until complete. I think that everyone chose to break it up in some way… There was a lot of sweat. And pain… those are the things I remember…

We started our week on the right trajectory, with a reminder to live THIRD… like a hero…

Helmet, out…

TClap |

Board of Pain at the Fire Ant

It was an honor to again be placed on the Q list of the long list of candidates for The Fire Ant. After Spiderman renewed the mission of this AO, I knew I needed to make it worthwhile for the 14 others who decided to remove themselves from the fartsack this gloom.


So we began with the following: We took a quick ruck march around the building to the front of the Harris Teeter where YHC had previously placed the BOP. At this point YHC gave the F3 Disclaimer. YHC requested that everyone partner up. I then explained the Board: Partner 1 was to perform the first exercise and partner 2 was to perform the movement timing mechanism/then flapjack. The the pair was to go to the second exercise and timing mechanism. The exercises and timing mechanisms are listed below:

Exercises: Merkins, Low Slow Squats, CDD’s, Lunges, Flutters w/Press, Ruck Thrusts, Curls, Tricep Extensions, Lateral Lunges, American Hammers, Overhead Presses, Ruck Swings, and Man Makers.

Timing Mechanisms: Shuffle, Karaoke, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Ruck Run.

After much mumblechatter was had and we made it through the list YCH led us into the following word. Once the message was given the group headed back to the COT and held our Rucks overhead until 0600.


This was a morning surrounded with many HIMs in whom YHC is intrigued by. Men who wake up at 0345-0445 to get to a workout at 0500 or 0515 almost every day of the week. Most of the PAX in attendance this gloom are planning on taking what they do with fellow F3 brothers each day and taking it into the world this coming weekend. These PAX will be participating in a Goruck event in Charlotte in remembrance of 9/11 and the men and women who sacrificed their lives on that horrific day. 9/11 is a day, if you were alive, that all will remember no matter what you were doing on that dreadful morning. However, our country came through the struggle united and closer than I had ever seen before.

This morning I challenged all PAX to remember who and what they represent when they leave the workout each morning. First they represent the one who they place their faith in. Second, they represent their families. Then they represent F3 Nation (an event is a great place to EH Sad Clowns into the brotherhood). Finally, they represent the communities they are a part of from where they live to where they work.

The challenge was to represent well no matter where or what they are doing. And trust me, I write this to remind myself of this challenge.

Announcements, Prayers, & Praises were given with the whole group.

Longshanks led the COT.

TClap |

Running away from hills towards hills

Thursday morning we ran. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Tempo so I asked Gekko what’s been going on recently so I could do something a little different. This is what we did.

  • We ran away from the hills of Tega Cay Only to find more hills (Hubert Graham and Dave Gibson)
  • Exit Trailhead towards 160
  • Right at Hubert Graham
  • Go straight at the round about into Walmart Parking Lot
  • Run around the back of Walmart
  • Cross Dam Road and Run the back entrance to Gold Hill Middle School
  • Run out the front up Dave Gibson Hill 🙂
  • Left at 160
  • Left at Stonecrest Blvd
  • Right at Hubert Graham (another hill)
  • Left Gold Hill
  • Return to Trailhead Park

Total Miles: 4.7

Several Prayers for healing, comfort, families and marriages. Always an honor to lead. Thanks Gekko.

Zima Out

TClap |

The Fire Ant!!!

The Fire  Ant:

The ruck at Golden Corral is not new, however some things are.   After more than a year of being the Site Q all of the ruck options in The Fort, RAD asked to pass one AO off of YHC and the other site to Cobra Kai.  An AO set up to truly train PAX signed up for GORUCK events was already in the works.  Becoming the Site Q for the Tuesday Ruck option provided a great opportunity to do just that.

To start we needed a name.  “The ruck option at Golden Corral” does not exactly roll off the tongue.  Previous conspiring for the creation of an intense ruck option saw a few names thrown out by the group of PAX that started the recon effort and the development of what this thing needed to be.  Cheddah was the winner when he through out “The Fire Ant!”  Fire ants can carry 10-50 times their body weight, they spread aggressively, and most importantly, they work as a team.  Given that GORUCK events are built on the basis of team work and involve carrying heavy objects for long distances, the name just fit.

As I mentioned, the intention of original Fire Ant concept was to train PAX  for upcoming GORUCK events.  To start, there is no such thing as a 30lb ruck for a man weighing over 150lbs at a GORUCK event.  That is just the required dry weight.  Add 3L of water and your ruck will weigh ~37lbs.  Therefore the required weight for this AO was set to 40lbs.  Given that the Fire Ant has essentially taken over an existing AO and we want to continue for guys to try rucking, we will call the 40lbs, “highly encouraged.”

The second aspect of The Fire Ant is intensity.  This AO is not about miles, but about completing a soul crushing WOD.  This is anything with a very high discomfort factor.  “Get comfortable being uncomfortable!”  WODs designed to push to failure, get the heart rate up, and lift some extremely heavy objects (both individually and as a team) will be the norm.  OF COURSE, modify as necessary as you get stronger.  For the most part, this is not a huge change for the AO, as the Qs have delivered some great beat downs.  Some recent WODs from Mainframe & Cobra Kai, were great examples!

The Thang:

PAX were led to one of the parking islands and weight was added to every ruck that was not already over 30lbs.  From there the PAX moved 2×2 to the corner of O’Reilly Auto Parts.  Immediately started into the workout.

  • Duck walk to the front of O’Reilly Auto Parts
  • Complete a series of exercises in cadence
    • Flutters x20
    • Mountain Climbers x20
    • Squats x20
    • Bent over rows x20
  • Overhead Carry the length of O’Reilly Auto Parts (40 yds)
  • Broad Jump Man Maker the length of the parking spaces (30 yds) – this was a crowd favorite!
  • Move to the long wall next to Harris Teeter and complete a series of exercises in cadence
    • Merkins x15
    • Ruck Swings x15
    • Overhead Press x15
    • Curls x15
  • Bear crawl the length of the HT wall (60 yds)
  • Drop ruck and run the large parking lot (1/4 mile)

The PAX completed the series 2.5 times before time ran out.

Excited to be a site Q again.  Thank you RAD for all you have done for rucking in The Fort and appreciate you thinking of me to take over this site!

The Fire Ant continues on 8/14 with CSPAN!!

TClap |

Honoring Special Agent Forrest Leamon at HoneyBadger – 8/13/18

24 #HIM joined YHC (25 total) to honor Special Agent Forrest Leamon at the 8-13-18 edition of HoneyBadger.

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Forrest Nelson Leamon, 37, assigned to the Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Team (FAST) Echo was killed October 26th, 2009, while on a counternarcotics mission in Western Afghanistan when the helicopter he was in crashed. He is survived by his wife Ana, his son Luke, his parents, Sue and Richard Leamon, and his sister Heather.


  • Mosey around the parking lot 1 lap
  • 50 Side straddle hops
  • 21 double count windmills
  • Downward dog to honey mooner x3
  • Small arm circles
  • Big arm cirles
  • Reverse small arm circles
  • Reverse big arm circles

Mosey to the pull up bars.

The “Forrest” WOD:

3 rounds for time:

  • 20 L Pull-ups
  • 30 toes to bar
  • 40 burpees
  • 800M run



  • Weekend events honoring #HIMs CSPAN & Rooney
  • #218in18
  • SiteQ Meeting this Wednesday


  • Parents
  • Kids back to school

– Ginsu


TClap |

“Mostly” running the trails

Finally had the M at home so I could head to the Carolinas Thread Trail near home that the Lake Wylie PAX have been using for Ragnar Relay training.

“It’s just running, QBert” they said as I eagerly picked up the Q from IcedT

Started running the trail and then called out 5 SSH to the rear PAX who then had to make it to the front of the line (Indian Run) rotated through as we could careful to only pass when the trail was wide enough so this helped take up some time and keep everyone focused.

Found a bench on the way and stopped for 30 dips

Indian Run again with 1 burpee for the rear PAX

Bench #2 more dips

Lunge walked up a big hill and then kept running to the Daniel Stowe parking lot

At the parking lot, we broad jumped one set of spaces, lunge walked the next, and then sprinted to the end.

After a scenic lap in front of the garden, we walked backwards back to the trailhead

I put a different PAX in front every 5 ish minutes to change up the pace and we stopped once for dips on the way back.

Made it back to CoT with everyone for the better.

Two Ferns has had 2 deaths in the family this past week. IcedT is lifting up brothers looking for jobs, let’s join him.

Thanks IcedT, keep up the good work!

TClap |

Husky VQ at Honey Badger

It was my pleasure to bring a new look with some “fun” exercises to The Honey Badger.  Everyone knows that although the Honey Badger may be small, it is a tenacious and sometimes vicious creature.  Thank you to all this who came out for my VQ, you all did the Honey Badger proud.  It may not have been easy but you scratched your way though when lesser people would have quit.  This AO is Hero or Hero inspired workouts.  I am inspired by all of those who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect the freedoms we enjoy every day.  It was only fitting to discuss our workout theme which was leadership.  We all know and have varying definitions of leadership such as lead by example etc.. Leadership is the development of a vision, establishing what matter, then articulating why.  Set the direction and inspire others.  Translate vision into reality.  I hope I was able to inspire others to push themselves to do things they did not know were possible.  Make a better you every day.  “Accept the challenges so you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”  Everyone who came and conquered the Honey Badger are licking their lips today because the taste of victory is amazing.

Warmup:  Windmill, Copperhead Squats, Chinook, Sun Gods, Tempo Merkin

10 Chin ups immediately followed by 10 negative release for a 10 second down count each rep. (Wall pushups and wall sits while waiting for bar)

Bleacher Run X3

Tooth Fairy up Stairs then Reverse Bear Crawl down stairs (2 Rounds)   Sweat Angles while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete

Butkus (Rapid step ups) 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Inclined Mountain Climbers 1 minute on then 30 second rest

Reverse Bear Crawl up steps, Jameis Winston Down Steps with 5 dips every step (crap walk feet first), at bottom 10 Ground and Pound Merkins (Fist on ground with thumbs pointing to the sky then push up mimicking tricep extension movement)      (2 Rounds)  Happy Jacks while waiting for remainder of Pax to complete.

Duck Walk Up Stairs (this is low and slow, do not rush.  Should feel great burn, if not get lower and slower)  Run down  (2 Rounds)

Cool Down:  X’s and O’s, X Cross Sit-ups, Captain Therkins (1:4, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16, 5:20), Superman to Canoe without arms or feet hitting the ground.




TClap |

Wonder Twin Powers

13 Pax gathered at the Deep for an unheard of beatdown by YHC and Ginsu. So heres the backstory….YHC was given the honor of Qing the Deep by Shakespeare (Keep up the great leadership!) One of the Pax that YHC wanted to get to know better was Ginsu, our 1st F Q. So, in an unheard of move that was borderline ridiculous, we went for it. Ginsu added a bit of variety by  bringing his speaker to play some tunes throughout the workout. Lots of mumble chatter came from this.

The Pax of Lake Wylie are known for giving it their all and they did not disappoint. Gansu was prepared and YHC brought an old school Dirty McDeuce (courtesy of OBT) to the group.

The discussion was impact which was a carryover from the 3rd F Convergence from the day before. YHC admires the impact that Pax of F3 the Fort are making in the community. However, the best opportunity/need for impact is those who fall into your first 2 circles of Concentrica. The M and 2.0s. Fittingly, Bones posted with Link, his 2.0 who brought it for the workout and clearly Bones is making an impact with this one.

The Thang

Mosey across the street to Oakridge Middle – Pusher in the lead



Morrocan Night Clubs

SSH – no less than 30

Mtn Climbers


Mosey to track for the Dirty McDeuce – First song is Ice, Ice, Baby by Vanilla Ice – let the mumble chatter begin!

4 sets of exercises, 3 exercises x 12 – IC, followed by a lap

Exercises focused on chest, core, legs

Round 1 – Merkins, LBCs, Low slow squats

Round 2 – Wide arm merkins, Dollies, Lunges

Round 3 – CDD, Rosalitas, Monkey Humpers

Round 4 – Diamond, Flutters, Mtn Climbers

Handoff to Ginsu

A few words on the intentionality of impact

Intention leads to Actions and that leads to Impact

Sprint work

50 yard sprint, 3 hand release burpees, 50 yard mosey x 3

LBC, Big Boy, Flutter x 20 in between

50 yard sprint, 10 merkins, 50 yard mosey x 3

V Ups, Captain Thor, Boats and Canoe x 20

50 yard sprint, 10 jump Squats, 50 yard mosey x 3

Freddy, hello dolly, protractor

Thunderstruck was played…uh oh!

Started with a V Up for every “thunder” based on request by Bones (what was he thinking) we switched to a burpee.

Mosey home



  • Thanks to Ginsu for the music. Definitely made the pain feel a little better
  • Thanks to Shakespeare for the opportunity
  • Thanks to Shady for coming over from Tega Cay
  • Ruck options upcoming –  See Royale
  • Training opportunities for Ragnar – See Royale
  • Read your newsletter

Pusher out!


TClap |

Golden Corral Shovel Flag Hand Off

We had 20 Combined for the Boot Camp  and Ruckers.

Boot Camp Work Out:

Mosey behind shopping center and circle up:

15 Imperial Walkers, 15 Mountain Climbers, 15 Wind Mills, 15 Peter Parkers, 15 Parker Peters, 10 Merkins and 15 CDD

Mosey to hill:

On Guard Rail do 14s: 13 Derkins and 1 Dip; 12 Derkins and 2 Dips………… 1 Derkin and 13 Dips

Mosey to Hill:  Backwards halfway  up hill then run forward- 20 Sumo Squats down the hill then alternating lunges until the 6 is in and then 10 in cadence as a gaggle.  Rinse and repeat x2.

Mosey to roundabout and lunge walk to entrance of the shopping center.

Mosey to parking lot: Backward run to first island then turn and forward run at end of parking lot do 25 CDD then run back….incline merkins until 6 is in then 10 as a gaggle in cadence.

Mosey to COT

It has been an honor to serve as the site Q.  Over the last couple of years I have seen a lot of faces come through and all are better for it.  I am excited to have my good friend Falcon Crest take over and you will see me there on a regular basis.

Remember that the next step is to get involved in volunteering in our area.  Children’s attention home and paradise both need volunteers.  Make the next step in leadership and you will not regret it.  Falcon Crest is a man doing that not just within F3 but also at CAH.  Thank you buddy!

TClap |

Still in Abyssness

I seem to keep having my last Q in the Carolinas at least once a week now. Gonna need to stop calling it that until I got a final date for when I leave. Bones gave me the Q for abyss at sea legs, came up with something on the spot that went more or less like this today-

Mosey to basketball court, COP

Mosey to the back road. At top of back road, tried having us do rugby sprints, learned its kinda hard to do it coming downhill, didn’t realize the angle was as steep as it was when trying to stop suddenly for six inches. Did this all the back to basketball courts

WIth a partner, each man does 30 pullups  altogether, switching off to run to give breaks between sets. I love my pullups, and 30 is ambitious I think for most people.

After this went on to main event. Tried explaining the whole routine before starting, but learned it was alot easier to just go round by round and have the PAX follow along till the habit picked up.


4 islands nearest us in parking lot, do a set of an exercise and run to next. then,Far away islands, run to each and do 15 LBCs.  last island near middle by COT, 10 burpees before moving on to next round. rounds were as follows:

1.10 merkins

2.20 squats

3.20 monkey humpers

after going through one cycle of this, PAX had it down pat. 10 minutes, left, started over with intention that everyone do as much as they could before time. Pax in lead got to monkey humpers again before COT called.  As usual, Jedi was beast mode and in the lead and never looks like he’s dying haha.

Had lunch with Qbert today who was present, I asked him what the general impression was of ” a whopper Q”, if it had any general characteristics . He answered that it was that nobody ever knew what it was going to be or what to expect. Really, Really glad to hear that because honestly, my biggest thing that I want to avoid at all costs, is to be too predictable or cliche when I lead the beatdown. So its good to know.

TClap |