Man in the Arena

Perfect gloom conditions.  15 studs out for a beatdown.  Opened with Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Warm up:

  • warm up 70%  sprints between each exercise
    • SSH, Squat, SSH, Merkin

The Thang:

  • 4 corners- run in between- (abt 30 yards) Rinse/Repeat x 5
    • 3 burpee
    • 4 bombjacks
    • 5 merkin
    • 6 squat
  • Ark Loader Series- 30 yards, Rinse/Repeat x 3
    • Bear Crawl down, 10 merkins
    • Lunge walk back, 10 squat
    • crab walk down, 10 LBC
    • Backward Bear Crawl back, 10 CDD
  • 6 minutes of Mary
    • flutter
    • rosalita
    • protractor
  • Sprint Series
    • 2 x 70%
    • 1 X 85%
    • 5  X 100%


Naked Man Moleskin

Jedi and Straight Up were out front today, all morning.  No surpise here.  Lots of great mumblechatter as the men answered the call for a beatdown and were all in.


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Glass Joe Finally Stops Talking

Four years ago yesterday I joined F3 while I still lived in Mint Hill.  Back then there was no F3 Mint Hill, so Area 51 was my poison of choice back then.  I posted twice a week in Union County and one or two times in Area 51 proper.

That same year my mother got sick and two weeks before Christmas she went on to be with our Lord and celebrate Christmas as she never had before.  Needless to say the Union County pax became very special to me and I was very thankful to have them in my life.

Then 2016 rolled around and I moved south of the border to Fort Mill.  I don’t see the UC boys nearly as often, but still try and get back to q every now and then.  Today was one of those days.

Overdrive being a gear workout, I can easily make it so there’s not too much running and that’s what we did.  It went a little something like this.

25 swings
25 goblet squats
20 merkins
Run a lap.

20 tricep extensions
25 LBC’s
30 curls
Run a lap.

20 skull crushers
20 American hammers
20 calf raises
Run a lap.

We repeated and added five(ish) to each exercise.  Added a little people’s chair, a little stretching and we were outta there!

Please remember in prayer Glass Joe’s M Paige’s dad who has an upcoming surgery.

Outland needs a q tomorrow.  Someone step up!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead and I always enjoy all the mumblechatter at the UC.

Thanks Shepherd for taking us out.  You know, you should be a pastor or something.  Something like that.

DT out.

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We Have Something Good Here

The faithful grew to 10 this week, some new, some old, but the buffet of pain has been a common stay. Starting off at 0500 is a Q’s dream as it provides ample time to deliver the Pax some pain.

A call was put out the night before for the PAX to bring some 65lbs or their weapon of choice, and all kinds of coupons showed up.

We did a warmup COP style and went off to the track. I promised out P200 PAX that the running would not be excessive, but I would not have been present based on past experiences, so I am sure it seemed like a mountain to them. Great courage on coming out and working through the post P200 pain.

First up was The Looney.
We ran a warm up lap to clear the track of debris and moved benches, lonely cones, and general trash off the track where our dreams came true.

7 400 yard sprints round the oval at AYG pace. After each lap, 20 yards weighted lunge. The book called for 65 lbs, but all shapes and sizes were had.

After we hit 4 rounds, it was all down hill, although I am not sure the breathing was any easier. We then proceeded to the Brenton with our remaining time.

The Brenton was 5 rounds of 30 yards bear crawls, then broad jumps back with 3 burps after each set of 5 jumps. In succession, this ended up as a killer. Great way to spend 10 minutes of your life right there.

At that point, we were on our way back to COT. We finished with peer led ab work. Did we care about the 6 quitting time? NOPE, The Honey Badger said to have all PAX lead, so we ended at 6:03.

Thanks men for the opportunity to lead. Wegmans is on Q next week.


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Ruck + Homebrew + Charities + Miles = good times for all

On March 31st we will execute BREWRUCK 002 – Homebrew Edition within The Fort, the second annual posting of this event.

Here’s what you need to know:

When: Saturday March 31st, 2018, 1300 launch (1:00pm)
Where: Alcatraz (aka Runde Park, 5000 Tega Cay Dr, Tega Cay, SC 29708)
What: This is our spin on Brewruck, the course will bring thristy ruckers from Homebrewer to Homebrew (i.e. their garage/front yard, M approved area), you’ll have 20 mins to enjoy the feature homebrew on tap or a water, there will be 3 homebrew stops along the course, ending at Full Spectrum Brewery
Why: 1) 1stF, 2) homebrew, 3) fellowship 4) charity
Part 1) Brewruck is normally tied to a canned food drive, so our spin on it: instead of filling your ruck with bricks or plates, we ask that you fill your ruck with canned food (30lbs weight for pax >150lb, 20lbs weight for the feather weaights), at the end we’ll collect all cans and donate all items to Fort Mill Care Center.

Distance: 9.5 miles
EndEx: Full Spectrum Brewery
Duration: ~4 hours (1500 (5pm) finish (get you home in time for dinner)
Course: Start in Tega Cay, make our way to Baxter, through Baxter and endex at Full Spectrum (you should plan to car pool and/or be dropped off at the beginning or picked up at the end)
Full course is below.
Cost: Patches will be sold for $10/each, all proceeds will be donated to Fort Mill Care Center, additionally your fellow pax have brewed some of the best beers you can make in a garage, opened their house or yard to you and offered water and/snacks, all for your enjoyment.

WE DO ASK THAT YOU SIGN UP FOR THIS EVENT, so we can plan the headcount. Sign up here.


This is going to be an awesome ruck and supports our community at the same time.

Direct any questions to WWL (@jclaroche2)


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I hate you, I love you, I hate that I love you

Weather – 35 degrees and not sunny with a slight wind coming in from the northeast.

13/14 PAX (not sure the total number but 21 was the total between Laces In and Laces out) showed YHC some love by posting on this beautiful Thursday morning. No joke I thought most would post the Celebrity Q CSPAN on the Track considering it is P200 training season. Though he PAX showed some love, YHC didn’t show it back. Here’s how the beatdown went:

The Thang

Mosey around the parking lot with some Butt Kicks, High Knees, Karoake and Toy Soldiers. Circle up for COP

SSH x 25
IW x 15
Windmills x 10
Mountain Climbers x 15
Peter Parkers x 10
Parker Peters x 10
Low Slow Squats x 15

Mosey over to the hill.
1 partner runs to the first speed bump while partner exercises. Plank after each round of exercise.
100 Hip Thrusters (plenty of jokes about thrusting and humping)
100 Merkins (jokes stopped after they realize whats happening)
100 Squat Jumps
At this point the PAX realize its a deconstructed burpee.
100 Burpees (aka 100 I Hate You’s)

Mosey over to the Large Gym Parking lot where cones were setup
Exercises done Cupcake style (formerly known as a suicide)
40 SSH, run to first cone, 20 Carolina Dry docks, run back to start, 40 SSH, run to 2nd cone 25 LBC’s, Run Back to start 40 SSH, run to third cone 25 Squats, run to start 40 SSH, run to last cone 5 Burpees, run back to the start.
Mosey 3/4 a big lap until over at the 5 Burpee cone.
Rinse and repeat but the start line is at the Burpees.
5 Burpees, run, 25 squats, run, 5 burpees, run, 25 LBC’s, run, 5 burpees, run, 20 CDD, run, 5 burpees, run, 40 SSH. Finish at SSH. Mosey back for 2 minutes of Mary – LBC’s and Flutter Kicks

COT and BOM with Laces Out

Announcements – Yeti 2-24, Reading with kids on Mon/Wed (contact Deacon/Copay), Saturday coffeteria at Peach Stand following workouts, read your newsletter.

Prayers – Corruptions Mom having Surgery today, FMHS teacher that had open heart surgery this week, marriages, families, kids, our community

1. Thanks Lil E for the opportunity to lead this morning.
2. Great Push this morning by All PAX. Moderate amount of complaining. I can handle that. And yes, I have love/hate relationship with burpees.
3. 1 month into 2018 and how are we all with our 1 word. As some of you may know my word is Patience. It has already taken on many forms throughout the first month. The biggest takeaway thus far is to remember to take a deep breath every now and then and just let it all go out instead of keeping everything inside.
4. Just Breathe

Shanks out

TClap |

Beyond #2…Honoring our officers

Round 2 at Beyond, this time at The Coop. The original plan was to talk about “Fear” but 36hrs ago, 4 of our local law enforcement officers in York County were involved in an incident that has our community praying for their healing and their families. I found it only appropriate to bring our attention as a PAX, for a mere 45mins, to these men and what they’re fighting for at this moment. We should also be praying for the rest of the law enforcement community as well as our first responders, nurses and doctors who are doing everything they can for them and our community. I am given the opportunity to roll my eyes at a radar trap because of what community servants like these 4 men do on a daily basis and the families that send them out the door every single day. That said, I’ll try to cease my misguided eye-rolling.

This is not the place to put the officers names but we all know who they are. I read the names of the men this morning and asked everyone to keep one of those names in their mind as they’re going through our workout this morning. I will however, include their years of service to York County in their current capacity: 34yrs, 13yrs, 12yrs, 3 yrs. So there you have our topic for round 2 of Beyond; 4 officers with a combined 62yrs of service SO FAR in their current roles.

Warm up jog leading us around the lot and over to the intersection with the ROTC building.

When you see 31, know that it was in cadence for a total of 62

SSH x 31 in cadence

Carolina Dry Docks x 31

Squats x 62

Merkins x 20 which was followed by a 4-tier sprint then followed by the remaining 11 Merkins

Make our way to the pull-up bars for some partner work:

Partner 1: 62 Pull-Ups (use assistance as needed)   Partner 2: Elbow Plank

Partner 1: V-ups (toe-touches) x 31    Partner 2: Mak Tar Jah’s x 31

Bear crawl 62 paces and grab some curb for 62 calf raises

62 Jump Squats and 31 Jumping Lunges (crowd pleaser)

Bear crawl 62 paces

American Hammers x 31

Dying Cockroach x 31 (might’ve included a breather in there)

The pull-ups were definitely the highlight but it was awesome to see guys of all conditions pushing through those, not matter if they had a busted paw or not (Bolt). It is extremely humbling and honoring to have another 8 guys join me as we push ourselves and work out some of these new-AO wrinkles. Please, above all, pray for those 4 men and thank our servants when you see them.

If you’re still reading, thank you. You’ll now learn that Cha Ching will be bringing his A-game to his Beyond Q next Thursday, 1/25 at the Poopdeck in Lake Wyle. If his Q today was any indication, bring your big-boy pants.

As you were.


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Beyond #1…What’s at your CORE?

Beyond can be defined as “Outside the understanding, limits, or reach of.” That is what this thing is all about; recognizing that a push beyond, in all many aspects of life, can be a really good thing. If you’re a killer runner, come do a Merkin and a Pull Up with us. If you’re strength nut, come do a few sprints and bear crawls with us. The reasoning for this is well documented now, dating back a few months to when Jekyll let me share about this at a Colosseum Q I had.

And yes, I am 8 days late in getting this BB written which is rather ironic. I will work to get these posted both by the Q’s and YHC in a more timely manner.

We started last Tuesday with the 1st round of Beyond and the theme was CORE. Besides the obvious, physical reference to the word, Core can be defined as, “A central and often foundational part usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature.” In other words, when the world strips away your exterior, what are you left with to truly guide you. To take this a step further, I let the PAX know that Beyond will challenge them to push past the limits they’ve previously established for themselves. This is aided by listening to a Podcast, “Team Never Quit” in which you listen to stories of people who’ve endured unbelievable challenges and have pushed through to find the redemptive outcome on the other side. It seems impossible when you’re in the thick of “it”, whatever “it” might be in your life, but God has a plan. Bad and difficult things happen, yes, but we try to find a glimmer of hope and positivity on the other side.

Enough rambling…I need to figure out a better way to capture the names for Beyond but for now, we’ll have to rely on my fuzzy memory. I know we had 15  which I think included the following, Bob the Builder, Geronimo, Band Camp, Straight Up, Fire Marshall Bill, Frat Boy, Longshanks, Jedi, Cha Ching, Ginsu, Trucker, Lutefisk, Bonsai, MacGuyver, YHC. My sincere apologies if I got a few of these wrong.

Once we separated from the Block Party PAX, we jogged through the park and made our way to the playground, which still sounds strange every time I write that. We did a few warm up exercises like SSH, Arm Circles, Sumo Squats and more SSH which was then followed by a little stretching and lot more of my talking (rambling). What I was trying to get to was that you can’t quit and if you need a little motivation to keep from quitting, look to the man to your left and right and realize they won’t let you quit and you don’t want to let them down. If it were just you out there, we’d quit a lot sooner. Remember, YOU’RE NEVER ALONE OUT THERE…SO DON’T QUIT.

100 American Hammers (we all thought about quitting on that one unless you’re Jedi/Geronimo

25 LBC

100 Flutters

30 Peter Parkers

50 Mountain Climbers

Partner 1: 50 Carolina Dry Docks   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done and flapjack

Partner 1: 15 Burpees   Partner 2: Pull Ups until your partner is done

Mosey to the Big Hill where found some cones forming a 15yd x 20yd rectangle on the hill.

Backward run up the hill, 5 Burpees at the top then run down. Repeat this 5 times.

Next we bear-crawled around the rectangle for 3mins which was awesome…

Mosey to the wall at the Springs building

Nothing fancy, just a mere 3mins of muscle ups…yup, it was turrible.

We talked about not quitting and trying to answer the question of whether or not you can change what is at your CORE. What is left when the world takes what you see, away? So that was it. I learned a lot in these 45mins and I hope we continue to see a good contingent of guys willing to push themselves.

As you were…



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Fartlek – Training to train

6 PAX started Thursday with the 5am start to Laces Out.  Warnings were given via Twitter that running in circles was in order.  The Fartlek was researched and memorized. Here we go:

Warm up with 2 laps and some dynamic stuff (SSH, WindMills, etc)

1 minute @ 5k pace, 1 minute Recovery

2 minutes @ 10k pace, 2 minutes Recovery

3 minutes @ 1/2 marathon pace, 3 minutes Recovery

2 minutes @ 10k pace, 2 minutes Recovery

1 minute @ 5k pace, 1 minute Recovery

2 minutes @ 10k pace, 2 minutes Recovery

3 minutes @ 1/2 marathon pace, 3 minutes Recovery

2 minutes @ 10k pace, 2 minutes Recovery

1 minute @ 5k pace, 1 minute Recovery

Cool Down on field and stretches

COT with Laces In

Some of us got almost 4 miles, the over achievers close to 5.  This workout was to put your body through different stresses and different recoveries.  Just like life.  We go through different lengths of struggles and sometimes we have to recover quickly before the next one pops up.  We had to help each other to continue pushing through each leg, same goes for real life with F3.  To have such a great group of guys that have my 6, I am a blessed man.

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The Hive 2017.49

So… my personal computer fried a month or so ago, and I haven’t wanted to type all this on a phone keyboard.  So, I now have a real keyboard again, hence the backblast.  So below what went down.

3x3x3 – 3 sets of 3 rounds of 3 exercises… my favorite. aka a “one-niner”… cause it’s nine exercises total.

After the token SSH warmup…

Al Gore, Hillbilly walker, jump squat.
Russian Twist, Freddy Mercs, 6 in hold into a flutter.
Shatch, clean/squat/press, tricep ext.

Al gore, Al gore calf raises, 1L deadlift. till time (2 rounds)

And that’s the game.  I also rambled about my near death experience that got me out here.

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Pre-Blast: 218 in ’18

In 2018, the 1st F for F3theFort will be focusing on Growth & Consistency. We want to focus on GROWING the number of PAX not simply to increase our numbers. Rather, so that other men can reap the same rewards that F3 affords us every day: opportunities to lead, be held accountable, experience brotherhood, and push ourselves physically. If we continue to do this one PAX at a time, we slowly change our community.

We want to focus on CONSISTENCY so that we can maintain the standards and values that we have all come to expect and appreciate every time we post in the gloom.

In an effort to challenge ourselves to focus on Growth this year, your Fort Leadership Team is proud to announce the 218 in ’18 initiative. Our goal for this coming year will be to add 218 more consistently attending PAX. This may seem like a big number, but when put in the proper context, it is completely reasonable & achievable. That is 1 FNG for every 2 active members for the entire year, or roughly 1 FNG every 1.5 months for each AO.

However, as I mentioned before, we do not want to grow just for growth’s sake. We want to make sure that the new guys that join us this year stick with us so that they can reap the reward. So, I encourage you to headlock your neighbors, coworkers, friends, pizza delivery guys, insurance agents, and pretty much anyone who will talk to you. HOWEVER, EH’ing does not end after their first post…it continues until that new PAX no longer needs the constant encouragement to get our of the fartsack and in the gloom.

With that said, I encourage all of you to start early this year. Let’s get a jump on our goal by inviting FNGs to join us at our 2018 Kickoff Convergence on Friday, January 12th. There’s a high likelihood these sad clowns will have made resolutions to 1) get in shape and 2) save money in the new year….2 birds/1 stone. Gears and Old Bay will keep us honest through the year with a weekly SadClown-ometer included in the newsletter.

Let’s do this!

– Ginsu

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