Four Corners

Today at Varsity we had nine men venture out for what I hope was a good beatdown.

Warm Up consisted of a short Mosey around the NAFO parking lot, SSH, Windmills, Morroccan Night clubs and Cherry Pickers.

Then we proceeded over to the Marching Band practice lot and used the four corners and the center for our workout. Three rounds of three exercises at each corner 25x , 20x , 15x with returning to the center after each corner completed for 5 Burpees.

Corner 1: Merkins, Flutters, Squats

Corner 2: Wide Arm Merkins, LBC, Mountain Climbers

Corner 3: Diamond Merkins, BBS, Calf Raises

Corner 4: CDD, American Hammers, Box Cutters

COT ended our beatdown


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HIIT with Led

Six men arrived at NAFO to get the Led out on a pleasant, cool morning.

Warm Up
Mosey run
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)
Merkins (IC 10X)
Peter Parker (IC 10x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog
5 Pullups OYO

Grab a block and mosey to benches

Thang: HIIT Routine
This is where the Led Zeppelin playlist comes out.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
Curls (with block)
Cherry Pickers
Squats (with Block)
Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers (w/ block optional)
plank walks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat Jumps
step ups

Repeat the above sets.

Return blocks.

Fini, COT

Some PAX Feedback: Workout went by fast. Set B was rough…the low plank rest was not really a rest.

Prayers include: Twins expected for Lovehandle, Friends/family diagnosed recently with cancer.

Led Zeppelin playlist:
The ocean
Rock and Roll
South Bound Saurez
Good times/bad times
Dancing days
Misty mountain hop
Immigrant song (…I come from the land of the ice and snow….)
whole lotta love
Ramble on

As much as I like “When the Levee Breaks,” I just couldn’t find its place in a HIIT routine playlist. I don’t know, maybe next time.

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So…you want to do pyramids and running. We can do that

16 gathered for a quick disclaimer on the beautiful Friday morning, and even more beautiful new pavement.  We took off for a quick mosey and circled up for some warm-up which consisted of: SSH, slow windmill, superman Moroccan night clubs, imperial walkers, merkins and stretching.  Stretching with some downward dogs, honeymooners and then some laying on our backs with some pulling of the knees to chest, and knee over side to stretch our backs.

Once the crew was warmed up we made our way over to the pull up bars where the following unfolded…very quickly.

  • 10 chin ups
  • 20 diamonds
  • 30 1 legged squats (15/leg)
  • 40 carolina dry docks
  • 50 LBC
  • 40 CDD
  • 30 1 leggged
  • 20 diamonds
  • 10 chin ups

Sounds not so bad but we added running between each exercise from the pull up bars down to the cross walk by the football field entrance.

For a quick “10 count” of sorts, the team received the following message: what are you doing today that makes you better where you’re being intentional?  It doesn’t have to be something big, but it can be you physically, mentally, helping your 2.0 practice a sport, unload the dishwasher when you’re not asked to do it….

Off we went to the next area of fun what had been deemed for the run over, “the teacher’s smoking lounge / aka the outside eating area outside the cafeteria” where there are picnic tables to use!

  • 20 step ups, each leg
  • 20 derkins
  • 20 dips
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 bomb jacks
  • Repeat the 20s above (there was an extra set of bomb jacks in here too b/c someone had to say the un-sayable)
  • 5 burpees
  • 5 bomb jacks
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 bombjacks

90 seconds to spare and we headed back to COT for all COT things!  Appreciate the invite as always from Harry Caray and appreciated all the mumblechatter and push!


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Varsity: Keeping up the pace

I have to be honest…..I’m so late with this back blast all I remember is I could not straighten my arm for 4 days. The pullups and curls with the cinder blocks killed me…

5 of us came to The Varsity for some serious work. I was recovering from The Bear run and a pulled muscle in my hip so it was an all strength day at Varsity…..Ginsu’s favorite AO even though Ballroom is better.

The Thang:

Mosey to Band Lot

3 rounds – 25reps, 20 reps, 15 reps

  • Merkins
  • CDDs
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg raises
  • LBCs

Mosey to School entrance

3 rounds – 25reps, 20 reps, 15 reps

  • Dips
  • Derkins
  • Step Ups

Mosey to Pull up Bars

10 Excercies on the ground – 20 reps

Then do 10 pullups

  • merkins
  • sumo squats
  • Bunch of others

Was a great fellowship day as we had 5 and so we really pushed each other. Great mumble chatter and getting to know the PAX.

Thanks for the Q Harry Carry!

Cake Boss


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Mountain trip to Dupont State Forest on August 3rd with Trail Running, Rucking and Biking options – there will be a 2nd F afterwords

3rd F

Alright we are 2 years ago we did a mountain trip to Roan Mtn. it was one of the best trips I have made with my fellow F3 brothers. After 10-16 miles we went to Daniel Boone Inn to refuel.

With this in mind I wanted to continue to do this hopefully every year. So on August 3rd we are going to do another mountain trip. This time it will be Trail Running, Biking and Rucking options.

Our destination will be DuPont State Forest. We will leave from the Newport Walmart at 6 am it is a 2 1/2 hr trip. we will either go to the Hooker Falls Access or the Lake Imaging Access. For runners we will try and get 12-18 miles in for Mountain bikers Vuvuzela has about 20-30 mile rout lined up.


2nd F

Afterwords will will go to Daddy D’s and refuel.


Make sure you bring water and something for energy do not come unprepared you will regret it. I did exactly that last time. This will be an unforgettable trip that we will try and do every year. we need to clown car to get there since there are no rental vans available.

Reach out to me if you have any questions.  I have attached links below.

Dupont State Forest Trail Map-1

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R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A!

Seven men (and one canine) met at NAFO for a mini-convergence of RPG/Broga and Varsity.
Started at 0500 with Sasquatch leading us in yoga stretches for about 20 mins.
then we split up with three running where Crawdaddy was the Q, and four went with the boot camp/Tabata workout.

For the Runners: the did a 4 mile loop through Regal Manor neighborhood.
For the boot camp/Tabata, we did:

Tabata Style workout, Each exercise is 35 seconds, with 10 seconds of rest in between.
A round consists of a set each of: legs, cardio, core, and Arms.
LEGS: Step Ups, Calf Raises, Squats, Bobby hurleys, Lunges
CARDIO: Imaginary jump ropes, Seal jacks/SSH, Mountain climber,s Burpees, Cherry pickers
CORE: LBCs, Freddie mercurys, Flutters, Box cutters, Plank hold (low plank)
ARMS: Derkins, Dips, CDDs, Mak tar jai, Incline merkins
In between rounds we did a short one minute run.


Songs of freedom were playing during the tabata rounds.
A couple songs in the playlist could be considered critical of America (i.e. Rockin’ in the free world by Neil Young), so why include them in a patriotic playlist? Answer: America has faults and problems, but the reality is we are still the best thing going on this planet, and we should be proud of that. We are truly blessed in this country.

Music Playlist
Star spangled banner – KISS
We’re an American bad – Grand Funk
R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. – Mellencamp
Rockin’ in the free world – Neil Young
Fast Cars and Freedom – Rascal Flatts
Born in the USA – Springsteen
Living in the USA – Steve Miller Band
American Woman – The Guess Who

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Dance Party at Varsity

Nine men came out to the party.  Weather was perfect.
Warm up
Mosey Run
Circle up and do:
SSH (IC 12x)
Windmill (IC 12x)
Imperial Walker (IC 12x)
Moroccan Nightclub (IC 12x)
Low Slow Squats (IC12x)
Merkin (IC 12x)
Peter Parker (IC 12x)
Plank stretches
Downward dog

Thang 1: Elevens
Pull ups at the top of the hill
Bobby Hurleys at bottom
Start at bottom of hill

Thang 2: Global Warming
side shuffle in a circle and call exercises
Bobby Hurleys
Mountain Climbers
OH claps
Arm Circles

Thang 3: Sally Routine
Low plank/high plank [Flower by Moby]

Five minutes of Mary
Abs: LBC, freddie mercury,

Word of the month is: Salvation
This verse spoke to me: Matthew 7:13. Reminds me of the guardrails we need in our lives.
The Narrow and Wide Gates
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Prayers/Praises include: all the school kids at home and the energy they have during the summer months.

music playlist:
Takin’ care of business (BTO)
Big Bottom (Spinal Tap)
Back Door Man (the Doors)
the Man (the Killers)
Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)
My Hero (Foo Fighters)
Fire (Jimi Hendrix)
19th nervous breakdown (rolling stones)
Today (Smashing pumpkins)

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We were blessed with a breath-taking views of the moon settling and the sun rising. What a great way to start the day! YHC posted a whole two minutes early to prove the Twitter mumble – chatterers wrong. LOL. Each #HIM shared their struggles in COT. Our discussion gave us a common lesson learned: limit our time with electronic devices. Electronic devices are consuming our time and driving our behaviors. The same goes for our children.

The Thang:

Mosey to the playground near Sugar Creek Elementary

COP: SSH (30x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), MC (15x), Clappers (15x)

Mosey to the JROTC Building: Jacobs Ladder with burpees at the bottom, pull ups at the top 9x

Mosey to the parking lot: Burpee Broad Jumps 30 yards and then run to the end of the parking lot and back 2x. One round of Wind Sprints.

Mosey to Sugar Creek Elementary: Balls to the wall, People’s Chair 3x


To be a high impact man, you must be intentional with your time. Our time on this planet is very limited and life moves at a fast pace. Respond to the Great Commission by intentionally investing time to build God’s kingdom. Do not let the ways of the world distract you from His calling. Be intentional with your family by studying and serving them. Identify and address the needs of your wife and children.

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Birthday Build A Burpee

At 1910 (7:10pm) on 26 April 1982 YHC entered the world.  Its been 37 years since then, I’ve learned a lot, most of it the hard way. I hoped to share a little of the knowledge I’ve accumulated from my short time here on earth. Punch List arrived and sang me the most beautiful version of Happy Birthday I’ve heard in a while. Dude can sing.

The clock struck 0515 and off we went for a quick(ish) mosey through the gates and onto the field. The Q-drenalin was flowing and there was talk of the abnormally quick pace I was setting.  We circled up near the far endzone for our warm-up.  10 slow windmills and 10 Ranger merkins (thumbs on nipples) that was it, warm-up complete. Things were about to get crazy and everyone would be plenty warm soon enough. I told the PAX to line up on the Goal line for the Birthday beat down I had planned.  I like to make things hard whenever I am given the opportunity to lead. To be honest, my goal each time is to make myself throw up. I’ve yet to do it, but, we all have dreams.


Starting at the Goal line, perform 1 Burpee, Bear Crawl 10yrd, 2 Squats, B.C. 10yrd, 3 Burps (from the front leaning rest, bring feet in towards hands then shoot them back out), B.C. 10yrd, 4 Merkins, B.C. 10yrd, 5 Star Jumps, B.C. 10yrd, 6 Burpees, B.C. 10yrd, 7 squats, bc 10yrd, 8 Burps, bc 10yrd, 9 Merkins, bc 10yrd, 10 Star Jumps, bc 10yrd to goal line.

I quickly realised this workout might be the one that makes me get sick, Excellent.  While the PAX caught their breath in the end zone, I shared a little bit about where I was 10yrs ago.  I had just gotten out of the Army. Fresh off of my second deployment, 15 months. My first deployment was 12 months. 27 months of my life spent in a country where 1/2 the people wanted to murder me and it felt like a 1/4 of them tried.  There were many days in Iraq that I felt like i wouldn’t make it through the day. There were 100’s of times where i was convinced “this is it, this is where we die, on a roof, in Iraq, surrounded by terrorists.” When I left the Army, my thoughts went from, “I might not make it through today,” to “I dont want to make it through today.” I spent way too much time drinking and trying to forget. I was lost and wasnt sure i would make it back.

At the goal line, 11 Burpees, Lunge Walk 10yrd b/c that was what Strait Up was doing. We lunged in between each exercise, 12 Squats, 13 Burps, 14 Merkins, 15 Star Jumps, 16 Burpees, 17 Squats, 18 Burps, 19 Merkins, 20 Star Jumps, End Zone.

This second round woke the PAX up, the complaining finally got started. I told Shield a few weeks ago, before his VQ, that the sooner the PAX start complaining, the better he is doing. I checked my clock, we were a little ahead of schedule.  Time to share a little bit more about my journey. When you first enter Basic Training, you are introduced to the concept of a Battle Buddy. A soldier and his battle buddy go everyehwere together. You are not allowed to do anything without your battle buddy in Basic. Need to ask the Drill Seargent a question, you had better grab your battle buddy to do so. They wont talk to you alone. My guess is bc of abuse allegations. After Basic Training, the battle buddy concept continues on. When you deploy to a war zone, your battle buddy is even more important.  I was an infantry line medic, I really enjoyed my job.  I got to fly in helicopters, shoot guns at people, kick in doors, arrest terrorists, and so much more. Part of being a line medic is earning the trust of your infantry guys. Sometimes the 30 of us might be miles away from any kind of ground support. If something happened and someone was to get hurt, I was the only person there with any chance of keeping them alive until a medivac helicopter could come get them. They trusted me with thier lives, and I trusted them to keep me safe when I turned my back, put my gun down, and started working on our friends.  I told the PAX that I had battle buddies that if I called them and said, hey I’m bringing a body to you, they wouldn’t ask questions, they would just start digging a hole. I clarified, that I WAS NOT asking any of the PAX to dig me a body hole.

21 Burpees on the goal line, Power Skip between exercises, 22 Squats, 23 Burps, 24 Merkins, 25 Star Jumps, 26 Burpees, 27 Squats, 28 Burps, 29 Merkins, 30 Star Jumps, power skip into the endzone for a little break and more sharing.

This round of exercises really got them complaining, I was told that I would probably spend my next birthday alone if this was my idea of a good party. I didn’t know I didn’t have friends until I found F3. I had my wife and kids, but no guy friends. Being friendless become my normal. I did everything with my family or alone. I was a sad clown. After I started doing F3, I found my people, again. I had a group of guys who trusted me and cared about me. I found 2 guys who love and care for me in Wegmans and Punch List, my shield locks.  I’m no loger alone, I have a platoon again.

We were still ahead of schedule, time for the final round. I added the Bear Crawls back in to slow us down a bit. 31 Burpees, 32 Squats, 33 Burps, 34 Merkins, 35 Star Jumps, 36 Burpees, 37 Squats. That was it, that was my Birthday beat down, My Birthday Build a Burpee.

I shared a little more, about how I’ve been trying to live me life. I mentioned earlier that there were days in Iraq that I felt, for sure, were gonna be my last days on earth. I’ve started to try and live each day like it was my last. Love your wife like its the last day you get to do so.  Kiss her each day like its your last time getting to kiss her.  Love your kids, hold them, make sure they know you love everthing about them. Tell them how awesome you know they are.  Today could be your last. Dont let the last memory your family has of you, is you being a butthole.  I didnt think anyone would make it to 37. Straight Up and Punch List (who is using vegan cocain) made it to the end. Most of us came up short.  That was the idea, I didnt want anyone to finish, bc no matter how hard we try, we will never defeat time.


Thank You Harry Carry for this opportunity to lead. Thanks Birdcage for letting me take your Q. And thank you to everyone who showed up, knowind YHC was on Q and I was gonna try and kill us.

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Day of the 21’s – Hardwood VQ

  • QIC: Hardwood
  • When: 04/19/2019
  • Posted In: Varsity
  • Warmup
    • Mosey
    • SSH – 21
    • Squats – 21
    • Lunges – 21
    • Monkey Humpers – 21
  • Mosey to Elem School
    • Burpees – 10
    • Merkins – 21
    • Burpees – 10
    • Carolina Dry Docks – 21
    • Burpees -10
  • Mosey to opo parking lot of Elem school
    • Flutters – 21
    • Plank
    • Flutters – 21
    • LBC – 21
    • Flutters – 21
    • Big Boy’s – 21
    • Flutters – 21
    • Plank
  • Mosey to NAFO parking lot
    • Dora
      • Merkins 100
      • Squats 200
      • Flutters 300
  • COT
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