The Ghost of Band Camp Haunts Alcatraz

WARMUP: Mosey to the roundabout for some COP fun — mtn climbers, Parker Peter, SSH, IW, HW, Carioca, burpees
THE THANG: Mosey to one of those Hawaiian names side streets
Plank series on a side street
Mosey to cul de sac on right and continue down to the golf course for a
Jacob’s ladder (jumping lunges at bottom, 3-way calf raises at top)
Mosey back home

Handoff to Trucker

Back on the mosey train (somewhat surprisingly) over to that nasty neighborhood hill right off the park entrance (oh no!) down to the bottom

10 Merkins
Nur to the top
10 LBCs
rinse and repeat for 3 rounds
(The Suck got very real by this point!)

Pearls on a strong out past the tennis courts to the short wall by the golf course with several stops for LBCs, merkins, flutters, dips, derkins, etc. Same drill on the return to the firehouse for more of the same, then a continuation on the path around Runde with stops for pain and a final sprint home.


Swamp and Quagmire relocations coming this week.
QSource mtg returning 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks after workouts
F3 Dads starting 6/11 for 4 weeks at WEP at 0900

The spirit of Band Camp was with us front he start as YHC mistake preferred to Backdraft as BC — that only fired up BD to prove himself, and he did, coming in as king ong with Fishstix. nice work!

Great to Q with BAOPS OG Trucker! for the record, I told him I would focus on cardio, hills and legs so he could cover the rest of the body. He did cover the rest but not without giving us all a real beating of the hill, cardio and leg flavor. nice work!

great to have Masterpiece in the gloom after a long stretch off. T-claps to Decibel for getting him back out. great to have MP’s EH of Paint Can put for his first Alcatraz rodeo — great job pushing through a tough morning!

Thx to Skipper for the invite and the leadership at Alcatraz!

TClap |

A Happy Hour Hustle

WARMUP: Happy Hour brought his Cleveland charm and hockey player grit today as he delivered a solid warm up, including burpees, merkins and big boys among others. He had the pax laughing and Slapshot doling out compliments in his AAR. Thanks for stepping up! Great work!

Mosey to picnic area for some 11s with Dips and Derkins. Bobber led the Mumblechatter about some crazy Merkin count from Shady at Bushwood, but nobody listened. Poppins dutifully nodded next to Bobber as any good Site Q would do to make the pax feel welcome.

Mosey to soccer field for Leg Day!
Run all the way across the field stopping at three light poles for 10-20-30 reps of an exercise then sprint to the end. wait for the six then repeat on the way back with the next exercise .

Calf raises
Backward lunges
Apollo Onos
Ski jumps

Partner up:
Partner 1 run around the entry loop
Partner 2 burpees
Flapjack and work toward 100 reps combined

Omaha after 2 rounds to squeeze in some Mary

Flutter kicks

Bethel shelter team is full!
F3 Dads starts Sat 6/11 (with popsicles and Slapshot in Q)
QSource starts up 6/21 at Baxter Starbucks 6.20-6.45
The Swamp’s last day at Rivergate is Fri 6/10. It moves to McGospel site (TC HT) as of 6/17.

COT: Great energy among the group today! Good to see the strong support for Happy Hour. Can’t wait to see his first full Q! Message today around Hope was aimed at challenging each of us to reflect on where we place our hope — is it your own ability, government, employer, money, your friends, family, etc….they will fail you. They’re all human constructs and thus flawed and faulty. Dig deep and anchor your hope in something/someone outside yourself and the everyday world you see around you. For me, that’s my creator, who loved me and believed in me before I ever took a breath. Find that solid rock that won’t fail you.

Thanks to all, especially Poppins and Happy Hour this morning.

TClap |

Rocking in the Streets

WARMUP: Mosey to rock pile
THE THANG: Choose a rock from said pile and get acquainted with it. Lots of curls, overhead presses, bent over rows and some moseying thrown in for good measure.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Aren’t those in the newsletter?

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Rollin’ on the River

WARMUP: Turn on your lights
THE THANG: Run, Walk or Ruck. Those doing the full 5 hit Harvest Pointe. Backdraft sweated out some extra Cabernet from Sunday night and YHC survived wearing mismatched shoes, a symptom of getting dressed in the dark so you don’t wake the M.
MARY: Turn off your lights
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Golf tournament. Next Monday Flight Plan will meet in adjacent parking lot behind Killingtons because Starbucks is being paved.
COT: Prayers for Backdraft’s in-laws the Williams in Covid quarantine in Italy; prayers for healing for Sugar Daddy’s back; prayers for recent graduates for smart decisions this summer and guidance as they enter life’s next challenges.

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“No Misogi Today”

WARMUP: Short Mosey / Butt Kickers / Toy Soldiers (15) Side Straddle Hop, (10) Windmill, (10) Imperial Walkers, (10) Cherry Pickers, (10) Moroccan Night Clubs
Finished the warmups with a wall sit while the PAX did 2 burpees each. (3 sets)
Round #1:
1. Burpees: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
2. Merkins: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
3. Dips: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
4. Squats: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
5. Lunges: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run
6. Flutters: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/4 Mile Run

Round #2: *Beat Your Reps from Round #1 shortened run and pushed harder*
1. Burpees: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
2. Merkins: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
3. Dips: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
4. Squats: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
5. Lunges: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run
6. Flutters: AMRAP (1:00 Min EA) then 1/8 Mile Run

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Prayers for Vuvu’s son and thankful for JWOW & Gears Anniversary’s
Message: Push hard but take the time to slow down and enjoy what you have! Great book from Gears!

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Being Grateful…. And Burpees

WARMUP: Haha no warmup. We ran .25 miles.
THE THANG: We ran in .25 increments from the Ranch shovel flag across Springfield Parkway and and continued running on the Carolina Orchards sidewalk.

Every .25 we did the following exercises:

HR Merkins
4-CT Flutters.

Reps increased by 5 every stop. So at the 1 mile mark we did 20 of each exercise.

On the way back we decreased the reps back down to 5.

With 7 minutes left I did a 5 minute EMOM with 5 Burpees 5 Squats and 5 HR Merkins so we got to 100 (actually 105) reps of each exercise.

We were all able to get back to COT by 6:00.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Murph this Monday. Sasquatch will bring bands to help PAX as needed with the pull-ups.

COT:Prayers for health..mental and physical. Prayers for the country.

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Not Your Norm

WARMUP: Alternating side shuffles to the back lot. No regular jogging or any of that other nonsense!!
5 Jumps Squats. 10 Merkins I/C, 15 Should Taps I/C. 20 Peter Parkers I/C. 25 Calf Raises I/C.
THE THANG: Starting at the first light pole, NUR (backwards run) up the long hill stopping at every other light pole for 10 Carolina Dry Docks & 15 American Hammers.
Run back down to the 1/2 wall for 25 Muscle Ups on the wall.
Come back to the parking lot and line up on the cones.
Run to the second basketball goal and back to the starting line (est 70yds total) for 5 Burpees. Repeat this 9 more times for a total of 10 rounds.
MARY: Once completed, we executed a few slow cadence, form-focused exercises.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: There’s a newsletter, read it. FNG naming didn’t take long. These 2 men, now known as Yogi & White Hot were hustling this morning. T-claps to Shower Curtain with an assist from Long Duck on bringing them out.
COT: It stays there.

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Remembering Columbine

Mosey down to lower parking lot. toy soldiers and high knees around parking lot then mosey back to ROTC building for CoP.

CoP (IC)
20 SSH, 12 IW, 12 Cherry Pickers, 12 MNCs

This workout was developed as a remembrance of the Columbine High School shooting victims from 23 years ago (4/20/1999). I was a freshman in high school about 40 minutes from Columbine and had friends there that day that were thankfully not physically injured.

Everyone grabbed a cindy…

Buy-in: 21 merkins. One for each wounded victim that survived that day.

Main Event:
To honor the 13 victims that died that day (12 students and 1 teacher) we did 13s.

13s – bent over rows with the cindy at the ROTC building, 8 count body builders at lower stop sign (start with 1 row and 12 body builders, increment one row and decrease one body builder each round, end with 12 rows and 1 body builder)

Before each round the name and age of one of the killed victims was announced.

SSH were completed at the end of each round until the 6 was in.

this brought us to 05:56

Finished off the workout with 25 chest presses with cindy (IC) and then 10 OH press with cindy (IC)

Although tragedies continue to happen seemingly endlessly – raising kind, caring kids and being leaders in our community can make an impact on those around us. This impact can reduce or mitigate the impacts of the mental health issues that lead to some of these tradgedies. Keep up the great work and hopefully we never have to deal with anything close to what happened this day 23 years ago.

AKA continues tomorrow at Minnow Pond, Blood Drive May 12

COT: prayers for mental health, our kids, Ukraine

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Monkey Humper Missionary Burpee Beatdown

Raining on and off through the night and into the morning left us with a saturated soccer field as I pulled up to scope out the conditions.  Time to pivot from original plan and keep us out of the muck.

4 PAX at 0515

Disclaimer and we began to mosey toward Middle School when Mainframe pulled in.  Decided to be kind and not make him chase us so headed back towards the parking lot to meet him and do some warmups on pavement next to soccer fields.

Can’t remember warmup exercises since I am writing this two weeks late (lesson learned)


The Main Thang –

11s on pavement next to soccer field – about 100 yards between 2 stations with cone at the 50 yard mark

Station 1:  SSH (IC)

Station 2: Monkey Humpers (IC)

every time you pass the cone in the middle – 5 good ol’ normal missionary style burpees


We went on a short mosey after finishing 11s to recover and found our way back to the elementary building.


The Extra Thangs –

Performed a variety of exercises  (IC) while in a wall sit:

MNC, Overhead Claps, Toe Risers

Legs were starting to feel it but these 5 PAX came for pain so we performed a couple rounds of the following:

sumo squat shuffle the length of the sidewalk from the flagpole to the soccer field (Some thought it was not fair that Mainframe and I only had to do half the reps since our legs are so long…)

Move to curb – 1 Merkin with hands on curb then roll over and 3 dips then roll over and repeat until you make it back down to the flag pole


We then moseyed back to CoT and got in a few minutes of Mary


Thanks for the invite Poppins!


TClap |