Ring-O-Fire and Ice

WARMUP: 10 SSH then mosey to field for 100 yard sprint and 100 yards of bear crawl
THE THANG: up and down the bleachers with a set of 15 dips at the end of each row, then to the hill for suicides, 5 burpees, 10 Merkins, 15 Big boys, 20 lunges (each leg) 25 squats, 20 Pull ups
MARY: Rebel merkins, upright flutters
COT: Shovel-flag hand off from Kaiser to Cousin Eddie

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Breezy morning at Slow Burn

WARMUP: Mosey to hotel and back
THE THANG: Run around buildings with a stop after every lap for three exercises. All muscle groups were used. Took some time to talk about holiday experiences and plans for next year.

COT: prayers for travel and family

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Repeat the 400

18 pax posted at Clydesdales this morning for a chilly mid week jaunt over to FMHS and some interval training. Weather was 35 but felt like 31


Mosey to FMHS – 0.7 miles
400 m at 10k pace followed by 400 m walk/jog
Rinse and repeat for 6-8 times
Mosey back to COT – 0.7 miles

– Clave Boss 5k/10 at 6:30 on 12/24 at Pantheon (bootcamp after)
– 8 Blocker at Q Source on 12/27 at Panera
– 1/28 Dam to Dam Bar run

– DQ closes early (9 PM) provided by Sugar Daddy

– Walker 61st birthday
– Middle school kid lost his father (Patel)
– Lost loved ones from 2022
– Andy Burkholder has AML

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Coming in Hot on a cold Tuesday morning

WARMUP: laps until Q showed up
Mosey to front of school
3 rounds of 10 dips, 10 Derkins, 10 squats
Mosey towards elementary school entrance
Run to 5 light poles and perform exercises
Round 1: 10 lunges each pole
Round 2: 10 Carolina dry dock
Round 3: 5 Weezy Jefferson’s
Round 4: 10 calf raises
Round 5: 10 diamond merkins
Round 6: 10 flutters

Mosey to back of school
Partner 1 runs across bridge and back Partner 2 exercise
1) LBCs
2) Merkins
3) Sumo Squats

Wall sit
PAX bear crawl
Wall sit
PAX 5 Merkins

Indian mosey back to COT
Christmas Eve Clave Boss and Convergence Saturday 0630 wheels up

Dam2Dam- look it up

Lots of prayers and praises
Enjoy the moments and don’t get fought up in the complaints
Peace Joy and Love men!!

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12 days of painmas

WARMUP: mosey to parking lot across the street for a circle and warm up exercises.

THE THANG: mosey more over to medical building and get going on the 12 days.  

Not moderate.  Good work put in. Fellowship was pretty quiet by about day 5.

Do day one, run around building.

Plank for 6.  

Do day two, day one then around the building, etc

1 Donkey Kick


3 Jumping Lunges

4 Merkins

5 Squats

6 Burpees

7 Bombjacks

8 Sumo Squats


10 Flutters IC

11 Monkey Humpers

12 Diamond Merkins

During Plank we got to hear about Pax fav Christmas gift memory as a kid.  Sounded like a lot of our folks were hitting the Sears catalog or the local KB Toy in the mall for the best stuff.  

Outside of Old Bay who got a dot matrix printer.  Prob from Radio Shack.  We are renaming him Tandy.

MARY:  no time for her.  It took all 45 to wrap the 12 days.  Site q was nervous we’d be late during run back.


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Oldie but goodie @ pantheon

WARMUP: mosey to dumpster. SSH Merkins Moroccan night clubs plank stretching mosey back to front of school
THE THANG: 3 min of 3 exercises(10,15,20 reps) with burpee stack. Look it up. Merkins mtn climbers and shoulder taps then run to the little green boy. Round 2 squats monkey humpers and calf raises run again. Round 3 big boys American hammers flutters and reverse LBCs (ask Maximus)
Lastly a Dora with 100 merkins 200 squats and 300 reverse LBCs since everyone liked them.
MARY: not necessary when doing reverse LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter.
COT: prayers for marriages and those dealing with lost loved ones. 🙏

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Foghat @ Ballroom w the Q stick!

WARMUP: Merks, Derks, Windmills, Squats LBCs and a mosey.
THE THANG: Circuit of 5/10 reps w 5 Bobby Hurley and a lap mixed in between reps. Closed out with 7’s Bombjack/Merks and mixed in some Wallsits and each Pax shared one thing their were Thankful for over the Thanksgiving weekend.
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: litter pick up, Christmas party, and Mental health over the Holidays
COT:Cousin Eddie closed us out.

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A “moderate” 29 degrees

Windmills 10 IC


11’s – Mike Tyson & Big Boys with a shuffle to and from

DORA – 100 Merkins, 200 gBobby Hurleys, 300 American Hammers

Mary – Flutters, Box Cutters, LBC, Freddie Mercury


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Baxter Loops

WARMUP: Ran to Baxter Mushroom pool parking lot
THE THANG: Run laps around the circle road. At each stop sign do the following.
15 Merkins (5 Diamond, 5 Regular & 5 wide arm)
15 Squats
15 LBC

Return back to COT
MARY: A few were back early for 3 mins of Mary
COT: Prayers lifted for healing, surgery, lost loved ones.

Thanks Badlands for the opportunity to Q and lead the pax.

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Chatty Cathys Coming Thru!!!

Pyramid of pain
Do 5 Merkins run a lap
5 merkins, 10 squats, run a lap
5,10,15, run a lap

All 6 exercises run a lap
Now drop SSH and work back down. 5,10,15,20,25 run a lap

5.10 run a lap
5 merkins run a lap
If you do all of it the totals are to the right

5 merkins. 55
10 squats.  90
15 calf raises. 105
20 LBCs.   120
25 Moroccan nightclubs. 75
30 SSH.  30

Wall sits for a few minutes
7 minutes of Mary

To round it out we did 5 merkins in warmup and another 10 in Mary to get 70 for those doing Shieldlock challenge

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