AKA Day 1

WARMUP: Run from Earth Fare to end of Ben Casey Drive.
THE THANG: Complete 8 windmill merkins. Run through adjacent parking lot down to end of Patricia Lane. Complete 8 inch worm merkins. Run to end of Gold Hill Middle parking lot. Complete 8 curb burpees. Run back to Patricia Lane. Complete 8 inch worm merkins. Run back to Ben Casey Drive. Complete 8 windmill merkins. Repeat all of the above AMRAP until 5:57AM.
Run back to Earth Fare.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: I opened the newsletter at COT. Too many things happening to share… so read your newsletter!

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Looks Like We’re At ISI

5 min KB Chest press to skull crusher. 45 sec on 15 sec off


Timer is 1 pax farmer carrying 2 buckets with bricks in them around the pavilion.

The other pax pick a station and perform exercise till the timer is up. Go to next exercise once the timer is up. Stations were set up as followed:

Cinderblock curls then to a overhead press
Alternating wall ball throws
Slam ball
Band pull downs
Cinderblock Thrusters
Dumbbell front raises & lateral raises
Sandbag overhead throws
Wall ball big boy sit ups

ANNOUNCEMENTS: AKA is upon us, AMRAP for Autism, and a bunch of other things.

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Inaugural Jaeger

Beautiful March weather (seriously it was a perfect day) for the 0800 launch of the Eröffnung Jäger. PAX were assured by Grinder that the routes were well marked and there were no Zima-miles. This proved to be 99.9% true (you could still get lost if you wanted to…)

The premise was solid. 4 man team (2 Ruckers, 2 Runners). Runners had longer routes and teams met at checkpoints for team exercises before they could head to the next station. The pain stations were tough. Lutefisk about killed the PAX at the first one. (Oh, that was just me?) Triple Lindy had us loading munitions. Cake Boss brought candy, but it was not a sweet treat. (Could have also been that the leg leading to Alison Park was soul crushing….) Tinsel forgot it was a CSAUP and thought he was prepping for a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs wresting match.

The finishing team results:
1.) Vuvu/Beaker (for the record you were suggested to have a 4 man team…)
2.) Cobra Kai’s crew (that included the mythical Gekko)
3.) Camp 3D’s Sugar Shady Band Bug
4.) Cornerstone’s posse
5.) Poppins’ Chimney Sweeps (seriously impressive that Badlands ran back from the final pain station to connect with his teams’ Ruckers)
6.) The Entourage around Shield
7.) Slow Jams and the Lake Ridge Wanders
8.) Lake Wylie’s Wild Thing drinking Whiskey and enjoying a Big Mac (great to see these guys from across the bridge here for the CSAUP)

Afterwards at the Print Shop, we celebrated the Dam 2 Dam fundraising effort where The Fort is sending $7,500 to Defend the Fatherless, $7,500 to Autism Strong, $7,500 to the Fort Mill Care Center, and $10,000 to the F3 the Fort endowed scholarship.

It is an honor to be part of The Fort alongside some amazing high impact men. On behalf of Grinder and the entire planning crew, this backblast is respectfully submitted by the smallest cog in the Jaeger machine—Band Camp.

For reference:
The Preblast: https://f3thefort.com/2023/01/31/preblast-jaeger/
YHC’s Strava tracker: https://www.strava.com/activities/8697393033

The Jaeger will hunt again next year. Send any feedback to: jaeger.csaup@gmail.com

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Burpees with Bells

Surprisingly cool morning here at WEP.

After a brisk 2 mile pre-run with Beaker we gathered Slash and began the workout.

5 minute buy – in

100 HR Merkins However every minute we had to run the hill to the entrance of the parking lot and then back down the hill once the second minute hit and vicea versa until the 5 minutes were up.

WOD: All Exercises are with a Bell. Curls, Merkins, Lunges are split between right and left. (so 25 per side for the Merkins)

30 Tri Extensions
30 Curls
40 Squats
50 Merkins
60 Swings
40 Thrusters
30 Lunges
30 Man- Makers

In addition every 3 minutes we had to run to the top of the hill again and do 3 burpees and run back.

One trip through the WOD got us to 5:57. We did some Mary that included Flutters, Big Boy’s, Hammers and a 1 minute plank to get us to 6:00.

Great workout and great fellowship this morning. We all mentioned how we like these smaller groups from time to time on how it increases accountability and encourages fellowship.

Thanks to Beaker for the opportunity! Until Next time!

TClap |


WARMUP: There was a legit pre-run at 4:45, for which @beaker and I took part – great fellowship run. The actual warm-up consisted of @Sugarbug articulating either his displeasure about actually seeing the same coupons from last weeks Tomahawk or that he showed up anyway!

THE THANG: I typically don’t use the same weinke in back-to-back Qs, but the mumblechatter was strong last week, therefore the extra coupons at a KB AO reared their ugly head again!

Upon picking up some extra weight, the PAX moseyed to the bottoms of the first hill on the trail existing WEP behind the parking lot.

At the bottom of the hill, the PAX completed 10 reps of each exercise with their bell…swings, 1-arm press (each arm), overhead triceps extension, single arm curls (each arm), upright rows, lawnmower pulls (each arm), merkins w/ 1 hand on bell and switching in the middle of the rep count, alternating lunges w/ a pass through, goblet squats, calf raises. Then pick up all of the weight KBs and Coupons and run to the top of the hill for 1 burpee. Rinse and repeat decreasingly the rep count by 1 and the bottom and increasing the butler count by 1 at the top. The PAX complete 5 rounds before returning to COT for Mary

MARY: Completed 2-3 sets of Mary called out by each of the Pax
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read you newsletter
COT: what is discussed in COT stays in COT – show to know!!

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Teen Mental Health Awareness Weinke

Run to WEP

Approx 14% of teens suffer with mental health issues. That number is probably higher.

Split into 3 groups. 1 group ran clockwise around WEP twice, another ran counter, and the 3rd ran the trail down to Harris Street and back. All groups had to run their routes shuffle run style. ~mileage 1.4. Once we returned to the start, 14 burpees then switched routes.
This time each team did 7 burpees after either 1 lap around WEP, or once they got to Harris St. then 7 more after the second lap.

Only had enough time to do 1 more lap with burpees before heading back to COT.


COT: gratitude all around.

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Punishment for missing free throws

WARMUP: the 0445 pre-run

Shuttle runs
Using the rows in the parking lot (~20m apart) numbered 0-5, starting at 0, shuttle run to 1, return to 0. Run to 2, back to 0, etc until Pax got to 5, then start over from 1.

First 3 rounds (1 round being shuttle run through 1-5)
Burpees everytime you came back to 0. The number of burpees were equal to the number of the row you ran to.

Second 3 rounds were jump squats following the same rules as the burpees but by a factor of 4.

Last 3 rounds were 4 SC mountain climbers x the number of the row you ran to.
Those that finished before 6, did shuttle runs with no exercises.

Every 3 rounds was just over 1 mile.


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Licked by Squatch

WARMUP: plank exercises (merkins, Peter Parker, mountain climbers) mixed in some upward and downward dogs
Tallawah BUY-IN: 100 goblet squats
THE THANG: 7 stations of tabata- 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off
1. wall balls 20#
2. slam ball and catch 15#
3. Merkins with one hand on bell/switch at 20”
4. KB plank rows over edge of stage
5. KB manmakers
6. KB swings
7. Jump rope (2 burpee penalty for missed jump)
3.5 rounds completed
MARY: plank in a circle and slam ball rolls CW and CCW; seated in a circle with feet up with backs to one another and pass slam ball CW/CCW; flutters, low plank Parkers, LBCs
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster 3/4, Jaeger 3/11

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Could’ve Been Worse

SSH, Merkins, stretching

Moseyed over to the basketball hoops

Template goes as follows
Run to the end of the court and back (~150m)

Activities in order
20 burpees
50 squats
50 merkins
50 lunges (SC)
25 merkins
25 squats
10 burpees

Total of 60 burpees, 150 squats, 150 merkins, 100 lunges.

Ended with some flutters and LBCs

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster and Jaeger

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