You Can Do Anything For One Minute

15 – SSH
10 – Moroccan Night Club
10 – Windmill
15 – Cherry Pickers
10 – Merkins

Broga with 5 Shoulder Taps, 5 Plank Jack’s

(1) You Can Do Anything For One Minute
60 seconds work, 15 seconds rest
Slow mosey around the track after each round.

Round 1:
• 60 seconds of jumping jacks
• 60 seconds of bodyweight squats
• 60 seconds of push-ups (beginner modification:
kneeling push-ups)
• 60 seconds of high knees sprinting in place (beginner modification: march or jog in place)
• 60 seconds plank

Round 2:
• 60 seconds of burpees (beginner modification: skip the jump and just do a squat and push-up)
• 60 seconds of alternating forward lunges
• 60 seconds of mountain climbers
• 60 seconds of V-ups
• 60 seconds alternating side lunges

Round 3:
• 60 seconds bird dog
• 60 seconds jump squats
• 60 seconds right side plank
• 60 seconds left side plank
• 60 seconds squat hold

(2) Wall sits with bear crawl cycle

(3) 3 Merkin Indian Run
ABC’S of Abs
Murphy Opportunities
Bethel Men’s Shelter Nights
Summer of CSAUP’s
HIM Camp
Shovel Flag Handoff – Seabiscuit
Show To Know.

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Smoked Heavy Picker Uppers

Reviewed the F3 Mission and Core Principles
WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC, Merkins, and Strawberry Pickers
Stage 1 = 100 Kettlebell Swings
Stage 2 = Dora (Team up with a Partner): 50 Man Makers, 100 Shoulder Presses, 150 Goblet Squats, and 200 Tricep Extensions. While one person was doing the exercises, the other was jogging with their Kettlebell to the end of the parking lot and back.
Stage 3 = 3 Rounds of the following exercises with reps at 10, 20, and 30: American Hammers, LBCs, and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Sneaky 2

High Plank
Downward dog
Upward dog
Merkins x 5

High Plank
Downward dog
Upward dog
Shoulder tap x 5

Imperial Walker x 20 (cadence count)
Hillbilly Walker x 20 (cadence count)
Windmill x 20 (cadence count)
Lap around parking lot and pavilion
Repeat x3

Merkin x5 (cadence count)
Repeat x5

Heel elevated squats x20
Reverse lunges x20 (SC)
Good Morning x20
Lap around parking lot and pavilion
Repeat x3

Sit up get up x10
Modified flying squirrel x10 (no jump)
Inchworm x10
Lap around parking lot and pavilion
Repeat x3

Cannoli Run, HIM Camp, Summer of CSAUPs, The Murph, 4th of July Convergence

COT: Patience, peace, family, protection

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Withers Quadzilla & Print Shop Obstacle Course

WARMUP: mosey to Withers Hill, found cover at church awning- childs pose, upward dog downward dog high plank variation of high plank exercises in cadence including peter parker, plank jacks, shoulder taps, parker peter, merkins (all 6 counts), childs pose
THE THANG: 11s with a partner… NUR up Withers Hill, 10 (double count) partner clap merkins, RUN down Withers Hill, 1 curb burpee… repeated this until 6 partner merkins and 5 burpees…. MOSEY to Print Shop
Obstacle course- hand walk across parallel bars, dips x5 at the end, alternate 5 chin ups and 5 knees to chest at subsequent pull bars, jump at tap the monkey bars (opted not to swing on the wet monkey bars), once finished, complete 5 forward lunges each leg, 5 backward lunges each leg, 5 side lunges each leg…. repeat obstacle course with 3 reps as the count, MOSEY back to COT
MARY: yes, sorta
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter.

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Loop loop-a-doop

Today happens to be the day before YHC’s 6 year F3 anniversary

WARMUP: It’s STL. Disclaimer and out
THE THANG: Leg it to Front St/Birkshire Heights. PAX will run at least two loops, stopping for each STOP sign for 10 BBSU and 10 Merkins
MARY: Those who returned early had time for mary, those who did not, did not.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lots of stuff coming up
COT: Heavy reminder to not only be seen in the gloom but to see those around you.

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AKA at The VA

WARMUP: Sasquatch led with a warm up as YHC was coming in hot.

THE THANG: grabbing a few heavy things and in no particular order
20 hand release merkins
20 Sandbag over the shoulder tosses
20 zerker squats
Farmer carry 2 KB’s to the curb and back (~100yds?)

When all of the above is done, run a lap around the parking lot.
All while wearing rucksack/weighted vest. AMRAP until time is up

MARY: ended with leg raises and big boys

COT: always go back for the 6

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Last Man Standing

Some KB swings, rows, cleans, overhead presses, RDLs then a 3 mile run (I think that’s record distance for a gear AO).


Not the way I expected to end my run as site Q, but it is what it is. Learned a lot of lessons over the 1.25 years as a site Q. Lessons that transfer very well to life. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and by extension, those around me. I’ve learned that at times (and quite often) leadership can be lonely. Learned that there are a lot of well meaning people. Also learned that (too much) change can act as a repellent.

It’s also unfortunate that the sun has to set on a KB AO, but anyone is free to lead and pick it up from where it ended.

Keep accelerating, keep fostering male community leadership, keep being High Impact Men in (y)our communities.

-Beaker out ✌🏾

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Last Man Standing

Some KB swings, rows, cleans, overhead presses, RDLs then a 3 mile run (I think that’s record distance for a gear AO).


Not the way I expected to end my run as site Q, but it is what it is. Learned a lot of lessons over the 1.25 years as a site Q. Lessons that transfer very well to life. I’ve learned a lot about myself, and by extension, those around me. I’ve learned that at times (and quite often) leadership can be lonely. Learned that there are a lot of well meaning people. Also learned that (too much) change can act as a repellent.

It’s also unfortunate that the sun has to set on a KB AO, but anyone is free to lead and pick it up from where it ended.

Keep accelerating, keep fostering male community leadership, keep being High Impact Men in (y)our communities.

-Beaker out ✌🏾

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