Bell Danglers

Fourteen/Fifteen bell slingers decided to make the hard decision and accelerate their Wednesday morning. A disclaimer was made and we were off. We slowseyed over to the front of the school with the bells for a traveling warm up.

  •  10 side straddle hops than a mosey
  • 10 windmills than a mosey
  • 10 merkins than a mosey
  • Toy Soldiers
  • Karaokes

The Thang:

Dora is her name. Pain is her game.

Partner #1 – 100 KB Swing, 200 Bent Over Rows, 300 Merkins

Partner #2 – Run up to the top of the hill by the high school entrance sign and do 5 burpees.

When partner #2 gets back switch assignments.

After the pain was fully unleashed, we slowseyed back down the hill near COT for thang part 2.

The Thang 2:

Bear crawl with bell two parking spots and do 3 man makers. Went halfway across the parking lot and there was a half time performance.

Half Time: 10 snatches sprint across the parking lot and back. 10 KB swings sprint across the parking lot and back to your bell.

Half time was over and back to the rest of the scheduled program. Continue to bear crawl across the rest of the parking lot while doing 3 man makers every two parking spaces.

Back to COT for 30 seconds of LBC’s at Santini’s request.

Announcements, prayers & praises.

Thanks for the opportunity 3D.


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Snake Pit – Back and Open for Business

A few weeks ago, YHC was asked to Q at the Snake Pit.  The timing of dates was ironic given that  YHC was lucky enough to have the Q spot at the launch last October.   So the re-opening was set and PAX showed to support an accelerating site.

YHC chalked out the weinke the day before but mother nature washed it out overnight.  Thankfully an early arrival allowed time to re-chalk the “fun” PAX would have early that morning.

16 #HIM arrived ready to go with copious amounts of mumble chatter – something YHC sorely missed.  It was great to be back out in the gloom and at familiar sites.   After disclaimers were given, confirmation took place that no FNG’s were present (there were not) and the 5 core principles of F3 workouts were announced, off we moseyed without the bells.  Here’s what followed:

Mosey down the hill to the bus loop.  Upon arrival PAX began to circle until a JWOW sighting took place.  Fashionably late, he picked up the pace to join us and was met half way back up the hill.  We circled (or ovaled) up for the following IC:

Imperial Walkers x 15, 6 burpees OYO, Hillbilly Walkers X 15, 5 burpees OYO, Low slow squats x 12 with a hold to the people’s chair on the 12th rep.  While in the people’s chair, PAX completed the following IC:  10 Moroccan Night clubs, 10  shoulder taps, 10 air presses.  Legs were good and warm for what was to follow.  We moseyed back up the hill to our kettle bells and saunterd off to the base of the parking lot hill for a Partner Pyramid.  The pyramid was launched on the football field at the launch of the Snake Pit.  It seemed appropriate to bring it back out for the re-launch.  So we did.

Main Event:  Everyone was able to partner up evenly and began working up the pyramid then back down.  Exercises were 10, 10-20, 10-20-30, 10-20-30-40, 10-20-30-40-50, 50-40-30-20-10, 40-30-20-10, 30-20-10, 20-10, 10.  10 – goblet squats, 20 – hammer curls, 30 – tricep extensions, 40 – American hammers with the bell, 50 – kettle bell swings.  Partners alternated between working the pyramid and doing a 100 (ish) yard shuttle run to the top of the hill into the fire lane where work awaited arriving PAX before returning down the hill.  Partner 1 ran to the fire lane at the top of hill and did 10 burpees on trip one before coming back down to pick up where partner 2 left off on the pyramid, trip 2 was run, 10 hand release merkins, return. Trip 3 was run, 10 squats, return. Trip 4 was run, 10 diamond merkins, return.  Back to run, 10 burpees, return for trip 5 and so on.

PAX finished up the pyramid by moving to Al Gore as the 6 came in.  From there, we moseyed with the bells at 0557 to COT.  Time for an ab exercise or two until 0600 was upon us.

Flutters with the press x 15 plus a 30 second body destroyer to soak in the humidity was all time would allow.

Announcements were made for the 7-11 convergence as well as the discussion on race relations being held this Saturday, 6-13 at the Amphitheatre in Kingsley.  Prayers and praises were offered up for Polaroid’s daughter, for Cash, for YHC’s Dad and for 3D’s M.

NMM – Proximity matters.  If there’s one thing YHC has missed (and I suspect others have as well) during this pandemic, it’s the ability to look another PAX in the eye and to push one another to improvements we would likely never attain on our own.  Get proximate.  Engage with a shield lock and the accountability drives you to a much better place than without it.  Thank you, brothers.  And to 3D for the opportunity to Q again and re-launch the Snake Pit.

It was a honor to post with all of you.

Until next time:




TClap |

20 at The Snake Pit

OMG Becky, am I at the correct AO? That was my thought when I pulled up at 5:11am and saw 15+ dudes waiting in the parking lot. The power of location! The Snake Pit doesn’t get much love way out at CRHS. I was honored to lead 19 others in a kettlebell workout. Here’s what we did:
1 Curl (each side)
1 Tricep Extension
1 Chest Press
1 Big Boy w/ Press
1 Goblet Squat
1 KB Side Bend
1 Bentover Row (each side)
1 KB Swing

Longshanks came running through with a super bright headlamp.

Round 2 was the same set with an added rep, so 2 of each. 3 of each in Round 3. 4 of each in Round 4. 5 of each in Round 5….we did 12 Rounds and got swole! It wasn’t too shabby the first few rounds but after round 5 the groaning and complaining started. Music to a Q’s ears! After 12 Rounds we circled up for 20 Flutters in cadence and 10 Box Cutters in cadence. 6 o’clock happened.

We heard about Park and School AO’s opening soon.
We heard about an upcoming Convergence.
We prayed for Tinsel’s son.
We prayed for the end of the school year.
We praised Sky Q for life and the ability to workout in His presence.

Site Q’s…please schedule me.

The Thang

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Boss Hogg Issued a Challenge at the Ballroom and the PAX did not Disappoint!!!

Boss Hogg threw out a challenge to see how many PAX would show up at the Ballroom.  As usual, the PAX did not disappoint.  39 was the count.

Boss Hogg arrived in his all white Q outfit.  Disclaimer was given.  A quick message was given about the power of being an influencer.  PAX were reminded to always pick up the 6 and to encourage the guys around them.

The Thang:

Mosey to the center of the football field for a quick warmup:

  • 15 SSHs
  • 10 Windmills
  • 15 Imperial Walkers
  • 15 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Hillbilly Walkers
  • 15 Gas Pumpers (THE Twisters favorite exercise)

Next was a Guillermo 1-2-3 (Dora’s little brother).  Similar to a Dora but PAX break up into two groups instead of pairing off in partners.  All exercises are done in cadence with a focus on form, not speed.

Exercises were:

  • 100 Overhead Claps
  • 200 LBCs
  • 300 Low Slow Squats

The other group started at the goal line, bear crawled to the 20, ran to the 50, did 1 burpee, and returned to the goal line.  Teams switched back and forth until all exercises were complete.

With the remaining time, the PAX moved to the track for some large dice fun.  One die contained the name of an exercise on each side.  The other 4 were used to determine the count.  Dice were rolled, exercises were done, and the PAX moved 1/4 of the way around the track.  This was repeated until the group had moved all the way around the track.

Time was up and the group headed back to COT.  Announcements were made.  Prayer requests focused on physical healing and marriages.  Due to the overwhelming support from the PAX in attendance, $1,000 was donated to Classroom Ready.

A great reminder to all PAX, don’t just be influenced but go out and be influencers!



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Board of pain, faraway fences and bat flipper bear crawls

Nearly 3 miles were achieved by some, significantly less by others (Slash & UHaul always chose Bear Crawls…).  Some very solid mumblechatter…  A little flatulence…  Short chat on Lent and the presence of Catholics in Fort Mill…  Probable hair styles for the Son of God…  All in all it was a pretty eventful morning…

TClap |

Runnin’ Long Laps at The Pond

Minnow Pond on a brisk 35 degree morning? Sure, I’ll bite. This one’s gonna be short on content but heavy  on work. First I must say that it was good to see some of the not-so-regular guys at this edition.

We had 2 post for extra-extra credit, a few more post at 0500 for the extra credit. Finally at 0514, 10 of us made our way over to Ol’ Glory for The Pledge Of Allegiance. Have I said that I do love this tradition ‘Shanks has established.

Ok, it’s 0515 and here is your brief disclaimer to cover the bases. After that, we took off up the Massey hill just to pull a U-turn at the Church and run it back to the Minnow Pond parking lot for a little more warming up:

SSH & some 180 degree jump squats…THAT’S IT, after all, you just ran up and down that hill.

We then took off on our 1.1mi loop that we’d get more comfortable with. Again, go up the Massey hill but this time, go down to the gas station.
Post up at the gas station for our first set of exercises. Every time we stop, we’d be doing the same 3 exercises and the same number of reps.

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

Take off to make a R/T on Harris St
R/T on McCammon St
Straight through the light to the Founders Bank parking lot for

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

Take off to make a R/T on Clebourne St
R/T on Main St
Back to the Veterans Memorial flags for

(20) 2ct Flutters
(15) Jump Squats
(10) Hand-Release Merkins

So that is 1 lap and the goal is to do this repeatedly to ensure you cover the 3mi minimum but also including the exercises at each of the 3 stops on each lap.

Some of the PAX got close to 3mi. Some got over 3.5mi but all pushed and got pushed.



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Round 2 at Laces In

Lack of creativity? Potentially. Simple yet effective? Undoubtedly. That could be how I describe several stages of my life.

Yesterday at the JOC, we did round 1 of the Deck of Cards. Whenever you have a round 1, you have to have a round 2. Taking yesterday’s learnings on clock management, I modified the warm-up, flapped the gums a little less and up’d the tempo. That would ensure we get through the deck this time.

We had a total of 20 at Laces, with 2 of those being Road Runners. The other 17 joined me as we circled up.

River Rat got to hear this twice but I shared what Billy Bob said on the Roundtable podcast recently about modifications. You can always modify as needed BUT do not use that as an excuse to not push yourself. It’s appropriate in so many areas of life and it was appropriate for the PAX & I this morning.

So, we jogged over to the start line for our abbreviated warm up consisting of (2) 50yd runs at 50% pace and 75% pace. We followed that up with windmills in cadence and butt kickers in place, also in cadence. And that was it for our warm up.

For the 1st-timers, the deck goes like this, your rep count is the number on the card, 2-10 are obvious, Jacks=11, Queens=12, Kings=13, Aces=14. Suits represent the following exercises:

Hearts: 8ct Burpee (It’s a burpee with a plank jack & the push up)
Diamonds: 4ct Mountain Climbers
Clubs: Jump Squats
Spades: Diamond Merkins
Jokers: (25) 4ct Flutters

In total, we did:
(104) 8ct Burpees
(104) 4ct Mountain Climbers
(104) Jump Squats
(104) Diamond Merkins
We had 3 Jokers in the deck so that is (75) Flutters, of the 4ct variety

We finished the deck at 0551 so we had 9mins left on the clock which was filled with:
(30) Flutters
(12) Hand-Release Merkins
(15) American Hammers

4 more 50yd runs at 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%

Moseyed back to COT for:
Heels to Heavens
Freddy Mercury

COT today was pretty powerful for me. We had men that brought some real stuff today that they are walking through life with. As we say, you are not meant to carry this on your own; that would crumble any man. You have been called and designed to lead but the best leaders have a group they work with. In F3, we call that group a Shield Lock.
Remember, sometimes you need to modify the game plan. However, DO NOT use that modification as an excuse to not give it your all.

It’s been my honor.

TClap |

9 Branded by the Ring of Fire – 3D’s 1st F3iversary

In honor of my FNG post on Jan 15, 2019, I led 9 PAX reenacting the Ring of Fire dealt by SkateOrDie during my first post.  Weather was warmer than last year.

Warmup – Mosey, Moroccan Nightclubs, Hillbilly and imperial Walkers, windmills, Cherry Pickers, Plank, honeymooner, Plank, Downdog with calf stretches

Workout – PAX in circle with their respective weights.  Skate or Die also brought a concrete brick.  10 exercises.  Started with 20 reps and then worked down by 2.  Rotated weights after each exercise.  After each round I randomly rotated us or mixed us up so we used the weights in different order.  Threw a mosey in after 2 rounds.  Were only able to get down to 12 when Polaroid reminded us it was 6!!

Overhead Press


KB Swing


Tricep Ext

Lunge Pass thru


Calf Raises

V Ups


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The snake pit 12/18/19

F07A9CBF-DBA9-43DF-96EE-3E615C1EE305Had a fun time for my first Q, was very interesting getting ready for it. we had 17 people show up with 2 fng’s present.

warmup :

-lap around parking lot

-windmills (10)

-ssh (25)

-cherry pickers(15)

-hillbilly walkers (15)

-imperial walkers (15)

-lbc’s (10)

-Moroccan nightclubs (20)


pre-workout (wall)

-wallsit/kB  (everyone did 5 burpees until reach middle)

-calf raises (30 seconds) X2

-wallsit/kb (everyone did 5 Merkins until reach middle)


workout (partner):

-KB Swings (200)

-American hammers (200)

-lbc’s (200)

-rows (300)

-squats (200)



-Floyd plank (20 seconds) “quite a bit of complaining involved “

-circle of Mary (until 6:00)

We finished with the name o Rama and names two FNG’s

thanks again for letting me Q for the first time, it was a fun experience and will definitely try to do again!!

TClap |

A Little Of Dis And A Little Of Dat

Despite the cold temps, thirteen HIM decided to get out of the old fart sack and accelerate their Thursday morning. It was a good opportunity to remind everyone that it was cold out and not to stick your tongue to a flag pole. Disclaimer was given and we were off.
Quick Mosey and we circled up. Exercises were done in reps of 20.
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Windmills
  • 20 Low Slow Squats
Right off the bat, we bear crawled around the covered semi circle. Once the six were in another mosey over to the far parking lot.
  • 20 Plank Jacks
  • 20 Flutters
  • 20 Bib Boy Sit Ups
Moseyed over to the back of the school for some wall work.
  • 20 Wall Mountain Cimbers
  • 20 Peoples Chair Overhead Claps
  • 20 Wall Mountain Cimbers
  • 20 Peoples Chair Overhead Claps
A challenged the group to take some time out and focus on what is really import over the upcoming weeks. The birth of our savior.
Moseyed towards the side of the school.
  • 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 20 Dying Cockroaches
  • 20 American Hammers
Moseyed/Toy Soldiers/Lunges over to the front of the school where two cones were setup for a little Jack Webb. The loop was about a quarter of a mile in total and we had a cone setup on each opposite end. We definitely got some miles in on this segment.
Cone 1: 10 Partner Slap Pushups
Con 2: 1 Big Boy Sit Up 
Cone 1: 9 Partner Slap Pushups
Con 2: 2 Big Boy Sit Up 
We got down to about 5 and 5 or 4 and six depending on how fast you were running.
Moseyed back to COT for prayers and praises.


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