Back last! Rucking VQ with GAME!

WARMUP: SSH and the Kasbah #2s
THE THANG: 12 was the rep count for all work to honor LEOs including my nephew. Ruck over to railing facing the lake and some hopping merkins until we got to the stairs. Up the stairs and over to the Marriott where we talked about Gratitude and Attitude then did some Russian Tap Dancers and LSS. Rucked to Sunbelt and talked about Maintaining focus and Energy. Rucked the perimeter of the parking lot and up to the roundabout. There, we did some calls raisers and slightly inclined merkins. Rucked back up the hill toward Panera passing around <@U02JMD0EKS8>’s 60 pounder. Rucked through the quiet zone again then back for some Mary. It felt quite contrary but we did some BB Crunches, Protractors and finally some body destroyers. The PAX were very gracious and kind.
MARY: Not Wild Eyed Crazy but yes, she popped on.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: <@U02JMD0EKS8> Bon Voyage March 1st, <#C040E2ZA943> March 8th, Convergence at <#C02P7E6JT55> on March 14th and the <#C03J56KFVAA> #Jaeger March 15th.
COT: Prayers for health and for strength. Prayers for the families of those who lost loved ones. Praises for Gratitude including the PAX and new jobs.

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Tour De Coach’s Box

WARMUP: IW x15, MCx10, PPx10, PPx10, Windmill x10
THE THANG: Mosey to hill- Dora- 50 Burpees, 100 Merkins, 200 Squats/Lunges, 300 LBC/Hello Dolly.
Mosey to Pull up bars (they are blocked so Audible) get blocks and do 7’s with manmakers and bent over rows.
Mosey to benches- 25 dips and 25 step ups each leg.
MARY: American Hammers and JWOWS concoction of and an exercise
COT: Prayers for family and friends

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Dora, Tabata and Mary

COP – mosey to base of hill for various exercises I/C. Greeted late arrivals (they know who they are) with Monkey humpers.

the main thing – Partner Dora because you’re there for the man next to you.

50 – swings
100 – squats
150 – curls
100 – squats
50 – swings

10 minutes of Tabata – called various exercises for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds

Moved on to 5 minutes of Mary to complete the trifecta and take us to COT

Announcements – read your newsletter

COT – 5th core principle

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SSH, windmill (lots of moaning), merkin, honeymooner, down dog

Over by the track between the two schools we had 5 cones setup along one of the straight away.

Starting at the first come you are to travel by recommended mode of transportation to the each come. Each round will have two sets of exercises. Switch exercise at each cones

Rd 1 – lung walk, merkins 20, dips 20
Run a lap
Rd 2 – bear crawl, lunges 20, squats 20
Run a lap
Rd 3 – side lung walk, merkins 20, dips 20
Run a lap
Rd 4 – sideways bear crawl, lunges 20, squats 20
Run a lap
Rd 5 – rotate between bear crawl and lunge walk, LBCs 20, leg raises 10

Next moved to some super man’s for 5 rds and then finished off the workout with Airborne hip specials.


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Another Dora… more reps and sandbags

WARMUP: Descending ladder from 6-1
– squats
– Incline merkins
– Step ups
– Box jumps
– Dips
THE THANG: partner carries sand bag around second set of basketball goals and back while other partner does reps, then switch.
– 500 Side straddle hops
– 400 LBCs
– 300 Flutters
– 200 Merkins
– 100 Dry docks
– 50 Dips

Repeat the warmup when done

ANNOUNCEMENTS: golf tournament and Christmas party
COT: Surgery coming up for my M, Cheddah’s monumental return to the gloom, long ducks coworker, teachers and students

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Simple but effective

WARMUP: Mosey a lap around band practice lot. Inch worm with merkin one side. Mosey one side. Lunge one side. Ten merkins in cadence.
THE THANG: mosey to hill by the football stadium. Ten merkins. 7s up the hill to maintenance drive with diamond merkins and jump squats right into 7s on the maintenance drive with burpees and gas pumpers.
Mosey to hill at us 21 entrance. Dora crawl bear/bear crawl both partners working and swapping as needed up the hill.
MARY: merkins in slow down cadence.
COT: yes

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WARMUP: mosey to the football stadium – exercises with burpees in between.

THE THANG: on the hill – 50’s
50 merkins buy in
Run to 3rd light – 10 squats
Return to bottom – 40 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 20 squats
Return to bottom – 30 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 30 squats
Return to bottom – 20 merkins
Run to 3rd light – 40 squats
Return to bottom – 10 merkins

Run to top of hill – mosey to Citi lot off campus

6’s and 13’s – 6 rounds of 6 burpees and 14 squats. Modified burpees to Diamond merkins after 3 rounds.

Return to campus benches at the gym for Bulgarian split squats and five burpees and continue to COT.

MARY: not enough time
COT: 5th core principle

Thanks for the call, Warning Track.

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Turd Burglar

WARMUP: Windmill, IW, HW, MNC
4 quarter-mile laps around the parking lot for a total of 1 mile. Stopped every quarter of a lap and did 10 reps of one exercise Burpees, Squats, Merkins, Big Boys x 4 for a total of 40 of each throughout the mile.

Partner Dora
Timer: One pax runs ~ 300 yards while the other pax does reps of an exercise.

50 – Step Up Burpees
100 – Squats
100 – Merkins
100 – SSH
100 – Plank Jacks
100 – LBCs
100 – Derkins
MARY: Flutter Kicks , Freddie Mercury,
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Batman said read your Newsletter
COT: Closed us out in prayer.

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Smoked Heavy Picker Uppers

Reviewed the F3 Mission and Core Principles
WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Morrocon NC, Merkins, and Strawberry Pickers
Stage 1 = 100 Kettlebell Swings
Stage 2 = Dora (Team up with a Partner): 50 Man Makers, 100 Shoulder Presses, 150 Goblet Squats, and 200 Tricep Extensions. While one person was doing the exercises, the other was jogging with their Kettlebell to the end of the parking lot and back.
Stage 3 = 3 Rounds of the following exercises with reps at 10, 20, and 30: American Hammers, LBCs, and Flutters
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Prayers and Praises

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6 Clean Shaven Men & Bearded Fellow

WARMUP: None, Disclaimer given
THE THANG: We rucked towards Veterans Park to do a quality check on the Minnow Pond. 3.44 Miles
MARY: None she was absent
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cannoli Run, Read Your newsletter, the jeager
COT: What happens in COT stays in COT

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