11…it’s one more

Started with a Mosey run

Warm up with: SSHs, windmills, imperial walkers, Moroccan n/c, Low slow squats, big arm circles, peterparkers, plank stretches. All in a variation of 11 reps I/C.


bench work: step ups (11 each leg), incline merkins (11 I/C), dips (11 I/C), butt touch squats (11), decline merkins (11 I/C), calf raises (33).


One Pax does exercise, other pax on the cinder block, we did:
Curls // run out and back
Block held at 90° // 22 merkins
11 manmakers // squats
There was another one, can’t remember.


Wall work:
Bear crawl out 30 feet and do 11 bobby hurleys
BTW 22 count
Wall tar jais for 11 I/C

Ran to Pullup bars, and did:
Chin ups
Switch grips
Toes to bar
Knees to chest

Run to COT
Mary: Box cutters, pickle pointers, body destroyers, V-ups, LBCs

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Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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Keep On, Keep On, Keep On

We the NWO Shield Lock were fortunate enough to be asked to Q Varsity. Dirty Harry, World Wide Leader, Wegmans, and YHC have been together for 4 years now, in the ups and downs. Solid little thing we got going on

SSH, Peter Parker’s, Windmills, Mosey around the parking lot


WWL – parking lot suicides with 5 merkins at each turn around point and 10 squats at the base line. Mosey for one iteration, lunge walk/bear crawl for the second.

DH – transfer moving boxes from his 4Runner to PL’s truck. 5 burpees when you grab a box, 5 merkins when you drop it in the truck. Repeat until all boxes are moved.

PL – Pull up/Bobby Hurley 7’s + Active Recovery
Hold Al Gore for 1 minute, pulse 20 times.
Hold low lunge position for 1 minute, pulse 20 times. Flap Jack.

Apparently there’s something called a Cobra and DH had us do it.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Vote for our D2D charity!

Lots of strong prayer requests this morning.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, HC.

DH/PL/Wegs/WWL out.

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Just a little chicken fried atThe Ranch

SSH, Merkins, Hillbilly Walkers
Lunge walk
Bear crawl
Irkins, dips, step ups
5 light poles
Mosey to each pole

Playground partner
15 swing crunches/partner pull-ups
3 rounds

Bear crawl

Partner1 Suicide/Partner2 LBCs


4 light poles
Mosey to each pole

Bear crawl to 5th light pole

Boat/Canoe/ big boy
Hello dolly
Blood Drive
Read Newsletter


God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble
James 4:6

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Zone 2 and The Slowest Burn

9 Motivators
Moroccan night clubs
Baby arm circles
Overhead claps
Seal jacks
Low slow squat
Tempo merkin
Tempo CDD

Practice balancing:
Stand on right leg
Stand on left leg

Walk down the 5 stairs slowly and without the handrail. It’s harder than it sounds.

The Thang:
Yog to Armory

2 teams Pick a co-Q
Team A
Tempo step downs/ups on the wall

Team B – Board of pain (switch after each movement)
In SLOW cadence
5 six count burpees
10 tempo merkins
20 low slow squats
15 slow flutters
20 slow monkey humpers
10 tempo diamond merkins

There was some

There were some


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Shield Lock Circuits of Fun

WARMUP: on the field w/Bonsai – SSH’s, Windmills (professional cadence) and a bit of broga….but just a bit.
THE THANG: bonsai – merkin mile – lap 1 – 8 merkins every 100 yards, lap 2 – 6 merkins every 100 yards, lap 3 – 4 merkins every 100 yards. Lap 4 – 2 merkins every 100 yards. Total of 1 mile and 80
Merkins. Flutters until the 6 arrives.

Bonsai Hands off to sir topham hat

Mosey to pull up bars: 10 pull ups 5 merkins, 8 pull ups 10 merkins, 6 pull ups 15 merkins, 4 pull ups 20 merkins, 2 pull ups 25 merkins

We’re now at too many pull ups and 155 merkins, for those keeping score at home.

LBC’s and Freddy’s in cadence until the 6 finishes and hand off to Weezer

Circled the islands of the parking lot around COT – pax could choose transport between bear crawls, crab walks and lunges. Once returned, 20 d/c gas pumpers I/C. Circle again with karaoke or side shuffle and do big boy sit-ups I/C. One more circle either jogging or nurring and upon returning a hand off to YHC

Mosey back toward pull up bars but passing them to the hill for 7’s – krakens at the bottom and squats at the top. PAX completed most of them before 0600 summoned us to COT

Total merkin count – all of them.

MARY: no time
COT: 5th core principle

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Block Party at Block Party

Eight men showed up on a humid morning, some stayed up late watching football. This morning everyone would win. Simple loop around the downtown area. Four stops with exercises at each one.

1. Pharmacy – Plank Jacks (10 reps)
2. Parking lot after Rail Bridge – Hand Releasee Merkins (10 reps)
3. Gazebo – Bobby Hurley (10 reps)
4. Memorial Park – Man Makers (5 reps) Cinderblocks, Sandbags, and Kettle bell were available for this stop.

After each lap, we added 1 rep count to each stop. Most got 5 to 6 rounds before time expired.
Great job by all!

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Cinder Bells

Arrived early to count cinder blocks. We were in luck, one for everyone.

Mosey down the hill, grabbing a cindy on the way

warm up: imp walk, LSS, LBC, Gas pumper, hillbilly walker, shoulder taps, jump squats, calf raise, merkin clock, SSH, dy cockroach, freddie, windmill, jogged it out a bit, from jog to 100

cindy work, triceps, curls, bench press

plank curb walk, bear crawl indian run type deal .. fan favorite

twice half ran up the hill while the others worked, once BB sits, once heels to heaven

We did a jonah hill, 3 broad jumps, 3 merkins, 7 times

we did more cindy work, maybe like 3 times total, calf raises were included

Probably some other stuff

closed with Mahktar N’Diayes

Took the cindy’s home

I was gassed, this group kicked my a$$. Effort level from the group 100%+

Looks like we made it (barely),

Barry Manilow

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“Blindly Following the Leader: Because Questionable Choices Make the Best Stories!”

10 SSH (IC)
10 Imperial walkers (IC)
10 Squat to toe touches (IC) this was new for the Pax and the count was hard to grasp.

Run to the large parking lot.

Burpee broad jump across the parking lot. Stop half way (10 Merkins) keep going til the end
Lt dan back across
Bear crawl half way / Power skip back the other half

Mosey to the hill near Munn rd

A Bones Special :Basketball shuffle up to the top of the hill.
10 Plank tucks at the top, then Basketball shuffle down the hill. 10 Plank tucks

Suicides with the lamp post
First light post 5 burpees
2nd 5 burpees
3rd 5 burpees
4th 5 burpees
Last but not least the stop sign. 5 burpees
Hold Al Gore for the 6

Mosey down Munn to the 2nd entrance. While crossing the street ask the men the Pax what they are struggling with and be prepared to talk in COT. At the entrance monkey humpers till the 6 gets in.

Continue to Mosey to the 3rd entrance. Hip openers, toy soldiers, duck walks. Mosey to the pull up bars

At the pull up bars
Partner up
Partner 1 Dead hang while partner 2 runs to the gate, flip flop.

1st round
10 Merkins
2nd round
10 fire hydrants each leg

YHC was not paying attention to the time and was called out on it so I Omaha what we were doing and headed to COT.

Notably we held CSPAN style discussion around the circle on what are we struggling with. It’s important to note that as we went around with each Pax’s voicing their struggles we all related to every one of those aspects. Guys we are not alone and it’s much easier to go this journey through life is undoubtedly more manageable when we stand together rather than facing it in isolation.” I implore you to be more vulnerable in COT. Prayers and Praises.

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Boogie’s Birthday Bash Beatdown

WARMUP: Abe Vigoda, Deep stretches, Side straddle Hops,
THE THANG: Mosey to Bridge near Gym entrance. Wall sit, bear crawls, burpees. Mosey to football field. Dora on the Football Field, Pax paired up in end zone. One runs to the 30, 40 or 50 yard line while fellow Pax completes 100 Merlins, 200 American Hammers, 300 Sumo Squats. Indian Rin back to COT.
MARY: Freddy Mercury, LBCs, Leg lifts for last 30 seconds.
COT:Prayers & praises for those returning to school.

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