4 hour wo in 1 hour

WARMUP: Moseyed out of the parking lot, up the hill, and to the back parking lots across the street. All in cadence, WMx7, 1 Burpee, CPx7, 2 Burpees, HWx7, 3 Burpees, MCx7, 4 Burpees, SSHx10, 5 Burpees
THE THANG: Moseyed to the front of the Pike Electric building to use the short brick wall to hang a leg on.
Thang#1 – Complete rep count of the 1st exercise and then move right into the 2nd exercise. 1 minute intervals with 10-15 second break in between each round. Completed 3 rounds
1st exercise: BSSx10 each leg
2nd exercise: Jump Squats

Moseyed to the big grassy hill in front of Pike Electric.

Thang #2 – BearCrawl 20 paces then switch to CrawlBear for 20 paces. Keep switching every 20 paces until you reach the parking lot at the top. CrawlBearing up that steep hill was a crowd pleaser.

Thang #3 – Stay in the parking lot where we finished our BearCrawl/CrawlBear journey. Instructed PAX to move into the straight arm plank position.
Held plank for 20 seconds then instructed PAX to remove right hand from the ground. Held for the Qs 10 count, back to normal plank and performed PeterParkersx10inCadence. Held plank and asked PAX to remove left hand. Held for the Qs 10 count, back to normal plank and performed ParkerPertersx10inCadence. You get the idea as we proceeded to remove left leg followed by MCx10inCadence and then remove right leg followed by PJx10inCadence.

Moseyed to the HOBO’s parking lot.

Thang #4 – Time under Tension. Partner up. Partner #1 performs 10 merkins while Partner #2 holds 6 inches. At the completion of Partner #1s 10 merkins you switch. Keep switching until you reach an accumulative rep count of 100.

Moseyed to The Print shop pullup bar area.

Thang #5 – Partner up, Partner #1 performs 10 pullups ( max ) and then hangs until Partner #2 completes 20 Step-Ups on the picnic tables. Go back and forth until the team reaches an accumulative rep count of 200 step-ups. Lots of complaining at this point.

Moseyed to the Freedom Park parking lot

Thang #6 – Time under Tension routine again. This time Partner #1 performs 10 straight lower leg lifts while Partner #2 holds 6 inches. Repeat back and forth until an accumulative rep count of 100 is completed.

Moseyed to the small asphalt area in front of Pike Electric building.

Thang #7 – Partner up again. Complete 5 minutes of burpees. Partner #1 completes 1 burpee while partner #2 watches. Then partner #2 completes 1 burpee while partner #1 watches. Go back and forth for 5 minutes. Stole this one from Tesh during his Watchmen themed workout at The Ranch.

Moseyed to the back parking lot where we conducted our warm-ups.

Thang #8 – Time under Tension routine, again. Partner #1 performs 10 jump squats while partner #2 holds the AlGore. Go back and forth until you complete an accumulative rep count of 100.

Moseyed back to COT area

Thang #9 – Instructed PAX to lay down for some Superman poses. Conducted 2 – 10 count sets of each pose. Arms straight and forward and legs together, next pose was arms in field goal position with legs slightly spread apart, next pose was arms in airplane position with legs moved wider apart, next pose was arms in jumper position with legs spread wide apart.

MARY: LBCx20inCadence, 20 Reverse Crunches
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: Show to know.

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Bubbles VQ

WARMUP: Side straddle hop, Moroccan night club, Hillbilly walker, stretch
THE THANG: Mosey to field, Merkin, big boy, Windmill, AYG Mosey to opposite end, Shoulder tap, Squat, LBC, rinse and repeat add 5
COT: Prayers and Praises

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Finding Failure

10 Windmills
10 Hillbillly Walkers
10 Moroccan NightClubs


Select a Sanbag of Choice

15 – Under the wires – 3x
25 – Crunches – 3x
Over Head Press till failure – 3 x

Reverse forearm plank – 1 Minute

15 – Walk Out Push Ups – 3x
25 – Bicycles – 3x
Man-Makers till failure – 3x

J-Lowes – 1 Minute

15 – Clapper Push-Ups – 3 x
25 – Alternate Leg Jackknifes – 3x
Curls to Failure – 3 x

Reverse forearm plank – 1 Minute

15 – Seated – In & Outs 3x
25 – Mountain Climber 3 x
Reverse Lunges w/ weight till failure – 3x

J-Lowes – 1 Minute

No time
Ruby Slippers is raising money for Bethel Mens Shelter, Warning Track will post about urgent needs of Ft. Mill Families, Airborn is hosting a Christmas Party.

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Let’s Make the Fort Sore again

WARMUP: yes. you’d be crazy not to


(most finished in 35ish)

(got in 1.5ish rounds, only 8.5 left to go…)

Was hard today. YHC is especially struck by 1st Lt. Clovis Ray leaving a job in investment banking at age 32 for an Army commission.

Prayers for those that still miss 1st Lt. Clovis Ray and SFC Daniel Crabtree at their Thanksgiving table every year.

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South of The Fort

WARMUP: mosey to Harris Street Park – MNC, merkins, imperial walker
bear crawl length of bb court and lunge walk back. 2x
half the group did merkins while half ran a lap around the park
half the group did LBCs while half the group ran a lap around the park
Group ran ran a trail from Harrris Street Park to Creekside Drive ran up and down Hampton Hill 3x doing Burpees at the top 15-10-5
Group ran from Creekside to Fort Mill HS pull up bars

5 pulls ups heels to heaven 2x
10 knees to nipples and derkins 2x

ran from Fort Mill HS to WEP trail head at Harris Street Park.

Stopped and stretched and continued running on trailhead to WEP

Grinder closed us out with a round of Airborn’s hip exercise
MARY: None
COT: Closed in prayer

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My hero gave me life!!

WARMUP: grab a block and get to pain station

7mins of burpees


With cinderblocks
💥 mom was 84 so that was our count
💥 6 exercises for each of her kids all with Cindy’s
💥 💥 Tri-extension, Man Makers, Curls, WWII Sit ups, Dips, Block Squats
💥 💥 Every 5 mins run 84 yards and do 11 Derkins run back

Thanks for opportunity and honor your heroes today!! 👏🏻 🔥 🙌🏻

2 mins of Mary with Clickbait and Mark Twain
Slash’s fund raiser for beetos

Prayers and praises around COT

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50 for 50

WARMUP: Yes, some of the usual
THE THANG: A circle of 5 stations of 10 reps each with bell. after each station we traveled to the center point and back in varying modes (lunges, bear crawls, etc). Total of 50 reps per circuit represented 50 yrs of pain as a Tecas Rangers fan, heading into Wolrd Series game 1 later on 10/27.

we made it through 4+ circuits.

NOTE: this is posted 10 days later and Rangers are champs!!

COT: Thanks to pax for posting to only my 2nd KB Q. Good to connect with new faces Liberty Bibberty, Wooden Leg and Rubber Ducky and to see Rolloff back out in the Gloom.

thanks for the Q stick Happy Hour. you were missed!

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“Uphill Battle Burner”

SSHops 20X
WMills 10X
HBWalkers 10X

Weighted bags, users choice. Walk uphill stopping at 5 light poles for below movements:

5 – Under the wires
10 – Explosive Negative Pushups
15 – Man-Makers
20 – Alternate Leg Jackknifes
25 – Crunches

Lunch downhill stopping at 5 aforesaid light poles to perform following movements.

5 – Archer Push-ups
10 – Diamond Pushups
15 – Squat w/ overhead press
20 – Heals to Heaven
25 – American Hammers

Performed 2 Evolutions

Read newsletter

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Halloween Fears

Kept ’em moving.
Used a pretty standard warm up:
Merkins – slooooow cadence
Some yoga

Stopped for pull-ups (Print Shop)
Stopped for wall pull-ups (Springs office building)

Did some unaided pigeon lunges

Made it to the WEP hill for 7s
Burpees and Bombjacks
Reverse bear crawl up the hill
Reverse lunge down the hill

This was hard. Dark Helmet bat flipped

Stopped for Bulgarian Split Squats (Pike Electric)

Asked guys during the workout what their biggest fears were. Among the answers were: not leaving a legacy for our family, recurrence of disease, mental health issues in our kids.

Love being in a space where we can work on being high impact men and share what is authentically on our hearts

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