Chesty deck o cards

WARMUP:  Quick loop to warm up.  It was 29 and wanted to get the guys warm before we started

Did a little stretching and yoga

Beaker asked for a 5 min buy-in and with it being cold, I wanted to make sure the guys were warm before we kicked off the deck o’cards. So we lined up at the bottom of the grass hill and ran suicide light poles with burpees at the bottom where you increase by one each time. I believe there were 5 light poles total.

Next we moved to the pavilion and started the deck
❤️- curls
♦️- merkins
☘️- overhead press
♠️- laying down lat raises (fan favorite)

Finished with 45 seconds of LBCs
Read newsletter
Each shared a praise or prayer and challenged each man to remember those throughout the day.

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All About the Benjamin’s Beatdown

WARMUP: 20 SSH, 20 Nightclubs, 20 Randy’s, 20 Through The Tunnel.
-Mosey from Vet Park to WEP .50.
Bear Crawls with indigenous runs through 14 bear crawlers.
On the Stage – 20 burpees, 20 big boys, 20 leg flutters right foot count, 20 squats, 20 merkins.
.20 miles and rinse and repeat.

10 sets of all the above

5 sets of all the above

2 lines – squat while head of class lunges through 7 PAX in each line.

Run back to COT

MARY: flutters, LBC, planks
COT: prayers for patience.

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“Jaeger Recovery” LOL

WARMUP: pre-run the 1.1 mile loop with 3 stops with 3 burpees each.
THE THANG: 1.1 miles loop with 4 stations
Station 1: 25 mountain goats (3 mt climbers + 1 goat kick = 1)
Station 2: 25 AH
Station 3: 25 Mike Tysons
Station 4: 25 V-Abs
Rinse and repeat but this time 20 reps at each station. Rinse and repeat but this time 15 reps at each station.

MARY: 30 J-Loves and 30 Flotters
Total of 3.6 to 4 miles from every PAX.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: trash pick up, Bettle men’s shelter, start training for Jeager 2023
COT: families, work, banks, and others.

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Baxter Loops pick up the 6 style

WARMUP: No warmup
THE THANG: Headed to Baxter for a big loop with PT at each Stop Sign- Alternate 10 Merkins 10 Squats and 5 Burpees 15 LBC. Change direction when you get back to the start, pick up the 6 and they all follow.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jager!! Read your Newsletter
COT: Finished with The Lords Prayer

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Snarky Title!

WARMUP: mosey to a church parking lot
Do some burpees and some dynamic warmups along with some exercises in cadence.
THE THANG: NUR up the hill to a different church parking lot. Introduce 5/10/15 of big boy sit ups, merkins and squats. Run to other places to do 5/10/15. Hit a record for most churches hit, unofficial of course.
Held AL Gore and did squats in a circle.
Introduced walk like an Egyptian.
Duck walked up Main Street with squats at light poles.
Some more running to churches for more 5/10/15
MARY: Souptonuts led us in some Mary as a warmup for next week’s VQ.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: burpees for bbq round 2. March 2nd 2024.
COT: CSPAN style.

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4 minutes until the Kraken

Nice and warm for a Colosseum WO and a Flag Handoff.

With a FNG present we included the 5 core principles and the F3 mission. I started the “clock” which meant that every 4 minutes throughout the course of the workout each PAX would do 5 Kraken Burpees. With that I got into the warmup.

100 SSH (IC)
15 Merkins (IC)

So for the majority of this workout we ran to separate spots from the Colosseum Shovel Flag to the Carolina Eye Center Parking Lot. We would stop along the way where I would call different exercises in Cadence in this order.

5 Merkins (IC)
10 LBC’s (IC)
15 (Flutters IC)
20 HD (IC)
25 (Squats Low Slow IC)

As we ran back towards COT we stopped briefly into the “purple light” near the Tega Cay Coffee Truck. Everyone wondered where the glow sticks and foam pit was. Good questions obviously but it was not a rave or a college basement party so we did more Kraken Burpees.

As we approached the final few minutes Backdraft complained there were not enough squats so I obliged with 50 low slow squats that segwayed nicely into 5 more Kraken Burpees.

Got back to COT where we executed a Flag handoff to Rebound and named a FNG Blacklight.

All in all it was a good workout where we ended up with about 50 Kraken Burpees and around 150 Merkins, 180 LBC’s and just about 2 miles (slightly over or under depending on the watch)

Always honored for the lead and for the opportunity.

Thank you!

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Punishment for missing free throws

WARMUP: the 0445 pre-run

Shuttle runs
Using the rows in the parking lot (~20m apart) numbered 0-5, starting at 0, shuttle run to 1, return to 0. Run to 2, back to 0, etc until Pax got to 5, then start over from 1.

First 3 rounds (1 round being shuttle run through 1-5)
Burpees everytime you came back to 0. The number of burpees were equal to the number of the row you ran to.

Second 3 rounds were jump squats following the same rules as the burpees but by a factor of 4.

Last 3 rounds were 4 SC mountain climbers x the number of the row you ran to.
Those that finished before 6, did shuttle runs with no exercises.

Every 3 rounds was just over 1 mile.


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The way things were

This Weinke was stolen from @Anchorman
Do day one, run around medical building.
Plank for 6.
Do day two, day one then around the building, etc

1 Donkey Kick
3 Jumping Lunges
4 Merkins
5 Squats
6 Burpees
7 Bombjacks
8 Sumo Squats
10 Flutters IC
11 Monkey Humpers
12 Diamond Merkins

During Plank we got to hear about each PAX’s favorite place from where they grew up that was still there last time they went back. Slash and I had a bit of back-n-forth because the Greenway wasn’t really here when we were growing up and so much has changed in Fort Mill. Plus we both lamented Tony’s Pizza burning down.

@Cheddah- Jones Donuts
@Weezer- Al’s Fries
@OldBay- Breaker’s Pool Hall
@Mainframe- Texas Tavern
@Cyclops- Alfee’s Pizza
@JWOW- Vinny’s Pizzarama
@dilbert – Baseball Field
@Change Order- Intercoastal Waterway
@Flounder- Mosquitoes (WTH? Your favorite?)
@Esso- The Complex
@Slash- Village Pizza
@Shady- Sweet Sensations ice cream (and massage parlor?)
@Band Camp- Bartlett Tree Farm

An honor to lead.

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The Slog at JWEP

It was a wet/sloppy day in The Fort, but fear not, the firey mumble chatter warmed our souls.

Side Straddle Hops
Cherry Pickers
Windmills (Trucker Approved)
The Polish Mating Dance🕺
Dying Cockroaches

The Thang:
Grab you backpack and mosey down yonder to the Church for some Dora.
Partner 1: Figure 8 running pattern on the stairs.
Partner 2: 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 Flutters

Head back towards JWEP for some more pain. Mode of transportation was a Jack Webb – 4 Bearcrawls and 1 Carolina Dry Doc until you get to 40-10.

At the top of the Hill next to JWEP we did crazy 8’s. The top of the hill 7 burpees, the bottom of the hill 1 Merkin. You know the drill…Finish at 1 Burpee and 7 Merkins.

We Moseyed over to the JWEP pavilion for two rounds of Webb Jacks.
1. 4 Overhead Claps and 1 Merkins until you get to 40-10.
2. 4 Squats and 1 Monkey Humper until you get to 40-10.

COT commenced at the JWEP Pavilion for announcements/prayers/praises.


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Litter pick up – Community Svc

March 18th is tentatively set as our first pick-up for the US21 adopt-a-Highway litter pickup! We will have 4 opportunities in 2023. Once a quarter is the plan.  All supplies provided ( bags, gloves, safety vests, pick up sticks, eye-wear, and fellowship) All that remains is YOU.
Plan for about 1 hour and 30 mins – 2 hours maximum. We will meet at the Harris street park around 7:45am.
We will walk up the hill to US21 and split up into 2 groups.  One group will head north to the Peachstand and back and the other group will head south to Sutton Rd and back.  (1 mile each direction)

We could use 10-12 guys to keep this an efficient and timely process. 2.0s and Ms are welcome as well as anyone who would like to participate in our community svc event.

Thank you to all who participated in 2022. Looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the HIM who assisted last year.

US 21 from the Peachstand south to Sutton Rd ( Circle K – gas station) is the road that we adopted!!

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