All of them

PAX we’re disclaimed and the five core principles were voiced.

WARMUP: Mosey to Grace Presby – Various exercises with burpees mixed in for fun.

THE THANG: Partner DORA behind Harris Teeter so PAX could experience the “Golden Corral fresh air” 100-200-300: Burpees, Squats & Flutter Kicks. Mosey off campus to office park and former Gold Hill Y property.

1-17-23 at each stop sign/corner – time for 3 rounds:
Stop 1 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 hand release merkins & 23 big boy sit ups

Stop 2 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 wide arm merkins, 23 sumo squats

Stop 3 – 1 kraken burpee, 17 diamond merkins, 23 flutter kicks

Mosey to gold hill Y driveway for 5 more burpees OYO then a jog to COT.

MARY: no time for it
ANNOUNCEMENTS: were announced

Thanks to Slow Jams for the opportunity. It’s always an honor to lead.

Cyclops 👁

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Are you a Lizard Bullfrog or Leach 🤷🏻‍♂️

WARMUP: Cornerstone prayed us in
We discussed F3: Groups


Where are we leading in each of these groups

Most influential is in our HOME TEAM

Cyclops prayed us out!

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Cardinal Tribute

During warmup I asked Pax to remain quite and think about Cardinals family. I also asked them to think about their legacy. How will they be remembered when they are no longer here?

Tempo Merkins
Flutter Kicks
Lil baby arm circles / reverse
Cherry Pickers
Samson hold


5 each exercise and then run a lap. Repeat each set before moving to the next set

Big Boys
Heels to Heaven

10 each – burpees
Mtn climbers

15 each – burpees
Freddy Mercuries

20 – burpees

Decided to forgo the second round of 20’s and moved to the wall for 4 rounds of 20 second wall sits and 5 burpees.

Total 100 burpees


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21s have short term memories

Low slow squats
Lil baby arm circles

21s merkins and squats
Started at bottom of hill by light poles. Ran up hill to next light pole between sets. At 11 we turned around

For those who don’t know 21s, you start with 1 merkin and 1 squat. Work your way up to 21 each.

Pax were to fast so I had to make some stuff up on the fly to fill last 10 minutes.

Each pax grabbed a rock of medium size. Some pax don’t listen very well and they had to change.

Start on your back with rock at your waist. Arms extended. Raise rock over your head and touch it to the ground – 10

Toe touches – 10

Repeat those exercises with rep count of 8

Move up toward school to do some abs and 10 more merkins and squats.

Total of 240 merkins and squats for the day.

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Only 6 years?

WARMUP: Standing around talking. Very little stretching.
THE THANG: Brayden Hills
MARY: Last site Q morning for Boehiem. After 6ish years, he handed the shovel to Assassin. Thanks for your steadfast leadership Boehiem!!
COT: Prayers for healing for health and addictions.

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NFL Pickskin Pick’em Fund Raiser

14 Pax picked the potential winner of every NFL game this season
Each correct pick was awarded 10 pts
Each E.H. that posted throughout the season was awarded 20 bonus points
Each time a Pax volunteered at an F3 community service outing (Bethel Men’s Shelter, Blood Donations, FMCC, Adopt-a-Highway) was awarded 30 bonus points.

Most correct picks with 173 out of 269 games – Fogerty and Pusher
Most E.H.’s with 1 each – Uhaul and Cohiba
Most Community Service posts with 5 times – Fogerty, Sprocket, Badlands

Overall Standings
1st place Fogerty 1880 pts and $185
2nd place Sprocket with 1850 pts and $46
3rd Badlands 1840 pts
4th Pusher 1730 pts
5th Poppins 1710 pts
6th Double D 1700 pts
7th Uhaul 1690 pts
8th Cohiba 1670 pts
8th Dojo 1670 pts
10th Backdraft 1640 pts
11th Barry Manilow 1610 pts
11th B.O.B. 1610 pts
13th Crab Cakes 1390 pts
14th Cyclops with the tagline “4 yards and a cloud of dust” – 1340 pts

1st and 2nd place get to create a workout beatdown based on standings.

$273 dollars donated to the Fort Mill F3 Scholarship fund.

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Clemson mumble chatter

WARMUP: Lots of compliments about my Clemson hoodie especially from Assassin and Pusher. I think Backdraft wanted to punch me. JK. A little mosey after a few DIAs don’t ask. We did some dips, derkins, SSHs and various movements to get warmed up. All were warm with the hot air flying around from the mumble chatter.
THE THANG: pulled out the orange signs from the Yeti a while back. Lots of compliments on the visibility of them. NOT! 5 stations with 5 exercises at each stop. Stop 1. 25 reps – American hammers, mtn. Climbers, squats, SS hops, Rosalitas. Stop 2. 15 reps – merkins, big boy sit-ups, squats, LBCs, plank jacks. Stop 3 20 reps – monkey humpers, calf raises, sumo squats, seal jacks, weezy jeffersons. Stop 4. Reps 10 – flutters, SS hops, mtn. Climbers, American hammers, shoulder taps. Stop 5. Reps 30 – imperial walkers, Peter Parker’s, Parker peters, gas pumpers, hello dolly. Noted that @backdraft was concerned that the rep count didn’t increase as the stops progressed.
MARY: ran out of time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: D2D, newsletter.
COT: very open personal prayers shared. We will leave it at that. Good transparency. Love my F3 brothers

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Pace Yourself

Halo’s x7 each direction
A windmill style warmup. Holding the bell in a snatch position with one hand and stretching with the other hand to the opposite foot. 7 each arm
E.g. Holding the bell up with right hand, use left hand to touch right foot.

11’s – 10 Halos to reverse lunge(each leg) mosey a short distance then 1 halo to lunge.
Repeated to we got to 5. Then called an audible

Opposite side staggered clean to squat (clean with right hand with the bell moving from the left foot). 5 each side with a mosey. Then to 4 cleans to squat, 3,2,1.

One legged bridge with chest press. 7 each leg, followed by slight mosey and back. – 3 rounds

100 KB swings where the penalty for putting the bell down was 2 burpees.

100 overhead presses

Ended with a round of Mary’s.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: check your newsletters, but please sign up for the D2DB10k.


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DORA Ready with an unexpected whistle

Disclaimer: when you hear a whistle you owe 10 burpees; intermittent whistles throughout (maybe 10 times)

WARMUP: 50 SSH, of course, and a few others warmup type stuff

– Dora #1
— 200 Merk’s
— 200 Dips
— 100 Derkins
— 100 Wide grip merks
* Partner did a 50’ish yd Bear Crawl [lots of mummblechatter here?!? Some preferring the bear crawl over merks?, guessing the holidays make some of the pax soft?? 🙂 ]

– DORA #2
— 100 squats
— 150 Monkey humpers
— whatever was next nobody got to…
* Partner did a 40ish yd Duck walk

MESSAGE: we do dumb stuff in the gloom to prepare for the unexpected; the whistle, the burpees represents the unexpected in life; continue your preparedness

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Simple pendulum

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: mossy to coffee parking lot. Simple pendulum where you run to GHES teacher parking lot. At bottom of hill 16 merkins at top of each hill 13 LBCs. Nothing else, nothing more, nothing less, except for Dark Helmet complaining. And yes the reps represent the score of the Steelers win against that pro team to the south. How about them Steelers Crab Cakes?
ANNOUNCEMENTS: read newsletter
COT: prayers for flounders sister and school starting again

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