Full Moon Fever

WARMUP: My 3rd Q of the month I decided to change it up and run the Category 5 WOD which I learned in Cape Fear in August 2020 after a typical warmup.

Cat 1 – Merkins
Cat 2 – Merkins, Squats
Cat 3 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs
Cat 4 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Lunges
Cat 5 – Merkins, Squats, LBCs, Lunges, Diamond

Thanks for coming along brothers for a full moon workout to start the day.

TClap |

9 Dropped By The Fort

We warmed up and then dove into this year’s Mental Battle WOD which can be viewed here.

Mental Battle WOD 2023

Men don’t fight alone. Don’t live alone (no friends, family, community) and don’t forget about your brother.

With that The Thrill is gone.

TClap |

Reverse Aging Mechanism

WARMUP:  Slight Yog (soft j) to warmup area behind the school.  Comprehensive group of exercises designed to ready the mind, body, and spirit for the workout ahead.   Plus stretching.

THE THANG:  Three rounds of Rugby Sprints [trademark] which have been documented in medical journals [citation needed] to reverse the aging process.  Have you ever actually *seen* an old rugby player?!  ….exactly.  

Then we headed to the entrance hill for partner work:  

P1 – flying squirrels.  
P2 – down and back.  
How long?
No idea.  🤷🏻‍♂️

That got old quick

[annnnnd queue rain]

Hey – let’s do some step ups under some cover!

What else can we do under some cover?

Wall Sits?   Sure!

Anything else? ….hmmmm never too early for some….⬇️

MARY:  Rotating Q of various ab exercises….under some cover

ANNOUNCEMENTS:   Mental Battle March!   Drop Thrill Qing all over the place.   Can’t do this life alone – get out there and support each other.  

COT:   Welcomed back Dictator after 18 months away (stick-tap to Shady for apparently being annoying AF pestering him to come back out – his words – not mine).   Let’s not take F3 for granted, gents.  Imagine if you didn’t have it as an option in your life.  Appreciation!   Thanks to Bitcoin for the opportunity.  Aye!

TClap |

Mental Battle WOD 2023

This year marks the fourth year for the Mental Battle WOD (workout of the day) and this year I’m happy to share that the boys in Winston-Salem North Carolina, @F3WinstonSalem on Twitter have designed a great starfish type workout.

Workout was designed by Spicoli and mental health stats were provided by Giles, an NC licenses psychologist who specializes in working with men.

With further ado, here’s the WOD:

This workout is inspired by the 5 Core Principles of F3:

1) Free of charge.
2) Open to all men.
3) Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold.
4) Peer led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certificate necessary.
5) Ends with a Circle of Trust.

It’s #5, the COT, that brings us all back together; gives each man a chance to listen and be heard; bring praises and concerns to the man next to him. In my opinion, it is the most powerful principle and allows for forming and strengthening bonds between each of us.


Suggestions for exercises to be done in cadence:
Side Straddle Hops
Imperial Walkers
Abe Vigodas
Grabbing Grass with a clap
Broga stretches

The Layout for the Workout:
In a field or large parking lot, create a box with five markers where the center marker is fifty meters from each of the four markers used to make the corners. Each of the four corners will be a specific station.

Starting in the middle, run to Station 1, do the exercise, then run back to middle, do burpees, then run to Station 2, do that exercise, then run back to middle, burpees, and so on. Once you’ve gone to all 4 stations with burpees in between, that round is over and you’ll progress to the next round. Add an exercise at each station each round.

For example: during round 3, at Station 1, you’ll do ten hand release merkins, ten clap merkins, and ten toe tap merkins, then run to the middle, do eight burpees, go to Station 2 and do the three exercises there, etc.

1 round= 1 trip to all 4 stations, coming back to the middle in between

***For the First Round Only***
For the first round, keep the PAX together. The Q will read two of the statistics about mental health (below) each time you come to the middle to do burpees. After that, progress through the other three rounds of the workout.

Middle Station (COT)

Round 1 = 2 Burpees (for a total of 8)
Round 2 = 4 Burpees (for a total of 16)
Round 3 = 8 Burpees (for a total of 32)
Round 4 = 16 Burpees (for a total of 64)

(Double Burpee count each round, so Round 4 would be 16 burpees each time you come to the middle)

Station 1 (Free)

Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins x10
Round 2 – Add Clap Merkins x10
Round 3 – Add Toe Touch Merkins x10
Round 4 – Add Mike Tysons x10

Station 2 (All Men)

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

Station 3 (Held Outside)

Round 1 – Monkey Humpers x20
Round 2 – Add Bonny Blairs x20 (Single Count)
Round 3 – Add Side Lunges x20 (Single Count)
Round 4 – Add Jump Squats x20

Station 4 (Peer Led)

Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman 25X

Modify as necessary. Need a longer workout? Repeat Round 4 until you’ve filled the time. Add a few minutes of Mary at the end..


Here are some statistics regarding mental health and its effects on our community, especially for men. During the First Round, the Q will read two statistics at the middle station each time the PAX comes back to do burpees.

1. Although men are marginally less likely than women to develop a significant mental illness during their lifetimes, about 1 in 2 men will have a diagnosable disorder at some point in their lifetimes.

2. Men are about 2x less likely than women to seek help if problems do occur.

3. Almost 50% of men feel that they are struggling more than they admit to people in their life.

4. Depression looks significantly different in men than in women… Women tend to present as sad and withdrawn, while men tend to present as irritable and angry.

5. Men are 2-3x more likely to abuse substances in an attempt to manage their mental health, which often leads to other health problems.

6. Suicide rates in men have been steadily increasing over the past 20 years, and at present, men are 4x more likely than women to die by suicide, and this risk increases with age.

7. Therapists that specialize in working with men often use different strategies to make therapy feel more approachable… therapy doesn’t have to look like sitting in an office and crying about your feelings!

8. Therapists have historically done a pretty crappy job of helping men, though things are slowly changing. Men often go to therapy at the urging of a loved one, but men tend to drop out of therapy sooner than women because they find it unhelpful. This is a legitimate problem, and you’re not crazy if you’ve tried therapy before and it wasn’t helpful for you! If you’re thinking about reaching out to a therapist, consider finding one that has specific expertise in working with men. (from Giles, who is a therapist and can offer this opinion form a place of experience).

Thanks again to the boys in Winston-Salem and follow the F3 Mental Battle on Twitter at @F3Battle and on the Nation’s Slack as well at #f3-mental-battle-challenge.

With that, the Thrill is gone and keep getting after it sharing the battles with your brothers!

Drop Thrill out.

TClap |

4 Horsemen Preview The 23 Mental Battle WOD

The pax got a sneak peek at the Mental Battle WOD for 2023.

Starfish workout after the warmup with the following exercises and returning to the center each time for 20 squats

Round 1 – Shoulder Tap x15 (Double  Count)
Round 2 – Add Mountain Climbers x15 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Peter Parkers x15 (Double Count)
Round 4 – Add Donkey Kicks x15 (Double Count)

Round 1 – Monkey Humpers x20
Round 2 – Add Bonny Blairs x20 (Single Count)
Round 3 – Add  Side Lunges x20 (Single Count)
Round 4 – Add Jump Squats x20
Station 4 (Peer Led)

Round 1 – LBCs x25
Round 2 – Add Freddy Mercuries x25 (Double Count)
Round 3 – Add Heels to Heaven x25
Round 4 – Add Superman

TClap |

Pitt’s Birthday

WARMUP: mosy to the back of the school. SSH, MNC, Arm Swings
4 Rounds
12- squats
12 – merkins
12 – mnt climbers
12 – inch worms
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

3 rds of 20 reps -15 reps -10 reps
Squat Thrust
Mosey to the fieldhouse and back

AMAPs 30 sec on 15 sec rest
Set 1
Speed Skater
S.S. Hops
Bomb Jacks
Mnt Climbers

Set 2
Russian Twists
Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to COT

MARY: None

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger, Bethel Mens Shelter, Mental Health Awareness is coming up,
COT: Closed out in prayer

TClap |

38 Specials borderline triumphant return to the Gloom

it was my borderline triumph at return of the gloom after having injured my ankle back on January 31st! I would have felt like it was a lot more triumphant if during the first side startle hot my ankle didn’t tell me I had to stop doing these pretty quickly.
WARMUP: SSH, low slow squat, windmill
round one
count off and pair up for a simple DORA. 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBC. the partner not doing reps farmer carries both bells ~60m (it really adds up over time)
round two
everyone grabbed their bells and walk to the north end of the parking lot. where a deck of cards with all of the faces removed dictated what we would do next. hearts were curls, clubs were shoulder, press, diamonds or chest press, and spades were deadlifts. any jokers were a run up the hill and every six cards we would mosey down to the end of the parking lot back. unfortunately my shuffling skills were terrible because both Jokers ended up being at the bottom . I noticed this and very secretly inserted one of the jokers into the middle of the deck but not high enough. apparently that we would get to it, much to everyone’s great annoyance
MARY: 60 seconds of flutter with a chest press
ANNOUNCEMENTS: lots of sea sops and events coming up
COT: asked everyone to think about responsibilities that they may not want or may feel a bit of animosity toward and reflect on why and how to deflect or reduce the stress they feel from that

TClap |

Cinder Fella workout

THE THANG: Part 1: Partner cinder block work 2 reps each – alternating run and work. Curls, Shoulder press, bench press, Upright rows Part 2: elevens at the pullup bars and V-ups at the bottom of the hill, maybe 2 miles and lots of shoulder work.
MARY: no Time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Rooster, Jaeger and more
COT: Prayers, for Drop Thrill health, friends with Cancer and recovery .

TClap |

Litter pick up – Community Svc

March 18th is tentatively set as our first pick-up for the US21 adopt-a-Highway litter pickup! We will have 4 opportunities in 2023. Once a quarter is the plan.  All supplies provided ( bags, gloves, safety vests, pick up sticks, eye-wear, and fellowship) All that remains is YOU.
Plan for about 1 hour and 30 mins – 2 hours maximum. We will meet at the Harris street park around 7:45am.
We will walk up the hill to US21 and split up into 2 groups.  One group will head north to the Peachstand and back and the other group will head south to Sutton Rd and back.  (1 mile each direction)

We could use 10-12 guys to keep this an efficient and timely process. 2.0s and Ms are welcome as well as anyone who would like to participate in our community svc event.

Thank you to all who participated in 2022. Looking forward to seeing new faces as well as the HIM who assisted last year.

US 21 from the Peachstand south to Sutton Rd ( Circle K – gas station) is the road that we adopted!!

TClap |