1 Minute Closer to Death

WARMUP: windmill x10, cherry picker x 10
This may or may not be accurate.
Overhead carry KB
1st Station
10 burpees
25 90/45
25 chest to back pullover
25 Curls
25 lunge with pass through

Overhead Carry
2nd Station
25 KB Merkin
25 Figure 8
50 Toe taps
10 Manmakers

Suitcase Carry
Peoples Chair
Overhead hold for 10 count x3
Peoples Chair with concentration curl
15 each side

Overhead Carry

4th Station
KB Dips

5th Station
25 Halo
25 Upright Row
25 Dead Lift

KB carry to 6th Station
50 Chest Press
25 Skull Crushers
25 Rows each side

Overhead carry to flag

10 Man Makers

15 Grave Diggers each side
25 LBC w/ KB
15 X/Os

MARY: yes
COT: yes

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1st ever Hubert Graham Pwky workout

1. Run 160, Stonecrest, Hubert Graham and back
2. 16 March Madness Merkins at every other light pole on Stonecrest and Hubert Graham
3. When there’s a guardrail, alternate between incline merkins and Derkins
we got in 3.4 miles.
A few did abs, I made it for Hello Dollys at the end.
Heavy stuff today.
Live 3rd. It’s not about you, it about how to serve the ones in your life.
Smothered and Covered shared heavy news. Spectre led us out to give prayers to S&C.

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Go as fast as you want

WARMUP: Long Mosey, then the usual:
10 Cherry Pickers IC
10 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 MNCs IC

To the Light Pole$! PAX were encouraged to go as hard/fast as they could.
Starting at the bottom, run to first light pole and perform 1 burpee. Return to start and perform one exercise.
Then run to 2nd light pole and perform 2 burpees, return to start and do second exercise.
Continue to 10th light pole. Exercises below. Pyramid if you complete early.
10 Bomb Jax
20 Merkins
30 Wide Arm Merkins
40 Squats
50 LBCs
40 Lunges
30 Diamond Merkins
20 American Hammers
10 CDDs

Extra Credit – Pyramid the workout (do in reverse) if there’s enough time.

MARY: Boys only.
COT: Stays in COT.

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It Pays to be a 1

It was a relatively warm morning at Minnow pond where 17 strong PAX met to get some miles..but only limited smiles.

Ran straight to WEP in front of the stage.

The workout:

Start with 10 Burpees

Run to the first swing along the paved path do 10 merkins and 10 lbcs

Run back to the stage do 9 burpees

Run to the 2nd swing on the path do 10 merkins and 10 Lbcs

Run back to the stage and do 8 burpees

Keep going along the path as far as you can until time.

It was here that YHC made the decision to split the pax up into 1’s and 2’s.

I was thinking I just wanted to create some space on the path….unfortunately…what happened was the 2’s were given the opportunity to run up the WEP hill pretty much the entire time.

Despite the complaints the PAX handled it extremely well.

At 5:55 we headed back to COT and got there just in time for 10 more merkins 10 more LBCs and 1 last burpee.

Thanks to Nasa for the opportunity. It was great getting out amongst the PAX this morning.

Until Next Time….


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Pending Bandcamp Approval

WARMUP: Thank you <@U061P7HUFRR> warming up the Pax. YHC came flying in hot and managed to get a little additional warm up. Downward dog, honeymooner, windmills, and quad stretches
THE THANG: simple but hard…5 rounds which included 20 reps of overhead presses, curls, bent over rows, and squats – all with hardware then complete a run around the parking lot. Round 5 the rep count was max out until muscle failure. We then moved into partner exercises that involved running and shoulder shrugs.
MARY: Mary will bell…a large number of “Bell”BCs in addition to flutter kicks all while keeping the bell positioned high above the chest.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel men’s shelter, discussion surrounding the need to communicate to PAX on IR to come out for light ruck option and fellowship. Also, shovel flag handoff Saturday at Alcatraz.
COT: YHC shared testimony about how Christs fingerprints are all over our lives and our need to look up when we are experiencing dark times – he is there in it with us and carrying us through even when it doesn’t seem so.

Guys on IR and coming out of IR. Bubba Gumps son and uncle. Travel mercies for <@U061A5NHBT3>

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Run to the Hills!

WARM UP: We are waiting it to happen
THE THANG: Some ran, some rucked. Some decided to run trails too.
Those who ran – 4.6 mile course. Down Munn to Harris, L on Harris, L on McCammons, L on White/160, L on Jackson, R on Harris, R on Munn back to COT (using entrance near stoplight)
MARY: None
ANNOUNCEMENTS: FAST 5!! Sign up and support VuVu!!
Read the newsletter, get involved, invigorate your community leadership within.
COT: Alot of P&P lifted
Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Blessings and SYITG

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2025 – SLT Disruption

WARMUP: full crew in cadence
65ish SSH for the 65 dudes that were in the circle
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers
Peter Parker

Split to boot camp and kettlebells
– Buy-in: 20 bomb jacks, 20 donkey kicks.
– Bear crawl the length of parking lot / whistle = 10 merkins
– Lunge walk parking lot / whistle = 10 jump squats
– 20 swings
– 5 merkins
– 5 goblet squats
– count down the merkins and squats keep the 20 swings
– Swing progression
– Squat Swings
– Swings
– American Swings
– Rack bell
– slow step back reverse lunge
– press when returning the back leg
– Clean Progression
– Row
– Clean
– Swing
– Snatch

Unbeknownst to the PAX we switched modalities about halfway through. This was to represent the foundation 1 from Q-Source: https://f3nation.com/disruption.

“Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption”

PAX were disrupted from their planned morning workout to make sure both Qs saw all the PAX and to push them outside the complacency zone of their established routines. With the leadership, we should expect disruption and embrace it.

Leaders influence movement towards advantage. Disruption is a solid technique to induce movement.

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading.”

It is not the goal of the new SLT members is not to manage or govern. It should not be the goal of the Site Qs to manage or govern. Let’s lead!

F3 is not an organization with leaders, but an organization OF leaders. Each man is freed to lead. The particulars of Site Qs and the SLT structure is nice, but let us not be afraid to disrupt when we have a vision for advantage.

Kermit handed 2nd F Q off to Liberty Bibberty
Band Camp handed the Weasel Shaker off to Poppins
Esso handed the Nantan Flag off to Band Camp

It is an honor to be considered a leader in the Fort. But be mindful every member of the PAX is A LEADER. Let’s all be about the business of leading.

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Run route = y trail then up 6th crossing to Sutton, left on Sutton, right on mills, left on gardenia, right on morris hunt, right on dowling, then up the hill in Berkshire, then back to start via Richard’s crossing

the ruckers went were ruckers go

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Clyde Glides

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence(s), Bot send-off, Clydesdales is moving! New locatio: FMHS by football stadium
COT: Prayers & praise circle, group prayer over Basso’s Mission Trip to Guatemala :pray:

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