Back 9- Fore

13 was the count for minnow pond.
0514 Pledge and disclaimer
0515 take off to the FM Golf Club. Circle up for instructions.
Back 9 @ tee boxes 10 merkins, 10 squats run cart path to green 10 burpees.
Make way around the back 9. (Dark Helmet complained a lot. reminded him of his and Essos race just a few weeks earlier)
( I love making Dark Helmet complain along with the rest of the PAX) about the 4th hole we made a small adjustment to the burpees 5 at the green. keep merkins and squats the same. once finished give good push to make it back to Veterans Park by 6.
It was a lot of fun. We got better.
Announcements- Fort convergence planned for 11 July location pending. look for coms on opening all sites early June.
prayers- Bandcamps family friends and the loss of a child, JWOWW and the loss of high school friend to Covid. Tinsels son on surgery for elbow injury.
Praise for being able to get out and workout.
Backdraft out.

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In honor of Yoshi turning 13

I had the privilege of Qing for the first time in quite some time. Thank you for the opportunity, 38 Special!

In honor of my son turning 13 soon (an American teenager!), most rep counts today were 13 in nature, single count for most of them.

4:45 was a run to Palmetto West and back

5:00 was more running past Lakeshore Christian Church and through the stairs backway to the Pantheon

5:15 boot camp and runners split. Disclosures stated.

Small warm-up with SSHs, various leg stretches, and windmills.

Ran to backside of TC Elementary to gradually rotate around the school and did 3 exercises per random location to include:

Reverse Lunges, Bench Jumps, Incline Merkins

Turkish Get-ups, Air Mountain Climbers or Goofballs, Lunges

Merkins, Jump ups (super high), Bear Crawls

Pull ups, Broad jump, Cross jumps (creating a cross)

Mountain climbers, High knees, Spiderman crawls

More bear crawls, Jump down from benches focusing on solid landing, Dips

75% effort level sprints X 2, Bear Crawls

Thought about stealing the Broga-boyz shoes – (yes, this was an exercise)


Then on to Circuit Training: The timer was the jump rope to 100 and then we rotated.

Shoulder press with a Spartan bag

Sandbag pickups and over the shoulder throws

KB individual curls

Band curls


Ended with various ab exercises as a group to include, but not limited to: Starfish crunches, Side crunches, Cockroach, and everyone’s favorite, Russian V-twist get-ups.

COT to include announcements, LOTS OF PRAISES, and some prayers.

Blessings to all!

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Playing Games With The Gods At Pantheon

38 Special threw out a request for a Q for this week on Slack, gotta stay off Slack but I obliged and here I am.

There were many runners running and pre running and pre pre running but none of them wanted to hand with the gods, so we just had three plus myself.

The Uno deck was in play and the thang went like this:

Uno rules mostly, and each card number 2-9 equals the rep or 0 equals 10.

Colors determine the exercise:

Blue – Merkins
Green – LBCs
Yellow – Squats
Red – Lunges

Special cards:

Skip – Run
+2 – Two exercise, two reps each
+4 – Found reps of each exercise
Reverse – Repeato the last exercise
Wild – Change color and exercise

Burpee Penalty if you don’t have a match card (same number of color, or wild).

Thanks for putting up with my fun and games Q that I stole from 3D many months ago.  Hopefully it was  good one.

Many thanks to all Pax of F3 as I approach three years in the Gloom this March.

Also the Rooster and Yeti are fast approaching.

March 27 is Mental Battle Day in F3, with a focus on men’s mental health.  More info to come.

Thanks 38 Special for the chance to lead.

Thrill Out.

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Tour De AO

9 Boot Campers braved their Friday for a Lutefisk Q at the Swamp. 3 ruckers and a runner joined up for COT.  Brief disclaimer given with no FNG’s and we were off.  Took a stop in a random parking lot for some COP warm-up activities.  Mosey to the famous Target balls.  Informed PAX that a fellow PAX’s brother was just diagnosed with MS as he was having leg pains.  They feel they caught it early and can do a lot for him to live an active life, so YHC dedicates this workout to Dennis The Menace’s brother!  Having no winkie, YHC decides to have these HIM check out the places at this AO that I have come do despise.  Hence, Target balls.  We did the balls three times over with partners going every other ball with burpees, lunge jumps, squats…. great times. Bad times on your legs.  Mosey to the only hill near the bank.  11’s, burpees up top, dips down below.  Mosey to the fountain for some partner catch me if you can.  Did a few laps ( first one didn’t look so good, poor planning) and got back to COT on time.  Simple, but effective.

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Two Ferns in a Swamp

YHC was asked to Q at the Swamp by a HIM named Cha Ching (whom was DR and on IR) and I jumped at the request.

We started with a basic Traveling COP with a few stops along the way some SSH, Diamond Merkins, Seal Jax, Ranger (Regular) Merkins, Smurf Jax and Werkin’s. Nobody liked the amount I decided to do but oh well. Those are the reps that I like and I was my Q. We eventually made our way to where I had a speaker and a BOP set up with some side walk chalk.

The Thang was basically 8 exercises each for 1 minute and write down your reps in your parking space. Pretty basic but I love this workout and 4-8 is murders row to the legs.

1. Scorpion Dry Docks
2. Big Boys
3. Ranger Merkins
4. Jump 180 Squats
5. Donkey Kicks
6. Jump Lunges
7. Plank knee tucks
8. Burpees

Then take a run (timed) to the far fire Hydrant by the Home Depot which was shown to the Pax during the COP.

Return winded and then rinse and repeat the 8 exercises but with more reps! Goal was we didn’t have to run the Last lap if 50% or more of the PAX beat their Burpee count. They were successful or lied to me. Most were glad not to run the last lap.

This is a basic bootcamp I know but it will test u and blow u up!

Got to meet a few new PAX and that is why I always like Qing and different AO’s.

Finished up with a COT (announcements, a few prayers and praises and all thankful for another day).

Thanks for the opportunity to lead Cha Ching

I am enjoying this ride I am on and am not sure where it is taking me but all we can do is prepare and train.


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Fountain Or Drain

What a glorious morning! The weather was perfect. We were blessed with a few respectables and plenty of #HIMs. The fellowship was amazing and the mumble chatter was high-quality. 

The Thang:

Mosey to the next parking lot near 9 Rounds. 

COP: SSH (30x), Merkins (15x), IW (20x), WM (15x), Sumo Squats (15x), Box Cutters(15x), Dying Cockroaches(15x)

Mosey to the parking lot at Grace Presbyterian Church. 

Partner up for a round of Dora with Merkins (100x), Squats (200x) and LBCs (300x).

Mosey to the parking lot at O’Reilly’s

Two rounds of Irkins(15X), Dips (15X) and LBCs (15X)

Two rounds of Derkins(15X), Box Jumps (15X) and Heels To Heaven (15X)

Mosey to the next parking lot at Harris Teeter for suicides with burpees.

COP: LBCs (15x), Heels To Heaven (15x) and Dying Cockroaches (15x)



Given our country’s divisive climate, it is important that we remain positive. Too many people are talking and thinking negative. Negativity is a huge energy drain. Reject negativity. Be a fountain of positive energy, not a drain.

TClap |

I Love Cindy

Borrowed part of this #beatdown from  Dirty Pipes down at F3JOCO. Visited those guys at the Mad Mule in Benson NC and this workout just called for testing in The FORT.   Little did I know it would end up taking 12 cinder blocks, 4 pavers, 1 sandbag, and 3 rucks to accomplish the workout.  Having prepped and arrived early to setup I could see the headlamps of the pre-runners making early morning laps. All Set to COT for bring some pain. HOLY COW!!! The cars just kept rolling in to the lot. Clown Car after Clown car.  Thank goodness Copyright brought more cinder blocks than requested.

Quick Disclaimer and we are off. Had to tote the extra supplies with us as we ran to warmup.  Much appreciate the support of guys that jumped on the extra weight.

Mosey to the Fountain

Circle up.

SSH x 20     MNC x 20    Hillbilly Walkers x 15

Imperial Walker x 15     Weed Pickers x 15

Fountain work

Derkins x 15 OYO

Dips x 20 OYO

Irkins x 20 OYO

Decline Diamonds x 20

It ain’t fun unless you do it twice.

The Thang I Love Cindy

Partner up–6 stations

Station 1  OH press Max reps

Station 2  Blocked BBS Max Reps

Station 3 Block Squats Max reps

Station 4 Curls 1 block or 2 pavers Max reps

Station 5 Tricep Press 1 block or 2 pavers Max Reps

Station 6 GTOs Max reps

Partner 1 does max reps while Partner 2 runs 4 cone suicide. Plank the 6 rotate upon completion of group.

Talk to Group about Doubt in their lives.

Read- Pray- Surround Yourself with those to talk it out with. Don’t go into seclusion.

Partner Carry back to COT only ~600yrds—-It was awesome and the PAX loved it!.

Not sure what Punchlist and Lutefisk were going for with the midrift shirts in the Name-O-Rama but hey, You do You Bros!

Thanks for the Tap to Lead Cha-Ching. Awesome experience to lead a literal HERD of PAX through the Swamp.

Duck Out!

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Thank you Lord for the cool weather

After being gone a few weeks it was great to be back at Tempo and a beautiful morning for a fellowship  pace 5 miles.  I lead the 3 other Pax on what i have named the Zima loop(just because Zima showed it to me first). Down Hubert Graham, around Walmart through GHMS and back out to 160 to home. A great route, couple nice hills and not too much traffic.

Prayers for the Pax, that we would be the Virtuous Leaders in our homes that we are called to be.  Prayers for aging parents.


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On the Fly Tour of The Swamp

12  Pax made it out to The Swamp and Chupacabra in the Gloom of the Morning. 7 bootcampers, 3 Ruckers, and 2 runners that started super early. Beautiful low humidity morning was a welcome surprise from the rest of the week. Big ups to the SkyQ for that blessing.

YHC was tapped by our friend Witch Hunt to cover his Q on short notice. Something about scoring and his M. At least that is what came over the Twitterverse. Few details might have been missed. But Glad to step up.

Short Notice so nothing Fancy this morning just grind it out and tour the Swamp.

Quick Disclaimer w/ no FNGs on hand and off we go.

Mosey to Old Navy parking lot for COP. Been testing out new COP areas. Home Depot is great and all but the Swamp is huge, so Why Not.

COP- After my Monday Q @ Quagmire and the mumble chatter about COP exercise and cadence calls  I added extra emphasis to ensure no confusion.

All IC

Moroccan Nite Clubs x 20    Windmills x 20   Weed Pickers x 20

SSH x 20   Box Cutters x 20   American Hammers x 20

Recover and Mosey over to Fountain  between American Burger and Just Fresh.

Shifted to other side of fountain to be somewhat respectful to the guy asleep on the bench.

Drop in 2 sets 30 reps per– Incline Merkins and dips. OYO

Dora 1-2-3  100 Merkins– 200 LBCs– 300 Squats partner not exercising made lap around parking lot fountain.  Plank to the 6 which was not a long plank. The PAX tore through this Dora.

Quick Time check since YHC left his watch at home and Mosey across to the long wall between Target and Great Clips.

Wall Work

Peoples chair. Hold 30-45 seconds. IC Arm Flutters x 20

Bear Crawl Down Line while holding peoples chair 2x.

10 sec recovery

Very quite #beatdown to this point- Next Exercise BTTW- That got the PAX talking.

Hit BTTW and add in 20 single count BTTW MTN CLIMBERS. More chatter.

10 Sec Recovery

Back to BTTW with 10x shoulder taps OYO More mumble chatter

10 sec recovery

Back to peoples chair w/ 20 more IC Arm Flutters

In PC 1st Pax hits the deck for 4 merkins and Crab Walks down the line.  Apparently NOONE likes the Crab Walk.

Time Check and walk to end of buildings to let the quads cool down and mosey back to COT for 6 mins of Mary.

Peoples Mary

Slow/Fast/Slow/Fast Freddy Mercuries IC- Nice one Bones!- Noone was ready for that.

20 OYO BBS–   20x IC Hello Dollies– 30some IC rapid leg flutters– 60 sec plank to end the work out.

I’m sure our rucking/running Friends had fun as they all rolled in as we completed the session.

Great Work this Morning Men! Honor to lead.

Duck out!



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Blown tire = Bullpen

Lets just put this out there.  I was HURTIN.  The Murph did me in like no one’s business.  Shoulders, arms, no extension.  The bed was calling.  Obligation as a PAX and as a site Q made my decision for me.  Have to do the hard thing.  Reborn has been on schedule for months and I got a call at 4:30 saying his tire had blown.  No problem.

Pulling into The Coloseeum there were already a large group of men gathering waiting.  With nothing prepared, I decided shared leadership was the key today.

Maximus: COP

Jekyll: 16s on the track.  Carolina Dry Docks and Jumping Lunges at each corner of track.  15/1, 14/2, 13/3….1/15.

Dungaree: Wall Muscle ups, BTTW

MacGuyver: Wall sits into merkins back into Wall sits (#crowdpleaser)

Gekko: Street lights.  AYG to next to pole 2, mosey to pole 3, AYG to pole 4. repeato until 10th pole

Walker: Cant remember but probably Merkins

Jekyll: Mary

all were completely smoked.  Always great to have the high energy and expectation from Walker.  He really drives me to be better and do better.  Unwavering principled man.

We finished up and met up with Ruckers and Pathfinders.


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