Mini-training day

(For the record since it’s been a while since I’ve posted a backblast, I actually wrote this the morning after the workout and sadly it took me another fully week and then a couple days to copy and paste it…at least I’m making some kind of backblast progress…)

Aren’t all days in a sense training days?

Today, 9 men gathered, 3 had miles on their minds so split off for laughs and miles but could have just been laughs and coffee as YHC wasn’t there to witness.  Regardless, 6 men set off for the unknown.  Before any setting off happened, we had ourselves a little warm-up.

Slick: 20 SSH, 10 man makers, 25 SSH, 5 man makers

With heart rates higher than 5 minutes ago, we rucked up, gathered our 3 sand bags, and headed towards the church parking lot.  Wait…we first had Mainframe and Maximus do a quick demo on how to transfer a sand bag the proper way since a majority of the crew is headed to GrowRuck Grandstrand next week.  Demo concluded and we trekked off.  At the arrival of the church, we did 2 group sand bag handoffs, somewhat successful, and started on the first pain station.

While 1 guy ran / shuffled, with ruck, around the church parking lot circle and acted as our timer, the remaining 5 did the following exercises:

  • Plank hold
  • Flutter
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Overhead ruck press
  • Upward row with ruck

Next, we got in a ball of man of sorts, but YHC asked the guys to close their eyes and “mix around” while all the time keeping our eyes closed.  The goal of this exercise was to play with our minds and remove our site so communication became key since vision was impaired.  During an event, it’s going to be dark and disorienting and a guy, or guys, will need to find their voice BUT, also be ready to listen.

  • Objective 1: organize ourselves by height from tallest to shortest in a single file line
  • Objective 2: organize ourselves by age (days matter) in a single file line

Objective 1 – fail by ¼-1/2 inch.  Tinsel is working out too much and has stunted his growth.  10 burpee penalty

Objective 2 – pass

In summary, communication is key, but details matter.  How much is too much communication?  Depends on the situation and if penalties are involved.

Loaded up and moved to the fire station with sand bag transfer happening and Ruck event war stories filling the early morning air!

Arrived at fire house and unloaded gear.  Next up was “jacob’s ladder” modified version.  1 end was burpees and other end was squat presses with ruck (so this was done slick).  Counting was starting at 7 for both exercises and working our way down to 1.  Finished this by 0555 with not a lot of time (underestimated distance to COT) to get back.  We did see the space shuttle walking back which filled more questions about alien invasions and why is that plane’s lights facing the wrong way, etc.

Made it back to COT where we did the normal….aside from ball of man which we may have done for those that were ok to participate.  I will tell you that it felt pretty awesome.

Thanks to Tinsel for the opportunity!


TClap |

Scaling Walls

Today’s workout was simple.  But simple doesn’t mean easy.

5 Men, 1 Wall.

The Thang

Mosey to the Basketball Area for COP.  All Exercises were IC for 30.

  • SSH
  • MNC
  • IW
  • Peter Parker
  • Parker Peter
  • CDD

Partner up (one group of 3) for the remainder of the workout.

Start at the benches, 3 running segments alternating between partners:

  • To the Light at the end of the lot and back
  • To the next Light and back
  • To the 3rd Light and back

We did this three rounds.  While partner 1 was running, partner two was doing the below exercise per round.  Flapjack between rounds.

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins

Between those sets, we did some wall work.

Partner 1 runs to the wall, scales it to the other side, 3x Burpees.  Partner two is doing the below exercises and they flapjack between for three sets each

  • Flutter
  • Dying Cockroach

Mosey back to COT for 5 more Merkins.

Announcements: Read your newsletter

Honor to Serve.

TClap |

Fountain of Pain

Chill morning, two days after the Yeti and eight men showed up for the workout.  Olaf and Tesla ran 2 miles before the workout.  After a quick disclaimer, we took a couple steps back and did the following warm up exercises:  SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 12, Windmills x 10.

Next, we moseyed 1/2 mile to the second traffic circle for a round of Dora.  The exercises:  100 Jump Squats, 200 Lunges, and 300 LBCs.  While Partner 1 did the exercises, Partner 2 ran to Old Navy and back, switched up  with partner when returned.

Once we finished with Dora, we moseyed over to the fountain. There were exercises (burpees, step ups, dips, hand release merkins)  written in chalk at each of the four entrances into the fountain area.  Two of the exercises were performed when passing through the fountain area.  There were also exercises written at each traffic circle (squats, bomb jacks), American Burger (Flutters), and Just Fresh (LBCs).  The goal was to complete as many exercises before 0600.

Back to COT.   I believe there was a call for burpees when I went to grab my phone.


Great job everyone!

TClap |

Long laps for slow PAX

10 days ago YHC got a message asking him to Q at Sweep the Leg. Now, a little background, the only way I’ve come close to the top 3 finishers at STL is when there have been 4 people in attendance, and usually STL picks a top finisher to Q.  I accepted almost immediately, but then almost had to take it back when I remembered that today is the M’s (somethingith) birthday.

No false modesty here, my running game has improved significantly over the last 12 months, but it’s still not enough to keep up with the more aquatic, fried-snack based PAX in long distance Qs (though I give a ton of credit to them for kiting me along over the past who knows how long).  At the end of every STL session my brain is usually so starved for oxygen that the left half of my brain has logically concluded that i have died, and the other side is reliving the horrors of the Whinny the Pooh ride at Disney World.  I love it!

So, big thanks to Vuvuzela for inviting me to take the reins.

I knew I’d need something to keep the expeditious PAX engaged that would also make room for personal survival, but also made it difficult, if not impossible, to cheat on the running.

The gloom

After driving out to the Colosseum and dropping off some signage and lights, I hauled arse to CoT and got there with just enough time to realize I had two left hand gloves and swap them out.

6 PAX were stretching and chatting when I arrived and since I used my extra time to replace one of my gloves, the disclaimer was very short. I simply said, “Welcome to Sweep the Leg. I assume you’ve all read the disclaimer, let’s go, wait, who’s that guy?” as I pointed at Grinder. Fishsticks vouched that he knew the risk and off we went as I said, “Oh, and I’m 38 Special, we’re headed to the cul-de-sac at the end of Patricia”

The thang

After the 1/2 mile warmup. YHC handed out instructions. Every stop would need to multiply the lap number by a certain number of exercises. At the cul-de-sac it would be 10x SSH, which we did in cadence before starting.

Run towards the school and at the L that turns in, a sign was waiting that said:
5x Dips x Lap
3x Werewolf x Lap

YHC forgot to mention what a werewolf is, and I still had energy enough at this point to still be near everyone and demo the werewolf (I call them circular pushups, but in the exicon, it’s a “Werewolf”)

Turning left here (because of the arrow!) run down the hill a little ways and there’s a sign at the bigger traffic loop:
3x Burpee x Lap
5x BBSU x Lap

Each lap was almost exactly 1 mile.


Fishsticks and Tesla got 1st place, very shortly followed by Vuvuzela.  The were actually the last three arrivals, but they did four laps and the rest of us just three.

Counted and Announced and asked for prayers or praises from everyone.


SLT has no ten counts, no stop and breath moments. It’s all about pushing forward knowing that it’ll be over (in one way or another) in 45 minutes or so.  It’s about as blank as my mind gets trying to pull myself up that damned hill on Dave Gibson.  If I let my mind wander, I’d probably just fall into the ditch.

It hurts and it’s cathartic.

You want to know what I’m dealing with inside? Get me  thoroughly exhausted. Too exhausted to care if the world knows the worst things I think about myself. And then head to CoT. Today I shared about trying to get my weight (back) down. I’ve tried prayer, begging the M to hit me with a broom if she sees me unconsciously eating a stack of cookies she insists on leaving in one of those glass displays on the counter, self shame…

I heard some good prayers from exhausted PAX today. Real needs expressed. Always good to hear those.  And Quack Attack is good company on long killer sessions like today.

Looking forward to the next STL…

TClap |


Seven pax came out to the Varisty sing-along workout.  Weather was rainy at 41°.

Disclaimer given, noted that singing along was mandatory.

Warm Up
Mosey ‘laps’
SSH (IC 10x)
Windmill (IC 10x)
Imperial Walker (IC 10x)
Low Slow Squats (IC10x)

Thang 1: HIIT Routine
The tunes start at this point. Playlist below.
Set A: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
>Cherry Pickers
>Bobby hurleys
Set B: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
>Mountain Climbers
>Amer Hammers
>plank jacks
Set C: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
>Imperial Walkers
>Squat Jumps
>step ups
Rinse/Repeat sets

Thang 2: Big Balls Routine
Played AC/DC’s Big Balls; do a monkey humper at each “Balls”.

Fini, COT

NMM: Pax stayed dry beneath the awing at the school entrance. Lots of quality mumblechatter revolving to favorite albums, favorite bands, best concerts the pax have attended.
Rock and Roll All Nite, KISS
Werewolves of London, Warren Zevon
Surrender, Cheap Trick
Bang the Drum All Day, Todd Rundgren
We Will Rock You, Queen
That 70’s Show Theme, Cheap Trick
Down Under, Men at Work
Lump, The Presidents of the United States
Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen
Cum on feel the noise, Quiet Riot
I fought the Law, the Clash
Ob La Di, Ob La Da, the Beatles
Big Balls AC/DC

TClap |

The Respectables take over The Fort

Long Duck and YHC had the Q at The Fort on Saturday.  Long Duck gave the disclaimer and quietly mentioned that we would be running (same for the second half).

We circled up in the church parking lot for warm-ups (SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers). Next, the instructions:

  • Run to Main Street and back
    • Exercises in parking lot
      • 10 Burpees
      • 20 Merkins
      • 11 Big Boy Situps
    • Rinse and repeat 3 times

Long Duck  shared his personal journey and the significance of the numbers used for the repetitions.

Next, hand off to Fishsticks. Short message about never giving up.

We ran to the warehouse parking lot on Wither street.  If you haven’t been there, it is at the top of a hill.  We ran down the hill and at each right turn, we performed the following exercises (Carolina Dry Docks, Squats, and LBCs – 10 each), ran back to the warehouse parking lot for another set of the exercises.  Rinse and repeat until we reached Tom Hall Street.

Great job by all!

TClap |

Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Neff II

Today we honored Army Staff Sgt. Paul M. Neff II, 30, who died November 7, 2003 serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Paul was assigned to 5th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), based in Fort Campbell, Ky.; killed in action when a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter was shot down Nov. 7 in Tikrit, Iraq. Neff was one of six soldiers killed in the incident. He was assigned to the 101st Airborne Division based in Fort Campbell, Ky. He was a graduate of Fort Mill High School.

After the disclaimer, we put on our rucks and headed over to the pull up bars.

Three Rounds:

Pull-ups                           10 reps

Balls to the Wall           10 second hold


Next, we headed to the field, the end zone was our starting point. Exercises with ruck:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • 10 Flutters
  • Lunge walk 10 yards
  • Drop ruck, run to far end zone
  • Rinse and repeat until reach opposite end zone

Heading back to original starting point, exercises with ruck:

  • Plank pull thru – 10 yards
  • 10 Clean and press
  • Drop ruck, run to far end zone
  • Rinse and repeat until reach opposite end zone

Thanks for the opportunity.

Great job by everyone!

TClap |

Detective Mike Doty WOD

Today we Honored Det.Mike Doty with a WOD designed by Spiderman. We had 6 Pax at the NaFo stadium ready for a beatdown.

We started with a warmup of SSH, windmills and Hillbilly walkers.

The Doty WOD

The beginning his birth 2/2/1980

2 Overhead Squats / 2Ruck thrusters/ 19 Merkins 80 single count flutters.

His years of service 12 and 37 years of life:

12 Man Makers Run 100 yards

37 Ruck Swings Run 100 yards

12 SQUATS Run 100 yards

37 Bent Over Rows Run 100 yards

12 Merkins Run 100 yards

37 Ruck Curls Run 100 yards


Then we came to End of Watch 1/17/2018

1 Bear crawl 100 yards

17 Merkins

20 Overhead Presses and 18 Squats.

We finished with his shield 809

80 Flutters with Ruck overhead and 9 LBC’S with Ruck overhead.

We had time so the 6 PAX did 2 laps around the football track.

We ended with CoT….it was an Honor for this PAX to lead these men this morning


TClap |

Welcome to Bushwood!

YHC was excited to join the Pax of Bushwood for a beatdown today. This excitement came from a variety of reasons. First, love to see the Acceleration of L Train who had been working on a date for me for a while (I am high maintenance!). Second, its a new AO for me and one that has lots of possibilities. Third, coming out of a self induced quarantine while waiting on Covid test results meant that I hadn’t posted in a while. Results were negative and I was ready to get after it!


34 and Foggy. Actually heard the term “freezing fog” on the way to the AO. Sometimes it feels like the apocalypse is just around the corner! Be prepared!

The Thang

Mosey to the band lot


SSH x 30

Squats x 15

IW x 15

MNC x 15

Enough stretching, lets get to it!

Bounty Hunter introduced a concept to me last week at Block Party which I have titled “Line of Fire”. Think Ring of Fire type exercise but in a line.

Pax line up then run one at a time back/forth from the island while the remaining Pax do exercises



Mountain Climbers


Mosey to the front of the school and partner up

Partner 1 – BTW

Partner – Shoulder taps x 20

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Partner 1 – Wall sits

Partner 2 – Monkey Hummers x 20

Rinse and Repeat 3 times

Mosey back to band lot

Bear Crawl then 10 CDD – Forward

Lunge Walk then 20 Squats – Back

Rinse and repeat 3 times

Line of Fire on abs



Mosey home



Man it feel great to be with the Pax again today. That rush of adrenaline has continued to spur me throughout the day. Love you guys!

This AM we discussed what you are feeding your body, your mind and your soul. What you give in return to others, will largely be due to what you take in yourself. Is it positive encouragement? The Bible? Strong leadership? Or is it the news, social media, negative “nellies”, worldly culture? Ask yourself what feeds you and make changes if appropriate. Today!

  • Prayers for Change Order and his Dad on the loss of his mother
  • Prayers for Drop Thrill’s Dad on Covid test results
  • Prayers for Stang’s Dad and Stang
  • Praise that 3D is back!
  • Praise I got a chance to partner up with Pauly D today. Dude is solid!
  • Praise for Dam to Dam Bar leadership!
  • Praise to L Train for his leadership of Bushwood
TClap |

Olaf’s in CHARGE at Bushwood

The weather was clear but brisk and Uhaul was kind enough to provide everyone with some sweet pre-workout tunes to get the mood set. 0514 was the time so a one minute call was made by YHC. 0515 disclaimer was disclaimed in an energetic fashion then surprisingly 9 other men followed YHC on a quick mosey to the first of very many cones for the first exercise. All exercises were performed to a count of 10. Most in cadence.
exercises are as listed below:
Hand release merkins
Suicide squats
Chacha merkins
Plank jacks
Kryptonite night clubs
Brake dance merkins
Jump squats
Peter Parkers
Jump lunges
Imperial walkers lead by Grinder
Burpees (yes again)
8 count body bag builders

After we had gone through the exercise nice and easy the first time it was time to get uncomfortable. To push everyone to get better while not abandoning the 6 I explained to the PAX how we’re going to play “charge”.
Rules are same as always. Show to know. Needless to say the mumble chatter disappeared during the game.

TCLAPS to Grinder for stepping up and leading the imperial walkers.

Greatful for all of the PAX in attendance even the ones that went with hardwood just to see Tesch workout shirtless.

Thank you Ltrain for the opportunity to lead.

Stay frosty my friends

TClap |