Not so Moderate Deck o’ Death

Eleven men got a little better this morning at The Yard. Here’s what we did:

– 10 Low Slow Squats (IC)
– 10 Imperial Walkers (IC)
– 10 Hillbilly Walkers (IC)
– 10 Seal Jacks (IC)
– Mosey the bus loop

The Thang
Deck o’ Death (take turns pulling cards and performing the following exercises followed by a short run)
– 90 second High Plank
– 100 SSH
– 20 Diamond Merkins
– 20 Dips
– 20 Merkins
– 60 second Low Plank
– 20 Smurf Jacks
– 19 High Knees
– 15 Oblique Crunches (each side)
– 20 Irkins
– 17 Monkey Humpers (IC)
– 20 Shoulder Taps
– 18 Backwards Lunge
– 100 Calf Raises
– 20 American Hammers
– 13 Wojo Squats

Mosey back to COT lot for Four Corners
– 15 Tempo Merkins (IC)
– 15 Heels to Heaven (IC)
– Elevens (LBCs/Lunges)
– 15 Y Squats
– 15 Alternating Shoulder Taps
– 15 Rosalitas
– 15 Derkins

The humidity was as high as the spirits this morning as we endured Wisdom by Walker and a couple solid bar jokes. I hope today’s workout was the hardest thing we do today, but most likely it won’t be. Maybe it’s a past due Honey-do list or a hard conversation with the M. When whatever that thing is manifests today or this week, I encourage you to attack it with the same vigor you attacked today’s beatdown. Do the hard thing today instead of letting it eat at you for weeks. You got this!

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No Shower Curtain, No Problem


SSH x 25


Mosey around lot mixing in Low Slow Squat, Merkin and Flutter

Mosey to benches near hill and complete 2 rounds of step ups, dips, derkins.

Grab a coupon from nearby rock storage facility.
Move towards hill.

10 curls at top, shuffle to bottom, 10 burpees at bottom, shuffle to top, 10 OH Press at top. Shuffle back to bottom, Lunge Indian Walk back up the hill.

Carry coupons back to storage.

Wall Squat count to 10 waterfall
Balls to wall count to 10 waterfall
Mosey to Pullup Bars

Farmers Only lead
2 rounds of:

Max pull ups
Duck walk to corner 1 – Diamond Merkins
Lunge Walk to corner 2 – Big Boy Situps

Mosey back to hill. Run down and Cubbie led exercise at bottom. Run to top and Escargot led exercise at top.

Mosey back to COT

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jaeger 7/27, Stuff the Bus
COT: Went around and shared Prayers/Praises

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It’s a moderate without Bs

Started at exactly 6:30 AM with a professional disclaimer stating that YHC is not a professional.

We moseyed around the lot and warmed up with,
Side Straddle Hop
Produce Pickers
Moroccan Nightclubs
Imperial Walkers
Hillbilly Walkers

Mosey to the benches for,
50 step-ups (25 each leg)
25 25 calf raises

40 step-ups (20 each leg)
20 calf raises

Mosey to the running tracks for some partners work.

100 Merkins
150 CDDs
200 Big Boys
300 LBCs

Mosey to the shovel flag for some Mary, PAX choice as we went in circle one by one until time ran out.
There were,

Toe touches
Freddy Mercury
Box Cutters
and more


Burpees and Bear Crawls

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Tour de Bushwood

Short mosey run
Warmup: SSH (12xI/C); windmills; Imperial Walkers; Low Slow Sqts; big arm circles; peter parkers; parker petes; plank stretches
–mosey Run–

Thang 1: Fish Tracker: do transportation, then the exercise called.
Toy soldiers walk – called bobby hurley’s
Bear crawl – merkins
Lunge walk – squats
Crab walks-LBC
–mosey Run–

Thang 2: leg lift loop dora: Partner 1 runs loop, other does leg lifts (we held onto the fence) cumulative to a 100 leg lifts
Thang 3: pass the ammunition: found a concrete weight, all pax curb plank. Pass block down the line, at end all do 3 curb merkins, pass the block back, repeat a few times.
–mosey Run–

Thang 4: burpee relays: base line is the flags in front of the school.
Run to light pole 1, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 2, do 4 burpees, run back to start
Run to pole 3, do 4 burpees, run back to start
–mosey Run–

Thang 5: wall work
Wall sit, pax individually ran out did 4 merkins, ran back
Muscle ups, 3x
Wall tar jais in cadence
–mosey Run–

Thang 6: shuffle work
Low stance, shuffle right, left, do exercise when called. We did monkey humpers, smurf jacks.
–Run to shovel flag
Some Mary

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13 pillars & 4 levels

WARMUP: yea, we did that. seriously, it’s important.

THE THANG: ran towards the levels, but found some pillars. Stopped for 1 burpee at the first pillar, then 2, then 3, etc. There were 13. That’s 91 burpees (if I’d done the math in my head, I would have called 9 more in cadence. Guess the PAX are glad, I didn’t….)

At the levels near the tennis courts

Bottom level – 10 squats
2nd level – 10 jump squats
3rd level – 10 lunges
3.5 level – turn around 10 bulgarian split squats
4 level – head back to the bottom level

We did 4 rounds

On the way back, we stopped for Bomb Jacks at light poles in an additive fashion as well.

MARY: Some shinbox work. look it up. mobility matters


COT: Always

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What a turnout

Word for the day was “consistency”. Anyone can do it in bursts or for a short while but a consistent performance will take you further. When you are tired or disinterested, that consistency will help you to focus.
WARMUP: Seal Jacks, IW, Windmill, Mountain Climbers, MNC and, of course, SSHs
THE THANG: mosey to back of Lowe’s. Partner up for Dora: 100 Merks, 200 Gas Pumpers (just for Twister) & 300 Sumo Squats.
10 partner hand slap Merkins, 10 partner Derkins (real crowd pleaser) and 5 Partner Giddy-ups per side.
Mosey to Persis wall, pax jumps out to do 5 bombjacks then 3 flying Squirrels. Ended with Jack Webb and the Q was gassed.
MARY: 2 rounds
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Summer of CSAUPs, FM Care Center lawn care
COT: Prayers for Destiny’s Father in law and a friend of Assassin’s wife with a brain tumor.
What a glorious humid day to be amongst the Pax. Honored and humbled by the great turnout.

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Bus Lane Beatdown

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Picker, Mosey to Bus driveway
THE THANG: using light poles as markers, 10 merkins, run to next pole, 10 big boys, repeat 4 times. 10 squats, run to next pole, 10 flutter kicks, repeat 4 times. Various exercises, runs, planks, etc. until back to COT.
MARY: hip flex
COT: Ball-o-man

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Not leg day, not really

WARMUP: SSH, Moroccan Night Clubs, Little Baby Arm Circles, Imperial and Hillbilly Walkers, Cherry Pickers
THE THANG: Mosey to the parking lot on the side of Persis. Partner up for a “no legs” DORA. One partner works, the other partner does an easy “moderate” run to the end of the parking lot and back.
100 BBSU
200 Merkins
300 Leg lifts (wheezy Jefferson?)
With 15 minutes left, walked to a more open area for broga. Worked on hips and hamstrings for about 11 minutes.
Mosey back to CoT for one more ab exercise. Cross body crunch (left leg over right knee, crunch right shoulder to left knee) for a 4 count. 1-3 was hold, 4th count was release. Both sides x10 and DONE
COT: Started with a reminder that F3 is about bettering the men that choose to appear in the gloom.
Rather than ask for standard prayer requests, YHC asked the group to list something positive that we could think about throughout the day. This turned quickly into a list of prayer requests…

F3 isn’t about any particular faith or viewpoint, we are here to become better partners, fathers, friends, and citizens of the world. We’re learning to live 3rd.

The Circle of Trust doesn’t have any prescribed formula, and our region tends to use it as a prayer chain. I feel being locked into this methodology is a bit of a disservice to ourselves and our time in the CoT. I say this in the least self-serving way possible.

This is our time to work on OURSELVES.

The CoT is a place where PAX have an opportunity to say what’s on their hearts. We could talk about personal pain and difficulty, and celebrate the victories we have against daily obstacles.

More often than not we hear about a friend or relative going through a tough time. I’m glad people are concerned, I really am, but what I would rather hear is how that affects you, and how that is going to change you. What action will you take? Send a gift card to your friend whose wife is going through some shit. Watch your neighbor’s kids so they have time to go to a job interview. Help change a set of brake pads. When you get home and the M hasn’t cleaned up after her Ramen mess for the 4th day in a row just smile, take a breath, and appreciate your M.

This morning as my CoT turned itself back into the prayer meeting I decided to read between the lines. I heard some PAX say some things that were the usual fare. What I heard was that we have a lot of men in the Fort dealing with anxiety over things they cannot control, things that don’t affect their daily lives.

So when I got it back, I simply asked that we think about what our brothers had to say and find a way to make the lives of those around us a bit better. Let’s live 3rd in a way that enriches and does not tear anything down.

38 out

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Abs, Abs and more abs

WARMUP: Windmills, Cherry pickers, SSH then mosey

THE THANG: 20 reps, 5 exercises: leg lifts, LBC’s, Big Boys, Flutters, heals to heaven, 1 lap after completion, 3 rounds total

Message on Q source topic of Missionality: getting out of the comfort zone and taking risk! Work in progress on the word familiarity! Mosey after message

20 Dips, lunge walk, 20 Merkins, bear crawl, 20 SSH’s, high knees, repeat 3 rounds. Same mode of transportation but last round was 20 Derkins, 20 squats, 20 mountain climbers

MARY: 5 burpees, box cutters, Freddy mercuries

ANNOUNCEMENTS: blood drive today

COT: prayer or praise from everyone

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