#LacesIn. 0515. It Pays To Be A Winner.

We played a little bit of “It pays to be a winner” this AM at Laces In in honor of GoRuck Team Selection which starts today.
If you aren’t familiar, this is a common phrase spoken in Selection, and it’s a great tool they use to get into guys heads to make guys feel pressure and push themselves.

Here’s what it looked like… The Thang:

We moseyed to the back parking lot behind the baseball field (the Band Practice Lot) for a little warm up. Some Mountain Climbers, Windmills, SSH… the usual fare.

Then we moseyed to the front of the school for some CDDs, lunges, and flutters. Spiderman made a comment at one point about losing guys because of the pace. I thought about that… With a crowd as large as we had this am, I wanted to get a sense of where their heads were. Who’s pushing, who’s trailing, who’s struggling…? Am I struggling? Am I trailing? Can anyone even really know these things…?

Anyhow, then we moseyed back the lot from whence we had just come, where we began every Pax’s favorite game show: “It Pays to Be a Winner” (at this point, the Pax didn’t know we were playing). We lined up at one end of the lot and got underway.

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won this round. Because he’s 17. And quite fit. Since he won, he got to choose the method by which we traveled back to the other end. He chose Bear Crawl. He was disqualified from choosing anymore. Because he’s 17. And quite fit.

Round 2. Bear Crawl to the other end. Alchemy won again. Shock. So his prize was that he got to pick who chose the next method. He chose Moab. I don’t remember what he chose, but it was no fun.

We continued to play a few more rounds with Pax choosing sprints, Bernie Sanders (Nur, Backwards Run, whatever you want to call it), Power Skips, and finally Broad Jumps. J-WOW won that round and so he got to set the pace back to the bottom of the hill by the stadium (the driveway in). We made a stop at one point to let everyone catch up and did an exercise there… No recollection what it was… anyway, we finished our mosey to the bottom of the hill and partnered up. SIZE ALWAYS MATTERS. #TWSS

Bonsai won the sprint to the bottom of the hill, despite my best efforts to cheat, and so he picked the partner method of travel to the top of the hill. He chose wheelbarrow. Because he hates happiness. Funhouse and Jekyll tried to cheat to get ahead and despite my best efforts to pull them back and make it “fair” (which meant making them go back to the start so I could cheat instead), they still won. So we moseyed back to the bottom of the hill and since they were the winners, they chose the method of travel to the top of the hill. They chose Partner Carries. Because they hate Bonsai.

The winners this time were the come from behind, dark horse team of Zima and Dirty Harry. Turns out Harry runs faster under weight. Which confirms our suspicion that he’s not actually from this planet. One more trip up running backwards and that was pretty much it for us…

The party bus came, saw, and spread the love…


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Burpee Bonanza

It was a beautiful 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius for the Canadian viewers) at the Colosseum this morning as 10 PAX decided to show up and get right. I started off with a quick introduction and disclaimer, and then we were off. We did a Mosey around the front of the school followed by some toy soldiers and butt kickers to warm the legs up. We then headed over to the back of the school by the half wall for warmups.


  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 10 Low Slow Squats With Air Hump (Aka Fun House Special / Aka 3 Amigos). Demo compliments of Fun House.
  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 Moroccan Night Clubs

We headed over to the half wall for some YouTube classics.

  • 10 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Wall Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Wall Mountain Climbers

Moseyed over to the basketball courts for some cone work. Cones were setup with the same yard markers as a football field including the end zone. There were 11 cones each 10 yards apart.

Before we got started we briefly discussed the Q source purposefulness topic this week.

To live right a man has an ultimate purpose in mind.

To live right requires self-sacrifice.

Living right helps a man to stay right.

The Thang:

  • 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 90 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 70 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 50 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.
  • 10 Burpees. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 30 yards. 10 Plank Jacks. Run 10 yards. 10 Carolina Dry Docs. Run 10 yards. 10 Flutters. Run 10 yards. 10 Squats. Run 10 yards. 10 Burpees. Run 110 yards back.

Since we were in the spirit of football in May, we continued the theme and did some lineman drills. We did 20 yard intervals of partner bull rushing (110 yards down the field and 110 yards back).

We line up for suicides. 50 yards and back. 110 yards and back.

Circled up for six minutes of Mary, then headed back to COT for prayers and praises.



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3 PAX, 1 Route

3 PAX.  1 Route. Warm early morning for a run.  Spring is gone.  It is now summer.

There are times when posting to an AO that big numbers mean big impact.  Here to tell you that impact knows no such constraint.  Running gives the opportunity for real discussion and relationship building.  And if you run with the same guys enough, you will get sharpened, wiser, tougher, humbled, confronted and better.  Today’s run was the epitome of an “impact run”.   Negative splits and deep convo, made for a 5.3 miler feel like a walk in the park.  Yet again, F3 is more than a workout!


Funhouse (proxy for Gecko)…. someone had to write it…..

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A cat, a cow and a 7 minute mile

Things Funhouse and Fishsticks did Friday morning.

We began with a 20 minute broga warm-up with a solid lead from Basso …. errrrr …. Sasquatch.

The other thang:

I trot along the avenue
I never thought I’d meet a turn like you
Meet nine turns like you

With crazy 90 degree turns and blind corners
The massive number of turns confused me through
They confused me through

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

A turn appears in front of you
I wish the route was explained better by you
Just simply a turn or two

And I ran
I ran so many turns
I just ran
I ran both left and right
I couldn’t find my way

Looks like we made it,

Barry Manilow

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Colosseum 4/9/18

Perfect Gloom morning for a great beatdown at The Colosseum.  Rock Hill region looks to be partnering with The Fort this month by crossing the river.  Welcome back Reborn and Walker.

Disclaimer disclaimed and off we went.

Couple of laps around the car line with shuffles, kareoke and power skips (you’re welcome WWL) before settling in to COP.  SSH, low slow squats, Moroccan Night clubs and some plank.

Bottom of the hill we had 11’s with Merkins at bottom and squats at top.  Backward run up hill.  Walker, the 57 year old phenom with guns of steel, probably buns too was out front and getting pushed hard from Funhouse.  AYE!

Quick word on Mammon- A man’s work is essential.  It allows him to be a contributing member of society(not a burden) and provide for his family.  However, in our relationship proximity, it is our least important.  Be mindfull when work creeps toward your bullseye supplanting, whetsone, shieldlock, shorties and M relationships.  Work is what you do, not who you are.

Anchorman took over for YHC and lead the PAX through some bench work, wall sits burpees and some Mary.  AYE, Anchorman- T-Claps.

Great to see fresh faces that follow AKA calendar.  Admiral was on fire today- well done!


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Mile High at The Fort

First off- Cobains to Bonsai for this trady BB.  The beatdown was on point.

A hearty crew began strolling in around 6:20 with headlamps both running and car with much excitement and anticipation.  Plenty of jokes going around as I brought my 2.0 that now towers over me by about 5 inches.  Par for the course.  Dont know if this was Milehigh’s first Q at the Fort but he easily stepped up to the plate.  There were a handful of pre rucks and pre runs from PAX accelerating their #King.  Fishsticks ran all the way from Tom Brady’s back yard which was about 7 miles.

Milehigh took the reigns first and led the PAX on a mosey run around the park and then off campus for a circle of pain with standard issue but equally difficult warm ups.  DORA was the name of his game and MH extended to 4 rounds of 100 merkins, 200 Carolina Dry Docks, 300 Squats, 400 LBC aggregate between your partner.  P1 runs up the grassy cliff, bangs out 5 more merkins and tries not to be a rolling wheel of cheese on the way down.  Festifun (from Rock Hill) came in guns blazing and was big on the #pickupthesix encouragement that #teamHYDE had fallen to #DFL.

Handoff to YHC and with no words really planned have been struck and moved by the acceleration of Mile High in fitness, fellowship and his faith.  7 months in and he’s running the yeti, leading workouts, understanding accountability and seeing the virtues of shield lock.  AYE!

AYG up the hill for a partner series of wheelbarrow, carries then toe lunges and burpee broadjumps #crowdpleaser.

Finished out with 2 teams of tunnel of love and finally seal team situps.  Indian run back to home.

  • Geronimo is F3.  King is locked in, always welcoming and a magnet for anybody
  • No one knows exactly why DOAH wore his reflector vest during the workout.  but he stayed safe, so goal attained.
  • Kernel(14 yo 2.0) took it on the chin well and kept up with his old man despite YHC being able to fit in his pocket
  • Lutifisk is looking lean and mean- aye brother keep up the King/Queen
  • When did we start naming ppl after the bad roads in Fort Mill- Pothole and Asphalt?
  • Tesh kept his shirt on but he was conflicted
  • Finally- those who played in the grass the second half, truly get the original Fort. Skin fungi be damned.


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The Pillars of Pain

The AKA Possie was in full effect at the Pantheon this morning.  The cold weather did not deter them from posting on the third consecutive day this month.  We began with a lap around the car pickup line and stopped on the side of the school for some warm-up exercises.


SSH x 25

Imperial Walker x 15

Windmill x 15

Flutter x 15

Plank stretch (Honeymooner, Downward Dog)

Next, we moseyed to the front of the school near the crosswalk.  This portion of the workout was called “Pillars of Pain”. Not a lot of running, just a lot of pain.

First exercise:  Plank shuffle with 10 merkins at each pillar, jog back to the starting line

Second exercise:  Plank shuffle with 10 dips at each pillar, jog back to the starting line

Big lap around soccer field

Third exercise:  Lunge walk with 10 squats at every other pillar, jog back to the starting line

Fourth exercise:  Burpee broad jump to the end of the building, jog back to starting line

Fifth exercise:  Crab walk with 10 LBCs at each pillar, jog back to COT



S2S – Jekyll on Q

Q Source




Injured Pax



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The Four Horsemen

We only had four, but they were studs, willing and ready to take on the beatdown.  After a quick disclaimer, the Four Horsemen took a lap around the front of the school and stopped at the basketball court for some warm-up exercises.


SSH x20

Imperial Walker x15

Windmill x15

Plank Stretch

Arm Stretch


Next, we moseyed to the sidewalk near the school.   Our job was to make it across the ring by performing a series of exercises (Lunge walk, Squats, Broad Jump, and Burpee). Rinse and repeat to the end of the parking lot.

It wouldn’t be a Colosseum workout without involving the light pole in the workout.  First, we partnered up.  Partner 1 would run to the next light pole and back while partner 2 performed merkins.  flipflop, then proceed to the next light pole.  Repeat the exercises until the last light pole.  Lots of merkins..misjudged the distance between the light posts.  After we finished at the last light post, we jogged back to the front of the school for some ab work.

LBCs x 25

Flutter x 25

Box Cutters x 20





S2S – Jekyll on Q

Q Source – Topic “Whetstone”




Injured Pax




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Alcatraz, Keeping it Simple, and Burdens

I think Shady and I were both planning to do the virtual run to for Operation Sweet Tooth, but ended up on the Q schedule.  No biggie – someone’s got to do it.

Shady – 1st half

Quick warm-up mosey down the street and back, including some high knees, butt kickers, side shuffles and karaoke

Circle up for IC low slow squats, 1 burpee, IC SSH, 2 burpees, IC plank jacks, 3 burpees, IC Merkins, 4 burpees, IC cherry pickers, 5 burpees.

Mosey to playground for Dora 1-2-3, consisting of 100 chin-ups, 200 Carolina dry docks, and 300 flutter kicks with partner 1 completing exercises while partner 2 runs to opposite end of parking lot and back.

Shady spent some time before handing off to YHC speaking about “bringing it back to the basics” especially when interacting with your 2.0s.  He challenged us to remember the endless patience we had when they were first born and how important it is to take a breath and be the adult when interacting with them now.

High-five handoff to YHC.  We mosey’d to the trunk of my car where I pulled out a 35lb brick and shared what we’d be doing with it.  As PAX, it is important that we support on another, doing this workout and I’m ultimately life together.  We would be moseying, stopping to perform 5 burpees at various locations, some of the hills of Tega Cay.  The Brock, representing, the heavy burdens that each of us carries, would be carried he entire time (not to touch the ground, only handed off to a brother to help when it becomes to much to carry on your own).

A total of 10 stops we’re made prior to ending up at the bottom of one of the nastiest hills I know of in TC..where we performed a Jacobs ladder of burpees.  90+/- burpees were completed for the day.

Mosey back to COT where we met up with the runners.  TAP for Olive and his family was on all of our hearts.

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Breaking Patterns

What a great morning for a run. Low 50’s, no wind and 20 PAX for a post P200 Monday. Up in the rotation today was the newest member of the Flight Plan plans, “Loops of Choice.” They include a 2.5 mile loop that goes over the walking trail at the end of YMCA parking lot, out 6th Baxter, up Sutton and back to Starbucks. And a 1.5 mile loop that goes down market, comes up Sutton and back to Starbucks. Modify as necessary, find a running buddy, have some fellowship, attend COT, check the box.

Flight Plan is an AO that’s predictable. Because of safety, we stay on the north side of 77. We have 4 routes and run each one, once per month. Today’s route emphasizes, (maybe represents is a better word) those circles we find ourselves in. Don’t get me wrong, the workout is beneficial. And I love the sense of accomplishment of conquering the long climb up Sutton (twice) in the gloom. However, the round and round is indicative of what can become of us as men.

But F3 is there to break those patterns. In COT we were reminded of that by two very strong PAX. Pusher (along w/ Twister & Change Order) who has taken the monumental task of leading Q-source. The weekly study of how this group can shape lives, of not just ourselves, but our families and community. If you’re not involved, you’re missing out. If you’ve been going, you know what I’m talking about. The added support outside of fellowship of the gloom, is great.

The other PAX is Stang. What happens when something throws us off these loops we find so comfortable. Something devastating or tragic.  Or what if we struggle just to stay upright on the loops but don’t feel like we can tell anyone so we use other outlets to hide the burden?  Stang is going to lead the discussion on these topics Wednesday at The Tomahawk (Doby’s Bridge Elementary – Kettle Bell). The last 15 minutes of the workout will be a stretching session with discussion on these heavy topics. Things we need to be able to share and discuss if we are going to be the leaders we need to be.

It’s great to see these HIMs pushing us past the 1st F.


  • See Above
  • Cristina Latini Memorial 8K – Saturday March 30th – Clown Cars leaving Baxter Starbucks at 7:00 for Huntersville or Virtual run 6:30 at Alcatraz
  • Cake Boss 40 Day Challenge – On going

Prayers and Praises

  • Rebel’s daughter getting her first real job
  • The safe return of all the PAX who ran the P200

Welcome FNG – Seuss! (EH’d by Cake Boss)

See you in the gloom!



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