(Un)Bear-AB-le Ladder

Kermit originally was the substitute-Q for this week but was battling a sore knee the last couple days, so I accepted the opportunity to take the Q on short notice the day before.  My plan was to come do a site visit later that evening since I have only posted at Laces In a couple times and am not too familiar with the FMHS campus.  Well life got in the way of that plan as my M was rear ended pretty much immediately after I clicked accept on the worship planner invitation (her and 2.0s are fine).  So my site visit didn’t come to fruition and I was gonna have to wing it….

The mid 20s temps weren’t going to deter the 5 PAX from getting better this morning and so at 0515 the standard disclaimer was given as an army of headlamps descended on the parking lot like a band of wild hooligans {Soul to Sole).

Moseyed past some sort of Soul to Sole mating ritual  (Maximus moseyed through them) over to the pavement football field where we warmed up with a brief CoP (all in cadence) – 20 SSH, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Hillbilly Walkers, 10 Merkins

Thang Part 1 – (Un)Bear-ab-le Ladder

Bear Crawl to each ladder rung and complete Ab exercise – Crawl Bear back to Goal Line

10 yard line – 10 American Hammers

20 yard line – 20 Shoulder Taps

30 yard line – 30 Flutters

40 yard line – 40 LBCs

50 yard line – 50 Plank Jacks

Al Gore for the 6 at each goal line return with a couple 10 counts to keep the group together


150 Yards of Bear Crawls, 150 Yards of Crawl Bears, 50 American Hammers, 80 Shoulder Taps, 90 Flutters, 80 LBCs,  and 50 Plank Jacks

I was a little unsure how that bear crawl combined with ab work would play out – definitely tough but I think I will keep it in the back pocket for future Q’s.


Mosey to St Phillip Neri Parking Lot for Part 2.

Thang Part 2-  Half-DORA – Partner 1 Runs to end of Parking Lot and Back while Partner 2 completes exercises – switch and repeat

50 – Jump Squats

100 – Merkins

150 – Calf Raises

We probably had time for the full DORA but there was mumblechatter about hills early in the workout so I wanted to make sure and get some hill sprints in to reward the PAX for coming out.

Mosey to hill entrance where we had time for  2 sets of 5 Burpees/hill sprint and a set of 5 burpees followed by a sprint back to COT.  More solid mumblechatter around Cuban food and the need for Cohiba to host a dinner party.

Finished at 0600 – Name-o-rama, announcements, prayers, and praises

I suppose one should expect unpredictability when you kick it with Laces In –  However, the last minute audibles all panned out this morning and we definitely didn’t have any Ray Finkles in the group.  Thanks for the opportunity!


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Fort Mill Tour – No Charge

We had 20 men show up this morning at Block Party.  Alot more than I anticipated, but it’s good to have a big crowd.  After a quick disclaimer, we did the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Windmills).

I explained to the Pax, we would be on the move this morning, touring Fort Mill.  Our first stop was the Hardee’s parking lot.  Once everyone arrived, we did the following exercises:

20 Squats

15 Merkins

10 LBCs

5 Burpees

Next stop was Unity Church on Tom Hall, instead of taking the shortest route, we ran down Spring Street to Leroy and met at the front of the church.  The same exercises were done by the Pax.  We continue our tour around town to the Church of God parking lot on Academy Street.   Once exercises were complete, we moved to the next stop, the parking lot across from the gas station on Spratt Street.

Our fifth stop was the Fort Mill Church of Nazarene on Harris Street.  We took the longer route up hilly Massey Street to Harris Street.  Again, another round of exercises.  Our last stop was Walter Elisha Park.

We then made our way back to COT for one last round of exercises. Total distance was a little over 3 miles. The continued theme from Monday’s Q, “No Shortcuts”.  We took the longer route to each location.  The routes were hilly and more difficult, but we are better than when we started this morning.  Keep getting after it.

Great job everyone!


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Badlands Wet and Wild VQ

After my first post in late October 2021, I managed a solid 2 months of free-loading.  Then, this morning came time for my VQ…


Text Exchange (as sideways rain whipped through the EarthFare parking lot, getting worse by the minute):

05:05 – Badlands – This should be fun.

05:06 – Kermit – This is a little much.

05:07 – Badlands – No lightning at least.

05:07 – Kermit – I don’t know if I’m this hardcore.  But I’ve never had to make this decision.

05:08 – Badlands – This is the worst.  I’ve never been to one that’s got canceled

05:08 – Kermit – This is insane. It’s because of your name.

05:09 – Badlands – It’s gonna break right in time to start.

05:12 – Badlands – Told you.  Skies clearing right in time.

05:12 – Kermit – It’s still raining, just not coming down in sheets now.


And with the calming of the rain – 7 PAX exited their vehicles and entered the gloom.


Disclaimer and a brief overview of the workout then we were off…


Moseyed onto 160 towards Baxter until we found an extra soggy spot ¼ mile in.  We circled up (kind of) and I stumbled through COP as the rain ceased:

20x Goofballs (IC)  *w/BandCamp doing his best to make my life difficult*

15x MNC (IC)

20x IW (IC)


Moseyed further down 160 with R/T onto Front St, down to the Berkshire Heights loop.


Main Workout:

OYO CCW running of Berkshire Heights loop (~.9 miles) x2 with pain stations at each stop sign (5/loop = 10 total)

10x Merkins

10x Big Boy Situps

10x Squats


After second loop, returned to EarthFare parking lot to earn extra credit as temperatures noticeably dipped and winds picked up.

Main Workout Totals:  3 miles, 100 merkins, 100 big boys, and 100 squats.


Extra credit back at the parking lot consisted of 4 corners style workout with running in between:

Corner #1 – 10x Left Leg Lunge

Corner #2 – 10x Right Leg Lunge

Corner #3 – 10x Shoulder Taps

Corner #4 – 10x Mountain Climbers

All PAX earned some extra credit on the day – some getting another .5 miles and 30 more reps of each exercise.


Name-o-rama, Announcement, Praises, Prayers..


As we scattered toward the vehicles, the rain started again…  If you didn’t know, it rarely rains in the Badlands.


Thanks to Vuvuzela for the opportunity to lead, and for the conversation while driving to get his spare keys after getting locked out of his vehicle 😉

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Balmy 32 degrees, clear skies.

Great to start the year off with a proper #runningwithpushups beatdown.  Was a little nervous on the who would show as the emoji bucket for my preblast was near empty.  I need my dopamine hit of likes, hearts, and high fives.  14 (corrected to 13 via video) posted for a jaunt to Fort Mill Golf Club.

5:13: “one minute to pledge” and also “hurry up birdcage, lets go”

5:14: Pledge of Allegiance.  There was no Bandcamp to throw me off my 40  year vocal cadence.  We are all #proudtobeanamerican

5:15: concise layout of the plan and  half assed disclaimer.

The Thang:

AYG to parking lot of Fort Mill Golf Club,(1 mile) plank wait for #six and confirm plan.  Run Front 9 cart path.  At every Tee and every Green: 5 Merkins and 5 squats. Head back to COT 0550. Fishsticks and Badlands were super strong this morning, lead the way and got all 9 in.  Middle and back groups got 7-8 holes.  Full round gets 4 miles and 90 each of the #painmakers.

Naked Man Moleskin

Maximus and Shady tried to talk to me while I was running.  Hope they could hear my muttering over my heavy breathing.  Not sure what was going on in the other running packs but if anybody ran with Pusher- can you let me know what questions he asked today?   Always great to see men push themselves at this workout.

Want to give a praise to Olaf for including me a bible plan this week.  Havent done one of those in a while and realized how impactful they are to setting up my day and my heart for the day.  My challenge to you- If you are a “habitual first thing I do when I wake up is grab my phone and scroll Instagram, twitter, slack, Linked In, News Feed, texts, emails” guy- take a break from that for a day, 3 days, 5 days.  Grab your coffee or water and for 5 minutes: sit “in it”.  Silence.  be still.  Meditate, bible verse, Q source, thought for the day, reflection, journal.  Start the day without the noise that leads to anxiety, worry, comparison.  Would love for you to find me next week, let me know how it went.



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Loops in the Dark

A thunderstorm with high winds rolled through The Fort around 0200hrs and woke YHC. As I sat in the parking lot at 0509hrs, I began to wonder if it had done the same to other PAX, and that I may be running alone this morning.

I didn’t have to fret long, as a rush of vehicles and one running Band Camp ascended upon the AO.

A total of 8 PAX started the day off right with the Pledge of Alliance at 0514hrs. A disclaimer was given and we began warm ups with:
10 Tappy Taps IC
Then we ran from Veterans Park, up Main Street, took a right on 160 and ran to Unity Street.

The Thang
RUn a series of expanding “loops” in the Whiteville Park neighborhood, with varying exercises assigned to each loop.
Loop 1 – Run down Unity St, left on Elliot St, left on Springs St and left on 160. 10 Merkins at every corner.
Loop 2 – Run down Unity St, left on Leroy St, left on Springs St and left on 160. 10 Sumo Squats at every corner.
Loop 3 – Run down Unity St, left on Hill St, left on Springs St and left on 160. 10 Wide Armed Merkins at every corner.
Loop 4 – Run down Unity St, left on Oak St, left on Springs St and left on 160. 10 CDD at every corner.
Loop 5 – Run down Unity St, left on Elliot St, left on Springs St and left on 160. 10 Monkey Humpers at every corner.

The established neighborhood can be pretty dark in the gloom, but all PAX were able to push themselves and others (as a few partnered up). 4 miles was the goal and most PAX got them all in. 

We all met back at CoT at 0600hrs for announcements, prayers and praises.

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Bear Crawls, Core & more

Nothing fancy…

Disclaimer then 2 more roll in

Big warm up run around the school including a jaunt out onto the sidewalk on 49 and back to the bus drop lane.

Warm Up stuff included Wind Mills, Mountain Climbers, Moroccan Night Clubs and Arm Circles

50 Flutters I/C = 100 Flutters
50 LBCs I/C = 100 LBCs

Bear Crawl the bus lot with Mountain Climbers & Peter Parkers at the end
Crawl Bear back to the start

NUR up the back hill to Langston then run down. Repeat

Grab a partner for a partner MURPH
One partner runs while the other partner works to complete:
100 Pull-Ups
200 Merkins
300 Squats (we called an audible here due to time and completed the final 25 squats together)


Thanks for the hospitality Grassy Knoll

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Back and Forth and Back…

I had 13 PAX join me for a total of 14 at Veteran’s Memorial for the launch of Block Party. We had some regulars and even a few Welcome Back’ers. With a number of headlamps and a rendition of the disclaimer, we took off for the parking lot in front of W.E.P.

Brief warm up with SSH, Mountain Climbers, Jump Squats and a few hamstring stretches…touch your toes.

Run around the WEP path with 5 Burpees and 10 Jump Squats at each swinging bench

Run back to Veterans for 10 SSH

Run to intersection of Monroe White, Academy, Williamson.

Run up Monroe White to 160, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
Run out Academy to Forrest, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.
NUR up Williamson to Watson, 10 Diamond Merkins & 10 Flutter Kicks then run back to starting intersection for 5 Burpees.

Run to base of Massey hill. NUR up to the gun shop then back to COT.


Good to be with you.

TClap |

Mark “Pitbull” McDowell WOD

We had 9 PAX at Honey Badger for a hero WOD in honor of my friend and classmate Capt. Mark “Pitbull” McDowell. Conditions were stellar (29 degrees and clear skies). Many of us saw multiple shooting stars this cold December morning. Here’s what we did:

The Thang

  • Run 1 Mile
  • 5 Minute Plank to honor the 5 service branches of the US Armed Forces
  • 200 Calf Raises
  • 300 LBCs
  • Run 1 Mile
  • 100 Muscle-ups on the wall behind the bleachers
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Squats
  • Return to COT


Monday we honored my friend Mark. Mark was a 4.25 GPA student, captain of the soccer team, and an all-around great young man. He was the guy you wanted to hate because he was good at everything. But once you got to know him, you learned that he was the type of guy you strived to be. When he graduated high school, he attended the Air Force Academy. Upon graduation in 2005, he completed Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, and Introduction to Fighter Fundamentals at Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi. Captain McDowell completed the Basic Qualification Course – F-15E in May of 2008 and was assigned to the 336th Fighter Squadron at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina.

Mark’s plane went down in Afghanistan. He left behind a wife, loving family, and many friends. As his grandfather said at his service, “He was born to fly and he died doing what he loved.”

If Mark were here today, he would have been the guy crushing the workout from the front with a smile on his face. He would have been the guy to encourage the whole time. Remember, we GET TO do this. Some others aren’t as blessed.


Italian Job

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3mi of Sole Work

Instructions I received were to complete a minimum of 3mi while working in exercises. Roger that.

Small crowd, especially after the Shieldlock group split off.
Shoddy disclaimer by YHC.
Made mention that this would be miles with core work, that’s it.

Took off to “other” parking deck for:
25 Hello Dolly’s w/ a press I/C
25 Freddy Mercury’s w/ ruck up I/C

Ruck up to top level which wasn’t far considered where we started was actually the middle level
1 lap around the top deck then ruck shuffle down to the starting point.
Ruck shuffle up then down again.
25 Flutter’s w/ press I/C

Ruck shuffle around the entire parking lot
25 Leg Raises with ruck in air

Ruck shuffle around the lot again and end at the Lash circle
25 In’s/Outs I/C

Ruck down the back road and turn right onto Kingsley then stop at LPL Pkwy
25 Peter Parkers

Ruck to corner of back lot behind Panera
Shuffle down to SBUX drive thru entrance lane and back.

Ruck back to COT
25 LBCs I/C

Thank you again.

TClap |

Changing of the Guard

28 PAX joined in the gloom for a brisk morning at Block Party. Though the temps were in the high-40s, the wind cut and made it feel much colder. Most were ready to get started and warmed up.

Bobber led off with the disclaimer, then we moseyed to the bank parking lot and circled up for 25 SSH IC. Moseyed to the Hobo’s parking lot for:
15 IW IC
10 Windmills IC
10 Cherry Pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
Held low squat for 10 MNC IC

Bobber, fighting back tears, then let go of his beloved BlockParty and passed the shovel flag to YHC. It was quiet as a mouse, absolutely no chatter was mumbled. So we did 5 burpees OYO to get back into it. 

The Thang
I explained to the PAX that I started F3 on a Monday at STL, where Pusher (in attendance) led a great workout, and I was encouraged enough to return the next day. The next day happened to be BlockParty, with CakeBoss on Q. It was a brutal morning, full of pain, so I thought we would do it again. 

3 lanes of bear crawls
5 burpees to exit the low side of the parking lot onto Main Street
Run up Main Street, back to the parking lot entrance on Clebourne Street.
5 burpees to enter the parking lot.
Plank for the 6.
This circuit continued, but the lanes changed to:
3 lanes Burpee Broad Jumps (a whole lot of mumblechatter and requests for a suggestion box)
3 lanes Duck Walk
3 lanes Toy Soldiers

Jogged back to Cot for 3 minutes of Mary.

Name-O-Rama, Announcements, Prayers & Praises. 

Thanks to Bobber for his leadership while Site Q, and providing the opportunity for YHC to continue the tradition at BlockParty. 

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