Tour De AO

9 Boot Campers braved their Friday for a Lutefisk Q at the Swamp. 3 ruckers and a runner joined up for COT.  Brief disclaimer given with no FNG’s and we were off.  Took a stop in a random parking lot for some COP warm-up activities.  Mosey to the famous Target balls.  Informed PAX that a fellow PAX’s brother was just diagnosed with MS as he was having leg pains.  They feel they caught it early and can do a lot for him to live an active life, so YHC dedicates this workout to Dennis The Menace’s brother!  Having no winkie, YHC decides to have these HIM check out the places at this AO that I have come do despise.  Hence, Target balls.  We did the balls three times over with partners going every other ball with burpees, lunge jumps, squats…. great times. Bad times on your legs.  Mosey to the only hill near the bank.  11’s, burpees up top, dips down below.  Mosey to the fountain for some partner catch me if you can.  Did a few laps ( first one didn’t look so good, poor planning) and got back to COT on time.  Simple, but effective.

TClap |

Your partners name is your workload

Finally a great temperature this morning! That didn’t stop Lutefisk from dishing out a nasty mid-week beatdown!!! Quick disclaimer and ran to the rear of the school the long way. A nic e little warm-o-rama with your typical windmills, mountain climbers, imperial walkers, lbc’s, merkins, and Superman Moroccan night club combos. Follow up with a quick lap to the location of the thang

The Thang: partner up, size matters but not physical size. After we partnered up,  informed the PAX that it was the size of their partner’s name that mattered. I whipped out a board of pain with all 26 letters of the alphabet with a corresponding rep count and exercise. You are to spell your partner’s F3 name. I put some rock music on and we went after it. It had a little bit of everything. I ended up knocking out 100 burpees. Some pax were up BTTW for a total of 8 minutes. Everyone did a ton of SSH. We all helped poor Uber finish his partners name (Dennis The Menace) then took a lap and a 10-count followed by a mosey back to the pillars. We knocked out one more name “pantheon” before COT.

PAX were smoked, it was a good day.

Prayers needed today for Dennis the Menace’s brother who gets test results today. Prayers for marriage. Prayers for other struggles.

TClap |

7th Year Convergence for The Fort

The 7th Year Convergence for The Fort followed an exhilarating Invergence from the night before.  Hoping to continue that acceleration, the 4 Q’s had a plan to talk about the 4 Skills needed for Virtuous Leadership: Vision, Articulation, Persuasion, Exhortation.

CakeBoss to start us out with Vision: Recognizing advantage and the movement required to achieve it.

Disclaimer and welcome
“Go Hard or Go Home!”

Take off for 100 yard mosey up path, Get in 3 lines – Indian Run across WEP

Break into 4 lines, 2 groups of seal teams -20 seal team sit ups in cadence

Back into 2 lines , Everyone plank – Tunnel of Love (25 guys per line) – Plank series while guys army crawling under

Crowd pleaser for sure!

7 Burpees for 7 Years!

Vision is what I spoke about and the men that saw the advantage of F3 and planted it (moved towards it) in Charlotte, the The Fort and we continued to give it away in Rock Hill & Lake Wylie.

Hand off to Maximus

Articulation: Describing vision to others in a clear manner. Being able to tell others where we’re going and being able to describe that vision to others.

So, with that said, we’re going over to the top of the big hill to start with drill bits:

½ the group goes one direction while the other goes the opposite way

At each white post (drill bit), 10 Jumping Lunges (10 each leg)

10 Jump Squats

Mosey to the base of the other hill, the one with the statue on it:

NUR (backwards run) up the hill

3 Burpees at the top

Bear Crawl down

5 Burpees at the bottom

Hand off to Fun House for the “P”.

Persuasion – The initiation of first Movement.  Convincing people to move in the direction of advantage, abandoning their Status Quo,

YHC gave an awesome yet forgettable speech about Persuasion.  Then the Thang:

Circle Up – Duck, Duck, Goose – One guy runs around the circle the rest of us plank, the next guy goes when the running guy finishes.  Planking excercises were called out: High Plank, Low plank, Mountain Climbers….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/2 a lap around the circle of Pax….. Peter Parker, Parker Peters….. Audible called to get the next guy running after 1/3 lap around….. Mak-Tar-Jai, Left Hand High, Right hand high…..Done.  That took 10 minutes!  60 guys is a lot of guys to be running around in circles.

Stay in circle, 5 minutes left, Jack Webb: 1 Merkin to 4 Overhead hand claps.  We got to 8!

Hand off to Pusher for Exhortation!

Exhortation – Incentivizing The Breach Of Obstacles.

Burpees x 10 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
Mosey to a corner of WEP
Burpees x 9 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 8 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalita IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 7 OYO
Flutters IC x 10
LBCs IC x 10
Rosalitas IC x 10
Hello Dollies IC x 10
Mosey to another corner
Burpees x 6 OYO
LBCs IC x 10
Flutters IC x 10
Naked Moleskin – The name-o-rama took forever.  That is a good thing. When 60+ PAX post to celebrate something that has obviously changed their lives, then change is happening!  Thanks to Maximus who put this awesome weekend celebration together!  His leadership is not only Effective (Using VAPE) but he is a Virtuous Leader! (Check out the Q Source for the 5 C’s Virtues of Virtuous Leadership) Can’t wait to see what year 8 brings to The Fort!  More importantly, who it brings!  Time to go EH someone.  See you in the gloom.
TClap |

Making Monday Great Again

Just another case of the Mondays.  13 of us showed up to get better, including another FNG from Bones named Adam.  We walked him through the disclaimer and then set out to do our warm-up.

Warm-up – quick mosey over to the parking lot in front of office depot and did some quick drills on the parking lines:

  • Run up the lines, side shuffle right, back pedal down line, side shuffle right – repeat all the way down the parking row.  Once you finish, you run around the island and then did #2
  • Turn 90 degrees and do the same thing, so this time you’re doing a side shuffle right for the longer line, back pedaling to the next line behind you, and side shuffling left.  Again, full length, run around the island and then we turned to go hit the real work.

Simple = Hard:  that was the motto, so we did exactly that, we ran about a 1/4 mile down 49 to the corner of 49 and 160 and did our first set –

  • 30 side straddle hops (in cadence – so call it 60) / 15 merkins (in cadence – so 30) / 8 burpees OYO

Started running again, about another 1/4 mile and pulled over on the grass for the second set –

  • 45 side straddle hops (in cadence – 90 kind of sucks) / 23 merkins (in cadence) / 12 burpees OYO

Started running again, about another 1/4 mile, maybe a little more, got in front of Michael’s / Pier One, etc and did the third set:

  • 60 side straddle hops (in cadence – yeah, 120 left me not being able to count as I had no air left) / 30 merkins (in cadence – we stopped half way through to shake it out then finished strong) / 16 burpees OYO

Started running again to the end of the building we were at (in front of Kohl’s), peeled off and did the next set:

  • 15 jump lunges (15 per side) / 15 jump squats / 15 mountain climbers

Kept running, pulled over by the Suntrust bank and did the next:

  • 30 jump lunges (30 per side) / 30 jump squats / 30 mountain climbers

Ran to Buffalo Wild Wings and partnered up for….

  • Partner pushes – partner 2 has his arms on partner 1’s shoulders, is resisting and backing up as slow as they can while partner 1 pushes them.  Each partner did one set the full length of the parking lot
  • Wheel barrows – same, each partner did one rotation the full length of the parking lot

Run to the parking lot in front of Pet Smart and do the last set:

  • No more walking – sprint the length of the parking lot from island to island, jog the width, sprint the next parking lot length, jog, sprint, jog, finish w/ a sprint right in front of best buy and then head to COT.

Final count was 2.3 miles, 270 side straddle hops, 136 merkins, 36 burpees, 45 jump lunges, 45 jump squats, 45 mountain climbers and some partner  pushes / wheel barrows.  Nice little day at the office for the 13 who showed up to get better.  Appreciate you guys being there to encourage each other.  Welcome FNG Shake N Bake (Adam)!  DaVinci had his first respectable name-o-rama which I’m proud to say was at my Q!  It was the loudest “RESPECT” I’ve heard to date.

Cha Ching

TClap |

Jell-O Arms

Normally Pantheon is a Site for running and I thought that I would change it up so I came up with this coupon workout to change up the scenery.

The Thang

I had a short mosey to the back of the school to the location of the work out. I showed them a cone location to identify the stopping point for the running portion of this partner workout. There where 4 stations for this Modified Dora. I had the PAX partner up and count off to space out the PAX so they wouldn’t be on top of each other. The count for this Dora was everything was a rep of 200

Station 1 was curls. I had paver coupons and partner 1 would rep out curls while partner 2 ran to the cone and back. The fun part was I didn’t mention to the PAX that there where 3 different size coupons so there was a lot of chatter going on.

Station 2 was shoulder taps. Partner 1 would take said paver and tap one side of the shoulder then lift overhead to other shoulder. Counting only one side as a rep. Partner 2 would of course be running.

Station 3 was at the swings. This was a upside down Merican. While holding the chains of the swings with back on the ground and feet somewhat extended you would pull up making your chest hit the seat of the swing and lowering back down. Partner 2 ran.

Station 4 was curls to overhead press. Self explanatory. Partner 2 ran.

As I had about 10 minutes left I had the PAX circle up with a low squat and hold and delivered a message. My message focused on something that I saw on Twitter about 12th man ministry. It was about positive reinforcement. It just hit something in me and challenged the PAX to go back home and for the rest of the week use this positive reinforcement at least once a day on someone close. Your M, your 2.0’s, or even just yourself. We are in a world today that we don’t do this enough and when you hear it, it just means something. It may take someone out of a funk or hole their in and just give them something they needed to hear. So if you’re reading this I challenge YOU to do the same. Be a leader and this is a great way to build leadership and gain someones respect.

After the message we did a nice long mosey around the school and fields back to COT. With all above being done we managed to get roughly 2-2.5 miles in and totally roast our arms. Good luck today fellow PAX on recovery and see you next time.

TClap |