US Army Staff Sgt / NYPD Police Officer James McNaughton

We had 23 PAX show up for my VQ this morning….the support was much appreciated.

The morning started with a quick jog around the NAFO parking lot and ended with a standard warm-up of  Imperial Walkers, Morrocan Nighclubs  and Hillbilly Walkers.

Today we Honored a Fallen Soldier and NYPD Police Officer and our workout consisted of :

10 Burpees and a 100 yard run

27 Merkins and a 100 yard run

10 Donkey Kicks and a 100 yard run

27 Big Boy situps and you guessed it a 100 yard run

10 Lunges and a 100 yard run

27 Squats and who would have thought another 100 yard run

We Rinsed and Repeated ….. Some rinsed and repeated more than others.

Thanks to Dirty Harry and Punchlist for pushing me to lead this great group of men and getting my VQ under my belt.






TClap |

Leg Day

18 #HIM’s chose to avoid the fartsack on a mild Thursday morning.  YHC called his own number and brought out a PAX favorite from the past and, thanks to the efforts of Esso, a FNG joined us for the festivities.  After disclaimers were placed, a welcome given to the FNG and a brief description of what F3 is, we moseyed off through a few parking lots to COP…..but just a few.

COP – YHC was reminded through various events of this week what makes F3 what it is.  In light of those experiences, it seemed appropriate after 20 MNC’s in cadence to hold the pose and go around the circle of #HIMs with each taking a few moments to talk about who brought them into F3 and what keeps them coming back.  After a lengthy hold, we proceeded to do 10 more MNC’s in cadence…..just because.  Then we did the following:

Imperial Walkers x 15 (I/C)

SSH X 30 (I/C – varying speeds)

Merkins X 15 (I/C)

Staying in the plank, moving to Mountain Climbers X 10 (I/C)

Hold the plank – right arm high and left arm high, regular holds, and 6 inch hold with Stang administering a dubious 10 count, YHC’s interpretation of its duration was called into question and, as a result, excessive mumble chatter by the PAX threw YHC off.  Therefore, penalty burpees were called.  After which……

Low Slow Squats X 15

Mosey to the Main Event

Main event – YHC’s first Q at Laces In seemed to provoke not so subtle comments from various PAX – some of whom were in attendance this morning.  Only appropriate to call a Jacob’s Ladder consisting of Burpees at the Bottom, Carolina Dry Docks at the top (2nd lightpole up the hill toward Munn Road), and lunge walking to get there (Mosey back down to bottom after each sequence).   All exercises added up to 10 since 10 PAX were present – 9 burpees, lunge walk two poles, 1 CDD, mosey back down, 8 burpees, lunge walk, 2 CDD, mosey down, you get the idea.

10 additional burpees were called at the end…..just because.  In addition, planks or Al Gores were held until the 6 was in.  The main event (always popular) took us until 5:53 so time to mosey back to COT for a little Mary:

American Hammers X 15 (I/C)

Protractor (varying degrees with holds of varying lengths of time)

Rosalitas X 10 (I/C) – YHC was not so subtly reminded of the proper angle from which this should be done – thanks was given to the PAX for keeping YHC in line.

Boxcutters  X 10 (I/C)

Body Destroyer for 40 seconds and we put a wrap on things for the morning.

Welcome FNG – Heathcliff and T-Claps to Esso for the EH.

Announcements – Read your newsletter, Custom Ruck event 5-4-19 and Travis Mannion W/O at WEP on 4-27-19.

Prayers – for families, those traveling for the spring break holiday and prayers to remember the true reason for celebration of the Easter weekend and what it should mean to all of us.

Honored to Serve,


TClap |

The Longest DORA

This was my first time Qing The Coop. Ginsu was scheduled to Q, he had to be down range. So, Punch List asked me if i knew anyone who was free. I told him i would gladly take the Q slot. He was reluctant to commit. After a few tense minutes, he said I could have the job. I felt salty about it (not really). Punsh List and Wegmans are my shield locks, both are or have been site Q’s for The Coop (BADGER DEN) and yet niether had asked me to Q. With my (imaginary) Feelings hurt, I planned my weinke. I wanted it to be hard, I wanted to punish my friends and myself.  I’m always excited for kicks to the face.

The clock struck 0515 and looking around the circle of the men gathered, I noticed that Kiser had made his return from IR. Shield gave the disclaimer and we took off in a mosey. Shield is preparing for his VQ Monday at THE HONEY BADGER. After our mosey Shield led us in some windmills, monacan night clubs, mountain climbers, and maybe one more. Shield did a fine job and turned things over YHC.

I announced to the PAX that my imaginary feelings were hurt and I planned to take my pain out on them. We made our way over by the pull-up bars and  I briefed the PAX.  There woud be no pull-ups today. I had better plans.

The Thang 

Partner Up

DORA 1,2,3,4,5 + Quad-zilla

100 Carolina Dry Docks

200 Merkins

300 LBC

400 Mt. Climbers

500 Flutters

Partner 1 does the exercise while Partner 2 RUNS down the hill (toward elementary school) to stop sign. Then Partner 2 NURS (runs backwards) back up the hill to relieve Partner 1.  Quadzilla is always a crowd pleaser. Its the gift that keeps on giving. DORA took longer to complete than I anticipated. With 10 minutes left we moved over near COT. There we Prisoner ran (hands on top of head) up the hill towards the HIgh School. Stopped at a random sign, and performed a set of She Hate Me’s: 10 Prisoner squats (hands on head), 10 Burps, 10 merkins.  We ran back down the hill for a round of Mary followed by COT.

I had fun. Every morning is a great morning to wake up and push yourself beyond what you thought possible. This was the longest DORA I had ever experienced. And to think, I was thinking of making it an individual Dora, maybe next time.


Thanks Punch List for the opportunity to lead. Dont hesitate to ask me again.


TClap |

First Lieutenant Ashley White-Stumpf

YHC actually woke up for this Q!

10 Pax showed up at 0500 with 1 arriving a little late but joined after we finished the warm-up.


Moseyed to lower parking lot

Standard warm-up consisting of Morrocan night clubs, Al Gore Nightclubs, Windmill, Hillbilly Walker and Imperial Walkers.

The Thang:

Congregrate at the pull-up bars to learn about First Lieutenant Ashley White-Stumpf.

5 Rounds:

20 Pull-ups

10 Toes to Bar

21 Walking Lunges

400m Run

Once the 6 finished, we did a little Walk like an Egyptian, Ranger Merkins and some abs.


Thank you to Dirty Harry for the opportunity to lead!


TClap |

The Ranch -pre spring break

Pulling into the parking lot I was thinking man we are going to have a solid crowd today. Then I remembered how many guys are prepping for the custom ruck in May. There ARE SOME OPEN SPOTS IF ANYONE WANTS ONE!!!!
We started with a solid six, 1 FNG from Pittsburg. Welcome.
Disclaimer was given and off we went.
Mosey with some karaoke, high knees, butt kickers etc.
Circle up SSHs, Mtn. Climbers, Moroccan night clubs, little arm circles forward/back.

Mosey around school to playground. 5 pullups/ 20 feet to fence, 4 pullups/ 20 knee to fence go down to 1.

go to swings feet on swings knees to chest/ 10 derkins.

Mosey to car loop bear crawl 15 feet 5 merkins keep going for about 7 times.

Wall sits while Pax bunny hops by. X 3

partner up 100 bomb jacks while partner runs loop get to 100 you done. Mosey to picnic benches 3 sets of 10 dips, derkins, step ups.
Mary for 4 minutes.

COT- prayers and praises, announcements.
Welcome Chicken Catchatore- thanks for bringing FNG out Pappy

TClap |

Philly Inspired Psy-Ops CSPAN at the Coop

34 was the count at the coop and it was a great morning at the Coop with the temperatures near perfect and a special guest visit by Grand-Tan, CSPAN himself.  It was great to catch up with a #HIM and for his presence in the PAX.  But you can’t have  Grand-Tan return without a little engagement in the routine.  CSPAN honored us with his slightly angry, Philly version of a warm up.  The good news is that the PAX was angry at him and not me.
Prayers for Shady and his spill on the sprint back to COT and subsequent trip to the MD.  Grateful for Dirty Harry and his field ops specialty and coolness under pressure.  The highlight of the morning was watching guys step ups and do their part when another brother was in need.  That my friends is F3!
Message: Be Still
  • Where does your mind go in the stillness?
  • Regrets for the past, fears of the future, how many of us were thankful for the moment, how often do we use stillness in the moment to experience God’s voice and direction … I don’t do being still well because my mind constantly has chatter.
  • Be Still- observe the mind – become conscious to what is going on in your mind – results in your ability to be present and to own the thoughts in your mind
Warm up/ COP – CSPAN  maybe I will just summarize it at as a Nascar like (right turns though) sprints with up/downs with flutters, and more flutters and a few more flutters and then some flutters.  I think that covers it.
Mosey to band parking lot:
Suicide Sprints: 10/20/30
  • 50% sprint
  • Karaoke
  • Side shuffle
  • Full length full speed
  • Power Skips back
Rugby Sprints to the 50 and walk it back
  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Mule Kicks
  • Flying Squirrels
Every 5 to the 50
  • Bear crawl 5 yards then 5 CCD increments sprint to the end
  • Burpee Broad jumps 5 yards then 5 merkins
Wall sits with burpees
2 minutes of MARY
Prayers for Shady’s recovery and quick return. Prayers for Bailey (CSPAN’s daughter) and the birth of their son today at 12:30. Many unspoken prayers known and unknown are put at the foot of the cross and we ask that the Lord tends to them according to his Will.
TClap |

Pull up bars and Tinsel Utensils

Great chilly morning after a snowmaggedon yesterday, PAX were in for a treat as we needed to stay warm.

We moseyed around the parking lot, about 1/3 of  a mile and started the warm up: Moroccan night clubs, low slow squats, al-gore night clubs, low slow merkin, mountain climbers.

we moseyed to the pull up bars area where we had some utensils to use and get better, a list of exercises was shown and off we went,

8 pull ups BAR

8 man makers w/cindy

8 toes to BAR

8 sledgehammer swing 4 each side

8 knee raises BAR

8 biceps curls w/cindy

8 chin ups BAR

8 overhead press w/cindy

4 tire flips

after one complete circuit we will run down the hill and NUR back up, rinse and repeat, after the second round we took a break to welcome Captain Thor and work on our abs. 1 Big Boy Sit Up-4 American Hammers progressive to 10 BBSU and 40 AH, lots of whining during this exercise as usual and even one PAX wondered why he was there if the Abyss was closer to his house. Then had a visit from superman to stretch out our lower back and we went back to our circuit:

8 pull ups BAR

8 man makers w/cindy

8 toes to BAR

8 sledgehammer swing 4 each side

8 knee raises BAR

8 biceps curls w/cindy

8 chin ups BAR

8 overhead press w/cindy

4 tire flips

on the last round of exercises some PAX where complaining about their arms being shuttered, so I decided to cut it short and end the beat down there, YOU ARE WELCOME!! with 3 minutes to spare we loaded the utensils back in the truck and went for some Mary, flutters, box cutters and rosalitas.

we circled up and went for head count and namearama, we had a few announcements and prayed for our families and kids.

Great morning and perfect weather for an out of the ordinary workout, thanks @PunchList for the opportunity to accelerate some happy campers’ day.

Tinsel out…

TClap |

#F3MentalBattle at The Coop

It was a powerful day across F3 Nation as men from all over gathered at their AOs to workout and to raise awareness for Mental Health, specifically Depression and Suicide. It’s a thing that we as men tend to shy away from discussing, and our brothers Aerobie and Miyagi out of F3Louisville put out the call to post and to start eroding the stigma of mental health challenges among men (including our Pax).

So, we warmed up, I shared a bunch of statistics, and we went to work.

A modified Dirty MacDeuce was on the menu that morning.
3 exercises, 22 reps each (for the 22 Vets that commit suicide every day), then run a lap around the track. We did arms, legs, core each round; and we attempted to get in as many rounds as we could in the time we had.

I don’t remember all the exercises that we did, there were Merkins, and Squats, and Flutters, and Dry Docks, and lunges, and Makthar N’Diayes, and a bunch of other stuff. The point, though, wasn’t the workout. I’ll tell a couple of things I did remember…

  • Suicide is the 7th leading cause of death among men in the US
  • Every man in the circle raised his hand when asked if they or someone they know had experienced some sort of mental health issue
  • One of the main contributing factors to mental health issues is a feeling of isolation

You are not alone. You are NEVER alone. Reach out. Don’t suffer in silence.

Helmet, out.

TClap |

No foolin’ at The Honey Badger today

17 PAX attended (probably most of them by accident) Ass kickin’ April Year 2.  AKAY2 started at the Badger today with YHC on Q (to make sure I post for day 1).  AKAY2 is a different AO every day (excluding Sunday) for the month of April.  Get to know the region by posting somewhere else.  Here is the schedule (shameless plug):

Today we honored a fallen soldier and YHC modified his workout.  See below for the Thang (the run portion was .33 miles):

Rinse and Repeat – I think the leaders got to a second round of the Squats.  The doubling up on the Burpees was a crowd pleaser….

There was a Shovel Flag hand-off this morning from the scarcely-posting Cheddah to the ever-posting Dirty Harry! Proof (that Cheddah even posted) below:

Prayers for new job opportunities, surgeries, injured PAX and unspoken.


TClap |

I Hate It… But I Love It!

Jiffy asked me to Q The Ranch, and I was of course honored to be a part of #BlackDiamond month. I wanted to do something different, not only because it’s nice to mix it up, but because I was smoked the prior two days by other PAX and couldn’t handle another Merkin. I also wanted to throw some “recovery” into the weinke, which meant slow and methodical moves with added burn. It was harder to write this weinke because it really fell out of our norms of mosey/merkin/burpee. It was a welcome change, nonetheless.

It was a “balmy” 42 degree as I rolled up to The Ranch. Dirty Harry was awaiting my arrival. As we both got out of our vehicles, we spotted a soccer ball on the field. We immediately began showing off our skillz. By skillz I mean I played baseball my entire life and couldn’t do anything remotely skilled with my feet. Tinsel rolled up and showed us his actual skills. Jiffy set up the shovel flag as Duck Dynasty pulled in. We had a minute until 5:15 and Dirty Harry kicked a beautiful goal, bent just like Beckham to the far post. I couldn’t have defended it if I tried. The clock struck 5:15 and we were underway.

Disclaimer was disclaimed, and then we warmed up in place.

Warm Up

SSH x 30
Windmills x 11
Al Gore Night Clubs x 20
Tappy Taps x 7
Cat/Cow x 10 Breaths
Yoga Flow to stretch those glutes!

I was intentional about NOT moseying one bit today, and it changed the overall tone of the work out. It was focused, and it was filled with solid laughter and mumblechatter. We instead Walked Like Egyptians (WLE) to each station.

WLE to Picnic Tables

Step ups x 10 each leg
Dive Bombers Merkins x 10
Box jumps x 10
Superman Hold x 30 Seconds

Rinse & Repeat

WLE to Soccer Field

Renfrows x 5 Each Leg
Good Mornings – Back Extensions (Bent Over, Hands at Hips) x 10
Broad Jumps x 10
High Planks w/Opposite Arm/Leg Raises for 5 seconds each x 6

Rinse & Repeat

WLE to Parking Lot

Parking Lot
Duck Walks Across Lot
Single leg deadlifts in cadence x 10 Each Side
Squat holds with pulse – 30 Second Hold, Then Pulse x 10
Superman Hold 30 seconds then Pulse x 10

Rinse & Repeat


Ab Ripper X.

25 Each Exercise
In & Out
Bicycles (Forward)
Bicycles (Backward)
Crunchy Frog
Cross Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Ups
Fifer Scissors
Sadly it was at this point that we ran out of time… one day I’ll get all of Ab Ripper X into one Mary session.

The burn was felt during the workout, but I told the PAX that the burn would be felt at a later date… as we worked muscles we don’t usually hit on a normal weinke. I hope this is true, and that they enjoyed the different approach.

During the Squat and Superman holds I asked each of the PAX what they like so much about F3. I identified with each of these on a high level, because we are all cut from the same cloth.
Tinsel: Waking up early – gives him structure and he starts his day on the right track.
Duck Dynasty: All three F’s have already been sharpened in a few short weeks.
Dirty Harry: Brotherhood – he said otherwise he would have no friends!
Jiffy: He loves that we’re all going through the same things. It’s easy to think everybody else has it all together, but it isn’t so.

Tinsel signed up for Let Me Run Boys Rock Hill

NASA and his son/family as they navigate a diagnosis.
My 2.2, Gwenevere (Winnie), is in the 1st percentile for weight, so we have to supplement with formula and wake her up late in the evening to add a feeding. Pray she grows and gets healthier. Pray for my M that she knows she is doing the best she can for our 2.2 without feeling like a failure as a mother.
Dirty Harry’s M’s job search, still looking for full time, found a short term gig in the meantime to calm the nerves.

Jiffy, as I said in my tweet – you are a Mensch! Thank you for your leadership at The Ranch and for your positive influence/wisdom that we all absorbed that morning in the gloom! Until next time…

Punch List out.

TClap |