MP – Sep 7 – Your mom would’ve been proud

WARMUP: This is MP. That’s not really a thing.
THE THANG: Running with pushups
MARY: No chicks
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: The 5th Core Principle

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4 mile Tour de Fort

4 mile Tour de Fort: Run to Coach’s Box AO via Harris Street, 20 merks, 40 mnt clmbs; run to Clydesdales AO via Munn Rd, 20m/40mc; run to The Fort AO via HWY160, 20m/40mc; COT.

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Trip to Wally World and Back

Up 160, loop around Walmart, optional dip into GHMS, back to COT. 4.5-5 miles.

Welcome FNG Tinman! Thanks Assassin for the opportunity to lead!

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Forgot there were a few hills….but just a few

WARMUP: none
THE THANG: run to river district and back
MARY: it’s a running AO- some did broga #freedtolead
COT: 5th core principle

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IPC Week 3 without Cindy

WARMUP: Short Mosey, 5 core principles were recited followed by a burpee for each one, cherry pickers, SSH
THE THANG: Went to the short track to show everyone the board. Liked the IPC week 3 format so much decided to use it. Increased the number of rounds since our run distance was shorter and Cindy didn’t participate. Here’s the run down:

RD1 – 10xMerkins, 16xStep-Ups, 20xMerkins, 26xStep-Ups, 30xMerkins, Run a Lap

RD2- 10xStep-Ups, 16xCDDsw/FeetOnCurb, 20xStep-Ups, 26xCDDswFOC, 30xStep-Ups, Run a Lap

RD3 – 10xCDDswFOC, 16xBulgarianSplitSquats, 20xCDDswFOC, 26xBSSs, 30xCDDswFOC, Run a Lap

RD4 – 10xBSSs, 16xV-Ups, 20xBSSs, 26xV-Ups, 30xBSSs, Run a Lap

RD5 – 10xV-Ups, 16xDerkinswFOCurborBench, 20xV-Ups, 26xDerkinswFOCorB, 30xV-Ups, Run a Lap

RD6 – 10xDerkinswFOCorB, 16xFreddyMs, 20xDerkinswFOCorB, 26xFreddyMs, 30xDerkinswFOCorB, Run a Lap

RD7 – 10xFreddyMs, 16xBurpees, 20xFreddyMs, 26xBurpees, 30xFreddyMs, Run a Lap

Most of us made it into rounds 6 & 7 and I believe we had a couple of finishers. Lots of mumble chatter, great fellowship.

MARY: No time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Read your newsletter
COT: What is said in COT stays in COT. This should give freedom to vulnerability. I encourage you to speak up at COT with anything on your mind/heart. This is your opportunity to ask/receive help with your burdens! You do not have to carry them alone!

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Grapefruit Gamecocks and Mumblechatter

WARMUP: Stretching, SSH Merks Squats Imperial Walker Jump Squats
THE THANG: Crazy 8s with BigBoys and Squats, ladder work w 5 stops. A mini Dora and a mini split into 2 groups w each Pax choosing reps/exercise.
MARY: 3 mins of Mary w Boat and Canoe and some JackHammer American twists
COT: 🙏 for marriages, mental health, and F3 brothers.

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Zone 2 and The Slowest Burn

9 Motivators
Moroccan night clubs
Baby arm circles
Overhead claps
Seal jacks
Low slow squat
Tempo merkin
Tempo CDD

Practice balancing:
Stand on right leg
Stand on left leg

Walk down the 5 stairs slowly and without the handrail. It’s harder than it sounds.

The Thang:
Yog to Armory

2 teams Pick a co-Q
Team A
Tempo step downs/ups on the wall

Team B – Board of pain (switch after each movement)
In SLOW cadence
5 six count burpees
10 tempo merkins
20 low slow squats
15 slow flutters
20 slow monkey humpers
10 tempo diamond merkins

There was some

There were some


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