F3 Dads #2 @ The Fort

I must admit, major fail on the part of the Q. I missed getting the FNGs names on video so I missed tagging them here. My apologies.

With Watch This & 5th Set by my side (missing Cheetah), we welcomed the 54 PAX to F3 Dads and provided the disclaimer. We even had some Kotter PAX (Dads) and a whole bunch of 2.0 FNGs. The total was 57 for today!

We then took off down the hill and circled up for the brief warm up:
SSH & Low Slow Squats

Then, line the kids up on one side of our square and the dads on the other side for the classic, Sharks (dads) & Minnows (kids).
After a few rounds, we flipped it around so the roles were reversed and the kids seem to really enjoy this one.

Next, line up in a long line for a family cone drill. As a family,
Run to the first cone. 1 Merkin & 1 Jump Squat per family member in attendance.
Run to the second cone. 2 Merkins & 2 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the third cone. 3 Merkins & 3 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
Run to the fourth cone. 4 Merkins & 4 Jump Squats per family member in attendance.
NUR back to the start.

Move over to our (2) 4-cone squares for a friendly kids vs dads relay competition.
Due to the number of kids, the dads would have to complete the following twice while the kids only once:
Cone 1 to Cone 2: Crabwalk
Cone 2 to Cone 3: Lunge Walk
Cone 3 to Cone 4: Bear Crawl
Cone 4 back to Cone 1: NUR

Shocking, the kids won so the dads got to do 5 Burpees per kid they had in attendance while the kids laughed at us.

Lastly, go run as fast as you can to the top of the hill for COT.

And then…POPSICLES!!!!

Great job leading this Band Camp.

Watch This, 5th Set, Maximus appreciate the opportunity to Q today.

TClap |

F3 Dads 2021 Session 1

45 PAX gathered up at the Calhoun St parking lot

BIG circle up on the green space for some warmups. All in cadence,
– Imperial Walker
– Hillbilly Walker
– Squat
– Merkin (Skeeter wanted to call this in cadence, but got nervous in the center of the circle. We’ve gotta give our kids a chance to fail.)
– Played: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Burpee
– Just like Rock, Paper, Scissors
except the loser has to do a burpee for every person in their family group that beats them. i.e., if you’ve got 3 kids they all throw paper and you throw rock, then you do 3 burpees.

Line up behind one side of the cones
– Dad vs. Kids race: stipulation Dads have to bear crawl.
Loser did 10 burpees counted by the kids
Lots of form critiquing
– Dad vs. Kids race part 2: stipulation Dads have to run backwards (Nur)
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 3: stipulation Kids bear crawl, Dads lunge walk
Loser does 5 burpees
– Dads vs. Kids race part 4: stipulation Kids run backwards, Dads run forwards….Finally!
– Dads load up your kids and carry them across the finish line

Sprint over to the hill (there were two guys doing a weight workout…did somebody EH them? Also, there was a dad up at the top of the hill with his daughter. Did somebody EH them?)

Load up and carry the kids up the hill
kids do 5 merkins at the top
Mosey Down

3-leg bear crawl up
mosey down
3-leg bear crawl (other leg) up
mosey down

Mosey over to the tumbling mat. Kids can make their dad run up the hill by doing a trick on the mat.

COT and popsicles

I got the red/white/blue ones thinking they’d be more popular. But the kids love the little freezer pops. Duly noted!

Bolt (the younger)

– of gratitude at the opportunity to be a father
– to be worth of the responsibilities laid in front of us
– for our children to grow up wise and strong with hearts to know the will of the Lord

Part 1 – https://twitter.com/jisenhour/status/1401204326165581831
Part 2 – https://twitter.com/jisenhour/status/1401203462696849409

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Running in Circles

8 HIMs gathered at Ring of Fire today with many thoughts on their mind. Would Pusher bring it? Would it rain? Would we do pull ups? These questions among others brought the Pax into the gloom seeking all 3 F3s and YHC was happy to oblige.

After creating the Weinke, Kaiser reached out to ask that I bring a Bible verse with me the next day. This request led to some soul searching. YHC first thought was to go with Galatians 5:13 which describes our need to serve others in love. Around 4 AM, I woke to the idea of Ephesians 5:8 which calls us to live as the light in this world. Both of which aligned with being examples in every relationship.

The idea behind the Weinke was circles. In 2020, it felt like I was running in circles, each time having to overcome hurdles, only to have those same hurdles pop back up again the next time around. 3 circles were chosen and away we went.


49 degrees with a threat of rain; Rain started at 6:08 AM

The Thang

Proper Disclaimer was uttered

Mosey to Elementary School lot

  • Toy solders/High Knees
  • Karaoke left
  • Lunge walk/Mosey
  • Karaoke Right


  • SSH x 30
  • IW x 15
  • Merkins x 15
  • MNC x 20

Lets get it!

Circle #1 – stop at each 1/4 of the circle

  • 1st stop – 10 Burpees
  • 2nd stop – 20 Squats
  • 3rd Stop – 30 Mountain Climbers
  • 4th Stop – 40 Flutters
  • Rinse and repeat 3 times

Circle #2 – included the hill

  • 1st Stop – 10 Irkins
  • 2nd Stop – 10 Bombjacks
  • 3rd Stop – 10 Monkey Humpers
  • 4th Stop – 10 Big Boys
  • Rinse and repeat 3 times

Circle #3 – School driveway

  • Partner up due to time
  • Partner 1 runs circle
  • Partner 2 does exercises
  • Rinse and repeat
  • 20 Step Ups
  • 10 Dips
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Freddy Mercuries



  • Thanks to Kaiser for his leadership and the request for the Bible verse
  • Prayers for Splinter and quick recovery
  • Prayers for continued growth as spouses
  • Accountability to be a “light” in this dark world
  • T-claps to Harry Caray and team for putting together the Dam to Dam Bar 10k

The gloom is always the best way to start your day!


TClap |


6 PAX in the rainy gloom moved over to the awning of the pyramid building for some Broga.

I lead some movements that required little hands on the ground to keep us from getting too wet:
Volcano Pose
Standing forward bend
Extended Side Angle
Warrior 1
Warrior 2
Warrior 3
And a little Vinyasa flow through Surya Namaskar A

Experimented with leading out front and mirroring (e.g., I used my right foot, but called left to match the PAX). I prefaced it by saying: “if I mess up, do what I do, not what I say.” Which is pretty much happens when we’re leading anyway, right?

Bass lead the run portion:

Returned to COT for some more of Surya Namaskar A during the last few minutes prior to 0600.

A thought for today on Warrior 2. A “drishti” is a focal point that you gaze at over your middle finger in Warrior 2. The visual focus brings the pose into physical focus. What’s your drishti when you’re at your computer later today? Or right now reading this? Is your visual focus assisting your body’s focus? Your mind’s focus? Your spirit’s focus?

Do you want it to?

Thanks Body Wash for the opportunity to lead

Band Camp dismissed

TClap |

Looked Better on Paper

I arrived a bit earlier this morning to scope out some areas of the campus that I have yet to explore.  Eight men showed up on this brisk morning.  We began with a slow mosey around the elementary school parking lot and stopped at the playground for the typical warm-up exercises (SSHs, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Plank Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, and Parker Peters.

Next, we moseyed back to the parking lot.  The first series of exercises was a combination bear crawl/squat across the length of the parking lot.  At every other parking space line, we did 10 squats.  Once finished, we did the same routine except we rolled to each line and did 5 merkins.  Lots of complains about dizziness after the first couple spins but we made it through the craziness.

Once the world stopped spinning, we ventured over to the pull up bars (Trucker approved).  We did 10 reps of jump and grab the bar, pull chin over the bar, and hold position for five seconds.  We took a lap around the bus loop to shake out are arms.  Next round was a jump and grab the bar, raise legs up 90 degrees, and hold for five seconds.  Again, another lap.  Last round was a jump up, rotate grip back and forth, and pull chin up over bar.  One last lap around the bus loop and back to COT for a few minutes of Mary.

Great job everyone!  Thanks for trying something new.

TClap |

Post-turkey day accountability

9 PAX converged on The Varsity for a post-Thanksgiving session of brogan with Sasquatch, a boot camp with YHC or a ruck/run option.  Harry Caray was prepared to lead the run but after no runners showed, he joined us for boot camp.  3 ruckers – Cake Boss, Wegmans & Body Wash – departed for the gloom and YHC announced us off with disclaimers, assumption of risk and advice to tread smartly and modify as needed.  Off we moseyed to the stadium.  Here what happened:

One 1/4 mile lap around the field and a left turn into the South end zone for a little COP – we didn’t need as much here due to the broga session that took place prior.  Nonethless, a combination of windmills, SSH’s, burpees, merkins, imperial walkers, etc.  moved us to the main event.  We moseyed to the North end zone and began at the goal line.

The number of exercises corresponded to each yard line and after each exercise was completed, the method of transportation to and from each 10 yard line back to the North Goal Line varied (NUR’s, moseys, 75% run, 100% all out run, etc.).

North 10 yard line – 10 burpees OYO

North 20 yard line – 20 Hand release merkins OYO

North 30 yard line – 30 double count American Hammers in cadence

North 40 yard line – 40 double count shoulder taps in the plank position and in cadence

Mid field – The 50 – 50 double count overheads claps in candence

South 40 yard line – 40 double count side straddle hops in cadence

South 30 yard line – 30 double count mountain climbers in cadence.  We stopped at 15, halfway through to throw in 3 burpees……..just because.

South 20 yard line – 20 single count marking OYO

South 10 yard line – 10 burpees OYO

South end zone – 10 double count LBC’s and 10 double count flutters in cadence

We then moseyed to the parking lot for the four corner light pole 10-20-30 round – we got through 3 of 4 corners before 0559 was upon us

Pole 1 – 10 H/R merkins, 20 lunges, 30 SSH’s

Pole 2 – 10 diamond merkins, 20 double count American Hammers, 30 squats

Pole 3  – 10 kracken burpees (crowd favorite), 20 jump squats, 30 single count LBC’s

A quick mosey to COT left us 45 seconds for a few varying angels of the protractor and then time was called at 0600.

Announcements – Read your newsletter.

Prayers and praises were offered up and YHC reminded the PAX that even on days not labeled Thanksgiving, we should strive to be examples of thankfulness and gratitude each day.

It is always an honor to be called upon to lead the PAX.  My thanks to Splinter for the call to the bullpen and helping keep YHC accountable on a morning where sleeping in would have been a really easy thing to do.

You never know who needs you to show, besides yourself.  Keep posting and being the example to others that our world needs so much.

Until next time…….


TClap |


11 men posted at Honey Bader on a cool damp morning.
Disclaimer given and we were off with a mosey run (side shuffles, high knees, toy soldiers included)
Circle up for the WARMUP
SSH (12x I/C)
Windmills (12x I/C)
Imperial Walkers (12x I/C)
Morrocan N/C (12x I/C)
Low Slow Squats (12x I/C)
Arm Circles (12x I/C)
Peter Parkers (12x I/C)
Plank Stretches (12x I/C)

Run to school entrance
Read the account of the 31 US soldiers killed in the Extortion 17 Chinook helicopter shot down in Afghanistan (copied below).

Bench work
Derkins (17)
Step ups (20)
Dips (17)
Butt touch squats (17)
Incline Merkins (20)
Calf raises (17)
Leg lifts, grab post (17)

Run to pull up bars
Pull up routine:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

All pax grab a cinder block go to street
All pax Plank
Read hero story of 1st class Petty Officer John Douangdara, 26, and his Military Working Dog Bart (copied below)
Relay/block routine #1
Run to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats (13+13=26)
Run to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats
Run to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 curls, 13 squats

Flutter for six, with block

Relay/block routine #2
Crawl Bear to distance #1, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #2, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Crawl Bear to distance #3, run back to start
Blocks: do 13 OH Press, 13 KB swings
Flutter w/ block for six,
Return blocks

Pull up routine again:
Regular pull up (8)
Switch grip (6 and 6)
Toes to bar (11)

To the street, a little mary to collect everyone:
Gas pumpers,
American Hammers

Run suicides to three cones.

Run to shovel flag.
Mary: Freddie Mercuries, Mountain Climbers, LBCs

Fini, COT
TWO FNG’s!  first is “Poppins” (a chimney sweep) EH’d by Refugee, and “Yeti” (2.0 of Sasquatch).

Take Aways: Need lights for the cones to see better in the dark.

Extortion 17
On August 6, 2011, a U.S. Army CH-47D Chinook helicopter approached a landing zone in Afghanistan 40 miles southwest of Kabul. The helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was on a mission to support the 75th Ranger regiment that had secured an insurgent compound and were tracking down fleeing enemy militants.

As the chinook approached the landing zone, two enemy fighters ran out of a building and launched rocket propelled grenades. The first round missed the helicopter, but the second struck its rear roto blade. The resulting explosion caused a disastrous imbalance and tore the chinook apart. The helicopter spun out of control and crashed. There were no survivors.
The loss of 31 us military service members was devastating singular loss. Those killed were some of the U.S.’s most highly trained and battle-honed commandos.

In past Honey Badger workouts, I have chosen other Extortion 17 members to honor: Snr CPO Kraig Vickers; CPO Stephen M Mills; Specialist Spencer Duncan; Senior Chief Petty Officer Heath Robinson

Today we honor:
Petty Officer 1st Class John Douangdara, and military working dog Bart
John (nick named “Jet Li”) Douangdara was born on December 29, 1984, in Sioux City, Iowa. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy on February 15, 2002, and served at posts in the US, Europe and Iraq. In 2008 John became an Assault dog handler and deployed multiple times to Afghanistan to support SEAL team operations; and was the lead dog handler for SEAL team six. John and One of his dogs, toby, saved the lives of six Canadian service members, where unfortunately his dog died of injuries received in the actions. Later, both john and his dog received honors from the Canadian military for their actions.
On Aug 6 2011 1st class PO Douangdara (aged 26)  and his military working dog Bart were killed in the extortion 17 chinook crash from being shot down by enemy fire.
John is survived by his parents and four brothers and sisters.
Today There is a dog park named after John in Sioux City Iowa. John is laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery and was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star with Valor, and the Purple Heart.

TClap |

Pavement Of Pain

Was asked by Shield to Q Honey Badger so i said why not. This was my first Q here and i know a beatdown is required so i found a great ass kicker in the famed “book”.

The workout I choose was in honor of a local young soldier Specialist Javian “JAY” Sullivan. He was from the Fort Mill area and is survived by his wife and his 3 year old daughter at that time. He  died in a non-combat accident on 01/8/2018 at 24 years of age. Jay was a communications support specialist.

Heres the appetizer before the main course was served

18 Minute AMRAP

24 reps represents his age and 3 burpees represents his daughters age

24 pullups/3 burpees

24 inchworm merkins/3 burpees

24 squats/3 burpees

Main Course- Pavement of Pain

Life expectancy of men is 76 years of age. Jay passed away at 24 so he lost 52 years of his life. So 52 reps is the count for each exercise below.

52 Hand Release Merkins/run down hill then nur back up

52 Jump Squats/run down nur back

52 Knees To Elbows On Pullup Bar/run down nur back

52 Alternate Lunges/run down nur back

52 Burpees/run down nur back

52 Leg Lifts/run down nur back

Thanks Shield for the opportunity to Q,

Stang Does More Than Run Trails

TClap |

Army Captain John D. Hortman

Frequently Asked Questions - CrossFit: Forging Elite Fitness


Can’t remember the last time YHC Q’ed HB. Happy to be back to what was the normal Monday AO for about a year. Refugee pulled up looking patriotic as ever and YHC was pleased. 0500 hit and we got to work.


Short Mosey around the parking lot. 


10 x Windmill

10 x Tappy Tap

20 x SSH

Runner’s Stretch/Yoga Flow 


Today we honored Army Capt. John D. Hortman, 30, from Inman, SC; who died in a helicopter crash at Fort Benning, GA. His light attack helicopter crashed on a live-fire range during an exercise with the Army Rangers and other special operations troops. Also killed in the crash was Chief Warrant Officer Steven B. Redd. Both were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment at Fort Campbell, KY. They were both part of the highly trained Night Stalker aviators. Hortman graduated from West Point in 2004. He was a combat veteran with three deployments in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

He is survived by his mother, Brenda Jones; sister, Jill; and brother, Andy Pierce.


Mosey over to pull up bars to layout the iteration. Trucker was pleased to head in said direction. 


AMRAP in 45 minutes

800 Meter Run 

80 Air Squats

8 Muscle Ups (Subbed Pull Ups/Dips ILO Muscle Ups)

Most completed 5 rounds. Our “400M stop sign out and back” was more of a 600M so we all ran about a 5K in the midst of the WOD. Solid work by all. Sasquatch arrived at 0518 and still did the same amount of work as all of us.

We finished the 45 minutes of the WOD and had some time to focus on the core.


Six Minutes of Mary in Cadence

In & Outs

Forward Bicycle

Reverse Bicycle

Crunchy Frog

Fifer Scissors

Freddie Mercuries 


Mosey back to COT. 



Great work today, we were all pretty winded so mumble chatter fell by the wayside – but that means it was difficult. That’s what it should be – as we honored Hortman can no longer fight for our country. This is what I love about this AO. We suffer because they no longer can. Knowing they paid the ultimate sacrifice prompts YHC to fight harder for more reps and faster runs. 



Anniversary Party coming up this Friday night. Read your newsletter or hit up Backdraft for details!

Shovel Flag hand off happening at RPG this Friday. 


Sasquatch’s SIL is having a planned C-Section this Thursday. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy mom/baby. 


Thank you, Shield, for the chance to lead these men.


Punch List out.

TClap |

RPG/Varsity Convergence

It was a beautiful rainy morning. 17 dudes converged under the awning at NaFo. A dozen or so arrived by 05:00 for some Sasquatch Broga. Around 05:20 we started the Varsity Bootcamp. This is usually when the RPG guys would take off running but since it was raining cats and dogs, everybody decided to stay for my beatdown. I appreciated the crowd.

The Warm Up: Broga w/ Sasquatch and then 25 SSH
The Thang: HIIT as follows:
Burpees: 60s
Rest: 45s
Merkins: 45s
Rest: 20s
Squats: 45s
Rest: 20s
LBCs: 60s
Rest: 20s
Mountain Climbers: 45s
Rest: 20s
Bear Crawls: 1 lap around the circle
Rest: 45s
Imperial Walkers: 45s
Rest: 20s
Plank Jacks: 45s
Rest: 20s
Monkey Humpers: 45s
Rest: 20s
SSH: 60s
Rest: 20s
Flutter Kicks: 45s
Rest: 20s
Rosalitas: 45s
Rest: 20s
Alternating Shoulder Taps: 45s
Rest: 20s
Bomb Jacks: 45s
Rest: 20s
60s Intro to the new Site Q Splinter
Rinse and Repeat from the top

I enjoyed this workout more than I thought I would. I love the Seconds app and HIIT style. I encourage the Pax to give it a try for a workout. It’s worth the price to upgrade to the full version.

Shovel Flag Handoff off from Harry Carry to Splinter

I am extremely proud of my good friend Splinter. It took 2.5 years of EH’ing to get him out in the gloom. Now he’s running with the Big Boys 4-5 days each week and responsible for an AO. ‘At a boy Splinter!

TClap |