At the Gym not In the Gym

Did some warm ups
3 sets of exercises
3 rounds each set
Last move to failure 😨

Leg lifts
Ankle touches

Read Newsletter
Work hard Play Hard

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Blast from the Past

WARMUP: We welcomed two pax from years past and far off locales, Chino Grande and Uncle Sam! Then we got after it.
THE THANG: Based on a late night call from the bullpen by Cake Boss, the plan all along was to include the pax. We did some warmup moseying, then found our way to the far West side of the school and proceeded to follow a pearls-on-a-string path driven by each pax in Fartlek style. Each pax picked a destination, a form of transit and an exercise for the group once we reached the destination. Then he passed the baton to another pax. In each case, the pax shared how long he’s been posting and a bit about what brought him out to F3 and kept him posting. All learned, and all sweated. A good morning with welcome friends! Thanks for the Q stick CB!
COT: Yes! it’s one of the 5 core principles!

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Helluva Tabata

WARMUP: dynamic plank warmup with upward and downward dogs
THE THANG: (see attached image below)
tabata 30”exercise1 & 30” exercise2 then 30” rest — 6 exercise sets at the pull-up bars with cindys— 2 rounds

tabata 30”exercise1 & 30” exercise2 then rest 30” – 3 exercise sets in the endzone — 2 rounds

MARY: reaching pickle pointers were the crowd favorite

COT: Top Hits of 2023 were not a crowd favorite of the 9 pax in attendance. There’s always next year.

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Varsity HIITs

Varsity HIIT routine
Thang 1: HIIT routine
Chapter 1: Do the below 32 seconds on, 10 sec standing rest in between
monkey humpers
Pickle pointers
Bobby Hurley’s
Chapter 2: Do the below 40 seconds on, 20 sec rest in between (rest is a Low Plank)
Mountain Climbers
Amer Hammers
Peter Parkers
Chapter 3: Do the below 45 seconds on, 15 sec standing rest in between
Imp Walkers
Squat jumps
step ups
Repeated the three chapters
Did bear crawls between chapters.
Finished with Airbornes.

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Christmas Convergence

Broke out into two groups. Half went with Soup to Nuts to the football field and half went with Sprocket to the grass field
Warmups were done at the workout sites
Soup2Nuts thang at the football field: Partner Dora
50 burpees
75 WWI Situps
75 Squats
75 Merkins
75 American Hammers
200 Clave Boss Clave Raises
75 Dips
Timer: bear crawl 20 yards; run 30 yards; run back 50 yards to workout area

Sprocket thang at the grass field: Wheel Spoke

Center Hub: 5 burpees

Spoke 1: Rd.1 25 merkins bear crawl to center hub; Rd.2 50 squats broad jump to center hub; Rd.3 40 lunges crawl bear to center hub

Spoke 2: Rd.1 25 Bomb jacks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 shoulder taps, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 3: Rd.1 50 American hammers, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 100 calf raises, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 100 Side straddle hops, crawl bear to the center hub

Spoke 4: Rd.1 100 Flutter Kicks, bear crawl to the center hub; Rd.2 80 mountain climbers, broad jump to the center hub; Rd.3 50 LBCs, crawl bear to the center hub

After 26 minutes Group 1 and Group2 swapped workout sites and did the workout.

MARY: None

COT: Cake Boss closed us out in prayer

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The Round up

WARMUP: yea, we did that. Ran around. Some SSH. Some Carioca, Some Imperial and Hillbilly walkers, Ran some more

5 pull-ups
10 merkins (of various forms)
15 squats with the cinder block
20 swings with the cinder block
4 rounds

Mosey away for a reprieve. So a little leg work for the 6 and mosey some more

Mosey back for one more round

MARY: J-Lo and some Yoga

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Bethel Men’s Shelter is 1/4

COT: Happened. Good sharing. Come take part.

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360 – 120 = 240

WARMUP: Motivaters, mosey, circle plank shuffles
THE THANG: W/ Coupons:

1) Overhead Press x 25; hill w/ coupon
2) Rows x 25; hill w/coupon
3) Squats x 25; hill w/coupon
4) Flutters x 25; hill w/ coupon
5) Pull-ups x 10; hill w/ coupon
6) Man-makers x 10; hill w/coupon
7) Repeat 2x

MARY: 2-min Plank
ANNOUNCEMENTS: claveboss; Christmas party; golf
COT: Yes

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Childhood Celebrity Crush Mumblechatter

WARMUP: SSH, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Walkers
THE THANG: Jog from Flag to Opposite Corner of Lot for some Pain Stations:
10 Reps each per Stations
Tricep Pulls
Squat Jacks
Bent Over Chest Rows
Over Head SB Throws
KB Swings
KB Squats
Flutter Kick w/Chest Press
Shoulder Taps
Reverse Lunges

All stations = 1 Round
After each Round move over to the Side Shuffle vs Skip Lap
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: She was missed !
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Shank w/Stang, Bethel Service, and reminder to read your newsletter !
COT: Always Stays in COT !!!

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A Little of This and a Little of That

On a brisk morning in the gloom we began by heading to the soccer fields.

Butt Kickers, HIgh Knees, Karaoke, Other direction, NUR.

Mosey to parking lot by playground:

SSH x15, plank, Peter Parker x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, Parker Peter x15, Honey Mooner, Down Dog, IW x20

To the playground

10 Pull ups, 20 Merkins, 20 swing knee ups, One Lap around the parking lot, Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to parking lot with big island.  Bear Crawl, Crab Walk, Crawl Bear and Walk Crab.  Stopping  3x for AB LAB.

Mosey to side of school:  Peoples Chair (person on each end does 5 burpees and repeat until all have done them), BTW (10 count each person down the wall), rinse and repeat.

At picnic tables and 10 step ups each leg.

It was great getting out to the Ranch.  Seeing some HIM that I don’t regularly see.

Thanks to Mainframe for the opportunity.


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Dead Hang Dora

WARMUP: one lap around track and then typical warmup- core focus

Bear crawl Indian run from bottom of bus loop to benches by school

10s 3 rounds

Derkins,  step ups
Irkins , Bulgarian squats

Mosey to pull up bars

Three rounds

5 Pull ups
10 merkins
With Cindies 15 squats

Run to bottom of hill and complete exercise in between rounds

15 Mike Tyson’s
10 Mike Tyson’s
5 Mike Tyson’s

Dead hangs Dora

Partner 1 dead hangs

Partner completes following exercises

100 overhead presses
150 Rows
200 Curls

When achieving failure switch to wall sits

MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: golf tournament, bethel mens
COT: prayers for Spectres son Jeb

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